biooo 1201

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d. all of these

. RNA differs from DNA in that: a. it has a different kind of sugar b. it is single stranded c. it has uracil d. all of these


. The template strand of DNA for one gene may be the coding strand of DNA for an-other gene. T OR F

A)transcription factors

. ____ regulate which genes or subsets of genes are transcribed in a particular cell type

B) Adds new nucleotides to the growing DNA strand.

.DNA polymerase is the enzyme that

D)Introns may be involved in exon shuffling.

.Which of the following statements is true regarding introns? A)Introns are the parts of mRNA that are translated. B)Introns have no function. C)In general, human genes have fewer introns than genes of other organisms. D)Introns may be involved in exon shuffling.

A)The genetic code is overlapping.

5. Which of the statements below is false? A)The genetic code is overlapping. B)The genetic code is universal. C)Degenerate codons specify the same amino acids. D)The genetic code is triplet.


A DNA strand with the sequence AACGTAACG is transcribed. What is the sequence of the mRNA molecule synthesized? A)AACGTAACG B)UUGCAUUGC C)AACGUAACG D)TTGCATTGC


How many different codons are possible?


If the DNA coding strand is ACAGTCGAT, the complementary (non-coding) strand will be A) ACAGTCGAT. B) TGTCAGCTA. C) UGUCAGCUA. D) None of the above.

B) both parents were heterozygous purple

In Mendel's F2 generation, one out of four plants had white flowers because A) the trait is sex-linked B) both parents were heterozygous purple C) one parent was homozygous recessive D) both parents were heterozygous white


In a DNA strand, if 40% of the nucleotides are guanine, what percent are thymine? a. 20 b. 10 c. 30 d. 40

A) 1:2:1

In the F2 generation, the 3:1 ratio is really a disguised A) 1:2:1 B) 2:1:1 C) 1:1:2 D) 4:0


Once transcription has been completed, which of the following is NOT necessary for protein synthesis to occur?

adenine, guanine, cytosine, uracil

RNA contains which bases?

transcription, RNA polymerase

RNA is synthesized on a DNA template in a process called ______, which utilizes the enzyme _______


Starting with a cross between AA and aa, the proportion of heterozygotes in the F2 progeny will be ___. A. 1/8 B. 1/4 C. 1/3 D. 1/2 E. All heterozygotes


The appearance of both A and B types of glycoproteins on the red blood cells of the people with AB blood type is an example of _______.


The appearance resulting from a given gene combination is referred to as the


The base thymine is always paired with ___.


The first mRNA codon to specify an amino acid is always


The process of copying a gene's DNA sequence into a sequence of RNA is called

E) 3:1

The ratio often referred to the Mendelian ratio is A) 1:3:3:1 B) 9:7 C) 1:3:1 E) 3:1

E. 5' GATCGA 3

The sequence of one strand of DNA is 5' TCGATC 3'. The sequence of the com-plementary strand would be ___. A. 5' AGCTAG 3' B. 5' TCGATC 3' C. 5' CTAGCT 3' D. 5' GCTAGC 3' E. 5' GATCGA 3

RNA polymerase

The transcribing enzyme is

1 amino acid

Three nucleotides code for:

3' to 5'; 5' to 3'

Transcription occurs along a ____ template forming an mRNA in the ____ direction.


Transfer RNA's bind during translation by the

B) 4:0

When Mendel crossed pure-breeding purple and white flowered pea plants, the dominant to re-cessive ratio in the F1 generation was A) 3:1 B) 4:0 C) 4:1 D) 9:3:3:1

C)DNA to protein

Which mode of information transfer usually does not occur? A)DNA to DNA B)DNA to RNA C)DNA to protein D)all occur in a working cell

c. ligase

Which of the following is NOT a necessary component of translation? a. anticodon b. mRNA c. ligase d. amino acid


Which site of the tRNA molecule binds to the mRNA molecule?


which molecule contains the genetic code

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