Biology 2050 Section Quiz #5

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If part of a DNA template strand is the sequence GTTAGTCTGTGGGCT. The mRNA transcribed from it is _______ . 1. Gln-Ser-Asp-Thr-Arg. 2. GTTAGTCTGTGGGCT. 3. CAATCAGACACCCGA. 4. CAAUCAGACACCCGA.


What is the MOST important reason a cell exhibits tight transcriptional control over the regulation of gene expression? 1. Cells can only regulate the concentration of protein at the transcriptional level. 2. Regulation at the transcriptional level can affect the differentiation of future generations of cells. 3. Regulation at the transcriptional level is energetically efficient for the cell. 4. At the transcriptional level, protein synthesis can be turned on and off quickly to respond to the needs of the cell 5. At the transcriptional level, mRNA can be degraded quickly to lower their concentration in the cytoplasm.

Regulation at the transcriptional level is energetically efficient for the cell

_________ is to transcription as _________ are to translation. 1. RNA polymerase; RNA spliceosomes 2. DNA polymerase; RNA polymerase 3. RNA polymerase; ribosomes 4. DNA polymerase; ribosomes 5. RNA spliceosome; ribosomes

RNA polymerase; ribosomes

Identify the anticodon sequences for an mRNA sequence that is 5′-AUG GGC ACU CAU-3′. 1. 3′AUG 5' - 3' GGC 5' - 3' ACU 5' - 3' CAU5′ 2. 3′UAC 5' - 3' CCG 5' - 3' UGA 5' - 3' GUA5′ 3. 5′UAC 3' - 5' CCG 3' - 5' UGA 3' - 5' GUA3′ 4. 3′TAC 5' - 3' CCG 5' -5' TGA 3' - 5' GTA 3′ 5. 5′AUG 3' - 5' GGC 3' - 5' ACU 3' - 5' CAU3′

3′UAC 5' - 3' CCG 5' - 3' UGA 5' - 3' GUA5′

If a DNA template strand has a sequence of 3′ TACAATGTAGCC 5′, the RNA produced from it will be which sequence? 1. 5′ATGTTACATCGG3′ 2. 3′AUGUUACAUCGG5′ 3. 5′AUGUUACAUCGG3' 4. 3′ATGTTACATCGG5′ 5. 3′TACAATGTAGCC5′


The probability of obtaining a dominant phenotype from self-fertilization of a heterozygous individual is _______ ? 1. 50% 2. 25% 3. 75% 4. 100%


Which of the following statements about RNA processing in eukaryotes is INCORRECT? 1. Modification occurs in the nucleus. 2. A poly A tail is added on to the 3′ end of the mRNA. 3. A 7-methylguanosine cap is added on to the 5′ end of the mRNA. 4. The excision of introns from pre-mRNA is the only modification required to produce a mature mRNA. 5. A protein/RNA complex is used to remove introns from the pre-mRNA.

The excision of introns from pre-mRNA is the only modification required to produce a mature mRNA

What is the function of the poly A tail? 1. The poly A tail serves as a termination sequence for RNA polymerase III. 2. The poly A tail increases mRNA stability in prokaryotes. 3. The poly A tail is required for the mRNA to resume its double helical structure 4. The poly A tail increases mRNA stability in eukaryotes. 5. The poly A tail is required for the termination of translation, it is recognized by the release factor proteins

The poly A tail increases mRNA stability in eukaryotes.

The cell is capable of regulating gene expression in a variety of situations and environments. Valid reasons for a cell to regulate gene expression include its ability to: a. make additional cells of the same type in response to a demand. b. synthesize enzymes to metabolize a particular nutrient. c. keep a gene product available under all conditions. d. execute a specific program of development (e.g. to become a blood cell or immune cell). e. stop synthesis of a cellular component when there is enough available in the cell. f. synthesize mRNA for every gene in the genome at all times.

a. True b. True c. False d. True e. True f. False

What enzyme catalyzes the attachment of amino acids to tRNA molecules? 1. translation factor 2. topoisomerase 3. ribosome 4. helicase 5. aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase

