bio midterm

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151. One of the parents of a child has phenylketonuria (PKU), which is caused by autosomal recessive alleles. The other parent does not have the PKU alleles. What is the chance that the couple will have a child with phenylketonuria? [Hint: Create a Punnett Square to determine your answer]

A. 0%

167. The sequence of DNA below is part of a gene. How many amino acids are coded for by this segment? 5' ATCAGCGCTGGC 3'

A. 4

4. The combined observations of Mattias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann and Rudolph Virchow resulted in the formation of the cell theory. Which of the following is not part of the cell theory?

A. All cells contain a nucleus

84. A weightlifter is using heavy weights in short bursts for a competition. Because his muscle cells are not able to take in enough oxygen to make very much ATP the weightlifter begins to get fatigue in his muscles. Which of the following processes is most likely going on in the muscles of the weightlifter as he competes in his event?

A. As the cells run out of oxygen they switch to anaerobic respiration, which allows the cell to make small amounts of ATP in the absence of oxygen.

159. What is the relationship between DNA and protein in a cell?

A. DNA is made up of proteins that are synthesized in the cell?

66. The diagram below illustrates a biochemical process that occurs in organisms. What is another name for the substance labeled "catalyst"?

A. Enzyme

67. The human body maintains a temperature of around 98.6 degrees at all times. Enzymes are involved in almost every chemical reaction in the body. Which of the following describes the connection between these two statements?

A. Enzymes function best at a specific temperature.

35. A research group has discovered that damselflies, a type of dragonfly, are being infected by a particular type of aquatic protozoan. Both young and adult damselflies are not directly infected by the protozoan but contract the infection from the prey they eat. The graph shows the percentage of adult damselflies infected by protozoans during the summer and early fall. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the graph?

A. Infection in embanked ponds increased during the sampling period.

64. As food travels through the digestive system, it is exposed to a variety of pH levels. The stomach has a pH of 2 due to the presence of hydrochloric acid (HCl), and the small intestine has a pH ranging from 7 to 9. HCl converts pepsinogen into pepsin, an enzyme that digests proteins in the stomach. Which of the following most likely happens to pepsin as it enters the small intestine?

A. It becomes inactive.

63. Meat tenderizer contains an enzyme that breaks down meat. If meat is coated with tenderizer and then placed in a refrigerator, predict how the enzyme might be affected?

A. It would break down the meat more slowly.

74. Two test tubes were filled with a solution of bromthymol blue. A student exhaled through a straw into each tube, and the bromthymol blue turned yellow. An aquatic green plant was placed into each tube, and the tubes were corked. One tube was placed in the dark, and one was placed in direct sunlight. The yellow solution in the tube in sunlight turned blue, while the one in the dark remained yellow. Which statement best explains why the solution in the tube placed in sunlight returned to a blue color?

A. Oxygen was produced by photosynthesis.

38. What is the independent variable in the experiment from question #38?

A. Solution A, B & C?

70. How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis related, in terms of energy?

A. The energy captured in photosynthesis is used to power cellular respiration.

40. Small insects can walk across the surface of calm water. Their feet push the surface of the water down slightly, somewhat like a person walking across a trampoline, but they do not break the surface. What is the best explanation for why this happens?

A. The insects are light enough so that they do not break the hydrogen bonds holding the water molecules together

65. The graph below shows how the activity of an enzyme changes over a range of pH values. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from this graph? elaborate

A. The optimum pH of the enzyme is 6.6.

170. A diagram of a cellular process is shown below. Which of the following identifies the process shown at point Z?

A. Translation

17. Osmosis occurs when there is a different concentration of solute molecules on each side of the membrane. The drawing below shows a beaker containing a 30% salt solution and a suspended cell containing a 10% salt solution. What statement best describes the cell after 20 minutes?

A. Water will move from the cell into the beaker, resulting in a smaller cell.

29. When Streptococcus pneumoniae are exposed to an antibiotic, the bacteria try to pump the antibiotic out of their cells. Which of the following mechanisms is most likely used by the Streptococcus pneumoniae to pump the antibiotic out of their cells?

A. active transport

6. Look at the cross section of a cell membrane of a eukaryotic cell. H+ ions are being pumped from a low concentration to a high concentration. Which of the following best describes the type of transport across the cell membrane?

A. active transport

165. At what point in the cell cycle does DNA replication occur and why?

A. before a cell divides, to provide each of the two resulting cells with a complete set of DNA instructions

87. Which process do animals use to convert energy from food into ATP?

A. cellular respiration

75. Which of the following diagrams accurately represents the use of gases in both cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

A. elaborate

55. Baby food manufacturers sometimes use proteases in their products. Proteases catalyze the breakdown of the proteins in these foods, making digestion easier for infants. Proteases are which of the following types of molecules?

