Biology final (missing unit 2 )

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If both parents express a paricular trait bt their child does not, what does this indicate about the trait?

the trait autosomal dominant trait

What is oxidation?

The removal of electrons and H+ ions to form new molecules

If an individual expresses a dominate disease, which of he following is true?

there is at least a 50% probability that his children will inherit the disease

Which of the following is a feature that protiens and polysaccharides share

they are made of repeater monomer units

Chromosomes for keryotuyping are often obtained from a blood sample. Red blood cells, however cannot be used for this purpose because

they lack neclei

For metabolic processes to occur within their cells all living organisms need to maintin homeostasis which means they need

to maintain the correct internal temprature moisture level and acidity as well as other factors

Which process requires the participation of all three types of RNA?


In eukaryotes, one gene may specify the construction of several protiens.


A DNA microarray detects

uncommon forms of alleles, or mutants, associated with disease.

A water molecule as shown here is polar because of

unequal sharing of electrons

The three steps that are required for DNA replication are

unwinding, complementary base pairing, and joining

Cytokinesis usually, but not always, follows mitosis. If a cell completed mitosis but not cytokinesis, the result would be a cell with

a cell with two nuclei

Which of the following is used to insert the foreign gene when creating reombinant dna?

a vector

Failure to removes intron from a primary mRNA would most likely cause

abnormal translation

Before entering the citric acid cycle pyruvate is converted to


the citric acid cycle start with _____ and Yields____

acetyl-CoA, NAD+, FAD, and ADP; carbon dioxide, NADH, FADH2, and ATP

Th filled-in squares of a punnet square represent

all possible combinations of gametes based on a cross between the two parents

Alleles are

alternate versions of the same gene

During which phase of mitosis are the sister chromatids seperated and consequently became daughter chromosomes?


All atom of the same element have the same

atomic number

Which organisms have been modified to produce insulin, blood clotting factor VII, and human growth hormone?


A karyotype shows chromosomes arranged by

banding pattern, size, and shape

The scientific method

begins with observations

Yeast is used to make bread rise by producing _____ during fermentation

carbon dioxide

By-products of cellular respiration include

carbon dioxide and water

which of the following describes what will happen if there is a lack of oxygen during cellular respiration

cells switch to anaorobic respiration

What structure holds two sister chromatids together?


As electrons are passed down the electron transport chain the energy released is used immeditatly to

concentrate H+ in the intermembrance space

The pH scale is a mathematical indication of the

concentration of H+ present in a solution

Which of the following sequences of events in the production of recombinant DNA are in the correct order?

cut DNA with restriction enzymes, mix DNA with plasmid DNA, add DNA ligase

Where in the cell does glycolysis occur?


Which of the following can be categorized as prokaryotic

domain Archaea

DNA replication is called semiconservative because

each resulting DNA molecules are comprised of one new DNA stand and one old strand.

In science, a theory

encompasses many hypotheses

Which one of the following is a main function of protiens

enzymatic activity

mRNA is processed in the cytoplam before being used in protien


Is the following statement true or false? The only single-celled organisms are prokaryotes, such as archaeans and bacteria

false, because some eukaryotes including protista are single celled

Which of the following is a true statment

females can be heterozygous for sex-linked traits.

The purpose of a control group in an experiment is

for comparison to the other test groups

Which of the following is an example of a phenotype?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration?

glycolysis- Krebs cycle- electron transport chain

Matt breeds and sells snakes. He knowns that he can make the most money by breeding and selling albino snakes. Albinism is a recessive trait. His female albino corn snake just produced six offspring. Two displayed normal coloration and four were albino. What do you know about the genotype of the father?

he must be heterozygous

The steps involved in a signle PCR cycle, in the correct order, are

heat to denature dna strands, cool to allow primer to anneal, allow DNA plymerase to copy DNA.

Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about mitosis?

the cells ariaising from mitosis contain only hald of the necessary genetic material

If the parental genotoype is EeWw what are the potential allele combinaitons that could occur at the end of meiosis


Which of the following is true iwth regards to the law of independent assortment?

Each pair of allels assoirts independently of the other allele pairs

What are all the possible gametes that can be produced by an individal with the following genotype; FFGg

FG, Fg

Determine if the following statemtn is true or false. Parents with the dominant phenotype cannot have offspring iwht the recessibe phenotype

False because both parent could be heterozygous

Differentiated cells, such as nerve cells, would be in which of the following stages of the cell cycle?


Red-green color blindness is a recessiev x-linked trait. If a female is red-green coloblind which of the following is true?

