Biology 1 Final

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In order to maintain life, organisms must produce, modify, transport, and exchange materials. What is this process called?


A rancher has a small pond on his plot of land. One year he overstocks the pond with too many fish. This causes the oxygen levels of the pond to drastically decrease due to a higher number of organisms using a limited supply of oxygen. Which cellular structure of the fish in this pond will be most directly affected by the decrease in oxygen levels?


A sea anemone has tentacles (similar to jellyfish) that deliver a chemical sting to animals that come in direct contact with them. Clownfish, however, are immune to the sea anemone's sting. They live among the tentacles of sea anemones and rely on the anemones for protection. Sea anemones are filter feeders, and the movement of the clownfish increases the current of water flowing through the anemone. In addition, clownfish tend to drop scraps of food as they feed. What type of relationship exists between the clownfish and the sea anemone?


Many kinds of plants depend on insects, such as moths, bees, wasps, and beetles, to perform pollination so they can reproduce. Meanwhile, the insect pollinator receives nectar or pollen as a food source from the flower of the plant. Thus, both organisms receive a benefit from this interaction. The biological relationship between a plant and its pollinator is known as ________.


The Egyptian Plover bird and the crocodile are thought to have a certain symbiotic relationship. The bird gets a free meal by hunting the leeches on the crocodile, and the crocodile in turn gets rid of its leeches. What is the best description for such a relationship?


Based on what you know about carbohydrates, which of the following macromolecules is a carbohydrate?


What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?

6 CO2 + 6 H20 --- C6H12O6 + 6 O2

What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 --- 6 CO2 + 6 H20

Christopher is given identical volumes of two different solutions. He hypothesizes that solution A has a higher water concentration than solution B. Which experimental design would best allow him to test his hypothesis? A. Place solution A in a membrane that is permeable to water. Them, place the membrane full of solution A into a beaker full of solution B. Make note of the direction in which water flows. B. Mix solution A and solution B together in a large graduated cylinder. Measure the mass and the total volume of the combined solutions. Make note of the density of the combined solutions. C. Use litmus paper to test the acidity and basicity of solution A and solution B. Make note if the paper turns red or blue. D. Place five drops of vegetable oil in solution A and five drops of mineral oil in solution B. Make note if the oils sink or float.


During photosynthesis, plant cells take in water and carbon dioxide and release oxygen. How is this different from what takes place during cellular respiration? A. During cellular respiration, cells take in O2 and release CO2, H2O and ATP B. During cellular respiration, O2 is inhaled and CO2 and H2O are exhaled C. During cellular respiration, the mitochondria form CO2, during the process of fermentation D. During cellular respiration, cells use ATP to convert insulin into glucose and CO2


In which of the following organelles is a cell's ATP (energy) produced? A. mitochondria B. endoplasmic reticulum C. Golgi apparatus D. lysosome


In which of the following ways does genetic information typically flow in an organism? A. DNA-- RNA-- proteins B. DNA-- proteins-- RNA C. RNA-- proteins-- DNA D. proteins-- RNA-- DNA


Nucleic acids, proteins, and other large biological molecules are known as polymers because______ A. they contain many small, repeating subunits bonded together B. they are the base units used in the formation of plastics C. they all contain only ionic bonds D. they all have the capability of functioning as enzymes


Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane in which water moves from a solution containing a low concentration of solute to what kind of solution? A. a solution containing a high concentration of solute B. a solution containing the same amount of solute C. a solution containing only the solute D. a solution containing a high concentration of water


Over the past generations, there has been a great deal of deforestation to accommodate the increase in the human population. Which statement describes one of the main impacts of deforestation? A. decrease in animal populations B. decrease in global warming C. decrease in carbon monoxide emissions D. decrease in sea levels


The biosphere can best be defined as A. any region on Earth where life can exist B. all of the abiotic components of the Earth C. all of the plants on Earth D. a region with distinct climate characterestics


The nucleolus is a round body found in the nucleus of most cells. Although is is not technically an organelle, since it is not bound by a membrane, it can still be seen using an electron microscope and plays an important role in.... A. synthesizing ribosomes B. producing the fluid in the nucleus of cells C. synthesizing mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA D. regulating substances that enter and exit the nucleus.