A. enzyme

32. Carrot sticks that are left in a dish of freshwater for several hours become stiff and hard. Similar sticks left in a saltwater solution become limp and soft. From this we can deduce that the freshwater is ______ and the saltwater is ________ to the cells of the carrot sticks.

A. hypotonic, hypertonic

27. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is a cell structure that consists of folded membranes that contain ribosomes. What is the advantage of the folded membranes?

A. increases surface area in order to produce more proteins

154. Two parent Holstein (black-and-white) cattle have multiple offspring. The fur ranges from black only, white only, and black and white. Which process best explains the variations in the offspring?

A. independent assortment

181. The diagram below shows a cellular process that occurs in organisms. What is the name of this process? elaborate

A. meiosis

54. Which of the following macromolecule is not identified on the cell membrane above?

A. nucleotide

58. Like complex carbohydrates, proteins are macromolecules that serve many functions and can be chemically broken down and restructured. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates are which of the following?

A. polymers of smaller subunits

9. Which cell structure is correctly paired with its primary function?

A. ribosome - protein synthesis

160. The individuality of an organism is determined by the

A. sequence of nitrogenous bases in deoxyribonucleic acid?

174. How are sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction different from each other?

A. sexual reproduction requires two parents and asexual reproduction requires only one parent

8. Which characteristics do most plants have in common?

A. they are unicellular

179. A scientist wants to change the DNA of a sexually reproducing organism and have the new DNA present in every cell of the organism. In order to do this after fertilization, she would change the DNA in which of the following?

A. zygote

12. The diagram below represents a cell. Which organelle is the site where amino acids are synthesized into proteins?

B. 2 (elaborate) and go back to

50. Which of the following diagrams below is an example of a carbohydrate? elaborate

B. 2 elaborate

157. The table below lists the trials for fruit color where allele R exhibits incomplete dominance over allele R1. Genotype Phenotype R R Red R1 R1 Yellow R R1 Orange Heterozygous fruit have orange phenotypes. What percent of offspring are expected to have an orange phenotype if the parent plants are orange (RR1) and yellow (R1R1)?

B. 50%

152. Hitchhiker's thumb (H) is dominant to no hitchhiker's thumb (h). A woman who does not have hitchhiker's thumb marries a man who is heterozygous for hitchhiker's thumb. What is the probable genotypic ratio of their children?

B. 50% Hh: 50% hh

89- 148. In pea plants, the trait for tall stems is dominant over the trait for short stems. If two heterozygous tall plants are crossed, what percentage of the offspring would be expected to have the same phenotype as the parents?

B. 75%

72. The diagram below shows the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration and the organelles in which they occur. Which statement describes how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are interrelated?

B. Carbon dioxide and water released by cellular respiration are used in photosynthesis.

22. Using a microscope in the science lab, Jill observed two unknown cells: Cell 1 and Cell 2. Cell 1 she identified as a plant cell and Cell 2 as an animal cell. Her teacher told her she identified the cells correctly. What did Jill most likely observe to correctly identify the cells?

B. Cell 1 had a cell wall and Cell 2 did not.

177. Which of the following best describes meiosis?

B. It occurs only in cells in the reproductive structures of organisms.

149. Hemophilia is a sex-linked, recessive trait. Which of the following describes the probability of hemophilia in the offspring of a man who does not have hemophilia and a woman whose father is a hemophiliac? [Hint: Create a Punnett Square to determine your answer]

B. None of their daughters will have hemophilia.

83. Two different species of bacteria are examined. Scientists find that species X always produces CO2 and H2O during cellular respiration. Species Y always produces ethyl alcohol and CO2. Which conclusion can be made from these observations?

B. Only species Y is anaerobic.

51. In living organisms, lipids function mainly as:... Study the diagram below of the cell membrane.

B. Sources of stored energy and components of cellular membranes

19. Cells found in plants and animals have similarities but can differ in function. Consider the following two organisms: a corn plant cell (Zea mays) and a camel cell (Bactrianus ferus). What is the best explanation for the difference in the cellular vacuole size between these two biotic organisms?

B. The camel cells' have a small vacuole size because it does not need long term water and electrolyte storage.

18. Muscle cells are responsible for obtaining energy so the body can perform voluntary and involuntary movement. Using you knowledge about organelles and muscles, how would a muscle cell differ from other types of animal cells?

