Biology 103 - Module 4 Study Guide

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Energy that is usable and organized is classified as having ____.

low entropy

An electron absorbs a photon of light energy and becomes energized; the electron shifts from a ____ atomic orbital to a __________ atomic orbital.

lower energy; higher energy

A chlorophyll molecule has a porphyrin ring containing a single atom of


At night, CAM plants incorporate CO2 into ____, which is stored in the ____ of their cells.

malate; vacuoles

An organism can exchange matter and energy with its surroundings. Thus, any change in an organism's energy content must be balanced by a corresponding change in the energy content of the surroundings. As such, an organism is referred to as a(n)

open system

During the first phase of glycolysis, two ____ reactions take place to transfer a phosphate group from ATP to the sugar because glucose is relatively stable and not easily broken down.


Land plants, algae, and certain prokaryotes are known as _______.


The energy of a(n) ____ is inversely proportional to its wavelength.


By definition, substances that absorb visible light are called


Capacity to do work as a result of position or state is known as _______.

potential energy

The energy released during the chain of electron transport molecules is used to create a(n) ____ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane for chemiosmosis.


In glycolysis, a six-carbon glucose molecule is converted into two three-carbon molecules of


In C3 plants, the ____ are typically closed at night and open during the daytime to allow for gas exchange.


A glucose molecule that is metabolized via aerobic respiration has been completely broken down and released as CO2 by the end of

the citric acid cycle.

The maintenance of a high ATP to ADP ratio within cells ensures that

the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP will be strongly exergonic.

Glycolysis yields a net energy profit of ____ ATP molecules per molecule of glucose.


In order for a cell to maintain a high degree of order, it must constantly

use energy.

Enzyme names are usually derived from the name of its substrate followed by which suffix?


How many carbon fixation reactions make up the Calvin cycle?


What does the oxidative decarboxylation of two pyruvates yield?

2 acetyl CoA + 2 CO2 + 2 NADH

Consider the following two chemical equations: A. glucose + fructose → sucrose + H2O, ΔG = +27 kJ/mole (or +6.5 kcal/mole) B. glucose + fructose + ATP → sucrose + ADP + Pi, ΔG = −5 kJ/mole (or −1.2 kcal/mole) What is the overall ΔG?

22 kJ/mole

Where is NADPH formed in the accompanying diagram?


Using the labels in the accompanying figure, where are chloroplasts found in the greatest density?

3 and 4

The complete aerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose yields a maximum of how many ATPs?

36 to 38

Carbon is fixed in which part of the accompanying diagram?


Which best summarizes the overall reactions of photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 12H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O

What is needed in the following reaction: ____ + Pi + energy → ADP.


In glycolysis, glucose receives two phosphate groups from ____, thus forming fructose-1,6-bisphosphate.


Phosphorylates PGA


The electron transport chain forms a concentration gradient for H+, which diffuses through ATP synthase complexes, producing ____.


Thylakoid membranes are involved in ____ synthesis.


Which is the energy source that drives the Calvin cycle?


What happens in the second phase of the Calvin cycle?

ATP and NADPH are used to convert the PGA molecules to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

In the electron transport chain, exergonic redox processes drive the endergonic reaction in which

ATP is produced by phosphorylation of ADP.

How does anaerobic respiration differ from aerobic respiration?

Anaerobic respiration utilizes NO3− as the terminal electron acceptor.

A group of about 250 chlorophyll molecules, enzymes, and other proteins

Antenna complex

Which of the following statement is correct in the context of this equation H = G + TS?

As entropy increases, the amount of free energy decreases.

ATP synthesis during the light-dependent reactions occurs by which process?


Peter Mitchell demonstrated ATP production by aerobic bacteria to prove what process?


Which of these absorbs light primarily in the blue and red regions of the visible spectrum and is the main pigment of photosynthesis?


A green accessory pigment

Chlorophyll b

Which is a product from the first reaction of the citric acid cycle?


FAD is converted to FADH2.

Citric acid cycle

GDP is phosphorylated.

Citric acid cycle

Oxaloacetate reacts with an acetyl group.

Citric acid cycle

What is the series of reactions in which the acetyl portion of acetyl CoA is degraded to CO2 and ATP is synthesized?

