biology unit 3 exam

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In an organism that is 2n=40, which of the following are true regarding the number of structures present during cell division in this organism in a single cell? A:A cell in metaphase of mitosis will have a total of 80 chromatids. B:A cell in prophase I of meiosis will have 40 duplicated chromosomes. C:A cell in metaphase I of meiosis will have 40 homologous pairs. D:A cell in metaphase II of meiosis will have a total of 20 chromatids. E:A daughter cell that results from meiosis II will have 20 homologous pairs.

A and B

Which of the following is true of cell division by binary fission in E. coli but is not true of mitosis in animal cells? A: following the process, a membrane separates the 2 copies B: The result produces 2 nuclei C: Replicated strands of DNA separate. D: DNA replication occurs simultaneously with segregation of DNA to opposite ends of the cell. E: The result produces two daughter cells.


Eukaryote or prokaryotes? During cell division, microtubule spindle fibers pull chromosomes to either end of the dividing cell.


Eukaryote or prokaryotes? Following cell division, each daughter cell contains a nuclear envelope surrounding the DNA.


Cell A (l shape) is a cell that has completed mitosis and cytokinesis. T/F

False. The cell shows two chromosomes, each composed of one chromatid. Compared to the 2n=4 cell at the top, this is a haploid 1N=2,, which could have only resulted from the completion of meiosis II. A cell that has completed mitosis would show two sets of unreplicated chromosomes.

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease caused by a recessive alleles of an autosomal gene. The other allele of this gene is completely dominant. Within a family, the father has cystic fibrosis and the mother does not have cystic fibrosis. They have 3 children, one of which has cystic fibrosis and two of which do not have cystic fibrosis. T/F The reason that cystic fibrosis is a rare disease is because it is caused by a recessive allele.

False. The frequency of a disease it not related to it being caused by a dominant or recessive allele. It is most likely rare because those individuals that carry the disease or have the disease are less likely to reproduce.

In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are ____ in shape.


Mitosis vs. Meiosis. A diploid cell produces two diploid cells


For each of the following, indicate whether it applies to crossing over, independent assortment, both of these processes, or neither of these processes. Occurs during metaphase II

Neither crossing or assortment

What phase does "the spindle begins to form" happen in?


Match the description with the appropriate phase of the cell cycle and mitosis. The mitotic spindle begins to form.


Imagine a fictional animal in which an individual that is homozygous and has dark brown coloration is mated with an individual that is homozygous with white coloration. What would you expect the heterozygote offspring of a cross between these two homozygous individuals to look like under each dominance pattern? Incomplete dominance.

The heterozygote would be light brown.

T/F Enzymes that replicate the DNA during S phase are likely made by the free ribosomes in the cytosol.


Which of the following are true about the content of different types of cells? Brain cells have different protein content than skin cells


Which of the following are true about the content of different types of cells? Skin cells contain two copies of each gene.


You observe a skin cell in G1 and determine it as 20pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 40pg of DNA while in prophase of mitosis


Eukaryotic cells that reproduce sexually have both haploid and diploid life stages.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE: Binary fission in prokaryotes results in two identical cells.


T/F Single, haploid (n) sets of chromosomes in ovum and sperm unite during fertilization, forming a diploid, single celled zygote.


In an organism that is 2n=20, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of homologous pairs in prophase II of meiosis: ___


In an organism that is 2n=24, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of homologous pairs in Metaphase II of meiosis:


In pea plants, the seed color is affected by one gene with two alleles, in which yellow is completely dominant to green. Answer each of the following about a cross between two plants: Plant A is heterozygous plant. Plant B is a homozygous dominant plant. There will be ____ different possible genotype(s) in the gametes made by plant A and ___ different possible genotypes in the gametes made by plant B.

1, 3

The basic body color of horses is influenced by several genes, one of which has several different alleles. Two of these alleles—the chestnut (dark brown) allele and a diluting (pale cream) allele display incomplete dominance. A horse heterozygous for these two alleles is a palomino (golden body color with flaxen mane and tail). If a palomino horse is crossed with a chestnut horse, what are the proportion of offspring with the following phenotypes: Chestnut: Pale Cream: Palamino:

1. 50% 2. 0% 3. 50%

Put these in order and list what phase it happens in. Sister chromatids are separated, division of cytoplasm, DNA is replicated, two nuclei form, microtubule's of the spindle attach to chromosomes, chromosomes condense, chromosomes line up in the center of the cell.

1. DNA is replicated (S phase) 2. Chromosomes condense (Prophase) 3. Microtubules of the spindle attach to chromosomes (prometaphase) 4. Chromosomes line up in the center of the cell (metaphase) 5. Sister chromatids are separated (anaphase) 6. Two nuclei form (telophase) 7. Division of the cytoplasm.

Hemophilia is an X-linked, recessive genetic disorder. If a woman who has hemophilia and a man who does not have the disorder were to have children, which of the following are TRUE or FALSE? [ Select ] Male children would have a 50% chance of being hemophiliac. [ Select ] All female children will have at least one recessive allele. [ Select ] Female children would have a 50% chance of being hemophiliac. [ Select ] All male children receive a dominant allele from the father. [ Select ] Due to X-inactivation, a female who is heterozygous will lack the hemophilia allele in half of her cells.

