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The symbols +, -, and 0 are to be used to show the results of interactions between individuals and groups of individuals. The symbol + denotes a positive interaction, - denotes a negative interaction, and 0 denotes where individuals are not affected by interacting. The first symbol refers to the first organism mentioned. What interactions exist between cellulose-digesting organisms in the gut of a termite and the termite?


The position an organism occupies in a food chain is called its:

trophic position

How many clades are represented on this tree?


Fish have a ___ chambered heart, hearts of frogs have _____, hearts of reptiles (except crocodylians) have ______, and hearts of birds have ___ chambers.

2, 3, 3, 4

The minimum depolarization needed to open the voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels is indicated by the label ________.


Which vessel is the pulmonary artery?


In a population of flowers, 30 are red (RR), 50 are purple (RB), and 20 are blue (BB). In this population RB is...

A genotype

Blood immediately outside of an active muscle would be expected to have

A low pH

In a population of flowers, 30 are red (RR), 50 are purple (RB), and 20 are blue (BB). In this population being Blue is...

A phenotype

Ecologists are interested in species diversity in communities because more diverse communities have the following characteristics: (Select all that apply) A) they are more stable B) they are resistant to invasive species C) they are more productive D) they are more resistant to abiotic stress

All answers are correct

Which of the following is an example of genetic drift? a. A population adapts to a changing environment b. Members of a population migrate into a new population c. All members of a population are descendants of a few survivors d. Some members of a population living in a swamp will only breed with other members that live close to them

All members of a population are descendants of a few survivors

All organisms use DNA as their code. This is evidence that

All organisms are descended from a common ancestor

A population of organisms will not evolve if__________.

All variation is due to environmental factors not genetic factors

Referring to the image below, the two populations isolated on either side of the mountain (A) could develop into different species. This would be an example of ________

Allopatric Speciation

Amphibian respiratory systems differ from those of reptiles in the following manner

Amphibian respiratory systems have two gas exchange organs, reptiles have one

The branch denoted by the letter H on the tree represents the ___________________.

Ancestral lineage

Homologous Structures

Are structures in two or more species that originate as the same structure in a common ancestor

Organisms that harness light energy to build energy rich molecules are called ________.


This diagram is referred to as a a. Phylogenetic tree b. phylogeny c. cladogram d. all of the above

D. All of the above

Which letter represents an organism that could only be a primary producer? In this hypothetical food web the arrows represent the transfer of energy between the various trophic levels. Species at the head of the arrow consume those at the base of the same arrow.


Which vessel is the systemic vein?


Ichthyosaurs were aquatic dinosaurs. Fossils show us that they had dorsal fins and tails, as do fish, even though their closest relatives were terrestrial reptiles that had neither dorsal fins nor aquatic tails. The dorsal fins and tails of ichthyosaurs and fish are a. homologous. b. examples of convergent evolution. c. adaptations to a common environment. d. A and B e. B and C

B and C

Species A and B have different courtship displays.

Behavioral Isolation

Using the same food web shown in questions #36, which letter represents an organism that could only be a primary consumer?


Which of the following graphs illustrates the population growth curve starting with a single bacterium growing in a flask of ideal medium at optimum temperature over a two-hour period? Assume resources do not become limiting over this time frame. C


All organisms must obey physical and chemical laws. Such constraints often result in similar adaptations in unrelated organisms experiencing the same environment. Such an observation is called ___________________.


Which statement about dispersal is false? A) Dispersal is a common component of the life cycles of plants and animals. B) Colonization of devastated areas after floods or volcanic eruptions depends on dispersal. C) Dispersal occurs only on an evolutionary time scale. D) The ability to disperse can expand the geographic distribution of a species.

C) Dispersal occurs only on an evolutionary time scale.

This diagram illustrates which type of exchange system?


In the figure, which of the following survivorship curves most applies to humans living in developed countries?

Curve A

In the figure, which of the following survivorship curves implies that an animal may lay many eggs, of which a regular number die each year on a logarithmic scale?

Curve B

Which group of taxa represent a monophyletic group (i.e., a clade) in the tree

D, E, F

Natural Selection...

