BIOL-1322-I01-XLST test 3

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1. Because alcohol supplies four kilocalories per gram, it is considered a nutrient.


10. It is all right for pregnant women to have beer, but not to consume hard liquor such as scotch or vodka.


10. Of the two forms of iron found in foods, nonheme iron is more reliably absorbed than is heme iron.


12. Most caffeine in the United States is consumed in carbonated soft drinks.


13. All forms of table salt sold are iodized.


14. Native Americans have lower rates of liver damage due to alcohol consumption than other ethnic groups.


15. Bottled water is pure and free from contaminants.


16. Milk chocolate is thought to positively influence cardiovascular health more than dark chocolate.


17. Apple juice, consumed daily, may protect against urinary tract infections.


19. Changes in metabolism only occur in those who consume excessive alcohol.


2. Bottled water typically contains adequate amounts of fluoride to prevent cavities.


21. Potassium deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world.


23. Since zinc is stored in the liver, it can be replenished by consuming good sources only occasionally.


25. Vitamin K and B6 play key roles in the formation of healthy red blood cells.


26. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 is due to inadequate intake of the vitamin.


26. The trace minerals are needed in minute amounts in the body, so deficiencies rarely ever occur.


27. Excessive sun exposure can cause vitamin D toxicity.


28. Engaging in weight-bearing exercises can increase the risk for osteoporosis.


29. A diet low in fat-soluble vitamins will result in a more rapid onset of deficiency symptoms than one low in water-soluble vitamins.


29. The chief mineral in bones and teeth is phosphorus.


3. Physiologically, alcohol is a stimulant.


4. Consuming foods high in vitamin C reduces the amount of iron that the body absorbs.


5. All public water in the United States is fluoridated.


6. Iron deficiencies are more common in men than women.


6. The nutritional composition of milk is very similar across mammal species.


7. Pink and white grapefruit juice contain equal amounts and types of phytochemicals.


9. Choose a calcium supplement derived from dolomite, oyster shell, or bone meal when selecting a calcium supplement.


9. Energy drinks, such as Red Bull, are not permitted to contain herbs.


14. Water-soluble vitamins are more stable during preparation and cooking than fat-soluble vitamins.


15. When purchasing a vitamin and mineral supplement, look for one that contains at least 150 percent of the Daily Value for each nutrient.


16. Risk factors for colon cancer include a high fiber intake and low red meat intake.


19. Vitamin supplements can help reduce stress, decrease fatigue, and increase energy.


2. High intakes of B6, B12, and folate are associated with higher levels of homocysteine and a lower risk of blood clot formation.


20. Multi-vitamin tablet overdoses are one of the top causes of accidental death in youngsters.


21. Human population studies overwhelmingly confirm the association between breast cancer and dietary fat intake.


22. Research has proven that the common cold can be prevented by increasing intake of Vitamin C.


23. Vitamin A is water soluble and found in the non-fat part of the milk.


4. Vegetables in the cruciferous family include carrots, sweet potatoes, and corn.


5. Taken regularly, vitamin supplements are the best way to obtain balanced nutrition.


6. Some of the vitamins serve as sources of energy.


7. Beta-carotene found in many animal sources is a precursor to vitamin A.


1. Because excesses are stored in the liver and fatty tissues, it is possible for megadoses of fat-soluble vitamins to build up to toxic levels


10. The primary function of vitamin D is the regulation of the use of calcium and phosphorus within the body.


11. Herbal supplements are unregulated and possibly unsafe.


12. Low vitamin K blood levels are associated with a higher risk of hip fractures in older women.


13. Regular consumption of carotenoid-rich vegetables such as beta-carotene may delay may prevent or delay macular degeneration.


17. Vitamins promote growth and reproduction and help maintain health.


18. Phytochemicals in food are superior to the phytochemicals found in supplements.


24. Excluding an entire food group may lead to vitamin deficiencies over time.


3. Vegetarians have a lower risk of developing cancer.


8. The disease pellagra is characterized by diarrhea, dermatitis, and, in severe cases, dementia.


9. The Vitamins C, D, and K are all actively involved in bone health and maintenance.


49. _______ in coffee are thought to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes in regular coffee drinkers.

a. Antioxidants

43. Which drug can be administered as a nasal spray to inhibit bone resorption activity of osteoclasts?

a. Calcitonin

40. Which 8-ounce beverage has the lowest caffeine content?

a. Chocolate milk

73. Along with iron, which minerals are associated with hemoglobin and the ability of the body's red blood cells to carry oxygen?

a. Copper and zinc

82. Michael is trying to eat less sodium by preparing more meals at home. Which of the following meals would be a good choice?

a. Grilled chicken, brown rice, and sautéed green beans

64. What factor is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer?

a. High intake of calories

52. Tomas is at a fraternity party and his friends are drinking beer and also smoking marijuana. What interaction would this combination have?

a. It may prevent vomiting, increasing the risk of alcohol poisoning.

