Bio Final

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Which of the following best describes what is being illustrated in the image?

Parasympathetic preganglionic and postganglionic neurons

Molecules that form when electrons are shared unequally between atoms are called __________ molecules.


Steroid hormones bind to

protein receptors in the cytoplasm or nucleus of the target cell.

The drug in asthma inhalers binds to epinephrine receptors, stimulates the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the lung airways.



Cell bodies of postganglionic neurons in autonomic ganglia


Cells of all parasympathetic effectors and some sympathetic effectors

Which of the following is NOT a function of connective tissue?


What type of process conducts nerve impulses toward the cell body?


What is the site of longitudinal growth in long bones?

Epiphyseal plate

The peripheral nervous system includes the __________

cranial nerves

Terrance is told by his physician that he has lesions on one side of his spinal cord, which cut the lateral spinothalamic tract. Therefore, Terrance will have an inability to perceive

cutaneous sensations on the opposite side of his body below the level of injury.

The three arches of the foot

distribute the weight of the body during standing and walking.

If a single structure receives innervation from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS, it is called ________ innervation, and the effects of both divisions on that single structure usually result in __________ effects.

dual; opposite

A cell that forms fibrous connective tissue would be called a __________.


By covering the whole body surface, the skin acts as a protective barrier and plays a role in __________.


Damage to a postsynaptic membrane would

interfere with the ability to respond to neurotransmitter.

The stalk that connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland is the __________.


Glaucoma can result from

inhibition of the circulation of aqueous humor.

Local hyperpolarization in a synapse is called a/an __________.

inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Muscles that elevate the jaw and close the mouth include the __________.

masseter and medial pterygoid

The extracellular material of tissues is called __________.


All of the chemical reactions within a cell are known as cell __________.


A bone fracture in which the two bone sections do not separate is a/an __________ fracture.


Rotating the forearm so that the palm faces posteriorly is called __________.


The opposite of supination is __________.


The ability to localize the position of body parts is called __________.


Dual innervation means that an individual effector

receives input from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

The right cerebral hemisphere

receives sensory input from the left side of the body.

Depolarization of the plasma membrane occurs when there is a rapid influx (inflow) of

sodium ions.

Slowly adapting proprioceptors that would let you know the position of your thumb without looking at it are known as __________ receptors.


The sagittal suture is located between the

two parietal bones.

Hormonal stimulus

Growth hormone inhibiting hormone prevents the release of additional growth hormone from the anterior pituitary gland.

In the following reaction, what is/are the product(s)? CO2 + H2O ---> H2CO3


the sequence from anterior to posterior in which they emerge from the brain.

Have the patient look superiorly and inferiorly

Humoral stimulus

High blood Na+ (and a subsequent increase in blood pressure) stimulates the release of atrial natriuretic hormone from the heart.

Which type of cell breaks down bone tissue?


The delivery of a radioactive compound to the body to study the metabolism of tissues is called __________.


Which type of muscle tissue would cause flexion and extension of the arm?

Skeletal muscle

Autocrine chemical messengers

Stimulates the cell that originally secreted it

Which of the following muscles is named for its shape?


Endocrine chemical messengers

Travel through general circulation to act on target tissues

Which vitamin begins its synthesis in the skin when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light?

Vitamin D

Water-soluble hormones ___________ pass through the cell membrane.


The wrist is composed of eight bones called __________.

carpal bones

The flexion of the elbow represents a __________.

class III lever system

The collar bone is the __________.


Nicotinic and muscarinic receptors respond to NE.


Effector cells that respond to acetylcholine released from postganglionic neurons have __________.

muscarinic receptors

The sensory receptor of the stretch reflex is the __________.

muscle spindle

When the arrector pili muscles contract,

"goose bumps" form on the skin.

What is the building block molecule of a protein?

Amino acid

Arrange the following in the proper order in which they occur: 1. The ligand binds to its receptor. 2. The alpha subunit and GTP bind to the calcium ion channel. 3. Calcium ion channels open.

1, 2, 3

Paracrine chemical messengers

Act on nearby cells

Which of the following correctly describes myoglobin's special function in muscle tissue?

Acts as a reservoir for O2

A drug prevents platelet aggregation by binding to epinephrine receptors on platelets and inhibits their normal action.


LouAnn is being treated for a neurological condition with a specific drug that target neurons deep within the brain. Which glial cell must be bypassed by this drug in order for it to be effective?


Innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands

Autonomic nervous system

Involuntarily controlled

Autonomic nervous system

Preganglionic and postganglionic neurons

Autonomic nervous system

Which of the following would you observe in a patient with a tumor of the cerebellum?

Balance impairment

Marilyn has been diagnosed with a fractured dens or odontoid process. Which specific bone is affected?


The primary mineral in bone is __________.


This is a lateral view of the brain. What does "E" represent?


Identify the type of synapse that includes a presynaptic cell, synaptic cleft, and postsynaptic cell.


Which of the following events occurs during anaphase?

Chromosomes migrate to opposite poles of the cell

Neural stimulus

Decreased sympathetic stimulation leads to reduced secretion of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla.

Example of exocrine secretion

Digestive enzymes

Which of the following is not a parasympathetic effect?

Dilation of air passageways

Acute hormone secretion

Epinephrine levels spike during a stressful event.

From which germ layer does the nervous system form?


Which type of connective tissue is found in the external ears?

Elastic cartilage

If you ask someone a question and they do not know the answer, which type of nonverbal expression are you likely to get from that person?

Elevation of the clavicles and scapulae

Which of the following organelles may or may not have ribosomes attached?

Endoplasmic reticulum

Hydrocephaly is a condition whereby cerebrospinal fluid accumulates around the brain. Which supportive cells continue CSF production despite it backing up in the subarachnoid space?

Ependymal cells

Which type of tissue forms linings or coverings?

Epithelial tissue

Episodic hormone secretion

Estrogen and progesterone levels change cyclically and predictably every month.

During brain surgery, the superior portion of the postcentral gyrus of a patient is stimulated. What do you expect the patient to do?

Feel pressure on his toes

A cut along which plane would result in the anterior perspective of the body appearing normal, with no evident cuts?


This is a lateral view of the brain. What does "B" represent?

Frontal lobe

Which of the following is associated with osteoclast reabsorption of bone?

Hydrogen ions form an acid environment in bone matrix.

A coroner determines the cause of death to be strangulation because this delicate bone is fractured. Which bone is this?


Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) are associated with which of the following?

Hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane

Which of the following is an example of adaptation of sensory receptors?

Ignoring the presence of clothes

Which of the following is NOT a function of bone?


Which portion of the ear contains the sensory receptors for hearing and balance?

Inner ear

Axillary nerve

Innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles

Which portion of a reflex arc is most likely to be located entirely within the central nervous system?


Which of the following is correctly associated with the medulla oblongata?

It contains nuclei for regulation of heart rate and blood vessel diameter.

Which of the following is an ascending pathway in the spinal cord?

Lateral spinothalamic tract

____________ hormones bind to receptors usually found in the nucleus, whereas _____________ hormones bind to membrane-bound receptors.

Lipid-soluble; water-soluble

Which of the following skin changes is usually associated with aging?

Loss of subcutaneous tissue contributes to sagging of the skin.

Humoral stimulus

Low blood glucose levels directly stimulate pancreatic alpha cells to release glucagon

Which type of membrane proteins allow cells to identify one another?

Marker molecules

The __________ are distributed throughout the dermal papillae and are involved in __________ touch.

Meissner corpuscles; two-point discrimination

Which organelle produces most of the cell's energy?



Most sympathetic effectors

__________ receptors on cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and gland cells respond to acetylcholine.


Of the four primary classes of tissues, the tissue that consists of elongated fibers that are specialized to contract in response to stimulation is __________.

Muscle tissue

The brachial plexus supplies nerves that function to contract which of the following?

Muscles of the arm and forearm

Which of the following nerves is part of the brachial plexus?


Which type of tissue contains cells called neurons?

Nervous tissue

Which of the following nerves is associated with the lumbosacral plexus?


A person who gets hit on the back of the head might suffer injury to which of these bones?


This is a lateral view of the brain. What does "D" represent?

Occipital lobe

Of the following muscles of the head, which one wraps around the orbits?

Orbicularis oculi

Hirschsprung disease is a condition involving functional obstruction in the lower colon and rectum that inhibits peristaltic contractions, leading to accumulation of feces in the affected area. Based on this, predict which component of the nervous system is not sufficiently stimulating motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Parasympathetic nervous system

This is a lateral view of the brain. What does "C" represent?

Parietal lobe

Which of the following is NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid?

Provides oxygen to CNS tissue

In __________, the new cells are the same type as those that were destroyed.


Raul's father tells him not to slouch, and to put his shoulders back. What specifically must Raul do to improve his posture?