The process of DNA replication is biologically significant because it allows the cells of living organisms to A. copy their DNA before cell division B. synthesize proteins from mRNA polymers C. break down glucose molecules for energy D. convert solar energy into glucose


There are two main ways in which molecules are transported into and out of cells: active transport and passive transport. Which of the following is an example of active transport? A. endocytosis B. osmosis C. filtration D. diffusion


Two species cannot occupy the same niche because A. they will compete for food or shelter until one species wins out B. one species will be successful and "move up" into another niche C. the species will interbreed to create a new hybrid species D. predators will always kill off one of the species


What happens to glucose during cellular respiration? A. It is converted to carbon dioxide and water and energy is released B. It is converted to carbohydrates and energy is absorbed C. It is converted to cellulose and energy is released D. IT is converted to glucose polymers and energy is absorbed


What is a phospholipid composed of? A. a polar head and a nonpolar tail B. a nonpolar head and a polar tail C. a polar head and tail D. a nonpolar head and tail


What is the main difference between organic and inorganic molecules? A. Organic molecules contain carbon. Inorganic molecules do not contain carbon B. Inorganic molecules are only found in living things. Organic molecules are only found in fossil fuels C. Inorganic molecules contain oxygen. Organic molecules do not contain oxygen D. Organic molecules are the product of plants. Inorganic molecules are the product of animals.


Which animal would be found in the biome that has cold to moderate winters, warm summers, and fertile soils; and is home to a variety of vegetation, such as coniferous trees, broadleaf deciduous trees, flowering shrubs, and ferns? A. whitetail deer B. polar beer C. iguana D. caribou


Which organelle modifies and packages proteins?

Golgi apparatus

Which choice below lists the biomes in order from lowest precipitation amounts to highest precipitation amounts? A. desert, grasslands, temperate deciduous forest, tropical rainforest B. grasslands, desert, tropical rainforest, temperate deciduous forest C. grasslands, desert, temperate deciduous forest, tropical rainforest D. desert, temperate deciduous forest, grasslands, tropical rainforest


Which of the following describes a function of a vacuole? I. storage of water II. storage of cellular waste III. protein synthesis IV. structural support A. I, II, and IV only B. IV only C. I, II, III, and IV D. II and III only


Which of the following is a function of the cell membrane of a cell? A. The transport of molecules into and out of the cell through selective- permeability B. The production of genetic material through DNA transcription. C. The transport of genetic material within the cytoplasm of the cell. D. The production of energy from food molecules using cellular respiration


Which of the following occurs during the ecological succession of an ecosystem? A. An ecosystem reaches a final unchanging stage B. Animals move out of the ecosystem until succession is complete C. Living organisms modify their environment a little at at time D. Parts of communitites split off to form new communitites


Which of the following organisms is primarily responsible for nitrogen-fixation? A. bacteria B. fungi C. trees D. cows


Which of the following statements are true of the cell membrane? I. composed of proteins and lipids II. composed of proteins and cellulose III. located in animal cells IV. located in plant cells V. semipermeable VI. not permeable at all A. I, III, IV, and V only B. II, IV, and VI only C. II, IV, and V only D. I, IV, and VI only


Which phrase best describes rough endoplasmic reticulum? A. covered with ribosomes B. protected by vesicles C. connected to the Golgi apparatus D. stored in the central vacuole


Why does the cell need a semi-permeable membrane? A. to maintain homeostasis B. so that all substances can exit C. so that all substances can enter it D. so that nothing can enter it


During cellular respiration, energy is stored in the form of _______.


What are the three parts of an ATP molecule?

Adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups

During photosynthesis. radiant energy from the sun is transferred to plants and other photosynthetic organisms. The chloroplasts in the cells of these organisms then transform the radiant energy into chemical potential energy stored in the bonds of ______ A. protein molecules B. highly condensed carbon compounds such as carbohydrates C. carbon dioxide D. water molecules which then evaporate through openings called stomata


Grasslands are most likely to be described as having A. tall trees and thick vegetation B. prairies and fertile soil C. snow-capped mountains D. giraffes, gazelles, and rhinos


Hardwood trees, such as oaks, maples, and birches, are most commonly found in _______ biomes. A. grassland B. temperate forest C. arctic tundra D. desert


In addition to phospholipids, which of the following organic molecules are also a part of cellular membranes? A. some nucleic acids B. some proteins C. some starches D. all of these


Photosynthesis is carried out by which of the following? A. all living organisms B. plants, but not animals C. bacteria, but neither animals or plants D. animals, but not plants


Primary succession would most likely occur after A. A forest fire B. A lava flow C. Farm land is abandoned D. A severe storm


What is one difference between primary and secondary succession? A. Primary succession is rapid and secondary succession is slow B. Secondary succession begins on soil and primary succession begins on newly exposed surfaces C. Primary succession modifies the environment and secondary succession does not D. Secondary succession begins with lichens and primary succession begins with trees


What is one role of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in organisms? A. It is the controller of substances entering and exiting a cell through the cellular membrane B. It is the messenger between DNA and the protein-synthesis ribosomes C. It is the cell's method of storage and transmission of genetic material D. It is the cellular organelle which signals apoptosis, or programmed cell death, to help the organism survive.


What is the function of the cholesterol molecules embedded within the membrane? A. They increase membrane fluidity B. They help prevent fatty acid tails from sticking together. C. They supply energy to transport proteins D. They provide channels for ion transport


What is the role of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in organisms? A. It is the controller of substances entering and exiting a cell through the cellular membrane B. It is the cell's method of storage and transmission of genetic material C. It is the filter of the cell's cytoplasm, keeping the cell free of waste D. It is the messenger between RNA and the protein- synthesis ribosomes.


When the water availability of a plant's environment decreases, the plant can respond by closing its stomata. This reduces the amount of water that the plant loses through its leaves due to transpiration. Closing the stomata also reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that the plant can take in through its leaves which will most likely result in _______ A. an increased rate of photosynthesis B. a decreased rate of photosynthesis C. no change in the cellular processes of the plant D. an increased rate of cellular respiration


Which choice below lists the biomes in order from lowest average temperatures to highest average temperatures? A. tundra, grasslands, taiga B. taiga, temperate deciduous forest, savanna C. tundra, savanna, temperate deciduous forest D. taiga, tropical forest, grasslands


Which of the following can be found in both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells? I. DNA II. mitochondria III. cytoplasm IV. ribosomes V. nucleus VI. vacuoles A. I, II, and III only B. I, III, and IV only C. I and IV only D. III, IV, and V only


Which of the following is an example of a producer/consumer interaction between two organisms? A. A tick latches onto a dog and drinks its blood B. A rabbit eats lettuce out of a garden C. A mushroom decomposes a dead cow D. A hawk catches and eats a mouse in a field


Which of the following is true about plants and cellular energy? A. Plants use light energy to produce food molecules during cellular respiration, and obtain cellular energy from the bonds of these food molecules during photosynthesis B. Plants use light energy to produce food molecules during photosynthesis, and obtain cellular energy from the bonds of these food molecules during cellular respiration C. Plants can both use light energy to produce food molecules and obtain cellular energy from the bonds of these food molecules during photosynthesis D. Plants can use both light energy to produce food molecules and obtain cellular energy from the bonds of these food molecules during cellular respiration


Which of the following molecules is the subunit of DNA that links together to form strands of DNA? A. a codon B. a nucleotide C. a polymerase D. a phosphate base


Which of the following statements describe a cell's ribosomes? I. use energy from the Sun to create sugar II. are the sites of protein synthesis III. can be found in the cytoplasm of the cell IV. regulate fluid levels within the cell V. can be found on the endopasmic reticulum A. I and IV only B. II, III, and V only C. I, II, III, IV, and V D. II and V only