B. The muscle cell would have more mitochondria than the other types of animal cells.

20. Cells can be classified into two different categories: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Which of the following information is needed in order to determine if an organism is prokaryotic?

B. The organism's internal structures.

3. A plant and an animal are both living things. According to the Cell Theory, what can you conclude about these two very different organisms?

B. They are both made of one or more cells.

168. A scientist puts nucleotide chains of UUUUUU in a test tube under conditions allowing protein synthesis. Soon the test tube is full of polypeptide chains composed only of the amino acid phenylalanine. What does this experiment indicate?

B. UUU codes for the amino acid phenylalanine.

45. Many fish and aquatic plants can survive a cold winter because the layer of ice that forms at the top of the lake insulates the water below and prevents the lake from freezing solid. What unique property of water contributes to this effect?

B. Water expands and becomes less dense when it freezes.

43. Water is essential for life. Its special properties make water the single most important molecule in plant life. Which of the following properties of water enable it to move from the roots to the leaves of plants?

B. Water is an excellent solvent.

42. Maria, after finding no cold sodas in the refrigerator, placed a can of soda in the freezer. She then proceeded to check her social networking site and forgot about the soda. Later that evening her brother went to get some ice and it was brown. Maria's soda can had split open. What is the best explanation for what happened?

B. When the water froze, the space between hydrogen molecules expanded

56. Ovalbumin is a protein found in eggs. Which of the following best describes the molecular structure of ovalbumin?

B. a chain of amino acids folded and twisted into a molecule

158. In guinea pigs, black coat color (B) is dominant over white coat color (b) and short hair (S) is dominant over long hair (s). Based upon the dihybrid cross shown below, what is the phenotype for letter X? elaborate

B. black coat, short hair?

30. In pure water, a red blood cell from an animal will swell and burst, but a leaf cell from a plant will not. Which structure in the leaf cell is responsible for this difference?

B. cell wall

82. Which of the following structures is where photosynthesis occurs in the cell below?

B. chloroplast

25. Look at the cell membrane model below: What is the name of the macromolecule that makes up the majority of the cell membrane?

B. lipid

178. Which of the following phases of mitosis is represented by the diagram below? elaborate

B. metaphase

60. The diagram below shows a monomer of a macromolecule. Which of the following macromolecules contains these monomers?

B. proteins

166. Four different segments of a DNA molecule are represented below. There is an error in the DNA in which molecule? elaborate

B. segment 3 only

16. The cell membrane of the red blood cell will allow water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to pass through. Because other substances are blocked from entering, this membrane is called:

B. semi-permeable

169. Which of the following would most likely cause a mutation?

B. the insertion of a nucleotide into DNA

164. Which choice describes DNA after replication has taken place?

B. two molecules, each with one original and one new strand

86. What function does ATP carry out in living things?

B. used to capture and transfer energy

73. A diagram representing the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration is shown below. The numbered boxes in the diagram represent which of the following? elaborate

C. 1 - oxygen; 2 - carbon dioxide

23. Which of the following contain complex, membrane-bound organelles? 1. bacteria 2. viruses 3. eukaryotic 4. prokaryotic

C. 3 only

161. If 20% of a DNA sample is made up of thymine, T, what percentage of the sample is made up of cytosine, C?

C. 35%?

183. The diagram below shows two strawberry plants. Plant 2 is produced asexually from Plant 1. If the leaf cells of Plant 1 have 56 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will be found in the leaf cells of Plant 2?

C. 56

1. Cell theory was first proposed in 1838. Evidence obtained through additional scientific investigations resulted in the current cell theory. Which statement describes a component of the original cell theory that was removed because of the new scientific knowledge?

C. Cells form through spontaneous generation.

41. A florist places a bouquet of white carnations in water containing blue dye. After a time, the flowers turn blue. What process helped the carnations to change color?

C. Cohesion and adhesion of water molecules

172. During transcription the DNA base sequence is transcribed into a complimentary mRNA sequence. A codon table like the one shown below lists the amino acids coded for by particular triads of mRNA bases. A segment of DNA has undergone a mutation in which one nucleotide has been changed. The original sequence was ACG and the new sequence is ACA. Use the codon table to determine whether or not this mutation will cause a change in the phenotype of the organism.

C. Even though the DNA sequence changed, the sequence still codes for the same amino acid, so no change in phenotype will occur.

39. Water has a much higher specific heat than most other covalent compounds. What do you predict might happen if water had a low specific heat instead?

