Biology Exam Chapters 7-11

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Select the anaerobic pathway


The production of alcohol or lactate from pyruvate during ______ occurs as a means of regenerating ________ from _______

fermentation; NAD+; NADH

Considering only glycolysis and the conversion of pyruvate molecules to acetyl CoA molecules, how many NADH molecules will be produced from one glucose molecule?


Which of the following molecules can be used as a substrate for cellular respiration

glucose, lipids, proteins and fatty acids

A nucleosome consists of DNA wrapped around scaffolding proteins


A zygote would most likely be a haploid cell


An example of an anabolic reaction is the splitting of a polysaccharide into monosaccharides


For each glucose molecule that begins cellular respiration, the citric acid cycle must turn once


In photosynthesis, the oxygen atoms released as O2 came from CO2


In the cell cycle, DNA is replicated during the G2 phase


In the process of aerobic respiration, nitrate can function as the terminal electron acceptor in the electron transport chain


Microtubules of the mitotic spindle attach directly to each chromosome at the centromere


Surrounding the grana is the thylakoid lumen


The photolysis of water occurs in conjunction with photosystem one


The stage of cellular respiration in which most of the ATP is produced is the citric acid cycle


Which of the following events does not occur in prophase two

Formation of chiasmata

Oxygen produced by photosynthesis comes directly from


The reactants of the light dependent reactions are


One important regulation point in the aerobic respiration of mammals occurs in glycolysis at the site of the enzyme phosphofructokinase, which is

Inhibited by high levels of ATP

The cell cycle of a typical somatic cell consists of __________ and M phase.


Which process does not match the location in a typical eukaryotic cell


A group of thylakoid discs make up


ATP is formed when __________ the thylakoid lumen.

hydrogen ions leave

Which of the following is not one of the four stages of aerobic respiration of glucose


What evolutionary advantage is provided by sexual reproduction

increased genetic diversity

Reactions of photosynthesis are divided into two categories

light-dependent reactions and carbon fixation reactions

Eukaryotic chromosomes consist of

linear DNA molecules complexed with positively charged histone proteins

An electron absorbs a photon of light energy and becomes energized; the electron shifts from a ______ atomic orbital to a ______ atomic orbital

lower energy to higher energy

The thylakoid membrane encloses a space called the


The correct number of chromosomes is maintained during sexual reproduction by

meiosis, which reduces the chromosome number by half

The mitotic spindle is made of:


The M phase of the cell cycle involves two main processes:

mitosis and cytokinesis

The _______ is responsible for the separation of the chromosomes during ________ of mitosis

mitotic spindle; anaphase

If a cell is in G2: a. it has twice the amount of DNA present in a telophase nucleus. b. it has visibly distinct chromosomes. c. it lacks a visible nuclear membrane. d. it is in mitosis. e. it is in cytokinesis.

It has twice the amount of DNA present in a telophase nucleus

The kinetochore serves which of the following functions?

Kinetochores attach to microtubules during mitosis

Photosynthesis, ATP and NADPH are produced during

Light dependent phase

The conditions are aerobic, pyruvate flows directly into the ______ where some of its atoms are converted next to _______

Mitochondria; acetyl coenzyme A

NADH and FADH2 are the products of

Oxidation-reduction reactions

In Anaerobic respiration, glucose is completely

Oxidized to carbon dioxide

Light behaves not only as waves, but as particles called:


The _____ of a chlorophyll molecule is responsible for absorbing light

Porphyrin ring

Enzymes required for DNA replication are synthesized during the G1 phase


For each acetyl COA molecule that enters the citric acid cycle, two CO2 molecules are produced


No cycle checkpoints temporarily block key events from being initiated during the cell cycle


The downhill flow of protons through the ATP synthase complex powers the production of ATP


The members of each homologous pair of chromosomes separate during meiosis one


The part of the chlorophyll molecule that absorbs light is the porphyrin ring


The reactions of the citric acid cycle take place in the matrix of the mitochondrion


To prevent disastrous consequences, the eukaryotic cell cycle is controlled by:

a series of cell cycle checkpoints

Cytokinesis in animal cells involves contraction of a ring of ________ microfilaments

actin plus myosin

During which of the following stages of meiosis do the sister chromatids separate

anaphase II

Duplicated centrioles move to opposite poles of a dividing ________ cell during _______ of the cell cycle

animal; prophase

During fermentation, the immediate fate of the electrons in NADH is that they

are transferred to an organic molecule

Organismal body heat is a:

byproduct of exergonic reactions

Anaerobic respiration differs from aerobic respiration in that anaerobic respiration

can utilize NO3- as the terminal electron acceptor.