Which of the following will occur if a DNA polymerase makes a mistake (e.g., inserts an incorrect base) during DNA replication? A. The cell will definitely become cancerous B. A spontaneous mutation will occur C. All DNA replication will stop D. Nothing will happen at all


Which product comes from something that is biotic? A. concrete support beam B. notebook paper C. diamond ring D. sliverware


A pod of dolphins hunting and feeding on a school of fish is an example of A. a biome interaction B. an ecosystem interaction C. a community interaction D. a population interaction


Active transport requires energy because it usually involves the movement of A. substances in the gas phase, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide B. substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration C. substances from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration D. substances that can easily pass through the cell membrane, such as water


All living organisms contain carbon atoms. Which of the following is an important characteristic of carbon? A. Carbon atoms can bond with any other atom, but they cannot form bonds with other carbon atoms B. Carbon atoms are very stable and do not easily form bonds with other atoms C. Carbon atoms can bond with many other kinds of atoms to form very stable molecules D. Carbon atoms are highly reactive and form unstable bonds with any available atom


Cells that contain chloroplasts are capable of receiving energy from the Sun that the plant can then convert into food through the process of photosynthesis. The metabolic activity of a cell that contains a chloroplast will most likely ______ A. increase as oxygen availability decreases B. increase as oxygen availability increases C. decrease as light availability decreases D. decrease as light availability increases


DNA replication results in two identical DNA molecules. What role do DNA helicases have in DNA replication? A. DNA helicases check the new DNA molecule for errors B. DNA helicases add nucleotides to the exposed nitrogen bases of the old DNA. C. DNA helicases break the hydrogen bonds in the DNA molecule D. DNA helicases hold the two strands of the old DNA apart and prevent them from reuniting.


Facilitated diffusion occurs along the concentration gradient, but transport proteins are needed to carry substances through the cell membrane. Why do some substances need transport proteins? A. The substances are too small to pass through the cell membrane on their own B. Energy is produced during the process of facilitated diffusion. C. Their chemical structures prevent them from passing directly through the cell membrane D. The substances are moving from a nonaqueous environment to an aqueous environment


Tropical rainforests are typically found A. near hot, dry areas B. near cold, mountainous areas C. near the equator D. near the poles


What type of energy transformation takes place during photosynthesis? A. chemical energy is converted into light energy B. chemical energy is converted into chemical energy C. light energy is converted into chemical energy D. potential energy is converted into kinetic energy


Which is a factor that could interrupt the progress of succession? A. Colonization of surfaces by lichens B. Different animals appearing at each stage C. Another natural disturbance D. Long-term fluctuations in climate


Which is one way a freshwater wetland differs from a lake or pond? A. Water flows in a lake or pond but never flows in a wetland. B. Wetlands are nesting areas for birds, but lakes and ponds are not. C. Water does not always cover a wetland as it does a lake or pond D. Wetlands are salty, but lakes and ponds are fresh.


Which of the following demonstrates a parasite/ host relationship? A. A giraffe eats the leaves of an Acacia tree B. Flies feed upon the carcass of a bull C. A tapeworm lives in the intestines of a dog and feeds upon the dog's ingested food D. Using its tongue, a frog catches and eats a mosquito as it flies by


Which of the following demonstrates a producer/consumer relationship? A. flies feed upon the carcass of a bull B. A tapeworm lives in the intestines of a dog and feeds upon the dog's ingested food C. A giraffe eats the leaves of an Acacia tree D. Using its tongue, a frog catches and eats a mosquito as it flies by


Which of the following is NOT a freshwater ecosystem? A. a river B. a lake C. an estuary D. a stream


Which of the following is an example of a population? A. a hot, dry climate that receives very little rain B. a pack of wolves chasing a family of deer through a grove of trees C. a large clan of meerkats, including their offspring D. the bank of a pond and the frogs and salamanders that live there


Which of the following is true about protein molecules? A. The sequence of amino acids that make up a protein molecule do not affect its function B. Protein molecules are made up of strands of DNA joined together by amino acid sequences C. The shape and folded structure of a protein molecule are important in determining its function D. Protein molecules have many functions in the body, including the storage of genetic information


