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The characteristics of a species remain unchanged from generation to generation, a) True, b) False?


If two different alleles are present in the organism, it is referred to as being ________? a) homozygous, b) phenotypic, c) codominant, d) recessiveness, e) heterozygous.


Crossing a donkey with a horse would be an example of _________ that failed to produce successful F2 offspring. a) variation, b) hybridization, c) neutral selection, d) migration, e) polyploidy.


Natural selection can only act on a certain trait only if the trait is phenotypic and is _______? a) inheritable,, b) behavioral,, c) favorable, d) morphological, e) new,


Breeding the F1 offspring back to one of the parents is referred to as _______. a) hybridization, b) integration, c) introgression, d) postgression, e) digression.


Which of the following is an excellent example of artificial selection? a) the many different breeds of domestic cats & dogs, b) cheetahs that can outrun their prey, c) the ability to gain muscle mass by using steroids, d) green tree frogs that blend perfectly into their leafy surroundings, e) all of the above.

the many different breeds of domestic cats & dogs,

Mutations of gene occur naturally in about ______ sex cells. A) 1/10, b) 1/1000, c) 1/15000, d) 1/30000, e) 1/100,000.


If 10 chondrodystrophic dwarfs (Dd) are born to normal parents (dd), then out of a total of 200,000 babies, what is the mutation rate of the normal allele to the dwarf allele. (d ---> D)? a) 1/10,000, b) 1/50,000, c/ 1/6,666, d) 1/40,000, e) 1/33,000.


The publication date of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was_______? A) 1809, B) 1830, C) 1859, D) 1869, E) 1900,


What percentage of the above tribe are highly susceptible to malaria by being homozygous Normal (SS)? a) 25, b) 16 c) 36, d) 32, e) 80.


Modern geologists estimate that the age of Earth is about: A) 4,500 years, B) 450,000 years, C) 4.5 million years, D) 4.5 billion years, E) 4,5 trillion years.

4.5 billion years,

Who wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection? A) Mendel, B) Malthus , C) Smith D) Darwin, E) Lamarck.


In a certain African tribe, 16 % of the population is born with severe sickle celling. What percentage of the population enjoys protection from malaria? a) 25, b) 16, c) 50, d) 32, e) 48.


The corn, squash, tomatoes, and many peppers arose in _________, while the wheat arose in _________. a) Central & South America, Asia, b) Africa, Asia, c) Australia, Asia, d) North America, Africa, e) North America, Asia.

Central & South America, Asia,

Who from his many observations realized that 1) species change over time and also with geographical distance, 2) rejected view species were created and remain unchanged, 3) realized importance of artificial selection, but did not see how it worked until he read Malthus' essay (1799) in 1838. a) Malthus, b) Lyell, c) Darwin, d) Haeckel, e) Cuvier


In the presented the idea of natural selection to the Linnaean Society in 1858, who was given credit for the theory? A) Darwin, B) Lamarck, C) Darwin and Wallace, D) Cuvier, E) Plato

Darwin and Wallace

During a storm a small flock of sparrows were driven out to sea. The establishment of a new population of birds on an island where none had previously existed is an example of _________________.. (a) natural selection (b) selective mutation (c) gene flow (d) bottle neck effect (e) founder's effect.

Founders effect

Like other scientists of their time, Alferd Wallace and Charles Darwin did not understand which of the following? (a) isolation, (b) artificial selection, (c) genetics, (d) natural selection, (e) uniformitarianism,.


The concept that Earth's present landscape is due to gradual geologic processes was proposed by _______ and supported by ______: A) Hutton, Lyell, B) Hutton, Lamarck, C) Buffon, Lyell, D) Mendel, Malthus, E) Darwin, Aristotle

Hutton, Lyell,

Who suggested that giraffes developed their long necks over time by stretching them? A) Darwin, B) Lamarck, C) Wallace, D) Cuvier, E) Plato.