Her father must be color-blind

A saturated fat has

no bouble bonds

A defect in DNA ligase would most likely result in

normal replication, but gaps remaining in the sugar-phosphate DNA backbone

The polymer shown below is comprised of what kind of subuits


Glycogen is a _____ made of many ____

polymer: glucose molecules

A product of glycolysis is

pyruvic acid

In a one trat testcross, a homozygous domininant indiviual is crossed with a homosygous recessive individual. Which phenotype will be absent in the F1 generation?

recessive trait

Which of the following is used to cleave DNA in order to create recombinant DNA?

restriction enzymes

The production of atp in glycolysis and the citric cycle is accomplished by

substrate level ATP synthesis

Which of the following contains the anticodon


Ben was looking at onion root tip cells under the microscope in biology class. He saw one cell that had two nuclei within it. What stage of the cell cycle was this cell in.

telophase/ cytokinesis

Which functional group is both polar (Hydrophilic) and weakly acidic?


Which of the following is a functional group present in amino acids?


If an organism's dna contains 30% adenine nucleotides, what percentage of its dna is compased of guanine nucleotides?


An element has an atomic number of 88 the number of protons and electrons in a neutral ataom of the element are

88 protons and 88 electrons

In a dihybrid cross where both parents are heterozygous, the expected phenotypic ratio is


According to Chargaff's data, _____ must pair with ____, and _____ must pair with _____.


During cellular respiration the energy in glucose is ultimately converted to

ATP and Heat

The sequence of the nRNA that would result from transcribing a DNA template strand with the bases TACGCTAAT would be


Which of the following is a possible use for transgenic organisms?

All of the above describe possible uses of trangenic organisms

Which of the following describes a way that DNA fingerprinting can be useful?

All of the above describe uses for DNA fingerprinting

Which of the following is an organic molecule


What happened to the hamburger you had for lunch?

Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins were converted to ATP or used to make new molecules for the cell.

Which of the following enzyme is needed to reseal breaks in the sugar phosphate backbone during replication?

DNA ligase

The term semiconservative refers specifically to

DNA replication

The central dogma of molecular biology states that the information contained within genes flows in which direction?

DNA-RNA- protien

DNA replication makes a(n)____ copy of the DNA strand, while transcription makes a(n)_____ copy of the DNA strand.


when during the cell cycle are chromosomes visiable under a microscope

During mitosis

The fruit flys long wings (L) is dominan tto shor wings (l) and a gray body color (G) is dominant to black body color (g) A long wigned drosophila female with a gray body mates with a black short winged make fly (llgg) the penotyple ratio of the offspring is 1:1:1:1 what is the genotype of the female fly>


Male amphibians, including frogs and toads, have been plagued by feminization, deformity, behavioral abnormalities and sterility. Biologists from the University of Florida investigated whether reproductive problems among populations of cane toads (Bufo marinus) are caused by poisons from chemicals associated with agriculture. The biologists collected local adult cane toads from more than 20 different locations. Toads were collected from areas close to agriculture, both large-scale and small-scale farms, as well as from suburbs that are nonagricultural areas. Based on this study, what is the control group?

Male toads collected from the suburbs

What organelle is used during the process of cellurlar respiration?


The final acceptor for electrons is aerobic cellular respiration is


which of the following is necessary for the complete breakdown of glucose?


Which of the following is a true statements about protiens

Protiens are used to produce many types of hormones

Which kingdom includes both unicellular and multicellular organisms?


which items in the following pairs are correctly match

S phase- DNA replication

If a true-breeding tall pea plant is crossed with a tall pea plant of unkown parentage, which of the following is correct?

Some short individuals may appear in the F2 generation.

The energy source that derives the production of atp in oxidative phosphorylation is the

The diffusion of hydrogen protons down their electrochemical gradient

Which of the following statements about atoms is correct?

The number and arrangement of electrons in an atom governs it chemical activity

Alleles associated with known genetic disorders can be detected using DNA microarray analysis.


Which of the following property of water helps an individual who is exercising vigorously maintain a constant body tempreature?

Water has high heat capacity

Megan has a a widow's peake( dominant trait) and attached earlobes (recessive trait). Megans dad has a straight hairline and unattached earlobes. What is megans genotype.


In a monohybrid cross, how many traits are examined


Which of the following is mismatched?

identical alleles- heterozygous

If you were looking under the compound light microscope at an onion root tip in what stage of the cell cycle would the majority of the cells be


which of the following statements is correct regarding the events of the cell cycle?

interphase consists of G1, S, and G@

The type of bond that would form from the transfer of an electron from onw atom to another is a(n) ____ bond


Steroid are classified as


If RNA plymerase malfuntions,

mRNA will not be formed

All the chemical reactions that occur in a cell are collectively called


The process of ____ leads to organisms that are _____ that enviroment

natural selection: adapted to

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