Which of the following is true about the genetic material of eukaryotes and prokaryotes? A. Only prokaryotic cells contain DNA because eukaryotes use RNA as their genetic material instead. B. Eukaryotes and prokaryotes both have DNA, but it is only enclosed in a membrane in prokaryotic cells C. Eukaryotes and prokaryotes both have DNA, but it is only enclosed in a membrane in eukaryotic cells. D. Only eukaryotic cells contain DNA because prokaryotes use RNA as their genetic material instead


Which of the following pairs contains unrelated items? A. eukaryote- plant B. ribosome- protein C. cell wall- animal cell D. mitochondria- energy


Which of the following types of passive transport involves the movement of molecules via special transport proteins? A. simple diffusion B. filtration C. faciliated diffusion D. osmosis


Which of the following would best describe the relationship between a primary consumer and a secondary consumer? A. The primary consumer is the predator, and the secondary consumer is the prey B. The secondary consumer makes its food, while the primary consumer must hunt for food. C. The secondary consumer is the predator, and the primary consumer is the prey D. The primary consumer makes its food, while the secondary consumer must hunt for food


There are twenty standard amino acids that make up all proteins. What four elements are found in all amino acids?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen

A large carbohydrate molecule is composed of several subunits, such as glucose. An example of a large carbohydrate molecule is ________ A. starch B. cellulose C. glycogen D. all of these


As energy flows through ecosystems, atoms and molecules cycle among A. neither the living nor the nonliving components of the biosphere B. only the living components of the biosphere C. only the nonliving components of the biosphere D. both the living and nonliving components of the biosphere


Carbon is the basis of all life and is constantly being cycled through ecosystems. In which form is carbon passed along from plants to animals? A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. lipids D. all of these


Cells function best in a specific range of pH levels. This optimal range can differ based on the type of cell. If the pH level of a specific cellular environment decreases below the cell's optimal pH, which of the following will most likely happen? A. The metabolic activity of the cell will increase B. The cell will have an increased demand for oxygen C. The cell will have an increased demand for nitrogen D. The metabolic activity of the cell will decrease


During periods of intense exercise, cells do not receive enough oxygen to perform the normal process of aerobic cellular respiration. As a result, the cells resort to anaerobic respiration . which produces only 1/20th of the energy produced during the aerobic process. This alternative version of cellular respiration produces lactic acid as waste, which results in muscle soreness. Which of the following statements does the above information support? A. Cellular respiration is affected by temperature B. Cellular respiration is affected by sugar production C. Cellular respiration is affected by cell hydration D. Cellular respiration is affected by the availability of reactants


Ecological succession is typically a _______ process through which a developing ecosystem becomes _____stable. A. gradual; less B. rapid; less C. rapid; more D. gradual; more


Energy is released from ATP when A. A phosphate group is added B. Adenine bonds to ribose C. ATP is exposed to sunlight D. The bond between phosphate groups is broken


Every member of a particular rodent species is found within a population living in a forest ecosystem. These rodents eat a variety of plants and live in hardwood trees. Their population growth is limited by the amount of space they have available. Human construction in the area is steadily reducing the habitat of the rodent species. Which of the following will most likely occur if the species' habitat continues to be destroyed? A. The population will use less resources and stay the same size. B. The species will experience population growth. C. The limiting factor of the population will change. D. The species will eventually become extinct.


In which of the following are lipids found? A. biological membranes B. some vitamins and steroids C. saturated and unsaturated fats D. all of the above


Materials are able to move across a cell membrane through one of two methods: active transport or passive transport. What is the difference between active transport and passive transport? A. active transport is the only form of transport that requires the use of protein carriers B. passive transport is the only form of transport that requires the use of protein carriers C. active transport requires the cell to form vesicles, while passive transport requires the use of membrane pumps D. active transport requires the cell to expend energy, while passive transport does not.