50. Which individual would be at the lowest risk for osteoporosis?

a. Joe, who walks for 1 our, 3 times each week

66. _______ refers to the body's increased efficiency of removing high levels of alcohol from the blood due to long-term exposure.

a. Metabolic tolerance

50. How much alcohol consumption has been proven to be safe during pregnancy?

a. No amount of alcohol has been proven to be safe.

79. What is not a factor that one should consider when choosing a supplement to purchase?

a. Price

43. At her sister's summer barbeque, Donna looks over the meats on the table to decide which meat to choose. In lieu of her concerns about cancer risk, what meat would be her best choice?

a. Roasted turkey

61. Which food is fortified with iodine to prevent deficiencies?

a. Salt

34. ______ can lead to a deficiency in vitamin K.

a. Taking antibiotics

31. Brodie's doctor wants his blood pressure to be reduced because his systolic pressure is too high. What does systolic pressure measure?

a. The force exerted by the heart as it contracts to pump blood throughout the body.

76. Long-term exposure to alcohol increases levels of alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver. What does this mean?

a. The person must drink more alcohol than before to experience comparable effects.

61. Which statement concerning alcohol's metabolism in a man and woman of the same height and weight is correct?

a. The woman has a lower capacity for metabolizing alcohol than the man.

67. What item is a good food source of copper?

a. Whole grains

41. The main function of vitamin E in the body is to act as a(n) ____.

a. antioxidant

74. A general function of vitamin C is its action as a(n) ____.

a. antioxidant

56. Phytochemicals have several different modes of action. Those with ____ protect cells from damage.

a. antioxidant properties

30. Because ____ are widespread in foods, people who eat a varied diet are not at risk for deficiencies of these vitamins.

a. biotin and pantothenic acid

27. The health benefits of tea appear to be dose-dependent meaning that __________.

a. drinking more tea provides the greatest effect

41. Citrus juices are high in ____ and low in ____.

a. folate; sodium

37. Folic acid is added to ____ in order to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects.

a. grain products

78. As they sit and talk, Chris begins to smoke a cigarette. Robert can't believe his friend has such poor judgment and says, "Chris, don't you know that drinking alcohol and smoking puts you at a much higher risk for ____?"

a. heart attack

70. All women of child-bearing age are advised to get adequate folate to prevent cases of ____.

a. neural tube defects

71. The loss of ________ from dehydration that may occur as a result of fasting, severe diarrhea, or severe vomiting may lead to sudden death likely due to heart failure.

a. potassium

47. Isoflavones are phytochemicals found in ____.

a. soy products

36. _______ gives bones and teeth their rigidity and is part of the genetic makeup of every cell in the body.


73. Pamela asks Theodore what an energy drink is, and he correctly explains, ____.

b. "It is a nonalcoholic beverage with extra caffeine, and sometimes other stimulants."

38. The legal limit defining intoxication for the driver of a car is a blood alcohol content (BAC) of ____ or higher.

b. 0.08

51. Which of the following statements about sodium and potassium is not correct?

b. A lifelong intake of foods high in sodium and high in potassium is associated with a increased risk of hypertension.

53. What characteristic should Joe expect in his Gatorade sports drink?

b. A mixture of glucose, sucrose, and fructose

51. Which statement best describes B vitamins?

b. B vitamins become part of coenzymes.

32. Gertrude has a young son named Ben, and wants to know how to make sure he grows strong bones. Ben's pediatrician advises her to include calcium-rich foods in his daily diet so he can attain a high bone mass. Why is this so important?

b. Bone mass is the main factor influencing bone health.

68. ________ is a calcium supplement that tends to be better absorbed, especially by older people whose secretion of stomach acid tends to be reduced.

b. Calcium citrate

64. Which of the following is a major function of chloride?

b. Contributes the stomach secretions

69. What recommendation helps minimize the loss of vitamins that can occur as a result of improper food handling?

b. Cook vegetables in a microwave oven in as little water as possible.