C. Organisms that are sensitive to changes in temperature would die

78. Mike has four aquatic plants of the same size and the same species. He submerges the plants in a separate beaker filled with 200 ml of water. He then sets each beaker under a different intensity of light. Mike observes that, of the four plants, the plant in the beaker under the most intense light gives off the most gas bubbles in a 20 minute period. Which of the following statements best explains Mike's observations?

C. Photosynthesis occurs at the highest rate under the most intense light.

175. Which type of reproduction leads to increased genetic variation on a population?

C. Sexual reproduction

155. A human baby boy inherits a recessive allele from his mother. In which circumstance would he most likely show the trait coded for by the recessive allele?

C. The allele is on the X chromosome.

163. Genes for medically important proteins can be cloned and inserted into bacteria, as shown in the diagram below. Why can bacteria recognize a human gene and then produce a human protein? elaborate

C. The basic components of DNA are the same in humans and bacteria.

28. If a cell's lysosomes were damaged, which of the following would most likely occur?

C. The cell would be less able to break down molecules in its cytoplasm.

34. A beaker is divided into two halves, A & B, by a membrane that is freely permeable to the water and NaCl but not to protein. Side A is half-filled with a solution of 8% protein, while side B is half filled with a 2% protein solution. Predict what would happen to side A after a few hours.

C. The number of water molecules has increased.

77. A potted plant is placed inside a clear, sealed vacuum container that has water pumped into it on a regular basis. The container is placed in the sun and the plant's growth is monitored. Which statement best describes what will most likely happen to the plant over time?

C. The plant will die because it does not have carbon dioxide for photosynthesis

36. An osmosis investigation was conducted using chicken eggs to represent cells with semi permeable membranes. The mass of each egg was measured to determine how much water diffused into or out of the eggs. The eggs were first soaked in vinegar to dissolve the shell. Each egg was then placed in one of three different solutions for 24 hours. The table below shows the results of the investigation. Osmosis in Cells Solution Average Mass of Eggs Before Soaking (grams) Average Mass of Eggs After Soaking (grams) Difference in Average Mass (grams) Percent Change in Average Mass Vinegar (95% water) 71.2 98.6 27.4 +38.5 Corn Syrup (5% water) 98.6 64.5 34.1 -34.6 Distilled Water (100% water) 64.5 105.3 40.8 +63.3 Based on this experiment, which of the following should be inferred about cells with semi permeable membranes?

C. Water enters the cell when placed in environments of high water concentration.

62. Many of the proteins in the human body are enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions. What is the relationship between enzymes and activation energy?

C. When an enzyme catalyzes a reaction, it decreases the activation energy of the reaction.

88. Carmen conducted an experiment to determine if listening to different types of music would affect a person's pulse. Her hypothesis was that pulse rate would change with different types of music. Each person listened to seven different selections of music for 30 seconds each. Each person's pulse was taken before the music and then after each 30-second interval of music. The pulses were taken again after the music selections were completed. Based on her experiment, Carmen concluded that a person's pulse rate changed when the person listened to different types of music.

C. a control group

80. Which process takes place in the presence of oxygen and produces nearly 20 times as much as ATP as glycolysis alone?

C. aerobic respiration

52. What is the building block of structure G?

C. amino acids

79. Which of the following are the reactants of photosynthesis?

C. carbon dioxide and water

173. Mitosis and meiosis are processes involved in cellular reproduction. Which of the following describes and event that results from mitosis but NOT meiosis?

C. daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell

46. Water is often called the "universal solvent" because many substances can be dissolved in water. What properties of water allow it to be such a versatile solvent?

C. high heat capacity and adhesion

85. Which of the following structures is where cellular respiration occurs in the cell below?

C. mitochondria

31. Which of the following functions does active transport perform in a cell?

C. moving substances against a concentration gradient

49. Resistance to antibiotics results from variations in the genetic code of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Which type of molecule encodes genetic information in Streptococcus pneumoniae?

C. nucleic acid

150. Alleles for the A and B blood cell antigens are codominant. The condition where no antigens are present on the blood cells (type O blood) is a recessive trait. Using the table below, determine which set of parents can most likely produce a child with type O blood?

C. one parent with heterozygous type A blood, and the other parent with type O blood

53. Which macromolecule makes up the majority of the cell membrane?

C. protein

59. What is the function of the macromolecule subunit below?

C. stores genetic information

171. Which of the following carries amino acids to the site of protein synthesis?


2. Which invention from the 17th century allowed for the development of modern cell theory?

C. the light microscope

176. Which of the following phrases best describes cancer?

C. uncontrolled cell growth caused by mutations in genes that control the cell cycle

10. The diagram below represents a cell of a green plant. Solar energy is used to produce energy-rich compounds in which structure?