Citric acid cycle

Which refers to an organic, non-polypeptide compound that binds to the apoenzyme and serves as a cofactor?


How do competitive inhibitors hinder biochemical reactions?

Competitive inhibitors reduce the concentration of substrate.

In eukaryotes, where does glycolysis occur?


What is the reaction in which part of a carboxyl group (—COOH) is removed from the substrate as a molecule of CO2?


What is the reaction in which two hydrogen atoms are removed from the substrate and transferred to NAD+ or FAD?


In which of the following aerobic respiration stages does a chain of several electrons transport molecules and release energy to form a proton gradient?

Electron transport and chemiosmosis

NADH is oxidized.

Electron transport and chemiosmosis

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor.

Electron transport and chemiosmosis

Protons diffuse through the ATP synthase complex.

Electron transport and chemiosmosis

During chemiosmosis, what must be transferred from NADH and FADH2 to electron acceptor molecules?


Why type of energy is represented by a positive change in G?


Why are enzymes considered important biological catalysts?

Enzymes lower the activation energy of a biochemical reaction.

Which of the following is a hydrogen ion acceptor?


A(n) exergonic reaction results in a net gain of free energy.


According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, energy cannot be created nor destroyed.


An absorption spectrum indicates the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of light in powering photosynthesis.


An enzyme raises the activation energy of the reaction it catalyzes.


An example of a(n) anabolic reaction is the splitting of a polysaccharide into monosaccharides.


At a constant temperature and pH, the rate of an enzymatically catalyzed reaction is inversely proportional to the enzyme concentration.


At a plant's light compensation point the rate of photosynthesis is greater than the rate of respiration.


Chemical energy is a form of kinetic energy.


Cyclic electron transport is different from noncyclic electron transport in that cyclic electron transport produces NADPH.


FAD becomes oxidized when it accepts hydrogen atoms and their electrons.


For each glucose molecule that begins cellular respiration, the citric acid cycle must turn once.


If yeast cells are incubated under anaerobic conditions, the pyruvate they produce is converted to lactate.


In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor binds to the enzyme at the allosteric site.


In liver cells, each pair NADH produced via glycolysis results in two ATP molecules in the electron transport chain.


In noncompetitive inhibition, the inhibitor binds to the active site of the enzyme.


In photosynthesis, the oxygen atoms released as O2 comes from CO2.


In the process of aerobic respiration, nitrate can function as the terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.


Most plants are known as photoheterotrophs.


Surrounding the grana is the thylakoid lumen.


The cell maintains a ratio of ATP to ADP that is at the equilibrium point.


The conversion of polysaccharides to monosaccharides is an example of an anabolic reaction.


The photolysis of water occurs in conjunction with photosystem I.


The stage of cellular respiration in which most of the ATP is produced is the citric acid cycle.


In which of the following reactions is pyruvate degraded and combined with coenzyme A to form acetyl CoA?

Formation of acetyl CoA

The first process that occurs in the mitochondrion.

Formation of acetyl CoA

In glycolysis, a phosphorylated sugar (fructose-1,6-bisphosphate) is split, forming two molecules of


Ribulose phosphate is synthesized from which molecule?


Two of these molecules leave the Calvin cycle and react, forming glucose or fructose.


Which type of electromagnetic waves has the shortest wavelength?

Gamma waves

What is the primary function of the leaf structure labeled as 5 in the accompanying figure?

Gas exchange

Which of the following molecules can be used as a substrate for cellular respiration?

Glucose, lipids, proteins, and fatty acids

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is split into two sugars.


Glucose is phosphorylated.


Pyruvate is an end product.


Which of the following is a series of reactions in which glucose is degraded to pyruvate and electrons are transferred to carriers?


A group of thylakoid discs make up what part of the chloroplast?


What are the reactants of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?

H2O, ADP, and NADP+

What refers to the alteration of an enzyme's shape due to binding of substrate?

Induced fit

Which class of enzyme can catalyze the conversion of a molecule from one isomeric form to another?


Which best describes a catabolic reaction?

It involves the breakdown of large organic molecules to simple building blocks.