Retract his scapulae

Which of the following are associated with the retina?

Rods and cones

Which of the following is not considered a type of skin gland?

Salivary glands

Theresa has been diagnosed with a disease that demyelinates the somatic motor neurons. This disease is destroying the __________ associated with neurons that control __________.

Schwann cells; skeletal muscle


Secreted by neurons into a synaptic cleft

Endocrine system

Secretions travel in the bloodstream

Exocrine system

Secretions travel through ducts

Which of the following is not an effector controlled by the autonomic nervous system?

Skeletal muscle

Which type of muscle tissue causes vasoconstriction?

Smooth muscle

A single neuron extends from the CNS to muscle

Somatic nervous system

Consciously controlled movements

Somatic nervous system

Innervates skeletal muscle

Somatic nervous system

Chronic hormone secretion

Stable levels of thyroid hormone are maintained over a long period of time

Hank was involved in a car accident during which a flat bone in the anterior region of his thorax was fractured. Which bone is most likely the one that was fractured?


Hyperhidrosis is a condition involving excessive sweating due to exaggerated stimulation to sweat glands. Which of the following divisions of the nervous system is at fault?

Sympathetic nervous system

The radial muscle of the iris causes the pupils to dilate. Therefore, which branch of the ANS controls the radial muscles?

Sympathetic nervous system

Neural stimulus

Sympathetic preganglionic neurons stimulate epinephrine release from cells of the adrenal medulla

This is a lateral view of the brain. What does "A" represent?

Temporal lobe

Example of endocrine secretion


What is found in the lateral gray horns of the spinal cord?

The cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons

What occurs when hormones reach their target cells?

The hormone binds to an appropriate receptor on or in the target cell.

Which of the following is not a reason why some hormones need assistance to travel in the blood?

They cannot dissolve in the blood because they are water-soluble.

Hormonal stimulus

Thyroid-stimulating hormone induces thyroid hormone formation from follicular cells of the thyroid gland.

Which nerve is involved when a dancer points his/her toes?


Which of the following hair colors is the result of a decrease in melanin?


Which of the following would the sympathetic portion of the ANS influence?

Your heart rate during an exam

A tissue is a

a group of cells with similar structure and function

An anion is

a negatively charged ion.


ability to reach target cells at a distance asst. from binding protiens bound and free hormones

Synaptic vesicles in the neuromuscular junction contain


The active sites to which cross-bridges attach are found on the

actin myofilaments.

The movement of molecules against their concentration gradient is called __________.

active transport

Suppose you cup your hands to hold some water. To limit the amount of leaking through your hands, this action would most likely require __________.

adduction of the fingers

Stretch reflexes

aid in maintaining proper posture.

The type of brain waves observed in an individual who is awake but in a quiet resting state with eyes closed are __________ waves.


The two classes of adrenergic receptors are __________.

alpha and beta

Due to ____________, a single hormone can set off a cascade-like response due to its activation of second messengers.


Saltatory conduction of an action potential means that

an action potential is conducted from one node of Ranvier to the next node.

When a neurotransmitter binds to its receptor and increases the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to Na+,

an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) will result.


are homeostatic.

Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are similar in that they both

are under involuntary control.

A victim of an automobile accident goes into shock, which results in decreased blood flow. The victim's skin will

become pale.

Brain waves associated with information processing or problem solving are __________ waves.


Of the following muscles of the thigh, the ___________ is on the posterior side.

biceps femoris

he ventral root of a spinal nerve contains __________.

both sensory and motor fibers

The cell bodies of parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are located either within the ________ or the ________.

brainstem; lateral horns of the sacral spinal cord

Dermatomal maps are important clinically because they

can be used to help locate nerve damage.

Active transport

can move substances along their concentration gradient.

Joints joined together by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage would be classified as __________ joints.


A nurse is caring for a patient who exhibits the following symptoms: (1) Inability to maintain balance while walking(2) Normal intelligence(3) Can initiate voluntary movements, although they are somewhat uncoordinated(4) Decreased tone in the skeletal musclesThe patient is probably suffering from a condition that affected the __________.


The __________ region of the vertebral column is located in the neck.


Changes in the blood concentration of glucose, oxygen, and hydrogen are detected by __________.


the pectoral region is the

chest area

Failure of the palatine processes of the maxilla to fuse properly during development results in a __________.

cleft palate

The radiologist informs Matthew that his fracture has not penetrated the skin, meaning Matthew has a/an __________ fracture.


