Bio Inquizitive Ch14

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Which evolutionary tree is most likely from the following three organisms?


Which mass extinction event claimed the dinosaurs?


In this evolutionary tree, the uppercase letters represent species, and their positions on the tree reflect times on Earth. Identify which species went extinct.

A, B, C, D, J

Match each common animal with its kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, and scientific name (genus and species).

Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Carnivora, Canidae, Canis rufus, wolf Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae, Felis catus, -domestic tabby cat Animalia, Chordata, Mammalia, Primates, Hominidae, Homo sapiens,-human

Match each of the following organisms to its kingdom. Not all answers will be used.

Animalia-gorilla,salmon,mosquito Fungi, -bread mold mushroom Protista, -kelp Plantae,rose bush fern

Order the following events chronologically as they happened in the history of life.

Atmospheric oxygen levels increased. Terrestrial fungi evolved. The first vertebrates colonized land. Earth's second mass extinction occurred. Birds first appeared in the fossil record

Which of the following is true?

CORRECT Birds evolved from dinosaurs., Feathers evolved before birds. INCORRECT Mammals dominated before reptiles The first vertebrates to fly were amphibians.

Which of the following evolutionary concepts are unlikely to ever be overturned?

CORRECT Different species alive today share common ancestors Natural selection occurs in populations. INCORRECT Modern humans evolved directly from Homo erectus. Argentinosaurus was the largest dinosaur to ever live.

An organism is found to be multicellular. To which of the following kingdoms could it belong?

CORRECT Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia INCORRECT Bacteria, Archaea

Which of the statements regarding the history of life is accurate?

CORRECT Reptiles evolved from land vertebrates. Animals first evolved in the ocean Photosynthesis evolved before eukaryotes INCORRECT Humans evolved before the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Which of the following types of data are used to construct evolutionary trees?

CORRECT fossil analysis anatomical comparisons of living organisms DNA analysis

If two organisms are included in the same order, which other levels of organization must they necessarily share?

CORRECT kingdom class phylum INCORRECT family species genus

Which factors are likely causes of mass extinction events?

CORRECT sea level changes climate change volcanic eruptions INCORRECT viruses

Which of the following have helped plants transition to life on land?

CORRECT waxy cuticle, vascular tissue INCORRECT chloroplasts, floating leaves

Your friend finds an organism that is multicellular. Which single question about it, if answered yes, would indicate its kingdom?

Does it have muscles?

Both Xu Xing and Pascal Godefroit, paleontologists who study feathered dinosaur fossils, agree that the earliest bird species was an Aurornis.


In order to transition from an aquatic existence to life on land, amphibians developed gills.


Evolutionary trees, such as the one below, are finished products and are not subject to revision. Is this statement true or false, and why?

False, because future discoveries may revise these relationships.

Match each event with its major evolutionary significance.

Land plants and vertebrates diversify-Continents separate from Pangaea. Eukaryotes evolve-Oxygen levels increase in the atmosphere. Vertebrates colonize land-Plants cover Earth's land.

This chapter details the work of Xu Xing, a paleontologist who specializes in the evolutionary relationships of feathered dinosaurs. Order the following events chronologically to describe how paleontologists like Xu Xing gather evidence and explain the possible relationships among feathered fossils.

New feathered fossils are discovered. Shared derived traits of new fossils are compared to existing fossils. New evolutionary tree is drawn to hypothesize relationships. New evolutionary tree is published. Alternate evolutionary trees are proposed that alter the published hypothesis.

Place the evolutionary events in the order they occurred, from earliest to latest in history.

Pants colonize land vertebrates colonize land Reptiles dominate land mammals dominate land

In the transition to life on land, organisms had to handle many of the functions basic to life very differently in the new environment than in water. Match each basic life function with the adaptation organisms developed.

Some organisms developed limbs instead of fins-movement Plants developed pollen and seeds.-reproduction Plants developed rigid cell walls.-support

According to the evolutionary tree below, species G shares a common ancestor with species B.


Humans evolved during the age of the mammals.


Species that are very closely related should possess a high number of shared derived traits.


According to the evolutionary tree below, which event happened first in evolutionary history?

The A-B clade diverged from the C-D-E-F clade.

You find an organism that is multicellular, moves around, and eats other organisms. What organism is it most likely to be?

an animal

According to this figure, what is true of the relationship between modern birds and Archaeopteryx?

archaeopteryx and birds share a common ancestor.

