Dr. N Contemporary Social Problems Final Exam

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Social Security is based on the __________.

Bismarckian approach

According to the logic of the one-drop rule, past President Barak Obama would be racially classified as ____________.


______ are important to consider when accounting for _______.

Communities; differences in life chances

_____ is more likely to occur in communities where opportunities for individuals are difficult to come by.


__________ are __________ among couples who are older when they marry, have higher educational attainment, and higher incomes.

Divorce rates; lower

__________ is an interdisciplinary field.


______ is a contemporary risk factor for falling into poverty

Income fluctuation

In _____ a caste system has existed for thousands of years


______ has not kept up with ____ in the labor market

Inequality; progressive taxation

__________ is associated with higher instances of depression and general poor health.

Long-term joblessness

__________ is one of the most pressing concerns society has about dementia patients.

Provision of care

__________ was a practice used by _________ to determine which neighborhoods would be eligible for housing loans. The practice largely benefitted __________ communities.

Redlining; the Federal Housing Administration; non-white

_______ jobs represent the largest sector of the work economy in the U.S. today.

Service sector

According to a sociologist, which of the following statements about sex and gender is true?

Sex and gender are fundamentally different concepts

__________ has been highly effective in reducing the poverty rate among older Americans.

The Social Security Act

Research shows that less than a third of americans currently have a college degree, which is relatively low considering the high cultural value Americans place on education. A sociological analysis would reveal that the high cost of higher education for average Americans is one _____ this social condition.

Underlying cause of

A web of social relationships linking people to one another is known as:

a social network

An individual who believes that reverse discrimination of whites in employment is a widespread phenomenon in the U.S. today would also likely conclude that __________.

affirmative action policies are harmful

The __________ that experiences the highest rate of poverty in the U.S. today are __________.

age cohort; children under 18

It is difficult to retaliate against the injustices of __________ because this type of prejudice is difficult to prove.

age discrimination

A(n) __________ family is one where both spouses are in the labor force.


Compared to other developed nations, the United States has __________. Statistics on this crime are considered to be very reliable because __________.

higher rates of homicide; data on this crime are reported from multiple sources

As inequality in a population ______, overall health in the population tends to ________

increase; decrease

Over time, U.S. public support for non-heterosexual relationships has __________.


To draw attention to a social problem, claims-makers often engage in which of the following?

interpretation of facts

on average, women ___ than men

live longer

Since the 1970s, __________.

men have been slower to take on traditionally female activities than women have with men's activities

Among inmates in the U.S. today, the rate of diagnosed __________ is more than 50 percent.

mental illness

According to Durkheim, ______ is a driving force for people coming together in societies


When we draw quick conclusions about an individual based on exaggerated assumptions about their circumstances we are employing the use of ______.


In addition to __________, older workers can often be laid off because __________.

stereotypes about age; eliminating their jobs is a cost savings for companies

Research shows that __________ is the most significant factor in explaining why children raised in two-parent families have more favorable social-emotional outcomes.

the presence of financial resources

Since the 1960s politicians across party lines have increasingly supported __________.

"tough on crime" policies

med school in US cost about


The average cost of keeping a single inmate in prison for one year is about __________.


An average U.S. teacher makes about __________ per year.


When social scientists measure social mobility from one generation of a family to the next they do so on a scale of ______ (indicative of perfect mobility) to ______ (indicative of perfect mobility)

0; 1

Today, approximately ______ percent of the U.S. population lives in poverty. However, if we were able to use a measure of ____ to assess the situation, this number would dramatically increase

15; relative poverty

The U.S. welfare state was dramatically expanded in the _____


The Medicare program as we know it today was formalized in __________.


Rape that occurred within the context of marriage was recognized starting in the __________.


The deinstitutionalization movement refers to the __________.

1970s movement that aimed to move people with disabilities and mental illness out of asylums

The U.S. employment rate peaked around __________.


In ______, Congress passed a series of laws to reform the welfare system in the U.S. This system is still in place today.


In __________, the Obama administration passed the __________ with the aim of improving the healthcare system in the U.S.

2010; affordable care act

In _________________, same-sex marriage was legalized in the U.S.


About ____ % of spending in the American economy is allocated to social welfare programs


The U.S. houses approximately __________ percent of the world's prison population.


18) In one large study about hookup behavior among college students, researcher Paula England found that about __________ percent of college seniors had never hooked up and about another _________ percent were virgins.

28; 21

Today, in addition to the many days spent preparing, an average American student in grades three thru eight spends about __________ day(s) a school year taking standardized tests.


Over the life course, about __________ percent of women report having experienced some form of intimate partner violence.


About ______ percent of the population are sexual minorities


About __________ percent of college students get a degree from the same institution they started their education at.


Today, about __________ percent of Americans rent their home.


An average American retiree can expect that about __________ percent of their income will be available to them in retirement from __________ alone. This is significantly __________ than what retired workers in most of the EU can expect.

40; Social Security; lower

Neighborhoods where at least __________ percent of families live below the poverty line are __________.

40; living in concentrated poverty

Today, about __________ percent of Americans are likely to cohabit at some point in their adult lives.


The average American sees a doctor about __________ times per year. This is __________ than average doctor visits by people in other comparable nations.

4; lower

The average American works until the age of about __________.


Since 1976, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has begun publishing __________ different measures of the unemployment rate. These measures are used to __________.

6; discern a comprehensive view of unemployment

Today about _____ % of minimum-wage workers are adults


Today about __________ percent of whites approve of marriage between blacks and whites.


In all insurance markets, when __________ people obtain coverage, the costs of the service __________.


Which of the following statements would a supporter of affirmative action policies, as they exist today, be most likely to say?

Affirmative action is necessary to offset the generations of institutional discrimination experienced by non-whites

Sociological research on the effect of affirmative action has concluded which of the following?

Affirmative action policies have not entirely alleviated discriminatory hiring practices experienced by non-whites

Research shows that __________ are disproportionately suspended or expelled from school.

African Americans

A local restaurant and bar is hiring wait staff and bartenders for the upcoming summer season. Four applicants have applied for the job: Jerry, a 57-year-old man with over 30 years of bartending experience; Sandra, a 43-year-old women with 25 years of waitressing experience; Ken, a 23-year-old man who just completed his bartender certification; and Jenna, a 21-year-old woman looking for her first restaurant waitress job. After conducting interviews, the manager gives the bartending job to Ken and the waitress job to Jenna. Part of his reasoning is that their youthfulness will draw more business to the restaurant and bar. In fact, no one working in the restaurant or bar is over the age of 30. The __________ would call this restaurant's staffing patterns into question.

