Biology Midterm Review

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A carbon atom had an atomic number =6 and an atomic mass =12. The number of outer orbital electrons is:


A drawing of nitrogen would have how many electrons in the outer orbital?


Scientists are conducting an experiment to see how antibiotics resistance develops in bacteria population. They hypothesized that bacteria exposed to an antibiotic once every 24 hours would develop resistance faster than bacteria exposed to the antibiotic once every 12 hours. The scientists treat 50 dishes of bacteria with the antibiotic once every 24 hours, and 50 dishes of bacteria with the antibiotic once every 12 hours. What would be the best control group for this experiment?

50 dishes of bacteria that are never treated

A drawing of nitrogen would have how many electrons?


The reactants in the above photosynthesis reaction are:

CO2 and H2O

Each organism has a unique combination of traits controlled by-


Genetic information usually flows in one specific direction. Which of the following best represents this flow?

DNA RNA Protein

What is the relationship between DNA and protein?

DNA controls the production of protein.

The carbon atom has an atomic number of 6 and would be found in family ____ on the periodic table and _____ react with other atoms.

IV, will

The best way to explain antibiotic resistance is

Over time bacteria mutate and evolve and are no longer killed by the antibiotic.

What parts of an atom that go into the nucleus?

Protons and Neutrons

The growth of potentially dangerous bacteria can be controlled by

Sterilization (boiling), refrigeration, antibacterial agents

What do elements C, Si, Ge, Sn and Pb all listed on the Periodic table have in common? (look at the Periodic Table above)

They have the same number of electrons in their outer shells.

Which of the following best explains what is causing the red blood cells in beaker 1 to change size over the five-minute period?

Water is entering the cells faster than it is leaving the cells.

A certain organism has many cells, each containing a nucleus. If the organism makes its own food, it would be classified as

a plant

Each colony on the petri dish represents

a single bacteria that reproduced many times into a large number of bacteria

Molecules that move from a low to high concentration are able to move through the cell membrane using ATP by:

active transport

Beer is made from yeast that are fed sugar(hops). The waste products given off are:

alcohol and carbon dioxide

After messenger RNA goes to the ribosomes, transfer RNA brings these over to make proteins:

amino acids

I am always a single cell


Place the following in order of size: virus, molecule, bacteria cell, atom, animal cell

atom, molecule, virus, bacteria cell, animal cell

An antibiotic is a drug used to kill __________


Vaccines are made to protect against me

bacteria, virus

A unit of measure of the heat absorbed by water from the combustion of a substance like food.: (think of marshmallow lab)


Yeast are used by bakers mainly because:

carbon dioxide given off makes bread rise

Helpful bacteria can do all of the following EXCEPT

cause disease

Movement of materials inside and outside of the cell is most closely associated with which cell organelle?

cell membrane

An animal cell does not have a:

cell wall

The organelle that helps to protect and give shape to the plant cell is the

cell wall

Two organelles that are common to plant cells but NOT to animal cells are

cell walls and chloroplasts.

The green pigment molecule in plant cells captures the energy from sunlight to help make glucose.


Which molecule in plant cells first captures the radiant energy from sunlight?


Which cell part is present in the plant cell but not in the animal cell?


Water is consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms that are ______ bonded and the uneven sharing of electrons makes water _______

covalent, polar

The correct sequence of a virus infection of a cell

docking, entry, replication, release

Yeast are fed glucose and placed into a test tube then a ballon was placed over the top. After a few hours the balloon __________ due to ____________ being made from the process of ________________.

expanded, carbon dioxide, alcoholic fermentation

Sugar and amino acids are carried into the cell by membrane proteins from high to low concentration without using ATP by means of

facilitated diffusion

You can smell cookies baking even when you are not in the room. This is because diffusion takes place and the chemicals move:

from an area of high concentration to low concentration.