Nucleic acids are one of the four major macromolecules. The main function of nucleic acids is to______ A. aid in development, the immune system, and blood clotting. B. absorb energy from the Sun and transport it around the cell C. act as enzymes, cell signals, and structural support for the cell D. carry genetic material that helps to create structures inside the cell


Plant cells contain chloroplasts which are capable of receiving energy from the Sun that the plant can then convert into food through the process of photosynthesis. Which of the following conditions would most likely decrease the metabolic activity of a plant cell? A. an increase in oxygen availability B. a decrease in exposure to toxins C. an increase in carbon dioxide availability D. a decrease in carbon dioxide availability


Proteins are the building blocks of all the tissues in the body. Which of the following cell organelles are directly responsible for making and packaging proteins? A. mitochondria, Golgi complex, and ribosomes B. ribosomes and lysosomes C. enodplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and lysosomes D. ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi complex


The fingerlike projections on the surface of the cell are called cilia and are used in which of the following processes? A. reproduction B. respiration C. digestion D. locomotion


The temperate forest biome has warm summers, cool winters, and moderate to heavy rainfall. Which of the following organisms is likely indigenous to this biome? A. cacti B. polar bears C. pelicans D. mushrooms


Which of the following best explains why the number of organisms at each level decreases while moving up the energy pyramid? A. The animals at higher levels are more competitive, so fewer animals survive B. The animals at higher levels move more than animals at lower levels, so they require more energy C. The animals at each level have more predators, so they produce more offspring D. The animals at each level use energy, so only a small amount of their energy is available to the next level.


Which of the following contributes ammonia to the soil? A. urine and dead plants and animals B. dissolved nitrogen in rain C. atmospheric nitrogen D. all of these


Which of the following could be a sequence in the carbon cycle? A. animals consume plants-- plants take in carbon dioxide and produce glucose-- animals break down glucose and release carbon dioxide B. plants take in carbon dioxide and produce glucose-- animals break down glucose and release carbon dioxide--animals consume plants C. animals break down glucose and release carbon dioxide--animals consume plants--plants take in carbon dioxide and produce glucose D. plants take in carbon dioxide and produce glucose-- animals consume plants-- animals break down glucose and release carbon dioxide


Which of the following is a true statement about codons? A. A codon is a sequence of three amino acids B. In translation, an mRNA codon is recognized by its complementary amino acid C. A codon is a sequence of four nitrogenous bases D. In translation, an mRNA codon is recognized by its complementary tRNA.


Which of the following types of passive transport involves water molecules moving from a high concentration to a low concentration? A. facilitated diffusion B. simple diffusion C. filration D. osmosis


_________ is an example of a(n) _______ factor of this ecosystem. A. temperature range; biotic B. air; biotic C. grass; abiotic D. sunlight; abiotic


Which of the following are examples of nucleic acids?


Which of these accurately describes the general structure of DNA and RNA?

DNA is a double helix; RNA is a single helix.

In what way can DNA segments be changes such that genes are altered or mutated I. New DNA segments can be inserted II. New DNA segments can be subsituted III. DNA segments can be deleted.

I, II, and III

If the amount of carbon dioxide available to the plant approaches zero, what will happen to the plants rate of photosynthesis?

It will decrease

When animal cells need energy, but oxygen is not available, such as in a ball game, what reaction takes place that gives a little ATP until oxygen is available (like when the athlete rests)?

Lactic Acid Fermentation

The sequence of bases on one strand of a DNA molecule is ATTGCCCATG. What will be the sequence on the complementary strand?


During transcription, enzymes bind to a molecule of DNA. Then, the enzymes unwind and separate the DNA's double helical strands. As the molecule unwinds, complementary nucleotides pair with one of the DNA strands to form

a RNA molecule

The first step in the process of gene expression is transcription. What is the product of transcription during gene expression?

a molecule of RNA

Cells of and organism perform the following chemical reaction: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O --- C6H12O6 + 6 O2 To which organism do these cells most likely belong?

a rubber tree plant

What are the three main components of a DNA molecule?

a sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base

what is the name for the nonliving parts of an ecosystem?

abiotic factors

Protein molecules are composed of long chains of ______

amino acids

All of the living organisms in a forest plus their environment is an example of

an ecosystem

Which substance is removed from the atmosphere so that plants can carry out photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide

Savanna, tundra, grasslands, and temperate forest are examples of _________.