1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False With X inactivation, one of the two X chromosomes is randomly inactivated and becomes a Barr body that is not expressed. In a heterozygous female, this means that about half of her cells will have the dominant allele on the active X chromosome and the recessive on the inactive Barr body, and half of her cells will have the reverse (dominant allele on the inactive Barr body and recessive allele will be expressed). Two copies of the gene are still present in all of her cells, it's just that one copy of the gene is not expressed in each cell (the one that is inactivated).

Labrador retrievers have black, brown, or yellow fur. Fur color is controlled by two autosomal genes, The pigmentation gene has a black allele (B) that is completely dominant to the brown allele (b). A different gene on a different chromosome is epistatic to the pigmentation gene. In this epistatic gene, there is a completely dominant allele (E) and a recessive (e) allele. Individuals that are homozygous recessive for the epistatic gene do not deposit any pigment and display yellow fur. Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is an autosomal recessive disease that can cause blindness in dogs. The genes for PRA (Gene N) and the gene for pigmentation (Gene B) are on the same chromosome. Imagine that we mate a black male with normal vision and a brown female with PRA. The resulting litter has the following: 4 puppies are black with normal vision 1 puppy is yellow with normal vision 3 puppies are brown with PRA Given this information, select the appropriate terms to complete the paragraph below: Both parents are [ Select ] for Gene E because there is puppy in the resulting litter that is [ Select ] . The dominant B allele for pigmentation is most likely linked to the [ Select ] for PRA because [ Select ] . The number of unique gamete genotypes that can be made by the female parent (brown fur, with PRA) is [ Select ] .

1. Heterozygous 2. Yellow 3. Dominant Allele 4. all individuals that are homozygous recessive for Gene B are also homozygous recessive for Gene N 5. 2

In G1 phase, a single chromosome is ______ and is composed of _______.

1. Not yet duplicated. 2. One double-stranded DNA molecule.

Match each term to the correct description. (genes and alleles) Sister Chromatids Homologous chromosomes Chromosomes from different homologous pairs The two X chromosomes ofa female The X and Y chromosomes of a male

1. Same genes same alleles 2. Same genes and different alleles 3. Different genes 4. Same genes, different alleles 5. some of the same genes, some of the different genes

In an organism that is 2n=20, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of chromosomes in Metaphase II of Meiosis


In an organism that is 2n=20, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of homologous pairs in metaphase I of meiosis


In pea plants, the seed color is affected by one gene with two alleles, in which yellow is completely dominant to green. Answer each of the following about a cross between two plants: Plant A is heterozygous plant. Plant B is a homozygous dominant plant. What will be the phenotypes of the offspring from this cross?

100% green

In an organism that is 2n=24, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of homologous pairs in metaphase I of meiosis.


You observe a skin cell from an unknown species undergoing mitosis and clearly in anaphase. You count a total of 24 chromatids. Given this information you can conclude that the organism's diploid number (2n) is:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Number of chromatids per gamete cell resulting from meiosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Number of chromosomes per gamete cell resulting from meiosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Number of homologous pairs during prophase I of meiosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Number of homologous pairs during prophase II of meiosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: After mitosis and cytokinesis, each of the daughter cells will contain ________ chromosomes and each of these will be composed of ______.

16, two chromatids.

By the end of S phase, each chromosome contains ____ DNA molecules.


In an organism that is 2n=20, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of chromosomes in Metaphase of Mitosis.


In an organism that is 2n=24, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of chromatids in Metaphase II of meiosis


In cattle, a dominant autosomal allele (N) results in a deep notch in each ear, while homozygous recessive individuals have normal ears. In a different gene that is on a different autosomal chromosome, individuals that are homozygous for a recessive allele (u) have an udder abnormality. A farmer has a herd of cattle in which some of the individuals have notched ears and some have abnormal udders. The farmer desires to rid the herd of these characteristics. The farmer has a bull that has normal ears and has previously sired calves that have the udder abnormality. What genotype of cow should the farmer breed with the bull to ensure all possible calves will have normal ears and normal udders? In cattle, a dominant autosomal allele (N) results in a deep notch in each ear, while homozygous recessive individuals have normal ears. In a different gene that is on a different autosomal chromosome, individuals that are homozygous for a recessive allele (u) have an udder abnormality. Consider the following cross between the bull and cow described below and indicate the correct expected proportion of phenotypes for the offspring from this cross: The bull has notched ears and is homozygous recessive for the udder gene. The cow that was his mother had normal ears. The cow has notched ears and is homozygous for normal udders. The bull that was her father had normal ears. What is the probability they will have an offspring with notched ears and normal udders?


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Number of chromatids in prophase I of meiosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Number of chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Number of chromosomes during prophase II of meiosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: In a somatic cell of a cat during G1 phase, there are _____ chromosomes.

32 UNduplicated.

Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: During G2 phase, there are ______ chromosomes.

32 duplicated.

In an organism that is 2n=24, how many of each will you find in the following stages of cell division (in a single cell): Number of chromatids in anaphase of mitosis:


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: The total number of chromatids present in G2 is _____


Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: The total number of chromatids present in a G1 cell is ______.


