Biology Chapter Exam 2

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When a blood pressure reading is done, it is typically given as one number over another number. What is the significance of these numbers?

120/80 indicates the normal blood pressure of the systole phase during which artery walls stretch and the diastole phase during which artery walls return to their normal size.

What is the nature of the oogonium and the secondary oocyte? Which process results in the formation of the secondary oocyte?

A diploid oogonium forms a haploid oocyte by the process of meiosis.

Why would a saltwater fish likely create more concentrated urine than a freshwater fish?

A freshwater fish is constantly trying to remove water from its body.

What evidence could a medical professional use to support the hypothesis that a patient has an autoimmune disorder?

A patient's blood contains autoantibodies that react with the person's own proteins.

The loss of an apex consumer would impact which trophic level of a food web?

All trophic levels would be affected

The kidneys are controlled by hormones from the brain, liver, and other locations. However, the kidneys also produce the hormone renin in their juxtaglomerular complex. How would damage to the juxtaglomerular complex affect the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system?

Angiotensin II will not be produced, decreasing blood pressure.

Botulinum toxin causes flaccid paralysis of the muscles, and is used for cosmetic purposes under the name Botox. Which of the following is the most likely mechanism of action of Botox?

Botox decreases the release of acetylcholine from motor neurons.

Midlatitude coastal ecosystems with highly seasonal precipitation and dominated by shrubs and small trees.


An ecologist studying an area of the Amazon Rainforest notices that a jaguar has moved into the region and displaced a caiman as the apex predator in the food web. This is an example of ____ level ecology.


Explain the relationship between a country's rate of population growth and its level of economic development.

Countries that are more economically developed tend to have slower rates of population growth than undeveloped countries.

The mass extinction event caused by a large meteorite that hit the Yucatan Peninsula was the:


This biome occurs in both warm and cold areas where rainfall is extremely rare.


A simple organism such as a jellyfish uses _____ to exchange gases and nutrients with their surrounding environment.


Which of the following statements about erythropoietin (EPO) is true?

Elevated EPO levels enhance oxygen delivery to muscles.

Which of the following is not a true statement comparing exoskeletons and endoskeletons?

Exoskeletons provide less mechanical leverage.

Explain a disadvantage of a resource-based polygynous mating system.

Females do not receive assistance from the dominant male in raising offspring.

What is the biological significance of genetic diversity between populations?

Genes for adaptive traits to local conditions make microevolution possible.

Filtrate from the blood travels along which path through the nephron:

Glomerulus - Proximal Tubule - Loop of Henle - Distal Tubule - Collecting Duct

All of the following statements about hydrostatic skeletons are true EXCEPT:

Hydrostatic skeletons provide defense against predators.

What function does the diversity of the variable region of an antibody help it perform?

It enables many different antibodies to be made that all have different specificities of binding.

Why is broadcast spawning considered advantageous?

It results in mixing of genes and greater genetic diversity.

A lake in the Midwest witnesses a sudden increase in the algae population (algae bloom) that covers the lake. The factors that affected this increase net primary productivity were most likely

Light and nutrient availability

Because of a concentration of ________¬¬¬_____, the fingertips and lips are capable of discriminating touch.

Merkel's disks

How do PO2 and PCO2 change as blood passes from the arteries to the veins within body tissues?

PO2 drops and PCO2 increases.

Which of the following hormones is INCORRECTLY paired with its function?

Progesterone - shedding of endometrial lining of uterus

This biome occurs in equatorial regions where rainfall is abundant, there is high species diversity, and temperature is hot year-round.


How would you organize the steps for sensation in the correct order?

Reception - Transduction - Transmission - Perception

Blood pressure and blood volume are increased by the production of the hormones antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone. Describe how renin promotes release of ADH and aldosterone.

Renin directly simulates ADH and aldosterone production.

Identity the name and describe the function of the cells that occupy the same role in the peripheral nervous system as astrocytes do in the central nervous system?

Satellite cells provide nutrients and structural support to neurons in the peripheral nervous system.

This biome is found in hot, tropical areas, an extensive dry season, lack of trees, and high animal diversity


Sandra wants to get pregnant but learns that she does not produce a sufficient amount of prolactin. Describe how her reproductive abilities will be affected.

She will be unable to produce milk.

