BISC 102 Final

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Which of the following organelles would help you differentiate between plant and animal cells?

Cell Wall Centrioles Cilia Glyoxysomes Lysosomes Plastids

A nerve impulse travels about ________ times faster when it leaps between gaps in the myelin sheath than when it travels along an unmyelinated axon


Using the genetic code, how many amino acids are encoded by the following sequence from the start codon and up to the stop codon? AUGCUUGACUAAGUCCCC


If one strand of a DNA molecule has the base sequence of 5' ATGTGCC 3' the complementary strand of DNA will read

3' TACACGG 5'.

Mendel's monohybrid cross of tall parents, each with the genotype Tt, resulted in a tall to short ratio of


How many codons are in the mRNA sequence GGAAUGAAACAGGAACCC?


Which of the following is correct about both binary fission and meiosis?

?? (Both are asexual forms of cell reproduction Both result in genetically-identical cells Both replicate the DNA before the cell splits Both result in two daughter cells)

Ocean water is much saltier than a fish's cells, so the animal loses water by osmosis, mostly at the gills. How would a saltwater fish osmoregulate?

Drink seawater and use active transport at the gills to get rid of excess salts.

Stem cell technology has the potential to

All answers are correct

Which is an endocrine gland?

All answers are correct

Which is correct about primary and secondary immune responses?

All answers are correct.

Different types of animal tissue include

All answers are correct. (epithelial tissue. connective tissue. muscle tissue. nervous tissue)

An increase in the number of red blood cells is called anemia.


The type of cell that is primarily responsible for initiating and coordinating the adaptive immune response is the B cell


The walls of the right ventricle are thicker than those of the left ventricle.


Which is incorrect?

Both the nervous system and the endocrine system use neurotransmitters to affect target cells.

All of the following refer to mitosis, except


Which of the following is used to replace faulty DNA by introducing alleles that do not result in a genetic disorder?

gene therapy

Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same genes are

homologous chromosomes

If the two alleles for a particular gene are identical the gene pair is


If blood pressure is too high, the brain ________ heart rate and causes blood vessels to ________.

increases; narrow???

The two largest veins of the body that deliver blood to the right atrium are the

inferior vena cava and superior vena cava

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is caused by

insufficient carbohydrate intake or too much insulin production.

An endocrine gland releases its product directly

into the circulatory system


is the cessation of menstruation.

Which would be the primary target for antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?


In meiosis, homologous chromosomes align next to one another during

metaphase 1

While in medical school working on a cadaver, you are instructed to find a damaged tendon. You might first look for what two things joined together?


The two closely allied organ systems that allow for running, swimming, and flying under the direction of the nervous system are the

muscular and skeletal systems

Which animal tissue has control over the other tissues and is found in all organ systems?


in the diagram, the squares which are transported from a neuron, through the synaptic cleft, and received by the receptors of another cell are called


Animals that eat a broad variety of foods, including plants and animals, are


You are asked to research what the eye is. You read that it contains nerves, muscles, and blood cells. Therefore, you decide that it is a(n)


If a friend says that they have damage to connective tissue with a matrix of fine collagen fibers, you know that they have an issue with


The endocrine gland that produces melatonin is the

pineal gland

If you wanted to alter breast milk production in a new mother having trouble feeding her baby due to poor milk supply, you would look at the hormone prolactin, since it is produced by the ________ and targets the ________.

pituitary gland; mammary gland

If you were using electrodes and chemical tests to find a resting neuron, you would look for a neuron in which

potassium ions are more concentrated inside the cell than outside.

If a lion eats a gazelle, before the molecules have been broken down by its cells, the lion has gained

potential energy.

A couple, both carriers of cystic fibrosis (CF) alleles, can decrease their odds of having a child with CF by performing an in vitro fertilization procedure and screening the embryo for the CF alleles. This process is called

preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

The chemotherapy drug taxol inhibits microtubule function. A cell treated with taxol would become stuck in which phase?


In most cases, the chemical structure of enzymes represents a(an)


The technique CRISPR-Cas9 has great potential because it can

remove a gene or add new DNA to it

Mammals excrete nitrogen wastes as what?


The three major components of the human nervous system are

sensory input, sensory integration, and motor response.