A particular female is found to produce a gamete with an extra copy of one of the chromosomes. A nondisjunction error most likely occurred due to a mistake in which of the following? A: The cell has 46 chromosomes in G1 phase. B:The cell has 46 chromatids in G1 phase. C:The cell has 46 chromosomes in G2 phase. D:The cell has 92 chromatids in G2 phase. E:After mitosis and cytokinesis, the two new daughter cells will have 23 chromosomes each.


When a protein called colchicine is applied to cells, it inhibits microtubule polymerization. Which of the following would result if colchicine is added to a sample of cells during G2? (Assume that once it is applied it continues to remain present in the cell.) A:Chromosomes would still be able to condense. B:The spindle would not form. C:Chromosomes would still be able to line up at the metaphase plate. D:Chromosomes would not be able to be duplicated. E: The effects would not be noticeable until anaphase. F: If instead of administering during G2, colchicine were applied after metaphase, sister chromatids would still be able to move to opposite poles.


A single skin cell in a human female has: A:DNA from her mother and father B:different DNA content than her liver cells C:different protein content than her liver cells D: different DNA content than her egg cells


By the end of S phase, each chromosome is _____

A duplicated chromosome composed of two chromatids.

Normally, only female cats have the tortoiseshell phenotype because

A male inherits only one allele of the X-linked gene controlling hair color.

Match each description to the correct stage of the cell cycle in eukaryotes. A: The chromosomes condense. B: Two new nuclei form. C: Chromosomes line up in the center of the cell D: DNA is replicated during E: Chromatids are separated by mitotic spindle fibers F: Chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers G: The rest of the cell divides

A: Prophase B: Telophase C: Metaphase D: Interphase E: Anaphase F: Prometaphase G: Cytokinesis

Match the description with the appropriate phase of the cell cycle and mitosis. The centromeres of each chromosome come apart.


What phase does "microtubules of the spindle are shortening" happen in?


What phase does "sister chromatids are separating and moving to opposite poles" happen in?


Which phase of mitosis would be inhibited by treatment with a drug that binds to microtubules and prevents their depolymerization?


In pea plants, the seed color is affected by one gene with two alleles, in which yellow is completely dominant to green. Answer each of the following about a cross between two plants: Plant A is heterozygous plant. Plant B is a homozygous dominant plant. Which correctly describes the phenotypes of the parents of plant A?

At least one of the parents of plant A must have produced yellow seeds, but the other parent could be either a yellow-seed or green-seed plant.

(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) Band 1 is identical in DNA sequence to ____.

Band 2

Why is the E/e gene said to be epistatic to the B/b gene?

Because if an individual is homozygous recessive for the ee gene, then it doesn't matter what the genotype is of the B/b gene.

Mitosis vs. Meiosis. Two genetically identical daughter cells are produced as a result.

Binary fission in prokaryotes and mitosis in eukaryotes.

Mitosis vs. Meiosis During division, replication of DNA occurs simultaneously with segregation of DNA to opposite ends of the cell.

Binary fission in prokaryotes.

For each of the following, indicate whether it applies to crossing over, independent assortment, both of these processes, or neither of these processes. Affects which combinations of alleles are present in each of the gametes

Both crossing over and independent assortment

(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) During prophase I of meiosis, each cell will have ____

Both of the chromosomes forming the homologous pair shown.

(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) Following mitosis, each resulting daughter cell will have ______

Both of these homologous chromosomes, but each of them will be composed of just one chromatid.

Eukaryote or prokaryotes? Following cell division, two daughter cells are produced that are identical to each other and to the parent cell.


Eukaryote or prokaryotes? The cell contains at least one chromosome.


How do daughter cells at the completion of meiosis compare with cells that have replicated their DNA and are just about to begin meiosis? A daughter cell at the completion of meiosis has: A:the same number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA. B: half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA. C: half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of DNA. D:twice the number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA. E: The one-fourth number of chromosomes and the same amount of DNA.


Which of the following could lead to a cell becoming cancerous? A:an underactive version of a protein that stimulates cells to leave G0 B: an overactive version of a protein that promotes apoptosis C: an overactive version of a protein that acts as a stimulator for the G1 checkpoint D: an underactive version of a protein that acts as a receptor that senses the presence of nearby cells as part of density-dependent inhibition

C and D

For each of the following, indicate whether it applies to crossing over, independent assortment, both of these processes, or neither of these processes. Occurs during prophase I

Crossing over

For each of the following, indicate whether it applies to crossing over, independent assortment, both of these processes, or neither of these processes. Produces recombinant chromosomes

Crossing over

In pea plants, the seed color is affected by one gene with two alleles, in which yellow is completely dominant to green. Answer each of the following about a cross between two plants: Plant A is heterozygous plant. Plant B is a homozygous dominant plant. Which correctly describes the genotypes of the parents of plant A?

Each of the two parents could have potentially been homozygous or heterozygous.

Match each description to the correct term related to inheritance patterns. Each answer is used only once. Two mice that have the same genotype for genes related to body size are slightly different in size because of how much each was fex.

Effect of environment on expression of genetic traits.

