Biology Chapter 6

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If a cell's carbohydrate supplies run low, ______ monomers of proteins can be converted into molecules that enter the pathways of cellular respiration.

amino acid

Plants conduct photosynthesis. Which of the following conduct cellular respiration?

animals and plants

The Krebs cycle produces ATP, NADH, FADH2, and releases ______, which contains the carbon atoms remaining from the original 6-carbon glucose molecule.

carbon dioxide

Select the molecules that are products of the Krebs cycle.

carbon dioxide NADH ATP FADH2

electron transport in prokaryotes

cell membrane

Select all of the cellular activities that require ATP.

cell movement active transport protein synthesis

When protons diffuse across a membrane through ATP synthase, energy is transferred to phosphorylate an ADP, making ATP in the process called ______ phosphorylation.


The first product of the Krebs cycle is the 6-carbon molecule citrate; hence, the Krebs cycle is also known as the ______ cycle.

citric acid

In the picture, the arrows point to mitochondrial folds called


What increases the surface area of the inner mitochondrial membrane?


Glycolysis occurs in the ______ of all living cells.


Krebs cycle in prokaryotes


In what step of aerobic cellular respiration do electrons pass through a series of membrane proteins, and the energy released by their passage is used to created a hydrogen ion gradient?

electron transport chain

Oxygen accepts electrons and combines with hydrogen atoms to form water at the last protein complex in the electron transport chain. Nearby the electron transport chain, the A T P synthase channel protein is also embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. What pathway of aerobic respiration is shown in the picture?

electron transport chain

What pathway of aerobic cellular respiration generates ATP by chemiosmotic phosphorylation?

electron transport chain

What step of aerobic respiration generates the most ATP?

electron transport chain

NADH and FADH2 transfer energy-rich ______ from the molecules of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle to the electron transport chain of aerobic respiration.


True or false: Glucose is the only food molecule that can enter the pathways of aerobic respiration and lead to the production of ATP.


The glycerol and fatty acid components of ______ molecules present in food can be converted into pyruvate and acetyl CoA, respectively, which then enter the pathways of aerobic respiration.


Two pathways that cells use to make ATP from glucose without oxygen are anaerobic respiration and


Cellular respiration harvests energy from ______ and uses the energy to power the synthesis of ______ from ADP and a phosphate group.

food molecules; ATP

Before the NADH and FADH2 produced during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle are "cashed in" during the electron transport chain, the net number of ATP molecules produced per glucose molecule is ______ molecules.


Aerobic respiration captures energy from the oxidation of ______ and reduction of ______ and stores the captured energy in the bonds of ATP.

glucose; oxygen

During what step of cellular respiration is glucose split into two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules?


The monomers of starch and glycogen food molecules first enter aerobic respiration at what step?


Select all of the following steps of cellular respiration that generate ATP by substrate-level phosphorylation—that is, without a proton gradient.

glycolysis Krebs cycle

Approximately 32% of the potential energy in a molecule of glucose is captured in ATP through aerobic respiration; the remainder is lost as


In the electron transport chain, energy from electron transfers powers the pumping of ______ into the intermembrane compartment by some of the proteins in the chain.

hydrogen ions

Glycolysis can occur

in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

The Krebs cycle not only produces ATP and electron carriers, but intermediate molecules formed in the Krebs cycle can also be used

in pathways that manufacture amino acids or fats.

electron transport in eukaryotes

inner mitochondrial membrane

Within mitochondria, the electron transport chain and ATP synthase proteins are located in the

inner mitochondrial membrane.

The area between the outer and inner membranes of a mitochondrion is called the ______ compartment.


What space of the mitochondrion is the arrow pointing to in the picture?

intermembrane compartment

The arrow is pointing to what component of a mitochondrion?


The fluid enclosed within the inner membrane of a mitochondrion is called the


Within mitochondria, the Krebs cycle takes place in the


In the cells of protists, plants, fungi, and animals, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain take place in organelles called


Krebs cycle in eukaryotes

mitochondrial matrix

Pyruvate is the product of glycolysis, and after it moves into the ______, it is oxidized to form ______ that enters the Krebs cycle.

mitochondrial matrix; acetyl CoA

What organelle in a eukaryotic cell provides most of the cell's ATP?


In aerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor, ______, combines with hydrogen ions to form water.


In substrate-level phosphorylation, a molecule donates a(n) ______ group to ADP to form ATP, and a ______ is not required.

phosphate; proton gradient


produces 4 ATP but requires 2 ATP; so net 2 ATP are produced

Select molecules that have stored potential energy and that can be used in aerobic respiration to generate ATP.

proteins carbohydrates lipids

In the electron transport chain, electrons are shuttled through a series of membrane proteins, which creates a gradient of _________________ ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

proton or hydrogen

In glycolysis, a glucose molecule is split into two molecules of ______, and energy is harvested as ATP and NADH.


Select all of the following that are reactants of pyruvate oxidation during the "transition step" of cellular respiration.

pyruvate NAD+

Cellular respiration is an oxidation-reduction reaction that ______ energy, which the cell uses to synthesize ______.

releases; ATP

Select all the food molecules that can be broken down into glucose monomers, which enter aerobic respiration at the beginning of glycolysis.

starch glycogen

How is ATP formed during the Krebs cycle?

substrate-level phosphorylation

What method is used to generate ATP in glycolysis?

substrate-level phosphorylation

When the electron carrier molecules NADH and FADH2 enter ______, electrons are removed, and the energy pumps protons into the intermembrane compartment of the mitochondrion.

the electron transport chain

How do organisms make ATP?

using potential energy stored in molecules

Select reactions that occur during the first stage of glycolysis, called the energy investment stage, which consists of the first five reactions.