Pollination is a step of ________ in a plant.

sexual reproduction

The type of epithelial tissue that forms multiple layers of flattened cells is

simple columnar

The systems that support and move the body are

skeletal and muscular

If you wanted to create a medical weapon to cause enemy soldiers to be unable to absorb nutrients, you would target the

small intestine

The passage of food needs to occur in a controlled way, so the body contains rings of muscle in the digestive tract that regulate the movement of food. These are


in the late 1950s, some women took ________ as a tranquilizer to relieve morning sickness and it caused deformed limbs in developing embryos.


Human reproduction can result in a

Genetically unique offspring

Females who are "carriers" for hemophilia

usually, do not show symptoms of hemophilia.

Cilia sweep the released mature oocyte from an ovary into the

uterine tube

You perform an experiment in which you take 16 pots of strawberry plants and give half of them 1 gram of ammonium nitrate per liter of water and the other half receive only water. Each group is then split in half again, and exposed to either 8 or 16 hours of light each day. You monitor the height of the plants for 4 weeks. You observe that plants grown in ammonium nitrate and 16 hours of light grow taller than no ammonium nitrate and 8 hours of light.Which of the following is/are dependent variable(s) in this experiment?

Height of the plants

If a woman, late in pregnancy, feels contractions of a muscular sac-like organ, she is feeling contractions of her


What is the advantage of the endocrine system over the nervous system?

Hormones remain in the bloodstream and cells for long periods of time to maintain homeostatsis, unlike neural impulses.

Prolactinomas are the most common type of pituitary tumor. Symptoms of prolactinoma in women include infertility and atypical menstruation. Which is the best explanation for this observation?

Increased prolactin in the blood has a negative feedback on the pituitary.

The size of the opening for light coming into the eye is regulated by the


The hormone released by the anterior pituitary that triggers ovulation and transforms the ruptured follicle into the corpus luteum is


Which of the following is not an ethical issue surrounding the use of DNA technology in human medicine?

May reduce human suffering through elimination of genetic disorders.

Of all the people who have studied inheritance, the person who made the most lasting impression on the science of genetics is


Using the genetic code, what are the amino acids encoded by the sequence AUGUCAACGUGA?

Met, Ser, Thr, (Stop)

In order, the organelles involved in the production of milk, which is mainly fat and protein, are

Nucleus, nuclear pore, rough ER, smooth ER, transport vesicle, Golgi body, secretion vesicle

Meiotic cell division replicates a cell's DNA ________ and then divides ________.

Once, twice

The condition that develops when dopamine levels in the brain are deficient is

Parkinson disease

Chemical substances that elicit specific responses in other members of the same species are referred to as


A heart murmur is caused by

the heart valves not functioning properly

In a "frameshift" mutation

the mutation is caused by an addition or deletion of one or more nucleotides

The theory of endosymbiosis is based on

the observations that chloroplasts and mitochondria resemble bacteria.

If human gametes were diploid

the products of fertilization would have more chromosomes than their parents

Homologous chromosomes have

the same genes but can have different alleles.

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure in which the vas deferens are severed, and then tied. How would this cause sterility?

Sperm cannot move to the urethra

How can stem cells replace faulty cells in the body?

Stem cells can be coaxed to differentiate into the needed specific cell type

Evaporation is

The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas/vapor

In which case is the energy involved farthest from being kinetic energy?

The energy in chemical bonds

The breast muscle of a wild duck is dark, while that of a domesticated chicken is white. The breast muscles in a wild duck are

They are slow-twitch muscles with abundant capillaries and mitochondria.

If a drug is designed to denature enzymes involved in digesting phenylalanine, why would patients treated with this drug develop phenylketonuria?

They lack an enzyme to break down phenylalanine.

If presented with a person who was malnourished because of a refusal to eat, you would diagnose anorexia nervosa


In a hierarchical description of an animal, tissues would fall between cells and organs.


Muscle rich in slow-twitch fibers is darker than muscle rich in fast-twitch fibers.


Since parathyroid hormone causes calcium to be liberated from bone, blocking that hormone could be a partial aid in dealing with loss of calcium from bone.


The human circulatory system transports blood in a one-directional circuit throughout the body


The medulla has receptors that monitor H + concentrations in the blood.


Male athletes who take synthetic steroids can become sterile due to lack of sperm production. This is because the synthetic steroids cause

a decrease in FSH and LH production.