Match each description to the correct term related to inheritance patterns. Each answer is used only once. If an individual possesses a certain genotype for one gene, that will affect how a different gene is expressed, regardless of what the genotype is for that second gene.


Match the following examples to the appropriate pattern of inheritance: An allele of a gene causes albinism in eye color because it affects the expression of three other genes that control eye color.


A particular female is found to produce a gamete with an extra copy of one of the chromosomes. A nondisjunction error most likely occurred due to a mistake in which of the following?

Error in segregation during anaphase I or anaphase II

Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. A pair of sister chromatids undergo crossing over in Prophase II of Meiosis II.


Identify whether the following statements regarding cell division are TRUE or FALSE: Cell division can only reproduce an entire organism in eukaryotes.


Identify whether the following statements regarding cell division are TRUE or FALSE: Cell division is common in eukaryotes but rare in prokaryotes.


Identify whether the following statements regarding mitosis and meiosis are TRUE or FALSE: A normal human zygote has 23 chromosomes.


Identify whether the following statements regarding mitosis and meiosis are TRUE or FALSE: Mitosis produces daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.


In cattle, a dominant autosomal allele (N) results in a deep notch in each ear, while homozygous recessive individuals have normal ears. In a different gene that is on a different autosomal chromosome, individuals that are homozygous for a recessive allele (u) have an udder abnormality. A farmer has a herd of cattle in which some of the individuals have notched ears and some have abnormal udders. The farmer desires to rid the herd of these characteristics. The farmer has a bull that has normal ears and has previously sired calves that have the udder abnormality. What genotype of cow should the farmer breed with the bull to ensure all possible calves will have normal ears and normal udders? T/F It is possible for crossing over to affect the inheritance patterns of the ear shape gene and the udder gene.


Labrador retrievers have black, brown, or yellow fur. Fur color is controlled by two independently assorting, autosomal genes, The pigmentation gene has a black allele (B) that is completely dominant to the brown allele (b). A different gene on a different chromosome is epistatic to the pigmentation gene. In this epistatic gene, there is a completely dominant allele (E) and a recessive (e) allele. Individuals that are homozygous recessive for the epistatic gene do not deposit any pigment and display yellow fur. In one cross of a black male × black female, the results were as follows: 9/16 black, 4/16 yellow, 3/16 brown. Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. T/F One parent must be homozygous recessive for Gene E.


Labrador retrievers have black, brown, or yellow fur. Fur color is controlled by two independently assorting, autosomal genes, The pigmentation gene has a black allele (B) that is completely dominant to the brown allele (b). A different gene on a different chromosome is epistatic to the pigmentation gene. In this epistatic gene, there is a completely dominant allele (E) and a recessive (e) allele. Individuals that are homozygous recessive for the epistatic gene do not deposit any pigment and display yellow fur. In one cross of a black male × black female, the results were as follows: 9/16 black, 4/16 yellow, 3/16 brown. Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. T/F The black female parent could have the genotype EEBb.


Labrador retrievers have black, brown, or yellow fur. Fur color is controlled by two independently assorting, autosomal genes, The pigmentation gene has a black allele (B) that is completely dominant to the brown allele (b). A different gene on a different chromosome is epistatic to the pigmentation gene. In this epistatic gene, there is a completely dominant allele (E) and a recessive (e) allele. Individuals that are homozygous recessive for the epistatic gene do not deposit any pigment and display yellow fur. In one cross of a black male × black female, the results were as follows: 9/16 black, 4/16 yellow, 3/16 brown. Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. T/F The genotype eebb must result in brown fur.


The nuclear membrane has to disappear and reappear in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.


True Or False? Binary fission includes recombination of parental chromosomes.


True Or False? Prokaryotic chromosomes are linear in structure.


Which of the following are true about the content of different types of cells? Gametes contain two copies of each gene.


You observe a muscle cell in G2 and determine it has 15pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 30pg of DNA in resulting daughter cells by the end of mitosis.


You observe a muscle cell in G2 and determine it has 15pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 7.5 pg of DNA by the end of S phase.


You observe a skin cell in G1 and determine it as 20pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 10pg of DNA while in metaphase of mitosis.


You observe a skin cell in G1 and determine it as 20pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 20pg of DNA by the end of S phase.


You observe a skin cell in G1 and determine it as 20pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 5pg of DNA in resulting daughter cells by the end of mitosis.


T/F Ovaries and tests produce diploid gametes produce by meiosis.

False (they produce haploid, but diploid)

T/F Both sexual and asexual life cycles involve meiosis.

False, asexual life cycles are done by mitosis or binary fission.

Eukaryotic chromosomes are circular in structure.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. Crossing over is a phenomenon that creates genetic diversity during mitosis.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. In Meiosis I there are four copies of each chromosome.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE: Plant cells have two sets of chromosomes; animal cells have one set of chromosomes.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE: Prokaryotic cells are diploid.


Identify which of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. An X chromosome is an autosome.


Identify which of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Most prokaryotes reproduce by sexual reproduction.


Imagine an error in mitosis in which the lysosomes are not correctly distributed into one of the daughter cells; the daughter cell that lacks lysosomes would have trouble synthesizing ribosomes.