Is the removal of unfit organisms from the gene pool

Biotic factors that influence the distribution of species include: A) predation B) herbivory C) mutualism D) all of the above

D) all of the above

In the exchange system shown in question #41, the oxygen partial pressure (i.e., concentration) in the water _______________ as it moves across the gas exchange surface.


An ecologist recorded 12 white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, per square kilometer (km2) in one woodlot and 20 km2 in another woodlot. What was the ecologist comparing?


200 years ago African Elephants on average had much longer tusks. After decades of poaching, the average tusk length is much shorter. This is an example of...

Directional Selection

The neuron membrane is at its resting potential at label ________.


The coordinating system of the body that send rapid, directed signals to specific cells in the body is called the _________________.

Endocrine System

Food is carried to the stomach via the


During a hot day a dog will start to pant. What type of heat exchange is occurring?


A clumped pattern of ecological dispersion is most likely a consequence of extreme territorial behavior. T or F


Insects and earthworms both have open circulatory systems. T or F


Nutrients, waste products, and gases are always exchanged via active transport. T or F


One chamber of a fish's heart pumps oxygen rich blood, while the other pumps oxygen poor blood. T or F


Population and community ecology are completely separate fields of study and do not reciprocally influence on another.


Stabilizing selection increases genetic diversity in a population. T or F


counter-current exchange is a less efficient mode of gas exchange than co-current exchange. T or F


After surgical removal of an infected gallbladder, a person must be especially careful to restrict dietary intake of ________.


If after a period of time the two populations were reunited and produced fertile hybrids, then which of the following hybrid events is most likely taking place.


Proteins on the surface of the egg cell of species A are not recognized by a sperm cell from species B.

Gametic Isolation

5 mice from population A breed with mice in population B. This is an example of...

Gene Flow

An earthquake decimates a ground-squirrel population, killing 98% of the squirrels. The surviving population happens to have broader stripes, on average, than the initial population. If broadness of stripes is genetically determined, what effect has the ground-squirrel population experienced during the earthquake?

Genetic bottleneck

Pepsinogen is converted to its active form in the stomach by ________.


A relatively long cecum is characteristic of animals that are ________.


The body's automatic tendency to maintain a constant and optimal internal environment is termed as ________.


Birds and alligators share a recent common ancestor that had teeth. Therefore, hen's teeth are _____________ to alligator teeth


Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement? A) Hormones are chemical messengers that travel to target cells through the circulatory system. B) Hormones often regulate homeostasis through antagonistic functions. C) Hormones of the same chemical class (e.g. steroids) always have the same function. D) Hormones are often regulated through feedback loops.

Hormones of the same chemical class (e.g. steroids) always have the same function.

Offspring of species A and B are fertile, but offspring from hybrids are sterile.

Hybrid breakdown

Testosterone is an example of a chemical signal that affects the very cells that synthesize it, the neighboring cells in the testis, along with distant cells outside the gonads. Thus, testosterone is an example of ________. Select all that Apply I) an autocrine signal II) a paracrine signal III) an endocrine signal

I, II, and III

Which of the following statements is consistent with the principle of competitive exclusion?

If two species have the same fundamental niche, one will exclude the other competing species.

The exaggerated horns of a male ram are most likely a result of...

Intrasexual selection

Inbreeding can be harmful to a population because...

It increases the chance of homozygosity

Which of the following ions is most likely to cross the plasma membrane of a resting neuron?


The north and south poles experience cold temperatures because:

Low angle of incoming solar energy at the poles

The lowest rate of energy use in an ectotherm is referred to as the ____________________ metabolic rate. This represents the energy necessary to simply sustain life.


As animals have evolved large body size, they have also evolved adaptations to improve exchange of energy and materials with the environment. For example, in many larger organisms, evolution has favored lungs and a digestive tract with ________.

More branching or folds

Both positive and negative feedback and positive feedback are critical physiological processes. Which one is primarily involve in the maintenance of homeostasis?

