Bio final review
what are the following terms and exampels:Cnidarians, flatworms, roundworms, mollusks, arthropods, echinoderms, agnatha, osteichthyes, reptiles, birds.
-Flatworms-phylum platyhelminthes;have definite organs ex. Tapeworm -Roundworm: phylum Nematoda; Have specialized tissues & systems; Ex. Trichinella -mollusks:Can be herbivores, carnivores, filter feeders, detritivores, or parasites. Ex.
Are the reproductive parts of a mushroom edible?
know the following terms: Cotyledon, Hypoctyls,epicotyls, radical.
know the following: Arachnida, Chilopoda, Insecta, Diplopoda, Crustacea.
what are archegoniums? what are antheridium?
what are identical and faternal twins?
what are retroviruses and what do they contain?
what are the funtions of these terms: Petiote, stomata, anther, stamen, ovary, pistil, stigma?
what are the genetic disorders disscussed in class?
what factors do genetic traits depend on?
what is an ectoderm and endotherm? and what are some example?
what is an oncogene?
what is lethal mutation?
what pathogenic bacteria can use?
what was Alexander Oparins theory of early atmosphere?
where can fungi be found?
which organisms doesnt have true tissue?
which bacteria is most beneficial?
What are the parts of the earthworms digestive system in order?
1) mouth 7) anus 2) pharynx 3) esophagus 4) crop : stores food 5) gizzard : grinds up food 6) intestine : has digestive enzymes
what are examples of head-foot mollusk?
1) octopi (active predator) 2) squid (largest invertebrate) 3) cuttlefish 4) nautilus
h9ow many chambers are in a mammals heart?
4 chambers
what is the percentage of flowering plants that exist?
what are the following terms and their examples: Annuals, Biennials, Perennials.
Annual- complete a life cycle in one growing season Biennials- complete a life cycle in two years. First year: germinate and grow short, roots, stems, and leaves. Second year: produce flowers and seed Perennials: flowering plants flowers that live for more than two years. - have both woody and herbaceous stems.
what is a blastula? what is blastospore?
Blastula: contains on layer of cells blasto (ectoderm) Blastospore: single opening formed by a curved groove in the blastula
what are the funtions of the following terms: Capallaries, Veins, Arteries, Ventricle, Atrium.
Capallaries: connect arteries and veins Veins: carry blood towards the heart Arteries: carry blood away from the heart Ventricle: pumps blood away from the heart Atrium: receives blood coming to the heart
which scientist developed the two working naming system for all organisms?
Carolus Linnaus
what are the functions of the following terms: cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, cerebral cortex, optic lobe, olfactory bulb.
Cerebrum: complicated behavior Cerebellum: controls muscular coordination Medulla oblongata: regulates involuntary body function Cerebral Cortex: outer layer of the cerebrum Optic lobe: for sight Olfactory bulb: for taste and smell
what are the following terms: Chorion, yolk sac, allantois, amnion
Chorion: a membrane covering the developing embryo Yolk sac: attached to the digestive system of the embryo(blood vessels pass the food through) Allantois: attached to the digestive system and is a sac for waste removal and gas exchange Amnion: fluid filledsac around the embyro, it cushions and protects
what is cyanate?
Drug for treatment, increases oxygen in the red blood cells
know the following germ layers: ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm.
Ectoderm: brain, spinal cord, nerves, skin(outer layers), eye cup, lense of eye, nose, ears. Mesoderm: skeleton, muscles, Excretory system, Gonads(sex organs), skin( inner layer) Endoderms: Pancreas, liver, lungs, lining of the digestive system
what era and period did human development happen?
Era: Cenozoic Period: Quanternary
know the following terms and examples: Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detrivores, filter feeders, symbiotic, parasites.
what did lamark do? (in detail)
Lamarck came up with his ideas of evolution (law of use and disuse) he believed the variations bagan to occur after the enviroment changed.
know these followong terms: Lateral, Dorasl, Posterior, Ventral, Anterior.
Lateral: side Dorsal: Top Posterior: Back Ventral: bottom Anterior: front
know the following phylums: Phatyheminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Cnidarian , Mollusca
Platyhelminthes: aquatic and simplest organisms with bilateral symetry Nematoda: found in all enviroments; most of animals; parasitic Mollusca: soft bodies, internal or external shell.
what are examples of univalve and bivalve mollusks
Univalve: Gastropods, shell-less or single shelled. Ex,Pond snails, land slugs, sea butterflies, sea hares, limpets, nudibranchs Bivalve: Have 2 shells Are filter feeders; Ex. clams, oysters, mussels, scallops
which scientist won the nobel prize for the DNA model?
Watson and Crick-the nobel peace prize
what is mutation and what are some example?
a change in a sequence of DNA. Ex: mistakes in replication of DNA; radiation or chemicals
what is a bacteriophage?
a virus that infects a bacteria
what are the diffrent types of asexual reproduction?
binrary fission budding spore formation regeneration vegetative propagation cloning
know what charles Darwin did in detail.
charels dawrin determined that there must be a struggle for existence among organisms. Natural selection.
what is a plasmid?
circular DNA found in bacteria; very useful in DNA transfers
what are the shapes of bacteria?
cocci-spherical bacilli-rod spirilla-spiral
what is the function of the antennae in insects?
hearing tasting feeling smelling
what are complete and incomplete metamorphosis?
incomplete: egg, nymph, adult. Complete: egg, larva, pupa, adult
what are some examples of crustaceans?
lobster crayfish shrimp crab sow bug barnacles
what is an autoclave?
machine use to sterilize, produce high pressured steam cleaning
what is a monotreme and their examples?
monotremes are mammals that lay eggs and can feed their yound with mammary glands. Examples: Duckbill platypus, Spiny Anteater, Echidans.
what are some examples of viruses?
polio smallpox influenza measles mumps colds HIV hepatitis chickenpox west nile rabies pneumonia
which fossil would not be totally preserved?
sediments : clay -- sand -- silt
in what ways can diseases spread?
sexual contact physical contact air born water born
what is molting?
shedding of skin
which strain causes diseases?
smooth strain
what is sporophyte generation and gametophyte generation?
sporophyte: Diploid, produce spores by meiosis Gametophyte: Haploid, produce gamets by mitosis
what are some examples of enchinoderms?
starfish sea urchin sand dollar sea cucumbers brittle star sea star sea lilies feather stars
what is a gene pool?
the genes of a population; this is what gradually evolves
what is the potato famine?
the water mold phytophthora infested and caused a potato famine in 1845 in ireland 1845-1851, at least 1 million Irish people died of starvation or disease.
what are vertabrates and invertabrates?
vertebrates have a back bone Invertebrates have no backbone