Motor proteins that move along the microtubules during cell division are likely synthesized in the rough ER.


T/F Prior to cell division, animal cells will need to replicate their mitochondria but plant cells do not since they lack mitochondria.


Which of the following are true about the content of different types of cells? Brain cells contain some genes that are not present in skin cells


Which of the following are true about the content of different types of cells? The X and Y chromosomes are present in the gametes but are not present in skin cells.


You observe a muscle cell in G2 and determine it has 15pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 15pg of DNA during G1 phase.


(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) This diagram contains a total of _____ chromatid(s)


(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) This image contains a total of ____ DNA double-helix molecules.


Which is the first checkpoint in the cell cycle that will cause a cell to exit the cycle if this point is not passed?


A mixture of somatic cells from an individual plant have been treated with a toxin that interacts with microtubules. After a few hours you observe that all of the actively dividing cells are now halted in prometaphase. Given this information answer the following in 2-3 complete sentences: A) Why does does the toxin result in cells that are stuck in prometaphase? Be specific about what you think the toxin is doing to the microtubules. AND B) If the toxin interacts with microtubules, then explain why the chromosomes would be unable to line up during metaphase.

If the toxin interacts with microtubules and causing the cells to get stuck in prometaphase, then it must be preventing the microtubules from being joined together (polymerized) to form the spindle, which is a key component of prometaphase. The lining up of chromosomes in metaphase is dependent upon the spindle, which causes them to line up, so this toxin would prevent that from being able to happen. likely have a problem with spindle and microtubule formation.

In comparing actively dividing animal cells, how would you determine whether or not the cell is in metaphase of mitosis or metaphase I of meiosis? Explain your answer in 1-2 complete sentences.

In mitosis, the chromosomes all line up separately in a long along the metaphase plate, whereas in meiosis each chromosome would be paired up next to its homolog.

For each of the following, indicate whether it applies to crossing over, independent assortment, both of these processes, or neither of these processes. Occurs during metaphase I

Independent assortment

Explain your answers to the previous question. If it is indicative of cancer, then explain why. If it is not indicative of cancer, then propose what it is indicative of instead and explain. A cell has a mutation that causes impaired functionality of a protein receptor that senses whether the cell is in contact with other cells.

Indicative of cancer. 2. Due to the cell having a mutation that results in malfunctioning signaling proteins, it will prevent the cell from regulating its cell cycle. In turn, after this happens it will trigger unrestricted cell division and cancer.

What cell cycle or mitosis cycle is "sister chromatids are formed" in?


Match the following examples to the appropriate pattern of inheritance: A dominant allele of a gene on Chromosome 7 causes a form of deafness, and this deafness is often inherited along with a form of blindness that is caused by a dominant allele of a different gene that is also on Chromosome 7.

Linked genes

Males are more often affected by sex-linked traits than females because _____

Males are hemizygous for the X chromosome.

What cycle is this? "The number of chromosomes is reduced by half"

Meiosis I

What cycle is this? Crossing over occurs.

Meiosis I

What cycle is this? Homologous pairs match up

Meiosis I

What cycle is this? The spindle is involved in the process.

Meiosis I and II.

What cycle is this? 4 daughter cells are the result.

Meiosis II

What cycle is this? Sister chromatids are separated.

Meiosis II

What cycle is this? The number of chromosomes stays the same.

Meiosis II

Mitosis vs. Meiosis. Production of gametes occurs via ___

Meiosis in eukaryotes.

Mitosis vs. Meiosis During division, microtubule spindle fibers attach to chromosomes.

Mitosis and meiosis

Mitosis vs. Meiosis. During division, the nuclear membrane disappears and then reappears

Mitosis and meiosis

Mitosis vs. Meiosis. During division, linear chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.

Mitosis and meiosis.

Why is the human blood type an example of multiple alleles?

More than two alleles exist in the population.

Match each description to the correct term related to inheritance patterns. Each answer is used only once. Coloration in a particular flower is controlled by one gene, but there are 5 different versions of that gene present in the population of flowers.

Multiple alleles.

For each of the following, indicate whether it applies to crossing over, independent assortment, both of these processes, or neither of these processes. Affects which combinations of genes are present in each of the gametes

Neither crossing or assortment

For each of the following, indicate whether it applies to crossing over, independent assortment, both of these processes, or neither of these processes. Occurs during prophase II

Neither crossing or assortment

The basic body color of horses is influenced by several genes, one of which has several different alleles. Two of these alleles—the chestnut (dark brown) allele and a diluting (pale cream) allele display incomplete dominance. A horse heterozygous for these two alleles is a palomino (golden body color with flaxen mane and tail). Is it possible to produce a herd of pure-breeding palomino horses (100% of offspring palomino)? Explain why or why not in 1-3 complete sentences.

No it is not possible. Palaminos are heterozygotes, they have one chestnut allele and one cream allele. When you breed heterozygotes with other heterozygotes, they will produce some horses that are homozygous chestnut and some horses that are homozygous pale cream.

For each of the following, indicate whether or not it is indicative of cancer and why? A cell enters G0.