In the spinal cord, white matter is organized into

columns and the gray matter into horns.

A condition in which stimuli occur so rapidly that there are no intervening relaxations between contractions is called

complete tetanus.

A primary function of the cerebellum is to __________.

coordinate movement

The lacrimal glands

constantly produce a fluid called tears.

An individual is running in a race. All of the following effects are due to the sympathetic nervous system, except

constriction of pupils.

The epidermis

contains no blood vessels.

The optic disc

contains no photoreceptor cells

The capacity of a muscle cell to shorten forcefully is known as


If Na+ cannot enter a muscle fiber in response to a stimulus,

contraction cannot occur

Pacinian corpuscles respond to

deep cutaneous pressure and vibration.

Metabolic water refers to the water molecules produced during normal cellular metabolism. Which types of metabolic reactions are important for the production of metabolic water?

dehydration reactions


delivery of a message to a specific target cell regulation of particular cellular pathways

The cutaneous sensory distribution of a spinal nerve can be mapped as a __________.


Decreasing the number of receptor sites on a target cell results in ________________.


The major movement produced during quiet breathing is accomplished by the __________.


An x-ray determines that Peter fractured the shaft of his humerus. The break is in the _____________ of the bone.


The movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration is called __________.



digestiing defecation diuresis

Sympathetic nerve fibers are not associated with situations involving __________



digestive organ vasodilation liver glycogen synthesis airway constriction gastrointestinal motility bladder wall contraction

The enteric nervous system consists of plexuses within the walls of the __________.

digestive tract

The enteric nervous system is located in the __________.

digestive tract

An accumulation of fluid in the tissue spaces is called __________.


Muscles and glands that are capable of producing a response when stimulated by motor neurons are called __________.


Gap junctions are functionally __________ synapses.


Synapses in which gap junctions allow ions to diffuse quickly from cell to cell are called __________ synapses.


This is such a complex and important task which requires a lot of communication and direction. The ___________ system assists the nervous system with this function.


Cells in the organs or glands of the __________ system secrete chemical substances that are collectively known as ___________. These chemicals diffuse into the bloodstream and direct or communicate with cells that are far away, called target cells.


The ___________ regulates motility of esophagus, stomach, and intestines without input from brain or spinal cord.

enteric nervous system

The superficial layer of epithelium of the skin is called the __


One example of a hormone that binds to membrane-bound receptors is __________________.


The four primary tissue types are

epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous.

The auditory tube

equalizes air pressure between the middle ear and outside air.

In each of these examples, the chemical substance is secreted from a cell and delivered to another cell by way of bodily fluids. However, if the chemical substance is secreted into a duct to be delivered to a free surface, it is a type of ___________ secretion.


When you walk up the stairs, your hip and knee joints __________ to lift your body weight.


The environment outside the plasma membrane is most appropriately referred to as __________.


Paralysis on the right side of the face could result from damage to the right __________ nerve.


Adrenergic receptors are located on postganglionic neurons.


Adrenergic receptors respond to ACh.


Nicotinic and adrenergic receptors are types of cholinergic receptors.


A joint that has no joint cavity and exhibits little or no movement would be classified as a __________ joint.


A patient in a skiing accident is told that the lateral side of the ankle joint has been crushed. The bone that has been injured is the __________.



fight or flight running excitement embarrasment

When you hold out your hands with the palms up, __________ your wrists will tip your palms toward you.


The spinal cord begins at the __________.

foramen magnum

The area of greatest visual acuity is the _________

fovea centralis

The area of greatest visual acuity is the __________.

fovea centralis

The central sulcus separates the __________.

frontal and parietal lobes

The support and protection of neurons are provided by __________.


The sense of taste is called __________.


Betsy took a fall and broke her arm, which required that she wear a cast for a prolonged period of time. When she took the cast off, she was alarmed to see that her muscles

had undergone atroph

If the Broca area is damaged, the result is

hesitant and distorted speech

What is the microscopic study of tissues?


Recall that the ability to maintain a stable internal environment in spite of changes in the external or internal environment is known as ___________.



hormone life span short vs. long half life

Endocrine glands secrete ___________ into the bloodstream, where they travel to specific sites called ___________.

hormones; target tissues

A dislocated shoulder involves separation of the ____________ from the scapula.