Negative Feedback

There are 20 red horses (RR), 50 roan horses (Rr), and 30 white (rr) horses in a population. Is this population in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium? Y or N


The pulmonary artery carries

Oxygen poor blood

Intercellular signaling in which secreted chemical molecules from one cell trigger a response in neighboring cells is called ______________.


Using the _____________ species concept, we would name species based on their most recent common ancestor.


The common edible frog of Europe is a hybrid between two species, Rana lessonae and Rana ridibunda. The hybrids were first described in 1758 and have a wide distribution, from France across central Europe to Russia. Both male and female hybrids exist, but when they mate among themselves, they are rarely successful in producing offspring. What can you infer from this information?

Postzygotic isolation exists between the two frog species.

If Pepsin was not being produced, what would be harder to digest?


Imagine you are a red blood cell in the capillaries surrounding an alveolus of a mammal. Which is the correct pathway you would travel on your journey around the body?

Pulmonary veins -> left atrium -> left ventricle -> systemic arteries -> systemic capillaries -> systemic veins -> right atrium -> right ventricle -> pulmonary arteries

There are 20 red horses (RR), 50 roan horses (Rr), and 30 white (rr) horses in a population. What are the allele frequencies for this population?

R = 0.45, r = 0.55

There are 20 red horses (RR), 50 roan horses (Rr), and 30 white (rr) horses in a population. What are the genotype frequencies for this population?

RR = 0.2, Rr = 0.5, rr = 0.3

Offspring produced by species A and B are sterile.

Reduced Hybrid Fertility

The best classification system is that which most closely ________.

Reflects evolutionary history

What does the graph tell you about the effect of a keystone species?

Removing a keystone species from the community drastically reduces species richness.

Based on this tree, which statement is correct?

Salamanders are a sister group to the group containing lizards, goats, and humans.

In many bird species, males are brightly colored or have complex mating rituals to attract a mate. Males are so different from females in these populations as result of...

Sexual selection

Characteristics that are the only ones that can provide information about evolutionary relationships.

Shared, derived characteristics

Taxa B and C together can be described as sharing what type of relationship?


The bulk of digestion occurs in the human

Small intestine

Food moves along the digestive tract as the result of contractions by ________.

Smooth Muscle

Species A mates in July and species B mates in September.

Temporal Isolation

The anterior (AP) and posterior pituitary (PP) differ from one another in two important ways. These are ______________.

The AP secretes tropic hormones and is derived from endocrine tissue, whereas the PP does not secrete tropic hormones and is derived from neural tissue

What would be an advantage for an animal that conforms to a changing environmental condition, such as temperature?

The animal would spend less energy regulating its internal temperature.

In the experiment testing whether Chthamalus stellatus (a species of barnacle) is competitively excluded from the lower intertidal zone by Balanus balanoides (another species of barnacle), what could be concluded about the two species? Results of the experiment are shown in the figure below.

The fundamental and realized niches of B. balanoides are identical, but the fundamental and realized niches of C. stellatus are different.

You are dissecting a fish in your biology laboratory section. Your teaching assistant points out a long oval structure and tells you it is an endocrine gland. Which of the following would you then know is a true statement about this structure? A) It secretes a product that is released through a series of ducts. B) The gland's product will only interact with receptors on the cell membrane. C) The gland's product is lipid soluble. D) The gland produces and secretes its product into the blood.

The gland produces and secretes its product into the blood.

As N approaches K for a certain population, which of the following outcomes is predicted by the logistic equation?

The population growth rate will approach zero.

In the previous question, the underlying reason that the two populations could develop into different species after separation is ___________.

The rise of the mountain range cut off gene flow between the two populations.

The work of which individual convinced Darwin that Natural selection operated through competition for limiting resources?

Thomas Malthus

Given that phylogenies are based on shared derived characteristics, which of the following traits is useful in generating a phylogeny of species W, X, Y, and Z?

Trait 2

Vestigial traits are...

Traits that are no longer used by a species but show its common origins with other species

A hormone has effects on multiple separate target tissues or organs. T or F


Taxon G in the diagram shown in question #12 is referred to as the outgroup. T or F


The Nervous and Endocrine Systems are tightly integrated through the hypothalamus. T or F


All humans have a tailbone, tailbones in humans are...