Not indicative of cancer, 1. A cell that enters G0 phase can be due to a number of reasons, such the unavailability of certain nutrients or cell organelles. For example, if a cell doesn't have sufficient nutrients available, they will choose to remain dormant. In addition, they may also choose to remain inactive if they lack certain organelles. The way G0 relates to cancer, however, is that they will enter G0 as a method of defense in case there is cancer. While it's possible a cell that enters G0 could indicate cancer, it is not a sure way to tell.

For each of the following, indicate whether or not it is indicative of cancer and why? A cell undergoes apoptosis.

Not indicative of cancer, 4. A cell undergoing apoptosis doesn't necessarily mean it is indicative of cancer, it just means that it is programmed cell death. However, it is important to note that if a cell undergoing apoptosis has an error, it can cause cancer due to apoptosis playing a role in preventing cancer.

For each of the following, indicate whether or not it is indicative of cancer and why? A cell has a mutation that causes an underactivity of a protein that acts as a stimulator for the G1 checkpoint.

Not indicative of cancer. 3. If there is an error in the cell and it doesn't pass the G1 checkpoint, they will loop out of the cell cycle and enter G0, to which they will re-enter under the appropriate conditions.

Answer each of the following about a diploid species that is 2N = 32: Each chromatid is composed of _____

One double-stranded DNA molecule.

In pea plants, the seed color is affected by one gene with two alleles, in which yellow is completely dominant to green. Answer each of the following about a cross between two plants: Plant A is heterozygous plant. Plant B is a homozygous dominant plant. To which plant could you apply the term true-breeding?

Plant B.

Match the following examples to the appropriate pattern of inheritance: A single mutation in a gene that affects the spot pattern on flowers also results in shorter stems, smaller leaves, and fewer flowers.


Match each description to the correct term related to inheritance patterns. Each answer is used only once. In humans, a gene called MC1R affects your hair color and whether you have freckles.


Match the following examples to the appropriate pattern of inheritance: Human eye color is affected by 5 different loci on 5 different chromosomes

Polygenic inheritance

Match each description to the correct term related to inheritance patterns. Each answer is used only once. Human height is influenced by thousands of different gene loci.

Polygenic trait.

Eukaryote or prokaryotes? Chromosomes are circular in shape.


Match the description with the appropriate phase of the cell cycle and mitosis. The chromosomes appear to jerk back and forth as microtubules' from opposite ends are pulling on them.


What cell cycle or mitosis cycle is "Microtubules become attached to kinetochores" in?


What phase does "microtubules of the spindle are attached to chromosomes and the spindle fibers are lengthening" happen in?


What cell cycle or mitosis cycle is "The mitotic spindle starts to be formed" in?


What phase does "Chromosomes are condensing" happen in?


What do the two chromosomes of a homologous pair have in common?

Same length, same centromere position, same staining pattern, same genes.

What cell cycle or mitosis cycle is "The mitotic spindle is broken down" in?


What phase does "nuclear envelope is reforming" happen in?


When Thomas Hunt Morgan crossed his red-eyed F1 generation flies to each other, the F2 generation included both red- and white-eyed flies. Remarkably, all the white-eyed flies were male. What was the explanation for this result?

The gene involved is on the X chromosome.

Which of the following is true of an X-linked gene but not of a Y-linked gene?

The gene is present in both males and females

Imagine a fictional animal in which an individual that is homozygous and has dark brown coloration is mated with an individual that is homozygous with white coloration. What would you expect the heterozygote offspring of a cross between these two homozygous individuals to look like under each dominance pattern? Complete dominance.

The heterozygote would be brown. This is the same as the phenotype of the homozygous brown, assuming brown is dominant and white is recessive.

Imagine a fictional animal in which an individual that is homozygous and has dark brown coloration is mated with an individual that is homozygous with white coloration. What would you expect the heterozygote offspring of a cross between these two homozygous individuals to look like under each dominance pattern? Codominance

The heterozygote would have distinct patches of brown and white.

In humans, what determines the sex of offspring and why?

The male gamete determines sex because each male gamete can contribute either an X or a Y chromosome.

Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait in humans. Two parents with normal color vision have a color-blind son. What are the genotypes of the parents?

The mother is XNXn and the father is XNY

(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) The bands labeled 1 and 2 are ____ compared to the bands labeled 3 and 4.

The same gene, but possible different alleles.

(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) S phase resulted in the formation of

The structure labeled as band 2 being copies from the structure labeled as band 1.

Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. In meiosis, four daughter cells are produced, where as in mitosis two daughter cells are produced.


Identify whether the following statements regarding cell division are TRUE or FALSE: Cell division is necessary for growth and development to occur in multi-celled organisms.


Identify whether the following statements regarding cell division are TRUE or FALSE: Cell division is the basis of both sexual and asexual reproduction.


Identify whether the following statements regarding mitosis and meiosis are TRUE or FALSE: All sexual life cycles involve an alternation of diploid and haploid stages


In cattle, a dominant autosomal allele (N) results in a deep notch in each ear, while homozygous recessive individuals have normal ears. In a different gene that is on a different autosomal chromosome, individuals that are homozygous for a recessive allele (u) have an udder abnormality. A farmer has a herd of cattle in which some of the individuals have notched ears and some have abnormal udders. The farmer desires to rid the herd of these characteristics. The farmer has a bull that has normal ears and has previously sired calves that have the udder abnormality. What genotype of cow should the farmer breed with the bull to ensure all possible calves will have normal ears and normal udders? The ear shape gene and the udder gene are considered unlinked genes because they are on different chromosomes.