An example of a movement from a class I lever system is _____________.

hyperextension of the head

As an example of hormonal communication, when osmoreceptors of the _______________ detect dehydration, a signal to the posterior pituitary gland causes the release of _________________.

hypothalamus; antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Target cells can ____________ their sensitivity to a hormone through up-regulation.



increased HR skeletal muslce vasodilation reduced urniary output increased sweat gland activity decreased digestive activity

The loss of height that occurs with aging is due to compression of the

intervertebral discs.

Nick is climbing a rope at his local gym. He uses his hands and his feet to move up the rope. To "hold" on to the rope with his feet requires __________.


The contractile structure that surrounds the pupil is the __________.


Muscle tone

is a constant tension produced by muscles for long periods of time.

Color vision

is a function of cone cells.

If 0.9% NaCl (saline) solution is isotonic to a cell, then a 0.5% saline solution

is hypotonic to the cell.

During the absolute refractory period, the cell

is insensitive to further stimulation.

As skin cells move toward the surface of the body, they produce a protein that reduces water loss. This process is called __________.


The time between application of the stimulus to a motor neuron and the beginning of contraction is called the __________ phase.

latent or lag

Yolanda, a yoga instructor, tells her class to stretch the muscles of the side of the trunk by instructing them to perform __________.

lateral flexion

The preganglionic cell bodies of the sympathetic division of the ANS are located in the __________.

lateral horns of the spinal cord between the T1 and L2 vertebrae

The spinal cord

links the peripheral nervous system to the brain.

Transcription of mRNA is the result of the binding of _______- soluble hormones.


A neutral atom will become a cation if it

loses electrons

A red blood cell that is placed in a hypertonic solution

loses water.

The lumbar region is the

lower back.

Some marrow of long bones is termed "red" marrow. The function of red marrow is to

manufacture blood cells.

A small lesion in the brainstem which resulted in a rapid heart rate, intense vasoconstriction, and elevated blood pressure would probably be located in the __________.

medulla oblongata

Water-soluble hormones bind to ___________ receptors.


The thick fibrocartilage disks found in the knee joint are called __________.


In normal near vision, light is refracted __________ than in distant vision; thus the lens is __________.

more; rounded

The autonomic nervous system is part of the __________ division of the peripheral nervous system


If the ventral root of a spinal nerve were cut, the regions innervated by that spinal nerve would experience complete loss of __________.


Thyroid hormone inhibits its own secretion, which is an example of ___________ feedback. In contrast, __________ feedback occurs when oxytocin induces the production of more oxytocin, leading to an amplification effect.

negative; positive

Being able to respond to a constantly changing world is one of life's greatest challenges. The task of coordinating responses to sensory information is not the sole realm of the __________ or endocrine system.


The sites where a chemical substance is transmitted from the presynaptic terminal of an axon to the postsynaptic membrane of a muscle fiber are called

neuromuscular junctions.

Gaps or interruptions in the myelin sheath are called __________.

nodes of Ranvier

Lipid-soluble hormones bind to _________ receptors.


The "control center" of the cell is the __________.


Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) of the left eye would be caused by damage to the __________ nerve.


The greater the concentration of a solution, the greater the

osmotic pressure of the solution.

The cell type that is responsible for maintaining bone once it has been formed is the __________.


Cytoplasm is found

outside the nucleus but inside the plasma membrane.

Some substances, called ______________ secretions, travel in the interstitial fluid and affect neighboring cells. Other chemical secretions, called ___________ secretions, affect only the secreting cell.

paracrine; autocrine

Sam, an older man, has been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and his blood calcium levels are above normal. The pathologiste found cancer cells that were oversecreting __________ causing Sam's symptoms.

parathyroid hormone

The primary somatosensory cortex is located in the __________ lobe.


The ___________ muscle of the chest has its insertion on the humerus.

pectoralis major

Vision is dependent upon __________.


The joint between the head of the radius and the proximal end of the ulna is a __________ joint.


The age-associated changes that result in loss of accommodation of the eyes is called __________


Synaptic vesicles contain neurotransmitters and are present in the

presynaptic terminals

The adaptive significance of the crossed extensor reflex when a person steps on a tack is to

prevent the person from falling down.

Receptors that in general produce an action potential in response to a receptor potential are __________ receptors.


Ribosomes are organelles responsible for

protein synthesis.

Water-Soluble Hormones

protiens peptides thyroid stimulating hormone

The shoulder is __________ to the elbow.


The orbicularis oris muscle

puckers the mouth for kissing.

A ________ is a protein on a cell that has a site to which a specific hormone can bind. When the target tissue decreases the number of these that are available to the hormone, this is called __________.

receptor; down-regulation

A hormone can only stimulate a cell that has ____________ for that hormone.