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

Which of the following best describes a sociological perspective on aging?

Age is significant because of social meanings, structures, and processes attached to it.

__________ and __________ have been found to be strongly associated with one's likelihood of developing Alzheimer's.

Age; genetics

_____ do not imply whether a social condition is a social problem or not.

Agreed-upon facts

__________ is best known for his/her research on the complexity of sexual orientation

Alfred Kinsey

according to recent data, ___ are the most likely group to commit suicide

American Indian/Alaska native men

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the relationship between race, crime, and political representation?

B) Blacks and Latinos disproportionately face obstacles to exercising their right to vote because they are also disproportionately convicted of felonies, which suspends their right to vote.

For a social condition to be considered a social problem, it must _______.

Be recognized by social and political actors as a problem

The __________ in the 1940s granted many __________ legal short-term work permits to assist the U.S. with labor shortages during and after World War II.

Bracero Program; Mexicans

Bruce's parents live in a much more affluent community, where the public schools perform better than Jordan's community. What is the most likely outcome for Bruce and Jordan's futures?

Bruce is more likely to obtain a college degree than Jordan

Cal and Fern live in different communities in the same U.S. state. Cal's town has high-quality schools and many extracurricular opportunities for youth and families where they can socialize and build community. Fern's town has schools that are characterized by scarce resources, and there are few opportunities for youth and families. A sociologist would most likely argue that ______ community is the better of the two in terms of life chances, because it has stronger _______.

Cal's; social networks

Today, a child raised in ____ would have a much better chance of achieving social mobility than if they were raised in _____

Canada; The U.S.

______ assumes that economic rewards are the driving force behind individual behavior


__________ is often called the "father" of criminology.

Cesare Lombroso

According to the work of Durkheim, global capitalism is ______

Characterized by organic solidarity

Children in the __________ demonstrate the ways segregation impacts our psychological development.

Clark doll experiments

__________ at prep schools are __________ they typically are at public schools.

Class sizes smaller than

Which of the following is a community consequence of high rates of violence, crime, and neighborhood disorder?

Companies are fearful of making investments in these communities and, in turn, will invest in development and in creating good-paying jobs elsewhere.

You recently read a news article that reported that your state's senator voted to reduce spending on public education in your state. How would a neo-Marxist explain this scenario?

Cuts in government spending on social programs is an example of the inevitable "fiscal crisis" all capitalist economies eventually contend with

__________ is/are an example of institutional discrimination.

Differing penalties for possession of crack cocaine and powder cocaine

Donna, an 85-year-old woman, was recently rushed to the hospital after experiencing a stroke. Doctors took heroic measures to keep her alive and she is now on life support, something she expressed to her children she never wanted at the end of her life. What could have prevented this situation from occurring?

Donna could have established a DNR order.

During their lifetimes, _______ and _____ were part of marginalized groups.

Du Bois; Addams

________ is a ________ theorist

Durhkeim; structural functionalist

_______ and ______ wrote theories to help make sense of vast societal changes they observed during the Industrial Revolution.

Durkheim; Marx

__________ is a system for classifying people based on perceived cultural similarities, whereas __________ is based on perceived innate physical similarities.

Ethnicity; race

When the government implements policies to remedy social problems it sometimes leads to ________

Expansion of the welfare state

__________ are crimes punished by a year or more in prison, while __________ are punished by less than one year in prison.

Felonies; misdemeanors

______ and _____ place prime importance on thinking about the ways inequalities are rooted in socially constructed categories and perpetuated by power structures

Feminism; critical race theory

__________ have spurred a national debate about gun control in the U.S.

Frequent school shootings in recent years

________ are held constant across social and historical contexts

Gender roles

_______ refers to the integration of politics, economics, and culture across national borders


Which of the following puts Americans in the most favorable position for employment in today's economy?

Having a college degree

You have been hired as a sociological consultant by the NFL to investigate the high rates of early onset Alzheimer's reported by retired NFL players. Given what you know about what individuals can do to potentially reduce their susceptibility to the disease, what recommendation might you make to the NFL if they are concerned about reducing players' risk of developing dementia?

Helmets and rules should be revised to reduce the risk of head injury.

given what you know about trends in health disparities and health behaviors, which of the following individuals would be most likely to be a cigarette smoker?

Henry, a middle-aged white man

Given what you know from the text about economic inequality in the U.S., why is an individual's access to home ownership so important?

Home ownership is the primary means through which average American generate wealth

__________ can occur in a facility or in-home.

Hospice care

The "_________ First" approach to alleviating widespread homelessness has been shown to be effective.


According to a sociological perspective, _____ could be considered a social problem because it negatively impacts a large number of people.

Increased divorce rates

Recent sociological research finds that white families are more likely than black families to own a home. In the study, the researcher explains that this racial gap in homeownership is an example of the intergenerational legacy of housing programs after World War II that restricted access to homeownership for non-whites. This is an example of _________

Institutional racism

Which of the following is a limitation of structural functionalism as a theoretical perspective?

It minimizes the role of conflict as an essential component for social change

Which of the following is true about economic inequality in America in the 1950s?

It was an all-time historical high

__________ has the largest population of people over 65 in the world, which can lead to increased spending on medical care for these individuals.


Next semester Ken is starting a bachelor's degree program at UC-Berkeley, the same place his grandfather received his bachelor's degree in the 1970s. Given what you know about changes in higher education since Ken's grandfather attended college, it is safe to assume that __________.

Ken will be paying significantly more for his education than his grandfather did.

Kevin and Sal are two men taking part in a random assignment experiment about gender identity. Upon their arrival at the experiment they are both given a survey to complete about gender identity. They do so and then wait for their results to be scored by the researchers. First, the researcher debriefs Kevin and tells him that his survey responses indicate that his gender identity is more feminine than masculine. Next, the researcher debriefs Sal on his results and lets him know that his survey indicates his gender identity is more masculine than feminine. Kevin and Sal are then asked a series of questions about their opinions on homosexuality. Given what you know about other research done on this topic what is most likely the result of the opinion questions?

Kevin will be more likely than Sal to have a negative view of homosexuality.

_________ describes the relationships you have with others through biological, marital, or emotional connections.


According to _______, the history of all societies is rooted in conflict between social classes.


__________ is an example of __________.

Mass incarceration; institutionalized racism

Increased precision, efficiency, and calculability are features of the __________ of work.