In cattle, a dominant autosomal allele (N) results in a deep notch in each ear, while homozygous recessive individuals have normal ears. In a different gene that is on a different autosomal chromosome, individuals that are homozygous for a recessive allele (u) have an udder abnormality. A farmer has a herd of cattle in which some of the individuals have notched ears and some have abnormal udders. The farmer desires to rid the herd of these characteristics. The farmer has a bull that has normal ears and has previously sired calves that have the udder abnormality. What genotype of cow should the farmer breed with the bull to ensure all possible calves will have normal ears and normal udders? The reason that an individual with genotype NnUu can make 4 possible gamete genotypes in this example is because of independent assortment.


T/F During interphase when the organelles are replicated in preparation for cell division, this would be an endergonic process.


T/F In humans, the 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, determines whether the person is female or male.


T/F Plants produce haploid gametes.


T/F The reason that an individual with genotype NnUu can make 4 possible gamete genotypes in this example is because of independent assortment.


T/F In humans, each of the 22 maternal autosomes has a homologous paternal chromosome.


The local zoo received a donation of a family of 10 fairy penguins, the smallest species of penguin reaching only 12-14 inches in height. The zoologist has noticed that several of the individuals have become ill and are exhibiting symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis. Blood tests reveal that all members of the family of penguins have a single nucleotide deletion in a gene that is responsible for the production of channel proteins found in the plasma membrane of nerve cells. The few individuals that are heterozygous and have only one copy of the mutant allele exhibit symptoms that are less severe than individuals that have two copies of the mutant allele. T/F Homozygous individuals that have the disease will always pass on the disease allele to offspring.


The local zoo received a donation of a family of 10 fairy penguins, the smallest species of penguin reaching only 12-14 inches in height. The zoologist has noticed that several of the individuals have become ill and are exhibiting symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis. Blood tests reveal that all members of the family of penguins have a single nucleotide deletion in a gene that is responsible for the production of channel proteins found in the plasma membrane of nerve cells. The few individuals that are heterozygous and have only one copy of the mutant allele exhibit symptoms that are less severe than individuals that have two copies of the mutant allele. T/F The genetic disease in these penguins is an example of incomplete dominance


The local zoo received a donation of a family of 10 fairy penguins, the smallest species of penguin reaching only 12-14 inches in height. The zoologist has noticed that several of the individuals have become ill and are exhibiting symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis. Blood tests reveal that all members of the family of penguins have a single nucleotide deletion in a gene that is responsible for the production of channel proteins found in the plasma membrane of nerve cells. The few individuals that are heterozygous and have only one copy of the mutant allele exhibit symptoms that are less severe than individuals that have two copies of the mutant allele. The channel protein likely has hydrophilic regions in the area of the protein that allows passage of substances from one side of the membrane to the other.


True Or False? Plant cells and animal cells have two sets of chromosomes in somatic cells.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. At a chiasma, two homologous or non-sister chromatids are attached to each other.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. Before mitosis and meiosis, the chromosomes replicate only once in the preceding interphase.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. In an species of plant, there are four times as many DNA in a cell of G2 of Interphase compared to a daughter cell at the end of Meiosis II.


Identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. In mitosis, cytokinesis occurs once, whereas in meiosis cytokinesis occurs twice.


Identify whether the following statements regarding mitosis and meiosis are TRUE or FALSE: In plants and animals, meiosis only occurs in the germ cells.


Identify which of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. An error in interphase in which the smooth ER is not replicated would result in one of the daughter cells of mitosis ending up with lacking the smooth ER and therefore lacking the ability to synthesize lipids.


Identify which of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Depolymerization of microtubules during the later stages of mitosis are an example of a catabolic reaction.


Identify which of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. In eukaryotes with sexual reproductive life cycles, two haploid cells fuse during fertilization.


T/F A species that has a chromosome number of 2n = 16 means that each cell has 8 homologous pairs.


T/F As motor proteins move along the microtubules during cell division to cause the movement of chromosomes, this is an example of cellular work that requires the hydrolysis of many ATP molecules in order to drive the process.


The local zoo received a donation of a family of 10 fairy penguins, the smallest species of penguin reaching only 12-14 inches in height. The zoologist has noticed that several of the individuals have become ill and are exhibiting symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis. Blood tests reveal that all members of the family of penguins have a single nucleotide deletion in a gene that is responsible for the production of channel proteins found in the plasma membrane of nerve cells. The few individuals that are heterozygous and have only one copy of the mutant allele exhibit symptoms that are less severe than individuals that have two copies of the mutant allele. T/F A single nucleotide deletion in the gene can change the primary structure of the protein that is coded for by the gene.