46. ____________ is a parasite that can contaminate water that is not sensitive to chlorine and is a potential threat to people with weakened immune systems.

b. Cryptosporidium

53. What would you recommend to someone who wants to make sure her intake is close to the RDA for all vitamins?

b. Eat a variety of all food groups daily.

84. Which vitamins work with vitamin K and vitamin B6 to maintain blood health?

b. Folate and B12

34. Which food provides iron in the most absorbable form?

b. Hamburger

88. Which statement about bottled water is correct?

b. Its mineral content can be determined by checking with the bottling company.

49. What is the main risk factor linked to hypertension?

b. Obesity

35. _______ is the deficiency disease associated with niacin.

b. Pellagra

55. Which of the following can occur as a result of drinking alcohol excessively on a regular basis?

b. Stomach ulcers may develop.

79. Which food would enhance iron absorption from the intestinal tract when eaten with a food rich in nonheme iron?

b. Strawberries

59. Which of the following is a correct statement about soda consumption?

b. There are no indisputable positive health benefits from soda consumption.

70. Which is not a common characteristic seen in high sodium diets?

b. They are high in whole foods.

89. Which statement about energy drinks is correct?

b. Using them during exercise may cause light-headedness and nausea.

86. What vitamin deficiency is associated with night blindness?

b. Vitamin A

34. As a friend, Robert asks Chris to consider whether low to moderate alcohol consumption is a health benefit or a health risk for him personally. Robert also reminds Chris that the leading cause of death for college-age males is ____.

b. accidents

49. Excess intake of water-soluble vitamins are typically ____.

b. excreted in the urine

79. Consuming an apple instead of an equivalent amount of apple juice is a more nutrient dense choice because of the apple's ______.

b. fiber

88. The National Cancer Institute estimates that about 85 percent of all cancers are associated with ____.

b. lifestyle factors & environmental exposure

45. A diet which overemphasizes ____ is likely to lead to a(n) ____ deficiency in children.

b. milk; iron

64. Fetal alcohol syndrome is considered to be the most common cause of ____ in the United States.

b. preventable intellectual disability

68. Milk is sold in protective cardboard or opaque plastic containers rather than in transparent glass bottles to minimize the loss of ____.

b. riboflavin

85. Sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus play a major role in ____.

b. the distribution of water inside and outside body cells

48. One of the functions of vitamin C in the body is ______.

b. to function in collagen formation

39. When the diet contains an adequate amount of protein, the body can synthesize niacin from the amino acid ____.

b. tryptophan

63. The vitamin most intensively involved in protein metabolism is ____.

b. vitamin B6

55. Newborns are given an injection of _____ to prevent the possibility of a life-threatening hemorrhage.

b. vitamin K

51. The liver can metabolize _____ ounce(s) of alcohol per hour.

c. 0.5

76. Sharon is an 18-year-old college student who drinks soda at lunch, at dinner, and with snacks. You notice that she rarely drinks milk and suggest that she start because the calcium recommendation for someone 9 to 18 years of age is ____.

c. 1,000 mg per day

72. Peak bone mass is reached at approximately ____ years of age.

c. 30

77. Consuming two cups of milk provides _____ of calcium.

c. 600

74. Which eating plan should Dan try to follow?

c. A diet high in produce and whole grains and low in total fat

39. What type of packaging will retain the nutrients in orange juice best?

c. A plastic jug

33. People from which ethnic background tend to have the lowest risk for osteoporosis?

c. African American

80. ______ mediates the conversion of alcohol to _____.

c. Alcohol dehydrogenase; acetaldehyde

74. ______ is an inflammation of the liver.

c. Alcoholic hepatitis

47. How do body cells keep the right amount of water inside themselves?

c. By pumping ions across their membranes

60. ______ helps maintain the strong acidity in the stomach and the appropriate balance of acids and bases in the blood.

c. Chloride

62. The _____is the arm of the U.S. government responsible for monitoring municipal water supplies.

c. EPA

28. Maria is overweight and wants to lose 10 pounds. She is at a party and is deciding what to order at the bar. Which beverage has the fewest calories when mixed with liquor?

c. Eight ounces club soda

71. Which food group is the best source of vitamin C?

c. Fruit group

37. ________ is an actual change in sensitivity to a drug.

c. Functional tolerance

44. Which would be a good reason for Sue to purchase bottled water?

c. It tastes better than Sue's tap water.