The idea that physical changes I make to myself will be passed on to my children was proposed by: A) Lyell, B) Lamarck, C) Buffon, D) Malthus, E) Aristotle


Which geologist described the age of the Earth as "eternal" and supported uniformitarianism? A) Lyell, B) Lamarck, C) Buffon, D) Malthus, E) Aristotle


A temporary pond is a very unstable environment. That such ponds today are similar to those in TRIASSIC time (180 mya) could be explained by views of ________. a) Darwin and Lamarck, b) Lyell and Haeckel, c) Mendel and Hutton, d) Buffon and Weismann, e) Lyell and Hutton.

Lyell and Hutton.

Which scientist devised the theory of uniformitarianism to account for Earth's old age? A) Lyell, B) Lamarck, C) Buffon, D) Malthus, E) Aristotle


Benjamin Franklin (1755) stated "There is in short, no Bound to the prolific nature of plants and Animals, but what is made by their crowding and interfering with each others means of subsistence" Franklin views were similar to those of ________, but occurred earlier? a) Darwin, b) Lyell, c) Malthus, d) Wallace, e) Hutton.


What English economist wrote that the human population "increases in a geometrical ratio" and would soon exceed Earth's capacity to support it unless it was checked by nature? A) Wallace, B) Mendel, C) Hutton, D) Lyell, E) Malthus


As far as we know, Darwin's views were not influenced by _____? a) Malthus, b) Mendel, c) artifical selection, d) uniformitarianism, e) fossil record.


Which of the following statements about mutations is TRUE? A) Mutations have no effect on the survival and reproduction of an organism, B) Mutations are almost always better for the organism, C) Mutations almost always dominant rather than recessive, D) Mutations are caused by natural selection, E) Mutations occur at random and occur by chance,

Mutations occur at random and occur by chance,

The horse and camel arose in _________, while the elephant arose in _________. a) North America, South America, b) Africa, Asia, c) Australia, Asia, d) North America, Africa, e) North America, Asia

North America, Africa,

Which of the four postulates of Darwin's theory of evolution was not well established/understood when On the Origin of Species was first published but is overwhelmingly supported today? A) Some differences among individuals in a population are due to genetics and are heritable, B) Individuals in a population differ physically from one another in many ways, C) Some individuals in a population survive and reproduce better than other individuals, D) Individuals with advantageous traits survive longest and have the most offspring,

Some differences among individuals in a population are due to genetics and are heritable,

Which of these statements BEST illustrates the theory of catastrophism? A) Species become extinct due to natural disasters, such as floods and volcanic eruptions, B) Only plant species have become extinct, C) Only extinct species appear in the fossil record, D) There are no humans in early fossil records because they had not been created yet, E) The fossil record is incomplete,

Species become extinct due to natural disasters, such as floods and volcanic eruptions,

For severe selection to occur environmental resources must become limiting a) true, b) false.


In any population of organisms, individual variations exist because of genetics. a) True, b) False?


Recessive "bad" characteristics like hemophilia occur because of random mutations of normal alleles. a) true, b) false.


There were biologists before Darwin who proposed mechanisms for evolution, a) True, b) False?


Vestigial characters, like the appendix or poorly formed hind limbs on some snakes and whales, are characters that were in their ancestors but have now have lost their function. a) true, b) false.


Through artificial selection it is possible to select for characteristics that may not be advantageous to the organism in a natural environment. a) True, b) False?


Which mutation likely provides a survival advantage in a plant? a) a flower that attracts more bees, b) a tree that grows shorter than the surrounding trees, c) a brightly colored fish that attracts predators, d) a horse that lacks the ability to digest either grains or grass, e) a shrub that loses the ability to make seeds

a flower that attracts more bees,

Which organism is least likely to survive to reproduce? A) a flower that produces a scent that attracts bees, B) a shrub that produces a toxin in its flower buds that repels deer, C) a plant that has a sweet flavor before it flowers, D) a dark-furred rodent that comes out only at night, E) a seahorse that mimics the weeds in which it lives.

a plant that has a sweet flavor before it flowers

Which of the following situations has occurred in insect pests in Florida due to natural selection? a) cockroaches now avoid the poison bait that used to be very effective at killing them, b) the poisoned bait caused a mutation that makes the roaches more sensitive to it, c) cockroaches eat only bait, d) roaches that ate the poison bait became addicted to it.

a) cockroaches now avoid the poison bait that used to be very effective at killing them

Because alleles have been selected for over long periods of time which of the following is the most correct statement about mutations today? a) usually dominant, b) increase competitiveness, c) about one in a thousand beneficial, d) enhances reproductive capacity, e) all statements false.

about one in a thousand beneficia

Which of the following supports the idea that all organisms share a common ancestry? a) All cells use DNA as a cellular energy carrier, b) all cells use ATP as the template for protein synthesis, c) all cells use the same collection of lipids, d) all cells use DNA as a carrier of genetic information.

all cells use DNA as a carrier of genetic information.