What unit is used to measure thermal energy that flows from an object of higher temperature to an object of lower temperature?


As you climb a flight of stairs, what type of energy are your legs in motion using?

Kinetic energy

During which phase of photosynthesis is ATP and NADPH synthesized?

Light-dependent phase

What are the two phases of photosynthesis?

Light-dependent reactions and carbon fixation reactions

Which of the following is the common cofactor for enzymes?


In C4 plants, reactions that fix CO2 into four-carbon compounds occur in what type of cells?

Mesophyll cells

Where does the citric acid cycle take place in a eukaryotic cell?

Mitochondrial matrix

Select the hydrogen acceptor molecule that stores electrons in the process of photosynthesis.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+)

Which organism would be classified as a chemoautotroph?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

Which of the following would be classified as a CAM plant?


Which of the following would be classified as a CAM plant?e


Which chemical process occurs in which a substance loses electrons?


What is it called when ATP synthesis is coupled to the redox reactions in the electron transport chain?

Oxidative phosphorylation

Which of the following statements about lactic acid fermentation is FALSE?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor of this pathway.

Reaction center of photosystem II


Reaction center for photosystem I


_____________ is a protein-digesting enzyme in the very acidic stomach juice.


What is the reaction in which a phosphate group is transferred from ATP to the sugar?


The synthesis of ATP during photosynthesis or respiration is the result of what process?

Phosphorylation of ADP

Which process not only yields electrons that replenish photosystems I and II, but also is the source of almost all the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere?


Which part of the chlorophyll molecule is responsible for absorbing light?

Porphyrin ring

What form of energy is stored within the molecules of ATP?


You are out cycling and start to climb a hill. As you crest the hill, just before cycling down, what kind of energy have you stored?

Potential energy

According to the graph in the accompanying figure, chlorophyll absorbs light most strongly in what region of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Red and blue wavelengths

Functions as a CO2-acceptor molecule


Catalyzes the "fixation" of carbon dioxide


In which part of the chloroplast do the carbon fixation reactions take place?


What is the fluid-filled sac within the inner membrane of a chloroplast called?


What is it called when a phosphate group is transferred to ADP from a phosphorylated intermediate?

Substrate-level phosphorylation

Which of the following steps in the citric acid cycle directly produces a molecule of ATP (or GTP)?

Succinyl CoA → succinate

What is the chemical reaction illustrated in the figure?

The energy investment phase of glycolysis

Which best describes the energy of activation?

The energy required to break existing bonds

Which of the following statements about the electron transport chain is true?

The proton gradient established during electron transport is a form of potential energy.

What would happen if you were to increase the temperature in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?

The rate of reaction will increase and then decrease rapidly.

Where is the electron transport chain of photosynthesis located?

Thylakoid membrane

Chlorophyll and accessory photosynthetic pigments are associated with which part of the chloroplast?

Thylakoid membranes

What is the role of the oxygen molecules required for aerobic respiration?

To accept the low energy electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

What is the function of coenzyme Q?

To transfer electrons

Which of the following statements is contrary to the second law of thermodynamics?

Total entropy in the universe is decreasing with time.

A cell must expend energy to produce a concentration gradient.


A closed system does not exchange energy with its surroundings.


A reversible inhibitor forms weak chemical bonds with the enzyme.


CAM plants open their stomata at night, admitting CO2 while minimizing water loss.


Fermentation is an anaerobic process that does not use an electron transport chain.


For each acetyl CoA molecule that enters the citric acid cycle, two CO2 molecules are produced.


In the tricarboxylic acid cycle, oxaloacetate reacts with acetyl CoA forming citrate.


Most vitamins are coenzymes.


Photorespiration is a wasteful process that could be largely avoided if rubisco would bind only CO2.


Some enzymes can only function if an additional chemical component, called a cofactor, is present.


The downhill flow of protons through the ATP synthase complex powers the production of ATP.


The part of a chlorophyll molecule that absorbs light energy is the porphyrin ring.


The product of the Calvin cycle that is of greatest practical importance to the plant is carbohydrate.


The reactions of the citric acid cycle take place in the matrix of the mitochondrion.


How many electrons are needed to reduce one molecule of NADP+ to NADPH?