56. What water contaminant can cause neurologic damage in children?

c. Lead

52. ________ causes muscles to relax after contractions, helps tooth enamel to retain calcium, and is found in nuts, dark green vegetables, seafood, and chocolate.

c. Magnesium

77. Which statement is not correct about milk consumption?

c. Milk consumption has steadily risen since 1970.

84. _______ control(s) the water balance between body cells and their environment.

c. Minerals

37. Dan has been working hard to eat a lower sodium diet, lose weight, and exercise. He goes back to the doctor 2 months later and his blood pressure is 130 over 85 millimeters of mercury. How would his blood pressure be categorized now?

c. Prehypertension

82. Which herb is mismatched with its purported use?

c. Psyllium—improves memory

52. _______ is the vitamin D deficiency in children.

c. Rickets

77. What food is an unlikely source of beta-carotene?

c. Romaine lettuce

67. Which statement about enhanced waters is correct?

c. The fat-soluble vitamins will not be well absorbed into the body.

68. __________ cup(s) of coffee a day are associated with health benefits and little indication of health risks.

c. Two to three

71. What effect does blockage of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) have on the body when consuming alcohol?

c. Urine output is increased

63. Which nutrient is not supplied by drinking a glass of milk?

c. Vitamin C

40. Which of the following is not a fat-soluble vitamin?

c. Vitamin E

54. Which vitamin works with vitamin C to squelch free radicals before they injure the body?

c. Vitamin E

31. Choline is ____.

c. a conditionally essential nutrient

72. Donna can lower her risk of skin cancer by consuming foods high in beta-carotene such as _____.

c. cantaloupe

59. The trace mineral ______ works closely with insulin to help the cells take up glucose.

c. chromium

58. Vitamin A toxicity is most likely to occur from ____.

c. consuming high-dose vitamin A supplements

73. A reliable source of vitamin D in the diet is ____.

c. fortified milk

45. Toxic compounds created in the body that may contribute to certain chronic diseases are called _______.

c. free radicals

41. Cretinism is severe mental and physical retardation of an infant due to a lack of ______ while the mother was pregnant.

c. iodine

84. Since a woman will absorb more alcohol into her blood than a man of the same weight, _____ drink(s) for a woman could have the same effect as _____ drink(s) for a man.

c. one; two

32. Strict vegetarians are at risk of developing a vitamin B12 deficiency because ____.

c. only animal foods contain sufficient amounts of the vitamin

53. Most sodium in the typical U.S. diet comes from _________ .

c. processed foods

85. The _________ in cow's milk makes it an unsuitable alternative to human milk for infants.

c. protein

82. Consumption of _____ is associated with a decrease in the plaque formation associated with Alzheimer's disease.

c. tea

44. Cortical bone is ____.

c. the thick, ivory-like outer portion of bone

42. Lycopene, found in ____, may help reduce the risk of ____.

c. tomatoes; prostate cancer

50. Riboflavin is destroyed by ____.

c. ultraviolet light

87. Consuming over three cups of coffee each daily may actually increase risk of cardiovascular disease for individuals who have _______.

c. uncontrolled hypertension

81. Sodium intake should be limited to ______ or less for those who are age 51 and older and those of any age who are African American or have high blood pressure.

d. 1,500 mg

58. If Norma expends 2,000 calories per day to maintain her weight, about how much total fluid does she need?

d. 2,000 to 3,000 mL

42. Five grams of alcohol supplies ____ calories.

d. 35

56. Margaret weighs 130 pounds and is at a healthy body weight for her height. Approximately what portion of her weight is composed of water?

d. 78 pounds

30. How many drinks does Chris need to drink during the evening to constitute a "binge"?

d. At least 5

72. Acetaldehyde affects production of red blood cells by destroying vitamin ____.

d. B6

57. Donna read that cruciferous vegetables may reduce the incidence of cancer at several sites. Which dish is a good source of a cruciferous vegetable?

d. Broccoli slaw

78. _______ is a binder that is found in milk that hinders zinc absorption.

d. Casein

66. Which of the following are good sources of dietary calcium?

d. Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach

76. Donna is surprised to learn that despite a family history of cancer, there is still a lot she can do to prevent cancer and lower her risk. Which is not a lifestyle behavior that can reduce her cancer risk?

d. Don't worry about energy intake

83. How would Dan's blood pressure be interpreted?

d. High blood pressure (hypertension)