__________ is a social welfare program aimed at providing access to healthcare for poor and disabled Americans.


All Americans ages 65 and older are automatically eligible for __________.


Which of the following children was most likely to realize benefits from the Moving to Opportunity experiment?

Melissa, who was 3 years old when her family moved to a new community, where they resided for more than a decade

Karl Marx would describe President Donald Trump as a _____, whereas Max Weber would describe him as a ______.

Member of the bourgeoisie; charismatic leader

__________ are more likely than __________ to be homeless.

Men; women

Reading through the day's newsfeed you come across a story about a young person who was arrested at the local mall for stealing an iPad. The story includes a statement from the person explaining they stole the item because they did not have enough money to buy it. The news story also quotes the young person's parent who explains how difficult it has been for their child to find a job that they have the skills for and that pays them enough to save for an iPad. Using strain theory, ____________ explains that crime and deviance occur because of an individual's inability to achieve societal goals through legitimate means.


______ is the best known for advancing the use of middle-range theories


Given what you know about the research on children's experiences of divorce, which of the following would you suggest to a family going through the transition of divorce?

Minimizing parental conflict and keeping both parents highly involved with the kids are extremely important.

Which of the following about sexual assault is true?

More often than not, the victim and the perpetrator know each other.

Tanya is a Latina teenager from a working-class family about to start her freshman year in high school. Given what you know about the research on academic performance and school segregation, which of the following high schools is Tanya likely to benefit most from attending?

Mosaic High - a school with a racially and economically integrated student population

According to a structuralist, which following is true about poverty?

Most societies across historical and cultural context have included poverty

The __________ collects crime data from a sample of Americans, whereas the __________ collects crime data from police departments.

National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS); Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

During her lifetime, Jane Addams was involved in the women's suffrage movement, advocated for women's right to birth control, and other social issues related to women's rights in society. Social conditions that restrict women's power in society are an example of _____


__________ play(s) a central role in successful in the early stages of prisoner reentry.

Non-profit agencies

Which of the following statements most accurately describes what sociological research has concluded in recent years about race, media bias, and crime?

Non-whites are overrepresented in media coverage of crimes

Expectations that guide our behaviors are referred to as ___


For her social science master's thesis research, Stacey used data from the U.S. Census, and other government agencies, to document disparities in educational funding across school districts in the country. She found a clear pattern that school districts with higher percentages of non-white students received significantly less funding than districts with mostly white students. In the conclusion of her thesis she argues that such a dramatic educational inequality is harmful to society. Which of the following concepts best applies to this scenario?

Objective approach

Which of the following is the best example of the relationship between institutions and organizations?

Organizations put into practice the norms established by institutions

When manufacturing jobs are ____, very often they are _____.

Outsourced; performed in sweatshops

Imagine you attend a large state university. The governor of the state has recently announced that there will be changes in higher education spending next fiscal year. A few days later, you receive an email from your university notifying you that your tuition and fees will be increasing by a few hundred dollars next year. Given what you know about trends in higher education funding and costs, what is the connection between these two events?

Over time, states have contributed less to funding higher education, which is partially made up for by increasing costs for students.

______ is credited with advancing structural functionalism as a theoretical perspective for understanding social life


____________ is a social factor that can help explain the gender disparities observed in sexual assault.


______________ is a term that helps explain ______________________.

Patriarchy; male dominancy

What major change was made to the U.S. Census forms in 1997?

People were allowed to identify themselves as more than one race.

__________ often fuel the negative beliefs, feelings, or attitudes people can have about people that are different from themselves.


According to the work of Foucault, which of the following are the best examples of surveillance?

Probation and parole

__________ is among the highest economically valued illegal activities in the underground economy.


Weber's work describes the connection between ______ and the rise of early capitalism


Which of the following statements is most demonstrative of essentialism?

Racial identity is inherited.

__________ were disproportionately impacted by risky subprime mortgage loan practices that precipitated the recent housing crisis in the U.S.

Racially segregated neighborhoods

_________ is a form of ____________.

Rape; sexual assault

Julia was charged with a felony and, as a result, is serving time in prison. While there she opts to take advantage of a program available to inmates to earn their GED. Which of the following concepts best explains this situation?


__________ has been shown to be associated with reduced likelihood that a couple will divorce, but has also been shown to be a potential contributor to relationship conflict.


Given what you know about gender, race, and students' performance on standardized tests, which of the following students is likely to have the highest math score on a standardized test?

Sam, a white male

Sandra is a single mom of two young boys..... Which of the following statements is one a structuralist would be most likely to make when analyzing Sandra's situation?

Sandra is up against some powerful social and economic forces in her job search- being a single parent, having limited access to a well-paid job, and only being able to afford living in a difficult community

Recently, former Olympian and Hollywood celebrity Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn Jenner. Which of the following best describes Caitlyn?

She is transgender.

Glenda is a first-generation Mexican American immigrant. Which of the following is true about her experience filling out the 2010 Census?

She was not able to indicate Latina as her race

Which of the following has had the LEAST amount of impact on the working-class job market since the 1950's?

Shifts in parenting styles

Which country's students score highest on the PISA?


Concerns about the viability of __________ into the future stem from the fact that the program pays out more than it takes in via tax payer contributions.

Social Security

__________ is the most expensive social welfare program in the U.S.

Social Security

_______ does happen, but is usually very slow.

Social change

Which of the following statements about social problems is true?

Social problems can be difficult to solve if doing so removes advantages from groups who have traditionally benefitted from the status quo.

Each day at 6:00 am the Smith twins are woken up by their parents to get dressed and eat breakfast. Then, they take the bus to school. After school, they go to karate class. In the evening they do homework, eat dinner, watch 30 minutes of TV, and then read with their parents before going to bed. Which sociological concept best describes these events?


Which of the following statements most accurately describes a sociological perspective on crime and violence?

Sociologists consider the social conditions of society to explain crime and violence.

__________ can be described as a policy based on the principle of color blindness, whereas __________ is one that is color-conscious.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964; affirmative action

Which of the following statements about recent social policy and sexual assault on college campuses is true?

The Trump Administration rescinded a 2011 U.S. Department of Education policy that penalized universities by withholding federal funds if they did not respond to cases of sexual harassment, sexual violence, and assault

You are watching the evening news in your suburban home and hear a story about an arrest for a violent crime and drug conviction that occurred in a poor neighborhood in the nearby major city. Given what you know about race, punishment, and media coverage of crime, which of the following is likely to be true about the news report?

The criminal in the story is a young black man

__________ include relationships with coworkers, friendship networks at work, regular life routines, and positive sense of identity.