This biome occurs is the largest terrestrial biome on earth. Located in northern North America and Eurasia. Seasonal temperature fluctuations, dominated by conifers


This biome occurs in mid latitudes and can be defined as deciduous. Significant precipitation in all seasons.

Temperate Broadleaf Forest

This biome occurs in mid latitudes, has high temperature fluctuations year-round, low precipitation, and thus has a lack of trees and shrubs.

Temperate Grasslands

If the major food source of seals declines due to pollution or overfishing, how would the seal population be affected?

The carrying capacity of seals would decrease, as would the seal population.

How does the cell-mediated immune response operate?

The cell-mediated immune response primarily targets infected host cells to destroy them before the infecting pathogen can reproduce.

Planaria are flatworms that live in fresh water. Their excretory system, or protonephridia, consists of two tubules connected to a highly branched tube system. The intake end of the tubes contain cilia that propel waste matter down the tubules and out of the body through excretory pores that open on the body surface. Cilia also draw water from the interstitial fluid, allowing for filtration. Any valuable metabolites are recovered by reabsorption. What structure in the human kidneys most closely resembles the cilia of the protonephridia, and why?

The glomerulus, because it facilitates filtering of the blood

As N approaches K for a certain population, which of the following is predicted by the logistic equation?

The growth rate will approach zero.

What angular movements occur at the hip joint and knees as you bend down to touch your toes?

The hip joint is flexed and the knees are extended.

How would you define "resting membrane potential?"

The resting membrane potential is the difference in voltage between the inside of the cell and the outside of the cell that occurs when a neuron is at rest.

Planaria are flatworms that live in fresh water. Their excretory system, or protonephridia, consists of two tubules connected to a highly branched tube system. The intake end of the tubes contain cilia that propel waste matter down the tubules and out of the body through excretory pores that open on the body surface. Cilia also draw water from the interstitial fluid, allowing for filtration. Any valuable metabolites are recovered by reabsorption. What structure in the human kidneys most closely resembles the excretory pores of the protonephridia, and why?

The urethral opening, because this is where wastes leave the body

The inflammatory response involves increasing blood flow to areas of the body that contain immune system cells fighting a pathogen or foreign object. The inflammatory response is an example of a positive feedback loop. Based on this, what would cause the inflammatory response to stop in a certain area of the body?

The white blood cells disperse away from the site.

Mayflies are insects that reproduce once in their lives and then die. Explain the biological consequence of this reproduction pattern.

These organisms shift their own energy reserves to ensure the survival of their offspring.

Which of the following is true of innate behaviors?

They are expressed in most individuals in a population.

Why are steroids able to diffuse across the plasma membrane?

They are non-polar molecules.

Savannas are grasslands with scattered trees. Which statement is correct about savannas?

They have relatively long dry seasons.

Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are considered greenhouse gases because:

They trap solar radiation, which is converted into thermal radiation on the Earth's surface of which some is reradiated back into the atmosphere.

Some white blood cells release chemicals upon encountering a pathogen. These chemicals attract other white blood cells to the point of infection. Which of the following statements explains the feedback loop that occurs and predicts what would likely happen if the number of pathogens entering the body increases?

This is positive feedback. More white blood cells will be attracted to the site as the number of pathogens in the body increases.

This biome occurs in high latitudes, with few trees, low species diversity and very cold temperatures.


Suppose a series of genetic mutations prevented some, but not all, of the complement proteins from binding antibodies or pathogens. Would the entire complement system be compromised? Why or why not?

Yes, because the complement system functions as a cascade, with each protein triggering the activity of the next protein in the cascade.

Which of the following is an example of Batesian mimicry?

a nonvenomous snake that looks like a venomous snake

According to most conservation biologists, the single greatest threat to global biodiversity is

alteration or destruction of the physical habitat.

The majority of oxygen in the blood is transported by _____.

binding to hemoglobin

The nucleus and most of the organelles in a neuron are located in the

cell body.

What is the Haversian Canal?

contains the bone's blood vessels and nerve fibers

In a microcosm experiment using fish tanks to mimic a lake environment, an increase in the number of stickleback species would increase the dissolved organic carbon particle size. How could this affect primary producers in the ecosystem?

decrease abundance

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) functions at the cellular level by

decreasing the speed at which filtrate flows through the nephron, leading to increased reabsorption of water.