Wolves, dogs, and coyotes are all canines and belong to the same genus. To which of the following genera do they likely belong?


What is the lowest (most specific) level of the Linnaean hierarchy that these two mammals (human and domestic dog) share?


Diversity of plant and animal species usually -during mass extinctions and -in between mass extinctions.

decreases, and increases

Extinction of dominant groups of organisms often leads to what outcome?

dominance of a new group of organisms

According to the evolutionary tree below, which pair of species is/was the most closely related?

e and f

Place the events that occur during a mass extinction in order, from earliest to latest.

environment changes dramatically many group of species go extinct new groups of species take over the available resources

In the Cretaceous extinction event, 40% of all plant and animal species are believed to have gone extinct.


Prokaryotic organisms likely evolved from eukaryotic organisms.


The location of Archaeopteryx within an evolutionary tree of dinosaurs and birds is fixed and cannot change.


There is a debate among many biologists as to whether the many species we see today are the products of evolution from a common ancestor.


According to the Linnaean hierarchy, which level of classification would be less inclusive than class but more inclusive than genus?


Scientists recognize -mass extinction events in Earth's history, each of which -the number of species on the planet. After extinctions of dominant groups on Earth, habitats are usually recolonized by -types of life.

five, severely decreased, different

Click (or tap) on the group that is most closely related to animals according to this evolutionary tree.


Evolutionary trees are best considered to be - and are -revised. On the other hand, our basic models of evolutionary processes, such as the mechanism of natural selection, are -, which are based on -amounts of data.

hypotheses often scientific theories large

Xu Xing studies feathered dinosaurs and the origins of bird flight. He has discovered more than 60 species of dinosaurs. If you discovered a fossil that looked like a dinosaur but had feathers, which of the following would most likely be true?

its ancestor was a theropod.

Match each of these human taxonomic groups to their correct level of classification.

kingdom-Animalia phylum-Chordata class-Mammalia order-Primates family-Hominidae genus-:Homo species-Sapien

An evolutionary tree is a diagram that indicates evolutionary relationships among organisms. Each branch is referred to as a -, which connects to other branches at places called -, which represent -between the organisms on the branches. When two organisms possess a high number of shared derived traits, it is evidence that these two are -related.

lineage, nodes, common ancestors, closely

Match each of the following organisms to the most exclusive level in the Linnaean hierarchy that it shares with humans. If an organism is included in more than one group with humans, remember to choose the most specific group that it shares with humans.

look below

Identify on the evolutionary tree the node at which species E and F's most recent common ancestor would have been found


Match each organism with the other member of its kingdom

moss- palm tree mold- mushroom butterfly- whale

What is the best explanation for how mammals came to dominate the Earth?

most reptiles were wiped out by cataclysm.

Place the lineages in order from the earliest to colonize land to the latest.

plants, fungi, insects, vertebrates

Place the biological groups or processes in the order they appeared, from earliest to latest in history.

prokaryotes photosynthesis eukaryotes animals and plants

Archaea and Bacteria are the two domains of - . However, Archaea are more closely related to the domain - than they are to Bacteria. There are - kingdoms of eukaryotic life. Unlike prokaryotes, each of these kingdoms have some members that are - . Humans belong to kingdom -

prokaryotes, eukarya, four, multicellular, animalia

Archaea and Bacteria are the two domains of - . However, Archaea are more closely related to the domain - than they are to Bacteria. There are - kingdoms of eukaryotic life. Unlike prokaryotes, each of these kingdoms have some members that are - . Humans belong to kingdom - .

prokaryotes, eukarya, four, multicellular, animalia

Domestic dogs are grouped in kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Canidae, and genus Canis. Because humans are also mammals, they belong in the same class as dogs, Mammalia.


The release of oxygen from photosynthesis allowed the evolution of more complex multicellular life.


Click or tap on the place in the evolutionary tree where you would find the species most closely related to species X.

the box in the middle

The scientific name for humans is Homo sapiens. In this name, Homo represents what?

the genus name

Place each of the organisms on the evolutionary tree to correctly represent their evolutionary relationships. Place the group that contains humans at the bottom of the tree.

top to bottom virus 5 circle things plant monkey

Match each event with the geological period during which it most likely happened.

under these

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