The informal social benefits of work

Which of the following statements best explains why we should be cautious when interpreting overall median household income in the U.S. today by racial-ethnic group?

The measure does not account for important variations within racial-ethnic groups.

Which of the following statements about Americans' beliefs about violent crime rates and the reality of violent crime rates is true?

The public believes that violent crime is increasing and violent crime has decreased in recent decades.

Which of the following is the policy that is most responsible for the state of mass incarceration in the U.S. today?

The war on drugs

What do the immorality and oppression frameworks for understanding prostitution share in common?

They both interpret prostitution as a way in which sex workers are hapless victims

Which of the following helps explain why countries like France and Sweden have fewer single-parent households living in poverty than the U.S. does?

They provide more government support to families, effectively lifting them out of poverty

Which of the following statements best explains how companies test DNA samples to determine an individual's genealogy?

They use statistical algorithms to approximate how an individual's gene variants match with averages in a sample of gene variants in socially constructed racial and ethnic categories

Tina lost her job during the Great Recession. Given what you know about the U.S.'s social support programs, what can she likely expect with regards to support from the government while she is looking for a new job?

Tina can expect that, at best, support programs will temporarily replace about half of her previous earnings

A professor at your university has hired you as a research assistant to help with her project on the current state of residential segregation, particularly between white and black populations, in a nearby major city. As your first task, she asks you to interpret the results of statistical analysis of the index of dissimilarity in various neighborhoods in the city. The first neighborhood you are writing about has a predominantly white population with a dissimilarity index of 41. How would you interpret this?

To have a more even distribution of whites and blacks there, 41 percent of white or black residents would need to move.

While doing research for a homework assignment, you come across a report that ranks the sex segregation of various occupational sectors. You notice that the occupations of electrician and truck driver have rankings above 70. What does this mean?

Truck driver and electrician are highly gender-segregated occupations

__________ help illuminate sexual orientation as rooted in genetics and social life.

Twin studies

Advocates against the move to a single-payer healthcare system in the U.S. cite potential shortcomings of such a system (e.g., having to wait longer periods of time to see a doctor or specialist). Data on this issue concludes that __________. And this problem could potentially be alleviated by __________.

U.S. patients already wait longer to see a doctor than do patients in many other countries; dealing with doctor shortages

__________ is the state with the lowest per-pupil education spending.


Which of the following is the best example of using the sociological imagination to understand the social problem of war?

War can undermine the social institutions of society, such as family and government

__________ manifests both formally and informally, as well as intentionally and unintentionally.

White privilege

Which of the following is the best sociological explanation for the finding that women are less interested in casual sex than men are?

Women are more likely to avoid casual sex to avoid damaging their reputations.

Alzheimer's is caused by _________.

a build-up of plaque on the brain

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, which of the following is a nonfamily household?

a cohabiting same-sex couple

Susan and Bob both work full-time. This means they are __________.

a dual-earning couple

The argument that our highly specialized labor market offers a wide variety of jobs for people to use their talents and creativity is considered by sociologists to be __________ because __________.

a false promise; of the prevalence of deskilled service industry

Parents' ability to raise children under the model of "concerted cultivation" is easier when __________.

a family's economic resources are plentiful

A society with more older people than younger people in the population is __________.

a graying society

For most of the twentieth century __________ was possible with __________.

a middle-class lifestyle; a high school diploma

You are hired as a sociological consultant by a policy expert group that is interested in reducing rates of unemployment among U.S. workers. Using your sociological perspective of designing policies, what would you most likely recommend to the exports as they think about designing policies to address this problem?

a multi-pronged approach to this problem including free or lost-cost job training/education, increased unemployment benefits, corporate incentives, and efforts to stimulate economic growth will have the biggest impact

The controversial results of the Moynihan report were based on __________.

a narrow definition of "ideal families" as nuclear, traditional, and heterosexual

Sociological research is guided by _______

a passion to change society

In general, there is __________ relationship between educational attainment and income.

a positive

The age pyramids for Japan and the U.S. share __________ in common.

a post-WW2 baby boom

The small business owners that make up the Chamber of Commerce in your city want to vote in the upcoming elections for a candidate that will represent their interests in Washington. Their most pressing concern is that their elected officials work hard in Washington to reduce the very high costs they incur as a result of providing healthcare benefits to their employees. If this is their most pressing concern, a political candidate that advocates for __________ would be someone they should vote for.

a single-payer system

In order to receive welfare benefits in the U.S. today ______

able-bodied recipients must work or volunteer a specified number of hours per week

Code of the Street is an influential book by sociologist Elijah Anderson. In the book he argues that young people who live in inner city neighborhoods plagued by violence __________.

adopt strategic behaviors in order to protect themselves from becoming victims

Barry is a middle-aged, single male who is in excellent overall health. Recently, he broke his leg and suffered a semi-severe head injury in a skiing accident and had to spend several days in the hospital. He has no health insurance because he claims it is too expensive for him to purchase when he is otherwise a very healthy person. His hospital bills for the injuries totaled more than $100,000 - far more money than he can afford to pay. Barry's decision to not have health insurance is an example of __________. In lieu of a preventive care-focused health insurance plan, he could consider buying __________ to cover him in circumstances like these.

adverse selection; catastrophic insurance

Cal is the hiring manager at a big box retail store looking to hire a part-time employee to help with the cash register for the store's extended hours during the winter holiday season. He interviews Kara, a 73-year-old looking to supplement her fixed income. During the interview, Cal asks a series of standard questions and also asks Kara if she thinks she will be able to handle the store's erratic hours and hectic business, as the position requires being on her feet for a long period of time. Which of the following concepts best illustrates this scenario?

age discrimination

The __________ of a population dictates __________.

age structure; how resources are allocated

Current patterns observed in the mainstream media representations of older Americans are an example of __________.


Janet is a 60-year-old woman and has been a receptionist at a doctor's office for 30 years. She will not be financially ready to retire for another 10 years or so, but she has recently been notified that her position is being eliminated because the doctor she works for is retiring and, as a result, she is being laid off. Even with her experience, Janet is struggling to find work at another doctor's office. When she is finally offered a position, the pay is far too low compared to what she was making previously for her to accept and be able to make ends meet. Janet's story is characterized by __________, a common experience for older workers in the labor force.


