Biology chapter 7 photosynthesis

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what is chlorophyll?

- light absorbing pigment -found in chloroplasts -give plants green color -role in converting solar to chemical energy

chlorophyll b

-absorbs blue & orange -reflects yellow-green

chlorophyll a

-absorbs blue-violet & red light -reflects green

what do carotenoids do?

-broaden spectrum of colors that can drive photosynthesis -provide photoprotection -reflects red, orange, or yellow

explain how photosynthesis is a redox reaction

-carbon dioxide becomes reduced to sugar as electrons and hydrogen ions from water are added to it -water molecules are oxidized when they lose electrons and hydrogen ions

what are the steps of the Calvin cycle?

-carbon fixation -reduction -release of G3P -regeneration of RuBP

what happens to c3 plants in hot, dry weather?

-close stomata -prevent CO2 from entering/ O2 from exiting -rubisco adds o2 to RuBP instead of CO2 -use ATP (not produce)

what happens to unstable electrons?

-drop back to ground state -release excess energy as heat

what causes the leaves to change color in the fall?

-green chlorophyll pigments are reduced -carotenoids revealed ( reflect yellow, orange, red)

what does absorbing photons do to a pigment's electrons?

-increases potential energy -puts electrons in unstable state

what occurs in the light reactions?

-water is split, providing electrons & giving off O2 as a by-product -ATP is generated from ADP and a phosphate group -light energy absorbed by chlorophyll to drive transfer of electrons and hydrogen ions from water to the electron acceptor NADP+ -NADP+ reduced to NADPH

when does the light reaction occur in CAM plants?

during the day

what does water provide when is splits?

electrons, hydrogen ions, and oxygen

tiny pores in the leaf


internal compartment of the thylakoid membrane

thylakoid space

membranous sacs interconnected in stacks called grana


why do c3 plants close their stomata?

to reduce water loss

what is the first step in the transformation of light energy into chemical energy?

transfer of an electron from a photosystem to a primary electron acceptor

since the ______'s, scientists have known that plants produce oxygen.


chloroplasts have ___ membrane(s).


how many photosystems are there?


how many stages does photosynthesis have?


RuBP and CO2 form....?


the six molecule of carbon dioxide and RuBP is then split into what?


ATP and NADPH are used to reduce _______ to _____ in the calvin cycle

3-PGA; G3P

visible light consists of wavelengths from about ____ nm to about ______ nm.

380; 750

what percent of plants are CAM plants?


how many G3P molecules are regenerated?


for every ___ G3P produced in the Calvin cycle, 1 is sent out


To synthesize one glucose molecule, the Calvin cycle uses _____ CO2, ______ ATP, and ____ NADPH.

6; 18; 12

between the two photosystems, the electrons passing down the electron transport chain provide energy for the synthesis of ____.


what provides chemical energy that powers several steps of the Calvin cycle?


for chloroplasts to produce sugar from carbon dioxide in the dark, they would need to be supplied with ______ and _________.


photosystem II and photosystem I generate ____ and ______.


the two stages of photosynthesis are linked by ___ and _____.


bundle sheath cells are found in ____ plants


in ____ plants, carbon fixation and calvin cycle occur in same place but at different times


in which type of plants do stomata close during the day and open at night?

CAM plants

what are the inputs of the Calvin cycle?

CO2 (from air); ATP; NADPH (both from light reactions)

what are the products of light reactions?

NADPH, ATP, and oxygen

what is carbon dioxide bonded with to form oxaloacetate?


what enzyme bonds carbon dioxide and PEP together to form oxaloacetate?

PEP carboxylase

in the Calvin cycle, ______ is recycled.


what is carbon dioxide bonded to by the enzyme Rubisco?


what is the enzyme that binds carbon dioxide to RuBP?


the reaction-center complex of a photosystem contains a pair of special chlorophyll __ molecules.


photosynthesis converts ________ and ______ into ______ and releases _______.

carbon dioxide; water; organic molecules; oxygen

process of CO2 being incorporated into organic compounds

carbon fixation

how is photorespiration different from cellular respiration?

cellular respiration-produces ATP photorespiration- uses ATP

light energy is converted into ________ energy.


where is chemical energy stored?

chemical bonds of sugars

the diffusion of hydrogen ions across a membrane is called what?


mechanism that generates ATP in chloroplasts

chemiosmosis/ photophosphorylation

_________ is responsible for the green color of plants


___________ are the major sites of photosynthesis in green plants.


photosynthesis takes place in here


where is chlorophyll found?


in CAM plants, carbon dioxide is fixed into a four-carbon compound, then released into the Calvin cycle during the ____.


the full range of electromagnetic wavelengths

electromagnetic spectrum

increasing the potential energy of an electron

electron excitement

photosystem II and photosystem I are connected by a(n) __________________.

electron transport chain

what is the smallest wavelength?

gamma rays

thylakoids are concentrated in stacks called ______.


what is an example of a C4 plant?

