Bio II Exam 3 study questions

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Yeast reproduce asexually by


Protists have various means of locomotion; they move by all of the following means EXCEPT

by mycelium

You find a protist that has a single flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli. You correctly conclude that this organism is a(n):


The common ancestor of all animals is/are the:


Which protist group is characterized by having a micronucleus and a macronucleus?


Your abdominal cavity, which contains most of your major organs, is a:

coelom lined by mesoderm

Which pair of words is incorrectly matched?

coelom—nο body cavity

fungi that lack septa are called


Puffballs and bracket fungi are most closely related to

common edible mushrooms

which of the following is a vascular plant?


One ancestral characteristic remaining in representatives of the Chytridiomycota is

flagellated cells

Members of the alveolates are characterized by the presence of:

flattened vesicles under the plasma membrane

As a contemporary scientist, which of the following would you use as evidence to propose changing the traditional animal phylogenies

molecular data

A plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a


Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition is referred to a


Which algal group contains individuals that are typically unicellular and form siliceous shells, and are responsible for over 40 percent of photosynthesis in the world's oceans


Members of which group are known to form blooms known as red tides?


Among the protist groups below, which has organisms that typically move with two or more flagella?


In most developing eudicot seeds, the primary source of nutritive material is in the:


Which of the following is NOT part of the Chromalveolates group of eukaryotes?


Which process marks the start of the dikaryotic stage (n + n) in the fungal reproductive cycle?


Which animal phylum has an asymmetrical body plan?


Asomycetes are NOT used for which of the following applications?

prepare vinigar

The gametophyte generation of ferns is the:


Coralline forms of which group of protists are ecologically important in the formation of coral reefs?

red algae

Which protist group does not have flagellated cells?

red algea

Within ciliates, what do the micronuclei control?


If adult sponges are sessile, why can they still be classified as animals

sponge larvae are motile

When two gametes fuse, the diploid portion of the life cycle is called

sporophyte generation

Which was the primary challenge animals faced in adapting to life on land?

the desiccating effect of the atmosphere - gravity

Which of the following correctly describes fungal spores

they are nonmotile and reproduce either sexually or asexually

Modern botanists think that all plants evolved from a common ancestor, an ancient green algae. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

they share many biochemical and metabolic traits

what is the function of the phloem in plants

to transport dissolved sugars

the wood on conifers consists of


The endosperm of an angiosperm seed is typically:

triploid (3n)

The stramenopiles include water molds, diatoms, golden algae, and brown algae.


cells that have a single flagellum or are amoebas with no flagella are


The sac fungi are characterized by sexual reproductive structures called:


The club fungi typically reproduce by producing


Which statement about gymnosperms and angiosperms is FALSE?

both groups have free-living gametophytes

After fertilization in angiosperms, what does the ovule develop into?


heterospory is believed to have led to the evolution of


Refer to the accompanying figure. What is missing in the filament labeled as A?


a sorus is a cluster of sporangia


in algea, gametangia are generally unicellular


Which of the following is NOT an example of an animal disease caused by an ascomycete?


Refer to the accompanying figure. The structure labeled as 4 is a:


What is the process occurring at point 3 in the accompanying figure?

zygote germination

Which label designates a female reproductive structure in the accompanying figure?


The haploid gametophytes produce male gametangia known as


are parasites that produce sporozoites and are nonmotile.


Gametophytes also produce female gametangia known as:


Which of the following genes were similar in the last common ancestor of all bilateral animals

HOX genes

Refer to the accompanying figure. Which statement about label 1 is FALSE?

It is part of the sporophyte generation.

What are the two clades of the protostomes?

Lophotrochozoa and Ecdysozoa

How do protostomes differ from deuterostomes?

Protostomes undergo spiral cleavage during development.

What is the outcome of the process illustrated in the accompanying figure?

Two new genetically identical cells that differ genetically from what they were before

The vast majority of bilateral animals have a fluid-filled body cavity, or coelom. Which of the following is an exception?


Which of the following explains why fewer animals live in freshwater than in the ocean

freshwater is generally hypotonic to tissue fluids

As a seed develops from an ovule, the ovule wall enlarges and develops into a: Correct!


Which generation is significantly reduced in size and entirely dependent on the sporophyte generation?


The haploid portion of the life cycle is called the _______________ because it gives rise to haploid gametes by mitosis.

gametophyte generation

The fourth phylum is a collection of which unusual plants that share certain traits not found in other gymnosperms?


Which group of protists are unicellular, biflagellate stramenopiles that form a significant portion of the nanoplankton

golden algae

A flower that has sepals, petals, and stamens, but lacks carpels, is known as

incomplete and imperfect

What is an example of a plant disease caused by a basiodiomycete

wheat rust

How is the pollen of pine trees primarily disseminated


Which vascular tissue in both gymnosperms and flowering plants is for conducting water and dissolved minera


Which statement about mycorrhizae is FALSE?

Arbuscular mycorrhizae are extracellular.

Red algae, green algae, and land plants are collectively called


in plants, sporogenous cells divide by mitosis to form spores



Female part of the flower

Which of the following is NOT an opisthokont, a monophyletic group characterized by a posterior flagellum on motile cells


Which group of plants were the most recent to evolve?


Which of the following characteristics about animals is FALSE?

animals cannot respond to stimuli

One true characteristic of all animals is that they:

are heterotrophs

Ascomycetes reproduce sexually by forming


are divided into three distinct phyla: mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.


are the only living nonvascular plants


Some protists consist of a single cell with multiple nuclei. This condition is known as


Which plants generally have leaves called needles that are long, narrow, tough, and leathery


Which phylum's very few surviving species are tropical and subtropical plants with stout, trunk-like stems, and compound leaves that resemble those of palms or tree ferns


hyphae that contain two genetically distinct, sexually compatible nuclei within each cell are described as


seed plants produce ovules, each of which is a megasporangium surrounded bu


Which statement best supports why animals most likely evolved in the ocean?

internal fluid and salt balance were easy to maintain

Which of the following regarding the coelom is NOT a correct statement?

it functions as an endoskeleton

A key step in the evolution of vascular plants was the ability to produce ____, a strengthening polymer in the walls of cells that provide support and conduction.


The inner germ layer, or endoderm, forms which of the following structures

lining of digestive structures

Bilateral symmetry and cephalization are adaptations for which of the following?


Pseudopodia are used by Amoeba for ingesting food as well as for


The structure labeled as 9 in the accompanying figure was produced by:

meiosis in the resting sporangium

are small leaves with a single vascular strand


Which eukaryotic organelles likely arose from symbiotic relationships between larger cells and bacteria

mitochondria and chloroplasts

How do mycorrhizae benefit plants

mycorrhizae increase a plans absorptive surface area of roots

what type of leaf venation do eudicots possess


The hypha, a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi, serves which of the following functions?

nutrient absorption

what is an example of a monocot


The female gametophyte generation in angiosperms is found in the:

ovule of the ovary

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