In a recent campaign speech, a senator running for re-election in your state said, "Divorce among American families has remained high since the 1970s. This is a crisis for the American family." The first sentence of this speech excerpt is an example of _________, whereas the second sentence is an example of ________.

agreed-upon facts; interpretations of facts

Programs like the Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) are designed to __________.

ameliorate differences in opportunities for children from different social classes

Research shows that academic achievement is highest __________.

among students in low-poverty schools

Marginally attached and discouraged workers are not counted in the official unemployment rate but represent __________.

an important pool of labor resources

Jenna and Nena attend the same high school. Since freshman year, Jenna has taken basic grade-level courses in English, math, and science. Nena has taken similar courses to Jenna, but always at the honors and AP level. When it came time to apply for colleges, Nena had more colleges to choose from because her SAT scores and grades were higher than Jenna's. Sociological research would likely conclude that Jenna and Nena's achievement differences __________.

are an example of how tracking is a self-fulfilling prophecy

When workers are undocumented, they __________.

are excluded from laws and policies that uphold standards for workers' rights and protections

When individuals obtain a college they ____

are likely to earn higher salaries than those without one

Often there ____ factor(s) to consider when trying to solve social problems

are many important

Housing vouchers and public housing units __________.

are programs available to assist homeowners who are temporarily struggling to pay their mortgages

The "1 percent" in America ______

are the most affluent group in the country

Sociological theories _______

are ways of explaining a complex social world

Trends in _________ have the potential to dramatically reinforce social class differences between American families.

assortative mating

The dominance of the U.S. economy throughout most of the twentieth century was fueled by __________, __________, and __________.

availability of natural resources, skill level of workers, developments in technology

It is increasingly common for households in the U.S. to ___________.

be comprised of one person

Children in high-poverty communities are more likely to __________ than children in low-poverty communities.

be exposed to violence

Why is it difficult to claim that the disadvantages boys face in the education system today are a social problem?

because men make more money than women in the labor force

Early explanations of race and racial inequalities relied on ______ theories of racial difference.


Evolutionary theory is a(n) __________ explanation for gender differences in sexual behavior.


early expectations of racial and ethic differences in health disparities now discreted, used ___ to explain difference.

biological explanations

Children born to ______ women are most likely to be raised in a single-parent home.


__________ are incarcerated at rates significantly higher than other groups in the U.S.


Today, ________ account for more than one-third of America's prison population.

black men

Today in the U.S., rates of HIV infection, infant mortality, and homicide are highest among _________.


Historically, __________ have disproportionately lived in high-poverty neighborhoods. This is partially explained by the legacy of __________.

blacks; racism

Today, the unemployment rate for __________ is nearly twice that of __________.

blacks; whites

health disparities are most pronounced when ___ are compared to __

blacks; whites

The ______ own and control capital.


Some recent research on the effects of divorce for children finds that ____________ may fare worse than _____________ when raised in a single-parent home.

boys; girls

There are high rates of __________ among public school teachers in the U.S.


World system theory connects the concept of ______ and ______

capitalism; globalization

Wallerstein's ______ theory is an example of a ______ theory

capitalist world; neo-marxist

research demonstrates that the more _____ a society, _____

capitalist; the less happy people are there

As a result of increased labor market flexibility workers are more likely today than they ever have been in the past to __________.

change careers multiple times over the course of their working years

One limitation of the objectivist approach is that it does not account for______.

change over time

Depending on how it is measured, the ____________ among American couples ranges from 35 to 55 percent.

childbearing rate

Compared to women in the 1970s, women today are more likely to have __________.

children outside of marriage

Research shows that ____ can impact an individual's physical and cognitive development

chronic stress from living in conditions of poverty

Sam is a disabled Vietnam veteran who has not been able to secure a long-term job or a place to live in over 20 years. Sam is an example of the __________.

chronically homeless population in the U.S.

Devon identifies as a man, the gender he was assigned at birth, and is sexually attracted to other men. Which of the following terms best describes Devon's identity?

cisgender gay

Special interest groups and policy experts play an essential role in the _____ stage of the social problems construction process.


In the early 1800s, Americans of Irish, Jewish, Polish, and Italian descent were __________.

classified as distinct racial-ethnic groups

Compared to all other countries in the world, the U.S. __________.

clearly has an aging population, like many other developed nations

The enormous administrative costs associated with the structure of the U.S. healthcare market __________.

coexist with enormous profits generated by private insurance companies

Sociologist, C. Wright Mills is credited with ______.

coining the term "sociological imagination"

Today in the U.S. women surpass men in __________.

college enrollment

College dropout rates among U.S. students might decrease if __________.

college was more affordable for average Americans

Kelly recently told her parents and her best friend that she is a lesbian. Which of the following concepts best applies to Kelly's situation?

coming out

Max is a man living in Detroit whose father worked in an auto industry manufacturing plant building spark plugs for cars. After the plant closed, his father was laid off, and he had to drop out of college because the family could no longer afford the education expenses. Max is now trying to work and live in Detroit, but has few employment prospects that pay enough for him to support himself. When situations like this are widespread, Max and others like him are more likely to __________.

commit crimes to support themselves

Restrictions on employment for individuals with a criminal record __________.

compromise the individual's ability to provide for themselves and their families

When neighborhoods have high rates of __________, they are more susceptible to the risk of eviction and homelessness.

concentrated poverty

Since the 1990s, more Americans live in __________ and __________.

concentrated poverty; gated communities

On most weekdays, after school, Wendy has an activity to engage in. On Monday, she takes piano lessons and on Tuesday and Thursday she has soccer practice or a game. Over the weekend, her family usually visits a local museum or spends time at the public library. Which of the following concepts best describes Wendy's childhood?

concerted cultivation

The works of Marx, Mills, and Weber fall under the umbrella of ______ theory


Viewing society as the composition of groups that engage in competition for resources is the underlying premise of _______

conflict theory

Reforming a host of social programs, such as access to health insurance, wage subsidies, education, and employment opportunities, would mean expanding the _______.

conservative approach to alleviating poverty

Which of the following would be the best thing for a skeptic of official crime data to do in order to gain a better understanding of trends in crime?

consider data from multiple datasets that report crimes

According to the _____ approach, finding solutions to social problems is an on-going process.


given what you know about ways in which the healthcare market operates, who benefits least from the standards and practices used in the market?


W.E.B. DuBois would describe Jim Crow segregation as ______, whereas Max Weber would describe it as _____.

contributing to "double consciousness"; social closure

The gender revolution __________.

created tensions between women's traditional roles as caregivers and contemporary roles as workers

The privatization of U.S. hospitals __________ and in turn __________.

creates a competitive market; increases costs for consumers

Organizations in the claims-making process may use _____ to generate concern about a social issue they think is problematic.