Of all the possible amino acids, all living organisms make use of only the same 20 amino acids. this supports the idea that: a) only a limited number of dna mutations are possible, b) bacteria, animals, and plants developed independently, c) each species uses a unique set of amino acids, d) plants and animals have a completely different ancestry, e) all living things are probably derived from a single common ancestor.

all living things are probably derived from a single common ancestor.

Genetic variation observed in natural populations arises from: (a)new mutations, (b) migration of individuals in and out of the population, (c) recombination of sex cells, d) independent assortment of chromosomes, (e) all of these are important to differing degrees.

all of these are important to differing degrees.

That plants and animals change over time or that evolution occurs is illustrated by __________. (a) breeding of domesticated animals, (b) fossil record, (c) biogeography, (d) comparative anatomy and embryology, (e) all of these correct.

all of these correct.

Genetic differences arise and bring about new species which no longer breed with each other because gene frequencies in populations change over time under the influence of _________. a) natural selection, b) genetic drift, c) isolation & hybridization, d) polyploidy & migration, e) all of these.

all of these.

Populations that usually grow exponentially and are usually limited by _________ a) food, b) predators, c) disease, d) shortage of space, e) all of these.

all of these.

Dandelions in a lawn that is mowed have short flower stalks, whereas those in a field with no mowing have tall flower stocks, this illustrates: a) convergent evolution, b) natural selection, c) artificial mutation, d) artificial selection, e) inheritance of acquired characteristics.

artificial selection

The breeding of domesticated animals and plants would an example of _______? (a) natural selection, (b) genetic drift, (c) artificial mutations, (d) isolation, (e) artificial selection

artificial selection

Imagine that a biologist develops a strain of corn with a lower fat content by choosing low-fat variants and crossbreeding them over several generations, this is an example of: a) convergent evolution, b) natural selection, c) artificial mutation, d) artificial selection, e) inheritance of acquired characteristics,

artificial selection,

The controlled breeding of domestic plants and animals by humans in order to produce certain physical traits in those organisms is called: a) natural selection, b) agricultural selection, c) physical selection, d) artificial selection,

artificial selection,

The many different breeds of domestic dog were produced by _____? a) natural selection, b) artificial selection, c) physical selection, d) artificial mutation,

artificial selection,

Fossils include rocks and sediments that _______? A) have been shaped by wind and water to resemble lifelike forms, B) have been shaped by people to resemble plants or animals, C) bear the impressions or shapes of preserved organisms, D) all of the above,

bear the impressions or shapes of preserved organisms,

Mallard and Pintail ducks are examples of true species that are reproductively isolated by _______. a) hybrid sterility (F1), b) geographic isolation, c) genetic drift, d) behavioral isolation, e) polyploidy.

behavioral isolation

Dogs, coyotes, and wolves are isolated from one another by ___________ isolation, while horses and donkeys are isolated by _________. a) genetic, geographic, b) genetic, behavioral, c) behavioral, genetic, d) physical, genetic, e) geographic, genetic.

behavioral, genetic

One of the best fossil records of vertebrates is that of the _______ which arose in _________.. a) horse, South America, b) camel & horse, North America, c) elephant, South America, d) hippopotomus, North America, e) cave lion, Africa.

camel & horse, North America

The light and dark morphs/phenotypes of moths in England changed in relative abundance during the 1840's when industrial pollution increased and then decreased. First light moths were most common, then dark moths became most common, and eventually the light moth dominated again. What was causing this change? a) mutations are occurring, b) migration of moths, c) change in local environment, d) hybridization, e) genetic drift.