You are working on a forensics team and collect cells from a crime scene. The cells have a cell wall made of cellulose. This sample most likely came from

a plant

You perform an experiment in which you take 16 pots of strawberry plants and give half of them 1 gram of ammonium nitrate per liter of water and the other half receive only water. Each group is then split in half again, and exposed to either 8 or 16 hours of light each day. You monitor the height of the plants for 4 weeks. You observe that plants grown in ammonium nitrate and 16 hours of light grow taller than no ammonium nitrate and 8 hours of light. In this experiment, the size of the pot is

a standardized variable.

An example of DNA technology is

transferring genes from a bacterium to a fish.

What do a lemon, a toaster oven, and sand grains have in common?

all composed of matter and energy

You perform an experiment in which you take 16 pots of strawberry plants and give half of them 1 gram of ammonium nitrate per liter of water and the other half receive only water. Each group is then split in half again, and exposed to either 8 or 16 hours of light each day. You monitor the height of the plants for 4 weeks. You observe that plants grown in ammonium nitrate and 16 hours of light grow taller than no ammonium nitrate and 8 hours of light. The leaf of a strawberry plant is

an organ

The study of an organism's structure is


Which is an example of active immunity?

antibodies produced from a vaccine, antibodies produced when the flu strikes

What is not part of the innate defense response?

antibody production

A molecule that stimulates an immune-system reaction by B cells and T cells is termed a(n)


The widening of blood vessels is


Energy is one of the resources obtained by heterotrophs when they eat.


If you see a limb move, first in one direction, then in the opposite, you can be sure that there are two opposing muscles responsible


Skeletal muscle contraction is important in maintaining body temperature homeostasis.


The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus belongs to which domain?


Every year the flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. Why do scientists typically have to make a new vaccine every year?

because the viruses can mutate into new strains

Immunological memory results from the production of

both B and T memory cells

Histamine triggers vasodilation and leakiness in blood vessels during inflammation. This would be beneficial in fighting an infection by a pathogen because it would lead to

both increased number of white blood cells and their migration to site of infection

Functions of the vertebrate endoskeleton include

both production of blood cells and storage of calcium

The intake of alcohol, cigarette smoke, and insufficient amounts of vitamins may all cause birth defects in a developing fetus.


The human parathyroid gland regulates what in the blood?


Animals that hunt and eat essentially only other animals are


Which is not an important function of calcium in vertebrates?

cell membrane permeability

The division of the nervous system that integrates sensory information and coordinates the body's response is the

central nervous system

Working with a female patient who has ________ cancer, you expect that tests will show an infection with human papillomavirus.


DNA and its associated proteins in the nucleus is referred to as the


The 2 cm. long structure in the human female that stimulates the female to experience orgasm is the


At the snail-shaped ________ of the inner ear, sound is transduced into nerve impulses


The tissue type that provides support, transport, and insulation is


The primary function of muscle tissue is


Botulism is caused by an infection with Clostridium botulinum. The bacteria release botulinum toxin that prevents the release of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions. Which would be inhibited in the gut of a person with botulism?


A cervical cap is a silicone cup that fits within the vagina and covers the cervix. This contraceptive

covers the cervix

The molecule that rapidly replenishes ATP at the beginning of muscle activity is


Alcohol reduces ADH secretion that in turn

decreases tubule permeability to water and thus increases urine volume.

In plant cells, a central vacuole

degrades molecules and organelles and maintains water pressure

The part of the neuron that is usually highly branched and receives input from other neurons is the


In mammals, a muscular ________ expands the chest, pulling air into the lungs.


In cloning the sheep Dolly, a nucleus was implanted into an egg that had its nucleus removed. The result of this somatic cell nuclear transfer was a(n) ________ egg.


2 n is an abbreviation for


An allele that exerts its effects whenever it is present is


The stage of human development that occurs from implantation to about eight weeks after fertilization is the

embryonic stage

The function of bile is to

emulsify fats

Phagocytosis is an example of

engulfs other cells and debris

The antidote for a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction is a shot of


The tissue type that provides contractions that power movement is


The tube-like structure that serves as the birth canal in the human female is the

fallopian tubes

If you were given a piece of a cow's heart and told that it was one of the thicker-walled chambers, you would know that you had an atrium.


In humans, taste buds are most highly concentrated on the inside surface of the lips of the mouth.


Muscle cells insulate neuroglia as the latter carry electrical signals to muscles


When explaining a patient's near death from anaphylactic shock, you would tell the patient that this was a secondary immune response.


The nervous tissue that consists of myelinated axons transmitting information throughout the central nervous system is the

white matter

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