D. 4 (elaborate) and go back to

21. A specific type of cell is being studied by a scientist. She notices the cell contains a nucleus, lysosomes, a cell membrane and cell wall. What is the correct classification of this cell?

D. A eukaryotic plant cell

7. Which type(s) of cells have genetic material that is contained in a nucleus?

D. Both plant and animal cells

24. A lab technician needs to determine whether cells in a test tube are prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The technician has several dyes she could use to stain the cells. Four of the dyes are described in the table below: INDICATOR DYE TEST acridine orange stains DNA and RNA osmium tetraoxide stains lipids eosin stains cell cytoplasm Nile Blue stains cell nuclei Which dye could the technician use to determine whether the cells are prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

D. Nile blue

48. Two of the four principle classes of organic compounds are proteins and nucleic acids. What is the relationship between proteins and nucleic acids?

D. Nucleic acids contain the information to make proteins

71. In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?

D. Photosynthesis used carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.

156. This diagram shows a diploid cell with two pairs of homologous chromosomes. Due to independent assortment, what is the possible genetic make-up of gametes produced by this organism? elaborate

D. ST, St, sT, st

37. A Team of biology students performed an experiment to test the effects of four different solutions on a de-shelled, raw chicken egg. Each raw, unbroken chicken egg of the same size was placed in each of four different solutions. Twenty-four hours later the following results we obtained. Using the data table above and your knowledge about the process of science, which solution would represent the control in this experiment?

D. Solution D?

26. What is the advantage of cells being so small?

D. The cell then has a larger surface area to volume ratio which means it can move nutrients into the cell and waste out more efficiently.

61. Some bacteria live in hot springs. Their cells contain enzymes that function best at temperatures of 70 °C or higher. At the temperature of 50 °C, how will the enzymes in these bacterial cells most likely be affected?

D. The enzymes will not increase the rate of reactions as much as they would at 70°C.

68. Which of the following best explains why enzymes are necessary for many cellular reactions?

D. The reactions are too slow to meet the needs of the cell if enzymes are missing.

11. A person with swollen gums rinses his mouth with warm salt water, and the swelling decreases. Which of the following has occurred?

D. The water in the gums has moved out due to the high concentration of salt in the solution.

47. Water makes up approximately 60% of the human body and plays a vital role in regulating body temperature. Which property of water makes it good at regulating temperature?

D. Water has a high capacity for heat.

44. Large bodies of water, such as lakes and oceans, do not quickly fluctuate in temperature. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

D. Water has a high heat capacity.

153. This diagram shows a pedigree for a recessive genetic disorder. What is the genotype of individual 6? elaborate

D. XhY

14. Which of these best completes this concept map? elaborate

D. a plant cell

76. Which gas is removed from the atmosphere during photosynthesis?

D. carbon dioxide

182. The diagram below shows homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis. Which of the following correctly describes the process being illustrated?

D. crossing-over in which alleles are exchanged

69. A student is investigating how reaction rate changes over a range of enzyme concentrations. The student uses excess reactants. Which of the following best represents the relationship between enzyme concentration and reaction rate?

D. elaborate

15. Look at the diagram of a cross-section of a cell membrane below. The cell membrane controls movement of materials into and out of the cell. The following particles are moving from high concentration to low concentration and are using a carrier protein. How would you describe this type of movement across the membrane?

D. facilitated diffusion

33. In an emergency trauma room, a doctor accidentally gives a patient a large transfusion of distilled water directly into one of his veins instead of blood. Predict what might happen if distilled water was given to the patient instead of blood.

D. have serious, perhaps fatal effects because the red blood cells would tend to burst

81. If a plant died from lack of food, which structure is most likely missing or damaged?

D. leaves

57. Many plants have waxy coatings on some surfaces. This coating reduces water loss because it is not water-permeable. This waxy coating is which of the following types of organic molecule?

D. lipid

13. Joy took the notes shown below while learning about cells. Forms boundary between a cell and the outside environment Controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell Consists of double layer of phospholipids

D. nucleus

5. There are some similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Which of the following structures is found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

D. ribosome

180. Which row in the chart below indicates the correct process for each event indicated? elaborate

D. row 4

162. A medical test indicates that a patient has a defective protein. This condition is most likely due to a change in the directions coded in the:

D. sequence of subunits in DNA

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