change in local environment,

That glycolysis, Kreb's Cycle, meiosis, mitosis, protein synthesis are all similar in all cells suggests: a) common ancestors to all cells, b) independent evolution of cells, c) uncommon ancestors to all cells, d) none of these correct,

common ancestors to all cells

The occurrence of large numbers of marsupials and monotremes on Australia and no where else would be best explained by______ & _______? a) geographic isolation, genetic drift, b) continental drift, geographic isolation, c) polyploidy, geographic isolation, d) polyploidy, hybridization, e) mutations, hybridization.

continental drift, geographic isolation,

A gene that has many different copies in a chromosome would be an example of _______, while a loss of a gene would a _____. a) duplication, inversion, b) deletion, duplication, c) duplication, deletion, d) translocation to another chromosome, e)none of these.

duplication, deletion,

Acquiring extra full sets of chromosomes would referred to as _________. a) variation, b) hybridization, c) neutral selection, d) migration, e) eupolyploidy.


=A change in the genetic makeup or allele frequency of a population is called _______? A) natural selection, B) uniformitarianism, C) artificial selection, D) evolution,


When a few individuals of a species survive a natural catastrophe such as a fire by chance or luck, change in allelic frequencies in surviving population is referred to as a/an _____: (a) founder's effect, (b) geographical isolation, (c) extrinsic isolating mechanism, (d) evolutionary bottleneck, (e) adaptive radiation.

evolutionary bottleneck,

An antibiotic is given repeatedly to treat a recurrent ear infection, it worked initially but now is no longer effective, This indicates that the Streptococcus bacterium ______? A) is very sensitive to the antibiotic, B) is being treated with an antibiotic that has experienced a manufacturing error, making it infective, C) experienced natural selection that has allowed the resistant Streptococcus to survive and multiply, D) are infectious only if they are sensitive to the antibiotic,

experienced natural selection that has allowed the resistant Streptococcus to survive and multiply,

Darwin's theory of evolution was based only on his observations during his voyage to Asia, a) true, b) false?


Genetic information flows from _________. a) genes--->mRNA--->protein-----> phenotype, but evolution only selects/operates on genes, not phenotypes. a) true, b) false


If a woman learns to speak many languages, her children will inherit fluency in many languages a), True, b) False?


The horse and the camel are true North Americans, but Man and the elephants are immigrants from Asia. a) true, b) false.


The concept of a nonrandom/nonrepresentative small sample of a population establishing a new population some where else is referred to as ___? a) natural selection, b) hybridization, c) polyploidy, d) genetic drift/neutral selection.

genetic drift/neutral selection.

The existence of monotremes only on Australia can be explained by _________. a) geographic isolation, b) hybridization, c) neutral selection, d) migration, e) polyploidy.

geographic isolation,

When the Spanish invaded the Americas only a few thousand soldiers were ever in Cuba and Mexico at one time, and the Spanish did not bring women over to colonize their territories as did the Dutch, French and English. So, breeding by the Spanish soldiers was with millions of native American/Indian women that they did not murder. The migration of Spanish alleles into the Indian (Cuban/Mexican) population would have had a __________ genetic effect on the native population? a) major, b) medium, c) little.


Spanish brought alleles into the American populations by the process called _____? a) variation, b) hybridization, c) neutral selection, d) migration, e) polyploidy.


n the evolution of mammals the order from oldest to youngest would be _______? a) marsupials, monotremes, eutherians, b) marsupials, eutherians, monotremes, c) eutherians, marsupials, monotremes, d) monotremes, eutherians, marsupials, e) monotremes, marsupials, eutherians.

monotremes, marsupials, eutherians.

An undesirable allele, hemophilia, chondrodystrophic dwarfism, shows up in offspring of parents who did not have this allele; where did it come from? a) natural selection, b) genetic drift, c) isolation & hybridization, d) polyploidy & migration, e) mutation.