Cellular respiration is most accurately described as a ________ process


The splitting of molecules into smaller components is referred to as


When hydrogen ions (protons) are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane, they form a proton gradient. ATP is then formed by a process known as:


Which of the following is common to both photosynthesis and aerobic respiration


During prophase, ______ is compacted into visible chromosomes


A glucose molecule that is metabolized via aerobic respiration has been completely broken down and released as CO2 by the end of

citric acid cycle

The sources of genetic variation during meiosis are

crossing-over and the random assortment of maternal and paternal chromosomes

In eukaryotes, glycolysis occurs in the


A zygote contains the ________ complement of chromosomes


During the citric acid cycle, each acetyl group entering the cycle yields:

1 ATP, 3 NADH, 1 FADH2

An animal with a diploid number of 36 chromosomes will have ________ chromosomes in its gametes and ______ chromosomes in its somatic cells

18; 36

Glycolysis yields a net energy profit of __________ ATP molecules per molecule of glucose.


Most human somatic cells are:


In a human cell at prophase one, there are _______ tetrads


When one molecule of glucose is completely oxidized in aerobic respiration, the net amount of ATP produced is


In the citric acid cycle, two acetyl CoA molecules are metabolized to:

4 CO2 + 6 NADH + 2 FADH2 + 2 ATP

Overall reactions of photosynthesis are best summarized as

6 CO2 + 12 H2O ® C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O.

Chlorophyll molecules are attached to thylakoid membrane's by

A long hydrocarbon tail

During prophase one, each chiasma represents

A site of crossing over

In glycolysis, glucose receives two phosphate groups from _______ thus forming fructose-one, six- bisphosphate


Thylakoid membranes are involved in ________ synthesis


Which of the following is an end product of glycolysis


In the electron transport chain, exergonic redox processed drive the endergonic reaction in which

ATP is produced by phosphorylation of ADP

In chemiosmosis, ATP is produced as hydrogen ions (protons) pass through:

ATP synthase


Absorbs red and blue light, and reflects greenlight

During chemiosmosis, _____ are transferred from NADH and FADH2 to electron acceptor molecules, and the energy released is used to create a ______ gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane

electrons; proton

The synthesis of ATP as a result of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is an __________ reaction that is coupled to the diffusion of __________ down their concentration gradient.

endergonic; protons

Nucleosomes are best described as:

eukaryotic DNA associated with histone proteins

In aerobic respiration the electrons associated with the hydrogen atoms in glucose are ultimately transferred to:

oxygen in a series of steps

Which of the following statements is not correct about lactic acid fermentation

oxygen is the final electron acceptor of this pathway

The Synthesis of ATP during photosynthesis or respiration occurs as a result of

phosphorylation of ADP

The process by which light energy is converted into the stored chemical energy of organic molecules is


By definition, substances that absorb visible light are called


Which of the following represents the overall sequence of events during mitosis

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

In glycolysis, a six-carbon glucose molecule is converted to two three-carbon molecules of


Aerobic respiration is classified as

redox process

During aerobic respiration oxygen is


Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and fermentation:

release free energy

If meiosis did not occur in sexually reproducing organisms, then

the chromosome number would double in each generation

A cell is in metaphase if:

the chromosomes are aligned at the midplane of the cell

The transfer of electrons from glucose to oxygen during aerobic respiration takes place in a stepwise fashion through a number of intermediates rather than by direct transfer. This is because

the energy of the electrons can be used to make ATP

A drowning death would be most directly due to

the lack of oxygen to accept hydrogen

Electron transport chain of photosynthesis is located in the

thylakoid membrane

Chlorophyll and accessory photosynthetic pigments are associated with the

thylakoid membranes

The role of the oxygen molecules required for aerobic respiration is:

to accept the low energy electrons at the end of the electron transport chain

During the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis, a constant supply of electrons is provided by


The overall reaction for the aerobic respiration of glucose is summarized as

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O --> 6 CO2 + 12 H2O + energy

The reactants of the Calvin cycle are:


Which of the following is not associated with the thylakoid membranes

Calvin Cycle

The most important pigment for the process of photosynthesis is

Chlorophyll a

Red and blue light support the highest rate of photosynthesis because

Chlorophyll absorbs these wavelengths more than other wavelengths

During which phase does crossing over occur

Prophase I

Homologous chromosomes undergo synapsis during

Prophase I

The first step in the Calvin cycle is the attachment of carbon dioxide to

RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate)

Chromosomes are duplicated during ______ of the cell cycle

S phase

Which of the following events does not occur during meiosis one

Separation of sister chromatids

________ contains identical DNA sequences and are held together by __________ during mitosis

Sister chromatids; centromeres

In a chloroplast, there is an outer and inner membrane. The inner membrane encloses a fluid filled region called the


During prophase one of meiosis, homologous chromosomes lie side-by-side. This phenomenon is known as

Tetrad formation

The reactions that occur in the thylakoid membrane's are

The light dependent reactions

Which of the following statements concerning anabolic reactions is false?

They may split complex molecules into their components.

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