1. Skin, hair, and nails tend to have high sulfur content.


11. Dark chocolate, in moderation, may positively influence cardiovascular health.


11. Fresh and canned vegetables vary in zinc content, depending on the soil in which they are grown.


12. Ninety-nine percent of the calcium in the body is in the bones.


13. The concentrations of calcium, sodium, and magnesium are what distinguish hard versus soft water.


14. Peak bone mass marks the point where bones are the strongest and most dense.


15. Pregnancy and lactation decrease the calcium reserves in bones whenever calcium intake is inadequate.


16. Vitamins are organic compounds whereas minerals are inorganic compounds.


17. Osteoblasts are the bone-building cells of the body.


18. Calcium is required for transmission of nerve impulses.


18. Tea is rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and caffeine.


19. Minerals are different than vitamins in that they contribute directly to the building of body structures.


20. Fetal alcohol syndrome is completely preventable.


20. The DASH diet is a good eating plan to reduce risk of hypertension, as well as heart disease and diabetes.


21. The more colorful a juice is, the more nutritious the juice usually is.


22. Aside from malnutrition, blood loss is the primary reason for iron deficiency.


22. Orange juice is the most nutrient-dense juice consumed in the United States.


23. Drinking alcohol at a rate of one drink per hour allows the liver adequate time to metabolize the alcohol completely.


24. Heavy alcohol use, especially when combined with smoking, appears to increase the risk of throat and neck cancers.


24. Rinsing canned beans reduce sodium content of the beans.


25. Many studies have shown a positive correlation between moderate alcohol consumption and decreasing incidence of heart disease.


25. The only trace mineral that acts as an antioxidant in the body is selenium.


26. Examples of standard servings are a 5-ounce glass of wine, a 12-fl oz beer, and 1 ½ fl oz of an 8-proof distilled liquor.


27. Water is essential for life and is the body's most needed nutrient.


28. Research suggests that diet may play a role in initiating cancer, speeding its development, or preventing cancer.


3. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to bone loss.


30. Iodine has a role in maintaining the basal metabolic rate.


4. Soft water contains a higher concentration of sodium than hard water.


5. Cryptosporidium is a parasite in water that is highly resistant to chlorine and other disinfectants.


7. Most Americans consume almost double the sodium recommended as the Adequate Intake (AI).


8. Most all protein foods are good sources of zinc.


8. Pancreatitis, hepatitis, and cirrhosis are all common consequences of heavy drinking.


55. ______ is caused by an iodine deficiency.

C. Goiter

40. Retarded growth and sexual development in a child may be due to a ________.

C. zinc deficiency

38. Michael is a young business systems analyst who avoids fried foods and fast food, drinks only black coffee and water, consumes one alcoholic drink on occasion, uses olive oil when preparing meals, and gets 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Is there anything that Michael needs to do to decrease his cancer risk?

d. Incorporate regular physical activity.

65. What effect is attributed to drinking tea?

d. Increased blood pressure

35. _____ is a mineral that is critical to the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

d. Iodine

81. What vitamin term-123has been shown to reduce LDL-cholesterol and raise HDL-cholesterol when taken in doses 10 to 15 times the RDA?

d. Niacin

57. While out for dinner with Tracy, what choice would help Dan lower his sodium intake?

d. Order an omelet made with fresh tomatoes and herbs instead of ham.

60. ______ is the vitamin D deficiency disease in adults.

d. Osteomalacia

61. Which of the following is not a task that vitamins perform in the body?

d. Provide energy

65. Which food would not be a good source of sulfur?

d. Spinach

62. Which food is a good source of the vitamin A precursor, beta-carotene?

d. Sweet potatoes

45. Ben thinks his choice of a regular soft drink is the best because he spent the least amount of money on it. However, which may be a problem with consuming a lot of soft drinks?

d. The risk of dental caries increases.