Liver cells, mammary cells, and skin cells all contain the same genome; however, their respective proteomes vary drastically. This observation is best explained by what phenomenon? 1. cell differentiation 2. cell division 3. crossing over 4. gene splicing 5. evolution

cell differentiation

Genes organized into an operon are beneficial to certain bacteria because the operon allows for _______ ? 1. separate regulation of individual genes that encode proteins that function in different pathways. 2. coordinated regulation of a group of proteins involved in numerous cellular pathways. 3. coordinated regulation of a group of genes that encode proteins that function in a common pathway. 4. differential regulation of individual genes that encode proteins that function in a common pathway. 5. coordinated regulation of a group of genes that encode proteins that function in different pathways.

coordinated regulation of a group of genes that encode proteins that function in a common pathway

Because more than one codon can specify the same amino acid, the genetic code is said to be _______ ? 1. redundant. 2. repetitive. 3. reverse. 4. wobbly. 5. degenerate.


An mRNA sequence is 5′-AUG GGC ACU CAU ACU UAA-3′, where AUG is the start codon and UAA is the stop codon. How many distinct aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are required to translate the mRNA sequence? 1. two 2. five 3. six 4. four 5. three


The processes of transcription and translation are collectively known as ______ ? 1. protein synthesis. 2. gene expression. 3. DNA synthesis. 4. gene duplication. 5. RNA processing.

gene expression

A cell's ability to control its level of gene expression is called? 1. gene splicing. 2. gene correction. 3. gene addition. 4. gene transformation. 5. gene regulation.

gene regulation

Intervening sequences that are transcribed, but not translated into protein are called _______ ? 1. transcription factors. 2. introns. 3. transposons. 4. exons. 5. spliceosomes.


Eyelash length is an inherited trait. In the human population, there is an eyelash length gene. There are two possible variants of this gene—an allele for long eyelashes (> 1cm) and an allele for short eyelashes (1 cm or less). The allele for long eyelashes is dominant (L) and the allele for short eyelashes is recessive (l). An individual who is heterozygous for eyelash length would have which of the following phenotypes? 1. long eyelashes 2. Ll 3. LL 4. ll 5. short eyelashes

long eyelashes

The transcription process in a eukaryotic gene directly produces _______ . 1. pre-mRNA 2. DNA 3. Protein 4. mRNA 5. rRNA


Transcription begins near a site in the DNA called the _______ ? 1. transcription unit 2. response element 3. regulatory sequence 4. promoter 5. enhancer


What factors are utilized by the cell in order to recognize the stop codon and disassemble the translation machinery? 1. transcription factors 2. release factors 3. initiation factors 4. elongation factors 5. mRNA factors

release factors

Which of the following serves as the "translator" or intermediary between an mRNA codon and an amino acid? 1. tRNA 2. snRNA 3. siRNA 4. snRNPs 5. rRNA


How many nucleotides are contained in a single codon? 1. four 2. nine 3. six 4. one 5. three


Which region of a structural gene contains the information that specifies an amino acid sequence? 1. terminator 2. transcribed region 3. regulatory sequence 4. promoter region 5. enhancer region

transcribed region

The process that produces mRNA from DNA is called _______ ? 1. processing. 2. transcription. 3. replication. 4. translation. 5. post-translational modification.


What protein influences the ability of RNA polymerase to transcribe genes? 1. DNA helicases 2. snRNPs 3. transcription factors 4. DNA polymerases 5. tRNA

transcription factors

What products of nonstructural genes are never translated? 1. transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA 2. ribosomal RNA 3. ribosomal RNA and messenger RNA 4. messenger RNA 5. transfer RNA

transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA

How many distinct aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases does each cell make? 1. ~20 2. ~180 3. ~60 4. ~1 5. ~120


A single gene always encodes an enzyme. True or False?


What is a dominant allele? 1. An allele that is very prevalent in a population 2. An allele that has no noticeable affect on an organism's phenotype 3. An allele that totally beats up on a recessive allele 4. An allele that will only have an affect on phenotype in a haploid organism; otherwise its presence will be masked 5. In a heterozygous individual, the allele that determines the phenotype

In a heterozygous individual, the allele that determines the phenotype

The molecule mRNA, which contains the information to make a polypeptide, is constructed from a DNA template. True or False?