***The process of changing established systems and norms occurs in stages. First, __________ and then __________.

critical juncture; lock-in

A sociological view of the relationship between __________ and racial socioeconomic inequalities asserts that people develop views and behaviors in response to their social context.


In recent decades __________ has overwhelmingly been replaced by __________.

dating; hooking up

Your chances of being unemployed __________ with increases in educational attainment.


The aging U.S. population, more young people pursuing higher education for longer, and more working aged adults filing for disability may all contribute to a __________.

decline in the number of workers who make up the labor force

Increased availability of affordable housing would likely __________.

decrease homelessness rates

In recent years the U.S. government has __________ spending for __________.

decreased; housing vouchers

There is some evidence that racial segregation of communities has __________ over time and economic segregation of communities has _________ over time.

decreased; increased

divorce rates among younger Americans are ____________ because ______________.

decreasing; fewer of them are marrying in the first place

The most expensive health condition to treat in the U.S. population today is __________.


One type of __________ is __________.

dementia; Alzheimer's

Ben worked as an animator for many years. He would hand-draw the pictures that were later used to produce cartoon shows on television. New advances in computer technology allow production companies to make cartoons without artists like Ben. When he can find work, Ben is now paid much less for his work and he no longer hand-draws the art. His job has been __________.


While driving to school today you passed a sign on the freeway that said "$1,000 FINE FOR LITTERING." Which of the following concepts best explains the purpose of this sign?


Educational inequalities between racial groups are best explained by _______.

differences in parental involvement with schooling

During a commercial break from her favorite prime time TV show, Natalie sees a commercial for "Latisse" - a prescription medication to treat "inadequate eyelashes." The commercial claims the product will help you grow "longer, fuller, and darker" lashes. Commercials like this one are referred to as __________ advertising, and are __________.

direct-to-consumer; legal in the U.S., but illegal in most other countries

Assembly line work, which grew substantially during the Industrial Revolution, __________ older workers.


According to Marx, the part-time factory workers in a General Motors (GM) plant and the shareholders of GM company stock are

distinct social classes

Historically, increased rates of women's labor force participation and increased __________ rates coincide.


The poverty threshold used by the U.S. government today _______

do not account for cost of living in different places

Scholars and public policy makers __________ that the current role of insurance in the economic market for healthcare creates __________.

do not all agree; moral hazard

Today in the U.S. young women are more likely than their peers in the opposite situation to be sexually assaulted if they ________________.

do not attend college

Recently, Johanna's father lost his well-paid job in corporate management and accepted a lower paid position in a manufacturing plant. Also, Johanna's mother began tutoring part-time to help increase the family's monthly income and cutting back on the family's discretionary and recreational spending. If these difficult times persist, Johanna's family is most likely to experience _____

downward mobility

Since the 1990s, instances of victimization in schools have __________.

dramatically decreased

Like many communities across the U.S. since the 1970s, cities like Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Akron have experienced __________ as a result of __________.

economic decline; a loss of manufacturing jobs

research shows that as __ increases, so too does an individual's use of preventive healthcare

educational attainment

Social constructions ______________.

emerge in cultural and historical context

Americans use __________ more so than people in any other developed nation. Some argue this is because __________.

emergency rooms; Americans lack consistent access to healthcare across the life course

Many current workers will likely have financial difficulty in retirement because __________.

employer contributions to workers' retirement benefits have eroded significantly

Which of the following is a policy reform that could have a substantial impact in terms of reducing the cost of medical care in the U.S.?

encourage the gov. to negotiate the price of prescription drugs, instead of leaving price to the private market

You have been hired by the U.S. federal government as a consultant for a project seeking to reform the education system. Given what you know about this topic, which of the following might you recommend the federal government do to help alleviate educational inequalities in communities across the country?

encourage the government to play a more central role in ensuring that schools are equally funded

Research shows that many American families today, despite precarious employment and economic circumstances, are often able to pull together enough resources to keep up with essentials. However, research also shows that there is little room for these families in way of emergencies and disruptions in income. According to a structuralist, which of the following would have the least potential to help alleviate this common economic situation?

encouraging all members of the household who are able to work to take on multiple jobs each

A good sociological imagination requires _______.

engaging in critical thinking

According to Arlie Hochschild's research on the second shift, how might a couple avoid creating a "family myth of equality" in their own household?

ensure both partners are actually performing equal shares of all the housework that needs to be done

drawing concrete conclusions about the relationships between income, wealth, and health disparities among adults is difficult because

establishing confidence about the time order and direction of the relationships between variables is complex work

Sean is the Director of Operations at the state's food bank. Every month he is required to send a spreadsheet of data that records the number of families and individuals the food bank reached to federal government office. The federal office is responsible for administering grants to state food banks to assist with their efforts to alleviate hunger in the local population. Which stage of the social problems construction process best applies to this scenario?


You have been hired as a consultant by the local school district to help them develop a new set of policies and procedures for dealing with student misconduct. In the process of writing up your proposal, you research and critically evaluate a host of empirical research on this topic. Based on what you find in the research, you present the school board with a student code of conduct that you suggest they implement in the district. Your proposal is an example of _________

evidence-based policymaking

before the affordable care act, it was legal for health insurance companies to __

exclude patients with pre-existing conditions from obtaining coverage

The city you live in has recently passed a new law that specifies two changes to current housing policy and urban development. First, all newly constructed buildings in the city's downtown area must contain a mix of residential and commercial space. Second, no more than 15 percent of the total housing units in the city's private housing market can be categorized as low-income housing. These reforms are an example of __________.

exclusionary zoning

Trevor is visiting New York City for the first time. He wants to be sure he visits Little Italy, Chinatown, and Koreatown. These neighborhoods are known as __________.

exclusionary zoning communities

A city that is interested in lowering the number of evictions experienced by its residents might consider __________.

expanding voucher programs

Women and sexual minorities are more likely than heterosexual men to __________.

experience harassment

Children of incarcerated parents are more likely than other children to __________.

experience homelessness

Social scientists have used _______ to empirically test the limits of how individuals socially construct gender.


__________ have proven especially fruitful for studying racially discriminatory behaviors in a "colorblind" society.


Research finds that college men and women are equally likely to __________.

express interest in having relationships

Ex-offenders who serve time as a result of a criminal sentence __________.

face a number of collateral consequences as a result of their criminal record

Gina is a single woman living in a large metropolitan city with a "hot" housing market. As a teacher, she makes about $40,000 per year. She rents a one-bedroom apartment for $1,500 per month. This means she pays $18,000 per year in rent, more than one-third of her annual salary. From this information, housing researchers would conclude that Gina __________.

faces a severe cost burden

In the last 50 years, the ____ has undergone significant transformation. As a result, many people cite this as a source of social problems.