Vestigial Traits

The interior lumen of the small intestine is covered in multicellular projections called


What is the primary role of the large intestine? *

Water absorption

During mammalian labor and delivery, the contraction of uterine muscles is enhanced by oxytocin. This is an example of ________.

a hormone that is involved in a positive feedback loop

Evolutionary adaptations that help some animals directly exchange matter between the cells of their body and the environment include ________.

a small body size, and a two-cell-layered body

The average temperature and moisture conditions of a 10m2 location in a forest characterize ___________________.

abiotic components of the environment

Fight-or-flight reactions include activation of the ________.

adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine

During a stressful interval, ________.

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal cortex, and neurons of the sympathetic nervous system stimulate the adrenal medulla

Hybrid zones challenge the Biological Species Concept, however they are critically useful to biologists because they...

allow researchers to dissect the process of reproductive isolation

An advantage of a complete digestive system (alimentary canal) over a gastrovascular cavity is that the complete system ________.

allows for specialized regions with specialized functions

Tropic hormones characteristic of the many different hormone axes are secreted from the ________.

anterior pituitary gland

In the figure, which of the arrows represents the carrying capacity?

arrow C

Corn (Zea maze) was bred by humans over many thousands of years. This is an example of _________________.

artificial selection

Population growth is dependent upon which factors?

births, deaths, immigration, and emigration

Population growth typically shows a pattern of exponential increase (i.e., growth within each curve gets steeper as time passes). This pattern is a consequence of ________________.

both the per capita rate and current population size (rN)

Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants in the tropics. As the ants march along the forest floor hunting insects and small vertebrates, birds follow and pick off any insects or small vertebrates that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. This situation is an example of what kind of species interaction between the birds and the ants?


Which of the following causes populations to shift most quickly from an exponential to a logistic population growth?

competition for resources

Uniform spacing patterns in plants such as the creosote bush are most often associated with ________.

competitive interaction between individuals of the same population

Similar characteristics of organisms that arise in similar biomes that are far away from one another evolve through a process called:


If A=0.5 what is the frequency of Aa? a. 0.20 b. 0.48 c. 0.60 d. 0.50 e. None of the above

d. 0.50

A population of deer have two forms of an antler gene A and a. Humans hunt this population and selectively remove individuals with the dominant trait. Which of the following genotype frequencies will go down? a. Homozygous dominant b. Heterozygous c. Homozygous recessive d. A and B e. B and C

d. A and B

As the population size of field mice increases, the birth rate declines causing the population size to level off. This pattern illustrates an example of ___________________.

density dependent population growth

Ohms Law states that an electrical current is ____________

directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance

Which of the following would not result in evolution? a. Mutations in a genome that results in a new and better adapted characteristic. b. Deer migrating from one population to another and mating with individuals in that population. c. Female stalk eyed flies picking males based on the male with the greatest distance between their eyes. d. Wind pollinated flowers by chance only fertilizing one phenotype of the species. e. All of the above would result in evolution.

e. All of the above would result in evolution.

Which of the following is a mechanism of evolution? a. Natural Selection b. genetic drift c. mutation d. non-random mating e. all of the above f. none of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following areas of study focuses on the exchange of energy, organisms, and materials between ecosystems?

ecosystem ecology

The movement of individuals out of a population is called ______________.


If two species are close competitors, and one species is experimentally removed from the community, the remaining species would be expected to ________.

expand its realized niche

Natural selection works purely by chance. T or F


Over time the movement of people on Earth has steadily increased. This has altered the course of human evolution by increasing______.

gene flow

Which of the following choices correctly presents only prezygotic isolating mechanisms? a. geographical isolation, ecological isolation, behavioral isolation, and hybrid sterility b. temporal isolation, mechanical isolation, hybrid adults die before mating, geographical isolation c. ecological isolation, geographical isolation, mechanical isolation, hybrid sterility d. geographical isolation, temporal isolation, behavioral isolation

geographical isolation, temporal isolation, behavioral isolation

The digestive function of the ________________ in a bird is similar to that of the teeth in a mammal.