The termination of translation occurs when a release factor recognizes the stop codon. True or False?


Points of control in eukaryotic gene expression include which of the following? 1. RNA modification.RNA modification. 2. translation.translation. 3. transcription.transcription. 4. 5. DNA replication.

- RNA modification - translation - transcription - post-translation

The scenario shows a distribution of plant height from genetically identical individuals plotted as a function of temperature. Check all that apply. 1. Temperature influences the growth of plants.Temperature influences the growth of plants. 2. The genotype of the plant is likely altered by the environment.The genotype of the plant is likely altered by the environment. 3. The environment likely impacts the expression of genes important to plant height.The environment likely impacts the expression of genes important to plant height. 4. Plants grow well at 40oC.Plants grow well at 40oC. 5. Despite having the identical genetics the phenotype of organisms show continuous variation with respect to the environment.

- Temperature influences the growth of plants.Temperature influences the growth of plants - The environment likely impacts the expression of genes important to plant height.The environment likely impacts the expression of genes important to plant height - Despite having the identical genetics the phenotype of organisms show continuous variation with respect to the environment.

A true-breeding pea plant with smooth pods is crossed to a true-breeding pea plant with constricted pods. The offspring of this cross all have smooth pods. This indicates that: Check all that apply. 1. constricted is dominant and smooth is recessive.constricted is dominant and smooth is recessive. 2. smooth is dominant and constricted is recessive.smooth is dominant and constricted is recessive. 3. constricted and smooth are not alleles.constricted and smooth are not alleles. 4. constricted and smooth are variants of the same gene.

- smooth is dominant and constricted is recessive.smooth is dominant and constricted is recessive. - constricted and smooth are variants of the same gene.

A recessive allele: Check all that apply. 1. will have no noticeable effects on an organism's phenotype if a dominant allele is present.will have no noticeable effects on an organism's phenotype if a dominant allele is present. 2. will never have an effect on an organism's phenotype.will never have an effect on an organism's phenotype. 3. can be on either the maternal or the paternal chromosome.can be on either the maternal or the paternal chromosome. 4. will have an effect on an organism's phenotype if the individual is homozygous for the recessive allele.

- will have no noticeable effects on an organism's phenotype if a dominant allele is present.will have no noticeable effects on an organism's phenotype if a dominant allele is present - can be on either the maternal or the paternal chromosome.can be on either the maternal or the paternal chromosome - will have an effect on an organism's phenotype if the individual is homozygous for the recessive allele.

When lactose becomes available the genes encoding β-galactosidase, lactose permease, and galactoside transacetylase are upregulated in E. coli. True or False?


Eyelash length is an inherited trait. In the human population, there is an eyelash length gene. There are two possible variants of this gene—an allele for long eyelashes (> 1cm) and an allele for short eyelashes (1 cm or less). The allele for long eyelashes is dominant (L) and the allele for short eyelashes is recessive (l). An individual who is heterozygous for eyelash length would have which of the following genotypes? 1. long eyelashes 2. short eyelashes 3. ll 4. Ll 5. LL


The following mRNA transcript would result in which polypeptide sequence?5′-ACU UUC ACU AUG UUU UUA UCC UCC ACU CCU UGA-3′Use the following codons and the amino acids they encode.AUG = Start or Met; UUU, UUC = Phe; UUA, UUG = Leu; UCU, UCC = Ser; CCU, CCC = Pro; ACU, ACC = Thr; UGA = Stop. 1. Phe-Leu-Ser-Ser-Thr-Pro 2. Thr-Phe-Thr 3. Met-Phe-Leu-Ser-Ser-Thr-Pro 4. Thr-Phe-Thr-Phe-Leu-Ser-Ser-Thr-Pro 5. Met-Phe-Leu-Ser-Ser


Environment can have an influence on the range of phenotypes seen in a population. True or False?


More than one codon can specify the same amino acid. True or False?


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