As a result of the Industrial Revolution, __________.

family elders lost their elite familial status as landowners

Children in today's American families are likely to experience a series of __________ during childhood.

family transitions

Today, national student loan debt __________ national credit card debt.

far surpasses

During the last 100 years, jobs in the __________ and __________ industries have been on the decline in the U.S.

farming; manufacturing

There is evidence to suggest that __________ payment structures encourage __________.

fee for service; more testing and procedures

Which of the following might help reduce government spending on Medicare, without dramatically compromising access to healthcare for older Americans?

find ways to lower the cost of medical treatments and end-of-life care

Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi are best known for __________.

founding #BlackLivesMatter

According to Durkheim, deviance is __________ for society.

functional ?:

If families embrace __________ in paid and unpaid labor, they may realize additional benefits from being part of a __________.

gender flexibility; blended family

Women are more likely than men to be employed in care occupations such as nursing or teaching. This trend demonstrates the connection between which two sociological concepts?

gender socialization and occupational sex segregation

Full cultural assimilation becomes increasingly more likely with each __________ of a family.


Which of the following has been found to most greatly reduce the negative health outcomes associated with being a victim of sexual assault?

getting counseling

Arguably the most important part of constructing a social problem is _____.

getting media attention

The challenges of living in ___________ are disproportionately experienced by black Americans.


Advanced machinery, and particularly computers, have influenced the labor market by eliminating jobs while also __________.

giving employers more tools to monitor the work of their employees

According to the public opinion data in the textbook, since the 1970s, whites' attitudes about racial inequalities __________.

have remained largely unchanged

Solutions to social problems_______.

have to be mulifaced

when groups of individuals display patterns of differing health status according to their social class, race or ethnicity, gender and geographic location, a sociologist would say there are observable

health disparities

Employment in the U.S. is relatively much more important than it is in other developed countries because it is tied to two important elements of well-being: __________ and __________.

healthcare; retirement

Jane Addams won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for ________

her work at Hull House

An internet search of "online dating websites" reveals countless images of, and websites devoted to, happy opposite-sex couples finding love. Which sociological concept best illustrates this phenomenon?


Research presented in the text finds no difference between outcomes for children raised in _______ and _________.

heterosexual headed homes; same-sex headed homes

Today, Todd and the rest of his fifth grade class are taking a standard test that assesses their reading, math, and science skills. Students who pass the test will advance to sixth grade next year, whereas students who do not pass will repeat fifth grade. This is an example of __________.

high-stakes tests

A community with a __________ index of dissimilarity score will likely have a _________ isolation index score. Together, this means a community is _________.

high; high; very segregated

Government spending on programs to assist Americans with housing __________.

historically favor homeowners

Since the 1970s, rates of __________ have __________ in the U.S.

homelessness; increased

At the very end of life, many individuals with terminal illnesses utilize __________ for care.


Insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, __________, and __________ are the major interest players in _________.

hospitals; physicians; the healthcare market

Gender-segregated public bathrooms. and the debates occurring about them in contemporary society, illustrate ____________.

how gender is socially constructed

Men outnumber women in the military and, therefore, are more likely to experience life in a war zone. This helps explain __________.

how gendered behaviors explain health disparities between men and women

The Civil Rights Movement is an example of _______.

how monetary resources do not always matter for bringing awareness to a cause

The impact of the Great Migration can be observed using methods of __________.

human ecology

Women and men are most likely to orgasm during sex __________.

if they are in a longer-term relationship

Which of the following concepts best helps explain why harassment of, and violence against, black men by police officers is so prominent in the U.S. today?

implicit bias

The minimum-wage requirements in the U.S. are such that workers can work full-time and still be ________

in poverty

A key factor in the reason why American workers take less paid vacation time than workers in other developed countries is that __________.

in the U.S. paid vacation time is not required by law

American workers work more overtime hours than do workers in comparable nations because __________.

in the U.S., there are no laws protecting workers from being forced to work overtime or having their jobs threatened if they refuse

Due to high rates of ______ among the ________ population, this group is most likely to be disproportionately disadvantaged when exercising the right to vote.

incarceration; black

Your weekly paycheck is an example of _______


Research about the state of racial segregation of neighborhoods in the U.S. today is __________.


Historically, economic recessions tend to _____ the poverty rate.


Women's increased labor force participation historically coincides with _________.

increased divorce rates

Since the 1970's economic inequality has:

increased sustantially

The 2014 housing crisis __________.

increased the precariousness of living arrangements for many Americans

The steady rise in median household income realized by American families between 1950 and 1975 is primarily the result of _______

increases in women's labor force participation

As violent crime in a community __________, __________ increase.

increases; negative public health outcomes

A senator in your state is up for reelection. Recently you attended an event to hear the candidate speak about her perspectives on the economy. In her speech, the senator expressed that she is an opponent of increasing the minimum wage. Which of the following is most likely a part of her argument?

increasing the minimum wage will make it more difficult for employers to hire lots of workers, increasing the overall unemployment rate.

Norman is in his early 70s and is looking for housing options where he can enjoy his retirement. After much searching, he has purchased a small one-bedroom condo in a complex for adults ages 65 and over. The condo facility has scheduled activities, a cafeteria that provides the option for three meals a day if he does not want to cook at home, and on-site nursing facilities in a separate building should he need them. Norman's housing situation is an example of what type of long-term care?

independent senior housing

In 2017, the city of Baltimore experienced a series of bomb threats aimed at the city's Jewish synagogues and a swastika that was spray painted on a sign for the Jewish Museum of Maryland. Which sociological concept best describes these events?

individual discrimination

The contradictory American values about ___________ and ___________ can help explain the current state of marriage in the U.S.

individualism; marriage

The coastal town of York, Maine has the ability to raise millions of dollars in taxes and revenue from seasonal tourism that they can spend on their school system. In nearby Sanford, Maine the property values are much lower and they don't have extra income from things like parking meters and fees for town services. Because of this, York is able to spend twice as much per student than Sanford. This exemplifies __________.

inequality as a result of local funding of schools (?)