Mechanical digestion, the process of breaking down large chunks of food into smaller pieces, is important because smaller pieces of food ________.

have more surface area for chemical digestion than do larger pieces of food

People experiencing chronic stress may be more likely to become sick because ________.

high circulating glucocorticoid can suppress the immune response

The body's automatic tendency to maintain a constant and optimal internal environment is termed as ________.


Chemical signals that are secreted into the circulatory system and communicate regulatory messages within the body


Hormones secreted by the posterior pituitary gland are from neurosecretory cells originating in the ________.


Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) are synthesized in the ________ but released from the ________.

hypothalamus; posterior pituitary

Glucocorticoids do which of the following?

increase blood glucose levels

Predict the effects of a drug that increases adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) synthesis.

increase in glucocorticoid production

The cells that respond to steroid hormones typically have their receptors _______________.

inside the cytoplasm

For a neuron with an initial membrane potential at -70 mV, an increase in the movement of potassium ions across that neuron's membrane would result in the ________.

interior of the cell becoming more negative in charge

In a cool environment, an ectotherm is more likely to survive an extended period of food deprivation than would an equally sized endotherm because the ectotherm ________.

invests little energy in temperature regulation

Character displacement differs from resource partitioning because character displacement ________.

is directly linked to the evolution of genotypes that have allowed alternate resource use

A population's carrying capacity

may change as environmental conditions change.

A community's species diversity is highest when the community experiences ________.

moderate levels of disturbance

When the body's blood glucose level rises, the pancreas secretes insulin and, as a result, the blood glucose level declines. When the blood glucose level is low, the pancreas secretes glucagon and, as a result, the blood glucose level rises. Such regulation of the blood glucose level is the result of ________.

negative feedback

An interspecific interaction characterize by the following relationship (+/-)


Chief cells in the stomach secrete ___________________ which is converted to ______________ by _______________ .

pepsinogen; pepsin; HCL

The portion of the Nervous System excluding the brain and spinal cord.

peripheral nervous system

Removing which of the following glands would have the most wide-reaching effect on bodily functions of an adult human?

pituitary gland

According to the logistic growth equation, dN/dt = rN*(K-N)/K , ________.

population growth is greatest when N is close to zero

Which of the following groups would be most likely to exhibit uniform dispersion? A) red squirrels, who actively defend territories B) cattails, which grow primarily at edges of lakes and streams C) dwarf mistletoes, which parasitize particular species of forest tree D) lake trout, which seek out cold, deep water high in dissolved oxygen

red squirrels, who actively defend territories

Colonization of a new island followed by evolution of different species that occupy different niches within the environment is typically a consequence of ______________________.

resource partitioning

The three main stages through which information travels in animals' response loops include ________.

sensory reception, an integrating center, and effectors (target organs/cells)

Convergent evolution occurs when...

similar selective forces result in similar structures evolving independently, for example, wings in birds and bats

Although the membrane of a "resting" neuron is highly permeable to potassium ions, its membrane potential does not exactly match the equilibrium potential for potassium (-90mV) because the neuronal membrane is also ________.

slightly permeable to sodium ions

The operation of the sodium-potassium pump moves ________.

sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell

Charles Lyell contributed much to Darwin's ideas about evolution. Which concept most influenced Darwin's hypothesis of natural selection?


Resource partitioning would be most likely to occur between ________

sympatric populations of species with similar ecological niches

Two communicating neurons exchange chemical information across a space called the ________.


A cell with membrane-bound proteins that selectively bind a specific hormone is called that hormone's ________.

target cell

Following a stressful stimulus, the fight-or-flight response will cause ________.

the breakdown of glycogen into glucose

What is true about the following communities? Letters denote different species and percentage values indicate the proportion of the community composed of that species.

the two communities differ in both species richness and relative abundance

What is true about the following communities? Letters denote different species and percentage values indicate the proportion of the community composed of that species.

the two communities have the same species richness

Lipid soluble and water soluble hormones typically have in common ________.

their requirement for travel through the bloodstream

The specific class of ion channels that open during an action potential are called ________.

voltage-gated channels

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