Infectious diseases are an example of ____ regulation.


The outer-to-inner sequence of tissue layers in a post-gastrulation vertebrate embryo is

ectoderm → mesoderm → endoderm.

Some unicellular organisms, such as the amoeba, ingest food by endocytosis. The food vesicle fuses with a lysosome, which digests the food. Waste is excreted by which process?


Which of the following patterns of reproduction are found only among invertebrate animals?

fission and budding

Regeneration, the regrowth of lost body parts, normally follows


In both males and females, the hormones FSH and LH play a critical role in the reproductive phase. What regulates the secretion of these hormones?

gonadotropin-releasing hormone

Which of the following structures are CORRECTLY paired?

hindbrain and cerebellum

Which mechanisms of hormonal stimulation would be affected if signaling and hormone release from the hypothalamus were blocked?

hormonal and neural stimuli

Cellular activity can vary based on sensitivity to hormones, and cellular activity can therefore either be up-regulated or down-regulated by those hormones. What would likely cause a greater response from cells that are controlled by a hormone?

hormone levels increase and the number of target cell receptors increase

Inflammatory responses typically include

increased activity of phagocytes in an inflamed area.

Albatrosses are birds that can live to age 60 and older. They usually do not start breeding until they reach age 8 or 9, which is relatively late compared to other bird species. Based on this information, explain conditions that might be a risk to the survival of albatrosses.

increased chance of individuals dying before reproducing

Which of the following factors would increase the amount of oxygen discharged by hemoglobin?

increased temperature

What is the inner ear?

innermost part of the ear; consists of the cochlea and the vestibular system

What substance is necessary to synthesize heme?


Define schizophrenia in your own words.

its signals bind to receptor proteins on the muscles.

The somatic nervous system can alter the activities of its targets, the skeletal muscle fibers, because

its signals bind to receptor proteins on the muscles.

Define rhodopsin.

main photopigment in vertebrates

Organisms categorized as osmoconformers are most likely


Statocysts contain cells that are

mechanoreceptors used to detect orientation relative to gravity.

A dog sits upon command. This is an example of

operant conditioning

In addition to prolactin, which hormone is also released to promote the release of milk?


One of the key concerns about global climate change is excess amounts of carbon being released into the atmosphere. There are, however, some ways in which carbon can be sequestered from the atmosphere. Which of the following is a natural process that promotes carbon sequestration?

photosynthesis by plants

The most serious consequence of a decrease in global biodiversity would be the

potential loss of ecosystem services on which people depend.

What advantages does warming air within the nasal passages

prevents cell damage caused by cold air

During spermatogenesis, which cells undergo meiosis to ultimately produce haploid gametes?

primary spermatocytes

In animals, nitrogenous wastes are produced mostly from the catabolism of

proteins and nucleic acids.

What is the primary function of the respiratory system?

provides body tissues with oxygen

Blood flow that is directed through the lungs and back to the heart is called _______.

pulmonary circulation

What is the fovea?

region in the center of the retina with a high density of photoreceptors and which is responsible for acute vision

How does phosphorus normally enter ecosystems?

rock weathering

Clonal selection of B cells activated by antigen exposure leads to production of

short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen.

Which of the following best describes resource partitioning?

slight variations in a species' niche that allow similar species to coexist

What is a hinge joint?

slightly rounded end of one bone fits into the slightly hollow end of the other bone

Water flow can vary in wetlands. Freshwater marshes and swamps are characterized by _____.

slow water flow

Wernicke's and Broca's regions of the brain affect


Select which type of taste signals that the food is high in calories.


Subtraction of which of the following will convert gross primary productivity into net primary productivity?

the energy used by autotrophs in respiration

The introduction of the brown tree snake in the 1940s to the island of Guam has resulted in

the extirpation of many of the island's bird and reptile species.

After the depolarization phase of an action potential, the resting potential is restored by

the opening of voltage-gated potassium channels and the closing of sodium channels.

Air rushes into the lungs of humans during inhalation because

the rib muscles and diaphragm contract, increasing the lung volume.

Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle all have

thick and thin filaments.

Which of the following is the correct sequence of blood flow in reptiles and mammals?

vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary circuit

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