The local zoo received a donation of a family of 10 fairy penguins, the smallest species of penguin reaching only 12-14 inches in height. The zoologist has noticed that several of the individuals have become ill and are exhibiting symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis. Blood tests reveal that all members of the family of penguins have a single nucleotide deletion in a gene that is responsible for the production of channel proteins found in the plasma membrane of nerve cells. The few individuals that are heterozygous and have only one copy of the mutant allele exhibit symptoms that are less severe than individuals that have two copies of the mutant allele. The proteins are most likely manufactured in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.


True Or False? Prokaryoric cells are haploid.


You observe a muscle cell in G2 and determine it has 15pg of DNA. Given this information, identify if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE. The cell will have 15pg of DNA while in metaphase of mitosis


Identify whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE about how meiosis contributes to genetic variation. Crossing over during meiosis contributes to genetic variation among the resulting gamete cells because it leads to differences in the combinations of alleles in each daughter cell.

True. Crossing over involves the exchange of non-sister chromatids between each homolog within a homologous pair, so this results in an exchange of different versions (alleles) of the genes.

Identify whether each of the following statements are TRUE or FALSE about how meiosis contributes to genetic variation. Independent assortment during meiosis contributes to genetic variation among the resulting gamete cells because this process influences the combination of maternal vs paternal chromosomes that are present in each gamete.

True. Independent assortment is the process by which homologous chromosomes line up during metaphase I of meiosis. Depending on how the maternal and paternal chromosome of each pair is oriented will determine which daughter cell of meiosis I each will end up in. Since all the homologous pairs orient independently from other pairs, the various possible combinations result in greater genetic diversity of gametes that can be produced by the same person.

The unlettered circle at the top of the figure above shows a diploid somatic cell. Use this information to evaluate what is shown in the the images labeled as A and B. Use the images above to determine if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE: Cell A (l shape) could be a haploid of the same species as the cell shown at the top (Centromere). Why?

True. The cell at the top is 2N=4 prior to chromosome duplication. A haploid cell that is formed as a result of meiosis of the top cell would be 1N=2, which is what is shown in the image for Cell A. This cell contains one copy of each of two distinct chromosomes (different sizes) so it is haploid (1N).

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease caused by a recessive alleles of an autosomal gene. The other allele of this gene is completely dominant. Within a family, the father has cystic fibrosis and the mother does not have cystic fibrosis. They have 3 children, one of which has cystic fibrosis and two of which do not have cystic fibrosis. T/F The mother has at least one dominant allele.

True. Individuals with the dominant phenotype must have at least one dominant allele.

The unlettered circle at the top of the figure above shows a diploid somatic cell. Use this information to evaluate what is shown in the the images labeled as A and B. Use the images above to determine if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE: Cell B (X shape) could be a cell in prometaphase of mitosis. Why?

True. The cell has two sets of condensed replicated chromosomes, therefore it is a cell at the beginning of mitosis or meiosis 1.

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease caused by a recessive alleles of an autosomal gene. The other allele of this gene is completely dominant. Within a family, the father has cystic fibrosis and the mother does not have cystic fibrosis. They have 3 children, one of which has cystic fibrosis and two of which do not have cystic fibrosis. T/F All of the children that do not have cystic fibrosis must be heterozygotes.

True. They don't have the disease, so they have 1 dominant allele, but they would have inherited a recessive allele from their father who has the disease and is homozygous recessive.

Humans produce skin cells by mitosis and gametes by meiosis. The nuclei of skin cells produced by mitosis will have _______

Twice as much DNA as the nuclei of gametes produced by meiosis.

(1) X (2) and (3) X (4) This diagram contains a total of ____ duplicated chromosomes.


What of the following is true about cancer cells?

When they stop dividing, they do so at random points in the cell cycle. They are not subject to cell cycle controls. They can continue dividing indefinitely as long as they have continual supply of nutrients.

A cell in G0 phase: ____

is often a healthy cell that no longer needs to divide.

In cattle, a dominant autosomal allele (N) results in a deep notch in each ear, while homozygous recessive individuals have normal ears. In a different gene that is on a different autosomal chromosome, individuals that are homozygous for a recessive allele (u) have an udder abnormality. A farmer has a herd of cattle in which some of the individuals have notched ears and some have abnormal udders. The farmer desires to rid the herd of these characteristics. The farmer has a bull that has normal ears and has previously sired calves that have the udder abnormality. What genotype of cow should the farmer breed with the bull to ensure all possible calves will have normal ears and normal udders?

nnUU The bull's genotype for the ear gene must be nn because for autosomal dominant disorders, individuals that are homozygous recessive have the normal phenotype. For the udder gene, he must have at least 1 recessive allele u in order to have sired offspring with the udder abnormality. The farmer should breed this bull with a cow that has genotype nnUU in order to ensure the offspring will not have any disorders. For autosomal recessive disorders, individuals that are homozygous dominant or heterozygous have the normal phenotype, so regardless of what the other allele is for the bull's udder gene, if the cow has UU, then all of the offspring will be either Uu or UU (even if the bull is uu, crossing him with a UU female will yield Uu offspring). The other choices are wrong because if the cow passes down the N allele the offspring will have notched ears If the cow is Uu (as in choice nnUu) and the bull is uu, there could be offspring with uu.

Match the description with the appropriate phase of the cell cycle and mitosis. The nuclear envelope reforms


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