The abdominal muscle that has its origin at the pubic crest and symphysis pubis is the __________.

rectus abdominis

When an intramuscular injection is given in the anterior aspect of the thigh, the injection is in the __________.

rectus femoris

The pseudostratified columnar epithelium of the bronchi in smokers may transform into stratified squamous epithelium. This is an example of __________.


Returning the thumb to the anatomical position after touching the little finger is __________.


A buffer will

resist drastic changes in the pH of the solutions.

The muscles that hold the humeral head within the glenoid cavity are collectively called the __________.

rotator cuff

The pelvic splanchnic nerves are formed by preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the ______ region of the spinal cord.


The muscle that is used to cross the legs is the __________.


Another name for the shoulder blade is the __________.


The outermost tunic of the eyeball is the __________.


Receptors that in general do not produce an action potential, but can release neurotransmitters in response to a receptor potential are __________ receptors.


The release of chemicals from an endocrine or exocrine gland is referred to as ______.


Sensory receptors for balance are found in the __________.

semicircular canals

A neuron that conducts pain sensations to the central nervous system would be classified as a/an __________.

sensory or afferent neuron

The ___________ muscle rotates and protracts the scapula, and elevates the ribs.

serratus anterior

Adipose tissue in the subcutaneous layer

serves as a storage site for lipids, which can be used for energy

Due to a target cell's affinity for a specific hormone, a ___________ concentration of hormones is needed to achieve the desired result.


Substances dissolved in the liquid portion of a solution are called __________.


A receptor site on a cell exhibits ___________, meaning it allows only certain hormones to bind.


The utricle and saccule are involved in

static balance.

Lipid-Soluble Hormones

steriods fatty acid derivatives prostaglandins

The _____________ originates at the manubrium, inserts on the thyroid cartilage, and aids in singing low notes.


The mode of action of steroid hormones involves

stimulation of mRNA transcription.

you go to the movies after a long day and you begin to nod off as soon as the movie starts. Your head starts to lower a little, but a reflex causes your head to rise. This is called the __________ reflex.


Structurally, the simplest reflex is the __________.

stretch reflex

Anatomy is

study of structure

A subcutaneous injection delivers medication into the __________.

subcutaneous layer

Rotating the forearm so that the palm faces anteriorly is called _________


The junction of a neuron with another cell is a/an


The junction of a neuron with another cell is a/an __________.


The most movable joints are __________ joints.


Sensory structures that detect taste are __________.

taste buds

In the TMJ joint, the mandible articulates with the __________.

temporal bone

For distant vision,

the ciliary muscles are relaxed

The two divisions of the ANS have antagonistic effects on each of the following except

the diameter of the blood vessels in skeletal muscles.

The Roman numeral assigned to each cranial nerve reflect

the sequence from anterior to posterior in which they emerge from the brain.

The various types of epithelium are classified by

the shape of cells and number of cell layers.

An example of a long bone would be __________.

the tibia

A muscle fiber will respond to a stimulus when that stimulus reaches the __________ level.


In order for local potentials to trigger an action potential, the membrane must reach a level called the __________.


An example of a hormone that binds to a nuclear receptor is ____________.

thyroid hormone

The sciatic nerve is composed of the

tibial nerve and the common fibular nerve.

An increase in follicle-stimulating hormone causing an increase in luteinizing hormone receptors in ovary cells is an example of up-regulation.


Binding of ACh to nicotinic receptors has an excitatory effect.


Binding of NE to adrenergic receptors has an excitatory or inhibitory effect.


One way that the body can prevent down-regulation is through releasing brief pulses of a hormone at intervals. This ensures that the target cell will not become saturated with the hormone and decrease its response.


Separation of the alpha subunit from the remainder of the G protein can remain as long as the ligand is bound to the receptor.


The enteric nervous system can monitor and control digestive functions independently of the CNS.


The tendency for one hormone to bind to only one type of receptor is called specificity.


The external ear terminates at the __________.

tympanic membrane

The newest taste to be described is __________.


Wernicke area is necessary for

understanding and formulating coherent speech.

A deer hunter lost the hearing in his right ear after his gun exploded when he tried firing it. His hearing loss is the result of damage to the __________ nerve.


The condition involving the development of white patches on the skin caused by the loss of melanocytes is __________.


Osmosis is the diffusion of __________ across a selectively permeable membrane.


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