In what way do farmers contribute nitrates to the soil?

by using fertilizer

Which of the following are products in the process of cellular respiration?

carbon dioxide and water

Which of the following are reactants in the process of photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide and water

Genetic mutations in somatic, or body, cells can cause the cells to change or grow uncontrollably. What disease most likely results from this type of genetic mutation?


Monosaccharides are the building blocks of?


Producers in an ecosystem store energy by converting carbon dioxide and water into energy-rich carbon compounds called __________.


Sugars, such as glucose, fructose, and ribose are examples of____


What are the four organic macromolecules?

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

All living organisms are made up of organic molecules. Which element can be found in all organic molecules?


Carbohydrates are composed of which three elements?

carbon hydrogen and oxygen

Living systems are made of complex molecules including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids. Even though there are more than 100 elements known to exist, these molecules are comprised of only a few elements. What are these elements?

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur

Organisms undergo many different processes in order to be able to store energy and utilize that energy. Through which of the following processes is energy released in the form of ATP?

cellular respiration

Plant and animal cells release energy stored in the bonds of glucose molecules when they perform _____

cellular respiration

Which biological process involves the conversion of chemical energy into a ATP?

cellular respiration

In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?


Ecological succession describes the orderly changes that occur in a community's composition or structure. Typically, these changes are initiated by a disturbance, such as a fire, landslide, or lava flow. When succession slows down, the stable community that is established is known as a(n) _____________.

climax community

Cattle egrets often live in pastures among groups of livestock such as horses and cows. The cattle egrets eat the insects stirred up by the movement of the livestock. The livestock are not significantly impacted by the presence of the cattle egrets. Which of the following terms best describes the interaction between cattle egrets and livestock?


The climate in southern Morocco can be extremely warm. The people of southern Morocco often build their homes underneath trees in order to keep their homes cooler during the summer. What type of relationship exists between people and trees in this situation?


Which type of organism can be found in all levels of the energy pyramid except the first (bottom) level?


Which of the following types of organisms break down dead plant and animal matter and return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?


Which two biomes have the LEAST precipitation?

desert and tundra

Ecosystems change over time----even when they appear to be stable. What is the term for the predictable or orderly sequence of changes experienced by a community?

ecological succession

A ______ is a kind of lipid that can store energy for a long period of time. These lipids are made up of long chains of carbon and oxygen atoms bonded to a backbone structure.


Some prokaryotes and eukaryotes have whip-like projections that help propel the cell through liquid. What is the name of this whip-like projection?


Carbon atoms have four electrons in their outer shell. This means that a single carbon atom can form up to _____ bonds with other atoms.


Which two monosaccharides combine to form sucrose?

glucose and fructose

Which of the following are products in the process of photosynthesis?

glucose and oxygen

Which of the following are reactants in the process of cellular respiration?

glucose and oxygen

The large, grazing mammals typical of specific _________ biomes known as savannas include elephants, zebras, and giraffes.


How long can a healthy ecosystem remain stable?

hundreds or thousands of years

A cell shrinks when it is placed in an unknown solution. The solution is


Water moves into a cell when the surrounding the cell is


Organic macromolecules called ________ are insoluble in water, are often found in biological membranes and other waterproof coverings, and have the ability to store energy for extended periods of time.


Which type of macromolecule contains high-energy bonds and is used for long-term energy storage?


______ are nonpolar macromolecules found in cell membranes; they prevent ions from freely entering cells.


Which organelle contains enzymes that break down old cell parts and waste materials?


Only eukaryotic cells have

membrane-bound organelles

The characteristics of all organisms and viruses are determined by the instructions carried in?

nucleic acids

A polymer is a large molecule that forms when smaller molecules known as monomers bond covalently in a repeating pattern. There are many biological polymers such as nucleic acids, proteins, and starches. What are the monomer units that make up nucleic acids?