-A 6-carbon intermediate is split into two 3-carbon molecules. -Phosphate is transferred to glucose

Select all of the following that cause the difference between the theoretical and actual yields of ATP in aerobic respiration.

-ATP is spent transporting pyruvate and ADP into the mitchondrial matrix. -Protons leak across the inner mitochondrial membrane without using ATP synthase

Select all of the following that are products in the overall equation for aerobic respiration.

-CO2 (carbon dioxide) -ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

Select all of the following that are stages of aerobic cellular respiration.

-Krebs cycle -electron transport chain -glycolysis

Select reactions that occur during the second stage of glycolysis, called the energy harvest stage and consisting of reactions 6 through 10.

-Two molecules of pyruvate are produced. -ATP is generated by substrate-level phosphorylation. -NAD+ is reduced to NADH.

Select all of the following that are encoded by mitochondrial DNA.

-proteins of the electron transport chain -ATP synthase

Select all of the following that are true of ATP synthesis.

-requires an input of energy (endergonic reaction) -a phosphate group is added to ADP

Rank the 3 groups of reactions of aerobic respiration in the order they occur, beginning with the first stage of cellular respiration at the top.

1. glycolysis 2. Krebs cycle 3. electron transport chain

How many molecules of ATP are produced in the Krebs cycle per every two molecules of acteyl CoA that enter the Krebs cycle?


Krebs cycle


Although the theoretical yield of ATP per one molecule of glucose in aerobic respiration is about 36 ATP, the actual yield is about ______ ATP per glucose.


electron transport

34 ATP

theoretical total

36 ATP

The oxidation of glucose during aerobic respiration yields ATP, NADH, and FADH2 molecules. In theory, the ATP yield during the electron transport chain is ______ molecules of ATP per NADH and ______ molecules of ATP per FADH2.

3; 2

ATP synthase is an enzyme that forms a channel for hydrogen ions to diffuse across a membrane and power the formation of


Mutations to mitochondrial DNA may cause severe disorders if the genes that code for electron transport proteins or ATP synthase are affected because ______ may not be generated.


Organisms in oxygen-rich environments use aerobic cellular respiration to generate


The potential energy stored in food (such as glucose) is used by all organisms to make the energy-carrying molecule ________________, which powers cellular activity.


What molecule powers most energy-requiring cell activities, including active transport, movement of chromosomes and flagella, muscle contraction, and the synthesis of organic molecules?


Select all of the following that are required for glycolysis to occur.

ATP glucose

What enzyme uses the energy of a proton gradient to add a phosphate to ADP?

ATP synthase

Glycolysis generates 4 ________molecules per glucose, but requires an input of ___________ ATP molecule(s), producing a net of 2 ATP molecules per glucose.

ATP; 2


Blood is circulated through gills, and water passing by blood vessels causes diffusion of oxygen into blood vessels and diffusion of carbon dioxide out of blood vessels.

Aerobic cellular respiration requires that ______ diffuses out of cells, and ______ diffuses into cells.

CO2; O2

Select all of the following that have been produced from the original glucose molecule after glycolysis, oxidation of pyruvate, and the Krebs cycle occur, but before molecules enter the electron transport chain.


Select all the products of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle that carry electrons to the electron transport chain in aerobic respiration.


Select all of the electron-carrier molecules produced by the Krebs cycle.

FADH2 (flavin adenine dinucleotide) NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)


Gases diffuse across cell membrane.


Inhaling and exhaling of air causes diffusion of oxygen into blood vessels and diffusion of carbon dioxide out of blood vessels at the lungs

In aerobic respiration, what group of reactions releases CO2, ATP, NADH, and FADH2?

Krebs cycle

Intermediates from what pathway can be used in the manufacture of amino acids and fats?

Krebs cycle

Select all of the molecules that are reactants of glycolysis.

NAD+ glucose

What electron carrier molecule is generated during the reactions of glycolysis?


The electron transport chain accepts energy-rich electrons from ______ and ______ produced in the previous reactions of aerobic respiration.


The electron transport chain harnesses the potential energy of the molecules ______, which donate electrons to proteins in the electron transport chain.


The molecules ______ that are produced by glycolysis and the Krebs cycle must move to the inner mitochondrial membrane to enter the electron transport chain.


The rearrangement and oxidation of intermediates in the Krebs cycle transfers electrons to what molecules?


The first protein in the electron transport chain accepts electrons from ______, and the second protein in the electron transport chain accepts electrons from ______.


What happens to the carbon atoms in the two-carbon acetyl group that enters the Krebs cycle?

They are released as CO2.

True or false: Plants use a portion of the glucose they produce in photosynthesis to make ATP in cellular respiration.


The potential energy of ______ is used to power the production of ATP in chemiosmotic phosphorylation.

a proton gradient

What molecule carries potential energy originally present in the chemical bonds of glucose and enters the Krebs cycle?

acetyl CoA

What product of pyruvate oxidation enters the Krebs cycle?

acetyl CoA

Select all of the following that are products of the "transition step" in aerobic cellular respiration.

acetyl CoA CO2 NADH

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36ATP is the overall equation for what process?

aerobic respiration

What cellular process uses glucose and oxygen to produce ATP?

aerobic respiration

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