What is the ultimate source of electrons for noncyclic electron transport, and thus photosynthesis?


Which of the following statements is contrary to the first law of thermodynamics?

When energy is used, it is irreplaceable.

Which of the following is an exploited product of lactate fermentation?


The graph in the accompanying figure represents the

absorption spectra for chlorophylls a and b.

If yeasts are grown under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted first to ____ and then to ____.

acetaldehyde; ethyl alcohol

Refer to the accompanying figure. The line on the graph labeled B represents the ____.

activation energy with an enzyme

The region of the enzyme molecule that interacts with a substrate is called the ______.

active site

Some enzymes have a receptor site that is other than the active site. This is also referred to as a(n) ____ site.


Respiration which does not use oxygen as the final electron acceptor and is performed by some prokaryotes that live in anaerobic environments, such as waterlogged soil, stagnant ponds, and animal intestines is called ______.

anaerobic respiration

Saturated fatty acids store more energy than unsaturated fatty acids. Based on your knowledge of aerobic respiration, you draw this conclusion because saturated fatty acids

are more highly reduced.

During fermentation, the immediate fate of the electrons in NADH is that they

are transferred to an organic molecule.

The equation, G = H − TS, predicts that

as entropy increases, the amount of free energy decreases.

Because enzymes affect the speed of chemical reactions without being consumed, they are referred to as


Refer to the accompanying figure. The line on the graph labeled C represents the ____.

change in free energy

Animals, fungi, and most prokaryotes are known as ________.


The action spectrum of photosynthesis best matches the absorption spectrum of

chlorophylls a and b.

A nonpolypeptide compound that binds to the apoenzyme and serves as a cofactor is called


Consider the following two chemical equations: A. glucose + fructose → sucrose + H2O, ΔG = +27 kJ/mole (or +6.5 kcal/mole) B. glucose + fructose + ATP → sucrose + ADP + Pi, ΔG = −5 kJ/mole (or −1.2 kcal/mole) The overall free energy change in the chemical equations (A) and (B) above is accomplished by Group of answer choices

combining an endergonic and an exergonic reaction.

Amino acids are metabolized by reactions in which the amino group (2NH2) is first removed, this is known as ________.


According to the second law of thermodynamics, the amount of usable energy available to do work in the universe ____ over time.


In a reaction in which the rate of the reverse reaction is equal to the rate of the forward reaction, a state of ____ is attained.

dynamic equilibrium

Every type of chemical bond contains a certain amount of energy. The total bond energy, which is essentially equivalent to the total potential energy of the system, is a quantity known as


Total bond energy is essentially equivalent to the total potential energy of the system, a quantity known as ____________.


Suppose the free energy of the reactants is greater than the free energy of the products. Such a reaction is referred to as a(n) ____.

exergonic reaction

The reaction ATP + H2O → ADP + Pi is classified as an

exergonic reaction.

When an electron returns to its ground state, energy will be released as heat or as an emission of light, known as


The direction of an exergonic reaction can best be described as moving

from higher to lower free energy.

ATP is formed when ____ the thylakoid lumen.

hydrogen ions leave

Both alcohol fermentation and lactate fermentation are highly ____ because the fuel is only partially ____.

inefficient; oxidized

Many bacterial infections are treated with drugs, such as penicillin and sulpha drugs, that ____ the bacteria's enzyme activity.


The unit of measurement for energy that most biologists today prefer is ____________.


An endergonic reaction can proceed only if it absorbs

less free energy than is released by a coupled exergonic reaction.

How are chlorophyll molecules attached to thylakoid membranes?

By a long hydrocarbon side chain

Which reaction is the aerobic respiration of glucose?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O → 6 CO2 + 12 H2O + energy

What is the first step in the Calvin cycle?

CO2 attaches to RuBP.

What are the reactants of the Calvin cycle?


During photosynthesis, ____ is reduced and ____ is oxidized.

CO2; H2O

Yellow and orange accessory pigments


Which of the following are accessory photosynthetic pigments that expand the spectrum of light to provide energy for photosynthesis?

Carotenoids and chlorophyll b

What is the function of the oxidoreductases?

Catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions

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