36. Robert asks Chris to list the stages of alcohol addiction put forth by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). What is the correct sequence of the scale? a. Misuse, use, dependency/addiction, and abuse b. Abuse, use, misuse, and dependency/addiction c. Use, abuse, misuse, and dependency/addiction d. Use, misuse, abuse, and dependency/addiction e. Dependency/addiction, misuse, use, and abuse

d. Use, misuse, abuse, and dependency/addiction

63. Which is not a nutrient or compound that impairs iron absorption?

d. Vitamin C

80. ________ can be synthesized by good bacteria in the intestinal tract.

d. Vitamin K

69. _____ is the most needed nutrient by the body and is indispensable to life.

d. Water

39. Which description is a sure way to tell that you have high blood pressure?

d. You have it measured and it is rated as elevated

81. The combination of alcohol with _______ may lead to a dangerous increase in blood pressure.

d. antidepressants

70. Even when consumed in moderate amounts, alcohol may still increase the risk of ____ in women.

d. breast cancer

54. Fluoride deficiency is best known to cause ____.

d. dental decay

87. Thiamin is involved in ____.

d. energy release from carbohydrates

33. The replacement of red blood cells depends most heavily on ____.

d. folate

59. Vitamin E is ____. a. found mostly in fruits b. a precursor to vitamin C c. a remedy for nighttime leg cramps d. found mostly in vegetable oils e. also called intrinsic factor

d. found mostly in vegetable oils

35. The herb _____ is often found in energy drinks and is chemically equivalent to caffeine.

d. guarana

44. Individuals who ________ are at high risk for a deficiency of vitamin B12.

d. lack intrinsic factor

57. Regular soft drinks are ____.

d. low in nutrient density

48. Which meal eaten with an alcoholic beverage would most likely slow down the rate at which the alcohol is absorbed?

d. pepperoni pizza

62. Two natural compounds found in food that inhibit mineral absorption from the gastrointestinal tract are ____.

d. phytates and oxalates

38. The most reliable source of fluoride is ____.

d. public water

31. When alcohol is consumed, it is mostly absorbed through the ____ and metabolized in the _______.

d. small intestine; liver

66. The main function of vitamin D is ____.

d. supporting bone mineralization

78. High blood levels of homocysteine ____.

d. tend to be associated with low blood levels of vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folate

33. The largest percentage of a person's water output leaves the body through ____.

d. the kidneys as urine

47. The absorption and metabolism of alcohol is unaffected by ____.

d. the type of ethyl alcohol drink

42. Selenium is required for the production of the active form of ____ and also functions as a(n) ____.

d. thyroid hormone; antioxidant

65. An elderly individual who cannot leave the house is at risk of a ______ deficiency.

d. vitamin D

85. The body can store as much as a _____ supply of vitamin A in the body.

e. 1-year

46. Which individual is probably least susceptible to iron-deficiency anemia?

e. A 30-year-old businessman

75. Which of the following is not noted as a group that may benefit from taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement under guidance of a physician or dietitian?

e. A person approaching age 65

67. The inability of the stomach to produce enough acid can lead to a _____ deficiency.

e. B12

89. What factor is classified as a cancer initiator?

e. Cigarette smoke

60. Mark visited a local café near work and was debating what to order. He was trying to cut down on caffeine but knew that in addition to coffee, soft drinks and tea also have caffeine in them. Which choice would provide the least caffeine for Mark?

e. Eight-ounce cup of hot chocolate

43. _______ is drawn from an underground source and contains at least 250 parts per million of dissolved solids.

e. Mineral water

69. Which of the following is a correct statement about enhanced water?

e. Most enhanced water beverages are not any healthier than other beverages with added sugar.

54. Which is not a health benefit associated with moderate coffee consumption?

e. Reduced risk of obesity

75. Jill has decided to stop drinking coffee. What should be her initial approach to help avoid headaches and fatigue?

e. Replace a small amount of regular- with decaffeinated-coffee grounds

80. Which is not a body function that copper is involved in?

e. Taste perception

29. __________ is thought to be the main factor contributing to a hangover.

e. The dehydration from the alcohol consumed

48. Are there symptoms for high blood pressure that Dan should watch for?

e. There are no symptoms.

86. Chris argues that beer does not raise your blood alcohol level as much as hard liquor. Which beverage/amount combination has more alcohol than 12 ounces of regular beer?

e. They all contain the same amount of alcohol.

83. Which statement accurately describes a downside to vegetable juices?

e. They contain salt.

36. ______ plays a key role in blood clotting.

e. Vitamin K

75. The term "contamination iron" refers to the ____.

e. dietary iron obtained when cooking in iron cookware

58. The DASH eating pattern was designed to prevent _______.

e. hypertension

32. Caffeine consumption is known to cause _________.

e. jitteriness

83. The effects of a deficiency of vitamin D are most readily observed in the ____.

e. skeletal system

46. Excesses of the fat-soluble vitamins are ____.

e. stored in the liver and in body fat

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