grasses corn sugarcane

does the thylakoid space have a high or low H+ concentration?


where are CAM plants located?

hot, dry environments

where do C4 plants thrive?

hot, moist environments

what is photophosphorylation?

initial energy input from light is used to pump hydrogen ions into the thylakoid space, the hydrogen ions are then pumped back down the concentration gradient through ATP synthase, producing ATP.

where is the stroma located?

inner compartment of the chloroplasts

where are the thylakoid membranes located?

inside chloroplast

where is the thylakoid space located?

inside the thylakoid membrane

scientists traced the process of photosynthesis using these


chlorophyll molecules capture ______ energy.


photosystems are ______-harvesting complexes


pigments absorb _______.


after absorbing photons, what does chlorophyll emit?

light (flouresence) and heat

what provides energy for hydrogen ions to go up their concentration gradient?

light energy

where are the 2 places photosynthesis occurs in C4 plants?

light reaction- mesophyll cells calvin cycle- bundle sheath cells

are photosystems used in light reactions or the Calvin cycle?

light reactions

what is the first stage of photosynthesis?

light reactions

what are the stages of photosynthesis?

light reactions and calvin cycle

chlorophyll is a _____________ pigment.


photosystems function as a _____-gathering _________.

light; antenna

the ______ the wavelength, the weaker the energy


does the stroma have a high or low hydrogen ion concentration?


chloroplasts are concentrated in cells of the __________.


why is the Calvin cycle often called light-independent or dark reactions?

none of the steps require light directly

what is a photosystem?

number of light harvesting complexes surrounding a reaction center complex

how do CAM plants conserve water?

opening stomata & admitting CO2 only at night

in C4 plants, what is the first product of carbon fixation?


during photosynthesis, H20 is ______.


what happens when electrons drop back down (from excitement) to ground state?

release heat

what does RuBP stand for?

ribulose biphosphate

what occurs during carbon fixation?

rubisco (enzyme) adds carbon dioxide to RuBP

photosystems capture ________ energy.


thick fluid enclosed in inner compartment of chloroplast


where the Calvin cycle occurs


H+ is pumped from the ______ into the __________.

stroma; thylakoid space

plants store chemical energy in _______.


the Calvin cycle assembles _____ molecules using carbon dioxide and the energy-rich products of light reactions.


______ contains energy called electromagnetic radiation


what is the second stage of photosynthesis?

the Calvin cycle

why are some plants called C4 plants?

the first product CO2 is fixed into is a four-carbon compound

why are some plants called c3 plants?

the first product of carbon fixation is a three carbon compound, 3-PGA.

where do light reactions occur?

thylakoid membranes

the excited state of an electron is _______.


what is photorespiration?

using O2 to bind to RuBP instead of CO2 because of closed stomata/hot weather.

how is water spread throughout a plant?

veins in the leaf deliver water absorbed by roots

_______ radiation absorbed by pigments drives the light reactions.


C4 plants have evolved traits to save ______.


where does the oxygen released by plants come from?


distance between the crests of two adjacent waves


electromagnetic energy travels in ______.


when does the Calvin cycle occur in CAM plants?

whenever CO2 is present

green tissue in the interior of the leaf


where does the Calvin cycle get it's carbon from?

carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

plant pigments absorb some wavelengths of light and _____ other wavelength


what three molecules are needed to produce sugar?


what is sometimes referred to as dark-reactions or light-independent reactions?

Calvin cycle

when does carbon fixation occur?

Calvin cycle

what is the three-carbon sugar that the Calvin cycle produces?

G3P (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate)

________ produced by the light reactions provides the electrons for reducing carbon in the Calvin cycle


what provides the electrons for reducing carbon compounds in the Calvin cycle?


how is 3-PGA made into G3P?

addition of ATP & electrons from NADPH

c3 plants use carbon dioxide directly from the ____.


what is the function of the stomata?

allows carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to exit

make their own food through photosynthesis


sustain themselves, do not usually consume organic molecules from other organisms


chlorophyll __ broadens the range of light that a plant can use.


autotrophs are the producers of the ___________.


what color light does chlorophyll b absorb?

blue & orange

what color light does chlorophyll a absorb?

blue-violet/ red

light energy is captured by chlorophyll molecules to _____ the energy of electrons.


where are chlorophyll molecules found?

built into thylakoid membranes

in ___ plants, carbon fixation and calvin cycle occur in different types of cells.


what are examples of CAM plants?

cacti pineapples

use the energy of light to produce organic molecules


absorbing _______ increases the potential energy of a pigment's electrons, sending them to an unstable state.


how do autotrophs make their own food?


which photosystem functions second?

photosystem I

which photosystem functions first?

photosystem II

what do the light harvesting complex of photosystems contain?

pigment molecules

________ are built into the thylakoid membrane


what do heterotrophs feed on?

plants, animals, decompose organic material

when an electron gets excited, it has more _____ energy.


what is the largest wavelength?

radio waves

NADP+ is ________ to NADPH


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