The following will help you trust the data in an experiment that you design you:

having many trials, a small range between trials, condition are kept the same between the trials, and a control group

The arrangement of phospholipids in a membrane is

head...tail...tail ...head

A combustion reaction with low oxygen is considered _____ and the color of light is a low energy _______ and the product is black soot.

incomplete, yellow

You decide to buy a new fish for your freshwater aquarium. When you introduce the fish into its new tank, the fish swells up and dies. You later learn that it was a fish from the ocean. Based on what you know of tonicity, the most likely explanation is that unfortunate fish went from a(n) _______________ solution into a(n) _______________ solution.

isotonic, hypotonic

Hydrogen is placed in group 1 because

it has one electron in its outer shell

What is happening to the light energy during photosynthesis?

it is transformed into chemical energy

What happens when a red blood cell is placed in a hypotonic solution(low solute/high water)?

it swells

What happens when a red blood cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?

it swells

Which of these carries genetic information from the nucleus to the ribosome?

mRNA (messenger RNA)

Bacteria can be beneficial in:

making cheese, making sauerkraut sour, changing milk to yogurt

A cell with a lot of ribosomes is probably specialized for

making proteins

Muscle cells need a tremendous amount of energy. Therefore, if you look at a muscle cell under a microscope you will expect to find a lot of


Which gas is the least chemically reactive? Look at the periodic table


A 0.9% NaCl solution is isotonic to red blood cells. Which of these describes the results if red blood cells are placed into a .9% solution of NaCl?

nothing will happen

Although there are a limited number of amino acids, many different types of proteins exist because the

order and number of amino acids is different.

The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane is called


When a sea urchin egg is removed from the ocean and placed in freshwater, the egg swells and bursts. Which process causes water to enter the egg?


The part of the atom that reacts with other atoms and forms bonds is:

outer orbital electrons

Which of the following will diffuse right through the cell membrane without a carrier protein.


A process of the food industry that is used to kill harmful bacteria is _______


I have a cell membrane, nucleus and no cell wall


Photosynthesis is important for almost all life on Earth because it-

produces oxygen and food

The Sabin vaccine is a liquid containing weakened polio viruses. Vaccinated individuals become protected against polio because the weakened viruses

promote production of antibodies.

A virus consists of DNA or RNA surrounded by a:

protein coat

Which of the following is not part of the cell membrane?


Which of the following is the correct: pathway of the production, transport, packaging and removal of proteins out of the cell?

ribosomes > endoplasmic reticulum > Golgi apparatus > cell membrane

The best reason as to why radish seeds don't germinate well in salty water is:

salt causes water to leave cells and dehydrates cells

Sea water is dangerous to drink because

sea water is hypertonic to your body tissues and drinking it will cause you to lose water by osmosis

Sea water is dangerous to drink because a. one cup of sea water contains enough sodium to poison you

sea water is hypertonic to your body tissues and drinking it will cause you to lose water by osmosis.

The H1N1 vaccine is a liquid containing weakened viruses. Vaccinated individuals become protected against H1N1 because the weakened viruses

stimulates the immune system to make antibodies

Which of the following is NOT an infectious disease caused by a virus?

strep throat

A smallpox outbreak occurred in Wallingford. The local doctors would most likely:

suggest the local population to be vaccinated for small pox

In the radish seed lab the dependent variable is:

the number of seed germinated

There is no vaccine against the common cold because

the protein coat of the cold virus changes

Which of the following is a property of water:

universal solvent, boils at 100 C at sea level, gets less dense when freezes, and cohesive and adhesive

One difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration is that Aerobic respiration:

uses oxygen and produces more ATP than anaerobic respiration

Within a cell, storage (of water, fat or starch) occurs in the


Smallpox is a serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease. There is no antibiotic treatment for smallpox disease, and the only prevention is vaccination. Smallpox is caused by:


need a host cell to reproduce


Some scientists question if viruses are living things because:

viruses need a host to reproduce

If a cell is placed in a solution that is 10% NaCl and the inside of the cell is .9% NaCl then:

water will move out of the cell

If a cell is placed in a solution that is 2% NaCl and the inside of the cell is .9% NaCl then:

water will move out of the cell

Which of the following foods involve bacteria producing lactic acid during fermentation?


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