Nitrogen atoms are part of the structure of some organic molecules, such as all amino acids and some modified carbohydrates. What other organic molecules contain nitrogen?


Michele has been given a microscope slide that contains a eukaryotic cell and a prokaryotic cell. What should she look for to distinguish the eukaryotic cell from the prokaryotic cell?


The DNA of a eukaryotic cell is located in the


A structure within a cell that performs a specific function is called a(n)


DNA molecules store genetic information and allow for self-replicating life. Molecules of DNA can be long and very complex. They always consist of smaller molecules that are made up of nitrogenous bases, phosphate groups, and 5-carbon sugars. DNA is an example of a complex _________.

organic molecule

During the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll within the leaves of plants capture light energy from the Sun to produce simple sugars. What gas is released into the air as a byproduct of photosynthesis?


Tapeworms cannot produce their own food. Instead, they live inside of another living organism's digestive tract and ultimately harm the organism as they absorb necessary nutrients from it. In the above relationship, the tapeworm is considered a ______ while the other organism is known as the _______.


A tick attaches to the flesh of a dog and feeds on the dog's blood for energy. This negatively impacts the dog by causing it discomfort and removing nutrients that the dog's body could have used for life processes, but it does not kill the dog. This interaction described above is known as ______.


Which type of molecule is the major component of cell membranes?


During _________, energy from the Sun is stored in the bonds of sugar molecules.


Organisms undergo many different processes in order to be able to store energy and utilize that energy. Through which of the following processes is energy stored in the form of glucose?


A large molecule that is made of many smaller molecules that are all linked together is called _______


Starch is a type of carbohydrate that is made of many glucose molecules that are linked together to form long chains. Based on this, the starch molecule is a type of ______ in which glucose is the _______

polymer; monomer

A pack of wolves kill and eat a deer. What kind of interaction takes place between the wolves and the deer?


A lion hunts, kills, and feeds on a zebra. The lion is an example of a ______ and the zebra is its _______.


Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are called ______


Which type of organism generates oxygen and makes up the lowest trophic level in an energy pyramid?


The cytoskeleton helps to maintain the cell's


Plants require nitrogen and phosphorous but cannot efficiently absorb these nutrients from the soil. instead, they obtain the nutrients through fungi that live in their roots. In return, the fungi have access to carbohydrates manufactured by the plants. Without the fungi, plants would not be healthy and abundant, and the food supply of all the organisms in the ecosystem would be in danger. This is an example of how ______ relationships maintain balance within an ecosystem.


The systems of the Earth have both internal and external sources of energy. Which of the following is the major external source of Earth's energy?

the Sun

Through the various biogeochemical cycles, such as the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle, elements and molecules are recycled. Energy, however, cannot be recycled. Instead, energy in ecosystems must be continuously supplied by _____

the Sun

Proteins play a vital role in all cells. In fact, cells need thousands of proteins in order to function properly. The synthesis of these proteins is primarily directed by

the genetic information stored in DNA

After taking a hot shower one morning, Julia noticed that the bathroom mirror had fogged up. The water on the mirror was running down in large drops. Julia got an idea, and started using her hairdryer to dry the mirror. The bathroom got very warm, and it began to feel very humid. When Julia turned the hairdryer off, the water began to run down the mirror again. What actual cycle could Julia's experiment be a model of?

the water cycle

In plants, a chemical reaction known as photosynthesis uses light energy from the Sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. The glucose can then be converted into ATP through the process of cellular respiration. What is the purpose of ATP?

to store energy

Cells synthesize many molecules, including proteins and enzymes, that are necessary for life processes to take place. The first stage of synthesizing a new protein molecule is known as transcription. During transcription, an RNA copy of a gene that controls the production of a certain type of protein molecule is made. What occurs after transcription to produce the new protein molecule?


During which of the following water cycle processes does water move from living, organic matter to abiotic resources?


Which biome is characterized by very low temperatures, little precipitation, and permafrost?


Unlike DNA, RNA contains


One important structure that helps move materials from one part of the cell to the other is the


How are complementary strands of DNA held together?

with hydrogen bonds connecting complementary bases

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