Natural selection is best described as ______? a) the ability to generate new traits that better suit the species, b) increasing the perfection of a species, c) nature working on the existing variation of traits to favor those better suited to the organism's environment, d) causing the death of a significant proportion of the population, e) driving the species toward an eventual endpoint in which the species possesses the best possible adaptations for that particular environment.

nature working on the existing variation of traits to favor those better suited to the organism's environment,

Who proposed concept of natural selection, did not understand genetics, and proposed his own theory of pangenesis. a) Malthus, b) Lyell, c) Haeckel, d) Cuvier, e) none of these

none of these

Nature selects _________, not ________. a) neotypes, genotypes, b) genotypes, phenotypes, c) holotypes, neotypes, d) phenotypes, genotypes, e) all of these.

phenotypes, genotypes,

A mutation in the DNA occurs such that adenine is substituted by guanine. This would be called a __________ mutation. a) chromosomal, b) point, c) deletion, d) inversion, e) duplication. question.)


Which of the following would not usually be important in the formation of new species of animals, but would be very important in plants? a) natural selection, b) hybridization, c) polyploidy, d) genetic drift, e) all important.


Evolution is best understood by changes in gene/allele frequencies of ________. a) individuals, b) populations, c) both a & b correct, d) both a & b incorrect.


Darwin was influenced by Thomas Malthus's writings on: A) population growth,, B) uniformitarianism,, C) genetics,, D) evolution, E) natural selection,

population growth

Evolution is best understood by changes in gene/allele frequencies of ________. a) individuals, b) populations, c) both a & b correct, d) both a & b incorrect.


The Irish population exploded during 1840' because of the introduction to the ________ and crashed because of __________. Millions died. a) sheep, wolves, ,b) corn, corn worm, c) potato, potato fungus d) wheat, wheat rust, e) cattle, over grazing,.

potato, potato fungus

In nature, inheritable mutations in the genes of an individual usually arise due to _______? A) random chance, B) environmental change, C) vigorous exercise or effort,, D) other species in the environment,, E) artificial selection,

random chance

Genetic variations in natural populations develops due to _____? a) random mutations & combination of gametes, b) changes in diet, c) changes in the environment, d) environmental catastrophies, e) individual activities.

random mutations & combination of gametes

Nondysjunction of chromosomes occurs in all species and can have major effects except with the ________. a) autosomes, b) sex chromosomes, c) both autosome and sex chromosomes.

sex chromosomes

The intense selection for average sized snake eggs is an example of _________ selection. a) directive, b) disruptive, c) stabilizing.


The theory of natural selection states that _______? a) all individuals live to reproduce in each generation, b) only the largest and strongest individuals survive, c) random assortment of genes results in better physical characteristics in the following generations, d) the most well-adapted individuals in their environments survive and reproduce, contributing the most genes to the next generation, e) individuals that mutate in response to changes in their environment will contribute the most genes to the next generation,

the most well-adapted individuals in their environments survive and reproduce, contributing the most genes to the next generation,

Strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is: a) they all have legs, b) their means of reproduction, c) the similarity of their embryological stages, d) they all evolved from fish, e) they all possess DNA.

the similarity of their embryological stages,

Most commercial pesticides are effective for only two or three years because: a) new pests invade the area, b) the chemicals induce mutations that provide immunity, c) the chemicals mutate and become ineffective, d) the pests learn to hide when the chemicals are being applied, e) those pests born with natural mutations that provide immunity will survive and reproduce.

those pests born with natural mutations that provide immunity will survive and reproduce.

All mammals have hair and mammary glands. a) true, b) false


Birds, bats, pterodactyls and land mammals have a lot of bones in their appendages that are similar so the genes controlling bones must be similar. a) true, b) false.


Does this statement illustrate Lamarck's theory on the mechanism of evolution: "Giraffes with longer necks survived and reproduced faster because they could reach a better food source"? a) true, b) false.


Early in embryonic development, all vertebrate embryos look similar, but quickly become different when different genes start being turned-on. A) True, B) False?


In early development, all the working genes are similar. And as more and more cells divide, some genes get turned off & turned off. Thus, what were similar embryos gradually become different as they develop to adults. a) true, b) false. a) true, b) false.


In most geological formations, younger rocks are layered over older rocks, a) True, b) False?


In theory, individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to reproduce and have more offspring. a) True, b) False?


Darwin, like Malthus, realized that most species produce many more offspring than is necessary to maintain a constant population, The "excess" individuals in a population _______? A) migrate to another location, B) usually die before they can reproduce, C) evolve to become new species, D) mutate and are able to adapt to new environments,

usually die before they can reproduce

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