Men outnumber women in the military and, therefore, are more likely to experience life in a war zone. This helps explain __________.

information asymmetry

Mandatory retirement could be interpreted as __________.

institutional discrimination

Which of the following concepts best explains the persistent racial wealth gap in the U.S.?

institutional discrimination

In 2017, the __________ part of the ACA was repealed, a mechanism that was initially put in place to help counteract the potential for widespread __________ in the health insurance market.

insurance mandate; adverse selection

The advantages of attending prep schools and elite colleges and universities are __________.


Today, most Americans publically approve of

intermarriage between whites and non-whites

Since the 1980s rates of __________ have increased, but are still relatively low.

interracial marriage

A feminist theorist would assert that ______ helps illuminate nuances in the social hierarchy


According to he Gini Index, the U.S. _______

is about average in terms of economic inequalities

Students' participation in extracurricular activities __________.

is higher at prep schools

What was the outcome of the "war on poverty"

it reduced poverty rates in the U.S. dramatically at first

Which of the following company employees is likely to be paid the highest salary

jim, the company's Chief Financial Officer. He has worked for the company for 6 months

Which of the following theories best explains why ex-offenders may face significant difficulty finding employment upon release?


The __________rate is an alternative measure of the __________ rate, as it specifically looks at the number of U.S. adults who are under 65 and not in prison who are working.

labor force participation; unemployment

Over the last century, the number of different majors available for students to pursue at colleges and universities has increased dramatically. This situation reflects the trend of __________ in the modern economy.

labor market specialization

The U.S. has the __________ in the developed world.

largest incarcerated population

According to the information provided in this chapter, the U.S. might look to model government policies in the Netherlands and Denmark if it wanted to __________.

legalize and regulate prostitution

Given what you know from the reading about the challenges faced by ex-offenders with their reentry into the community after serving prison time, which of the following policy suggestions would have the LEAST likely impact for improving conditions associated with re-entry?

lengthening the time ex-offenders are supervised in probation

Today, on average, men do ______ housework and childcare than woman typically do.


Creating a public option for insurance is an ACA reform suggested by __________.


The __________ is a sequence of stages, usually marked by significant cultural events or social transitions, that people move through as they age.

life course

The average length of time members of a population can expect to live is referred to as __________.

life expectancy

Data on intimate partner violence are ___________.

likely an underestimate of the prevalence of the crime

According to C. Wright Mills, a trouble is _____.

linked to a person's character or immediate relationships

The chronic stress of __________ has been shown to impact brain development.

living in poverty

children ___ are at risk for health programs in later life

living in poverty

Tim is late for work and, consequently is pulled over by the police for speeding. If Tim wants to appear in court to contest his fine, which jurisdiction would he most likely be dealing with?


Schools are largely funded through __________, which results in __________.

local taxes; differential funding between communities

Experimental research shows that families who experience homelessness benefit most from __________.

long-term use of a housing voucher to assist with paying rent in the private housing market

You are completing a research project for your sociology class and are focusing on the question of "Why do people choose to get married?" In the process of doing interviews with recently married couples, you find that they most frequently cite ______ as a very important factor in the decision to get married to their partner. In your paper, you indicate that this finding is reflective of studies done using larger, national samples on this same topic.


Countries with high inequality are also typically characterized by ______

low social mobility

An opponent of expanding the welfare state would most likely argue that _____

low-performing schools would benefit most from privatization

Compared to other developed nations, the U.S. ranks __________ in high school completion rates and students' scores on international standardized tests are relatively __________.

lower low

Children's exposure to violence has been associated with __________.

lower academic performance

Americans between the ages of 16 to 24, compared to other age groups, have the highest rates of unemployment. Researchers argue that this has long-lasting effects such as __________.

lower average pay, bouts of unemployment throughout one's working years, and lower subjective well-being

Research on sex work has found that forms of prostitution that charge higher prices typically have __________.

lower risk of violent victimization

Neighborhoods that were "redlined" in the 1930s thru the 1950s were __________.

majority black

As a result of hyper-segregation, schools with __________ students are __________.

majority non-white disproportionately poor

Brown v. Board of Education __________.

mandated the racial desegregation of public schools

While the unemployment rate is much lower for college graduates (7.2%) than for those without a college degree (19.5%), this is seen as a paradox because __________.

many college graduates are underemployed and have taken jobs that would typically be filled by people without college degrees

One way researchers have studied how poverty rates compare between countries has been to distinguish between _______ and _____.

market income; disposable income

A "young" country, like Sudan, is likely to invest resources in __________ programs.

maternal welfare

A leader in the local chapter of #BlackLivesMatter has just spent her day calling her representatives in Congress and several local media outlets about the unjustified arrest of an unarmed black teenager in her community. Which stage of the social problems construction process best applies to this scenario?

media attention

Better living conditions and __________ have increased the life expectancy for average Americans.

medical advancements that can sustain life

___ is a health insurance program funded entirely by the fed. gov. for Americans over the age of 65


__________, a widely popular social insurance program in the U.S., is modeled after a __________ approach to the healthcare industry.

medicare; single-payer

It is not uncommon to find widespread __________ and __________ among the U.S. homeless population.

mental illness; disability

Children from __________ families are more likely to realize success in navigating bureaucracies later in life than children from __________ families.

middle-class; poor

Since the 1940s, there has historically been an overrepresentation of __________ working in the agricultural industry.

migrant workers

According to demographic transition theory, an aging society has likely undergone __________.


Compared to parents in the 1960s, parents today spend ______ time with their children.


Advances in technology have made medical care in the U.S. __________.

more expensive

the economic resources, self-governance abilities, and critical thinking capabilities of ___ help explain the positive relationship between education and health

more highly educated

On average, Americans work __________ workers in Europe and __________.

more than; are not guaranteed any paid time off

African Americans are __________ likely to __________ than any other racial-ethnic group.

more; live in residentially segregated neighborhoods

Cultural expectations about __________ create tensions between the ways women balance work and family responsibilities.


When compared to similar countries and over time, the U.S. divorce rate is ______________.

much higher

A business in the 1960s paid __________ for healthcare coverage for its employees than businesses do today.

much less

Kendra is an 11-year-old girl who lives with her mom, dad, little brother Jason, paternal grandmother, and Spot (the family dog). Kendra's family is a __________.

multigenerational household

The time period after World War II when the U.S. market for healthcare was being established and formally offered to workers as a benefit from their employers would be the __________ phase of path dependency.


The U.S. unemployment rate is watched by politicians, researchers, the news media, and other institutions because it is seen as an important indicator of the __________.

nation's economic health

Between 1985 and 2015, the percentage of the employed population in the U.S. that were age 65 and older __________.

nearly tripled

Labor market mismatch happens when __________.

newly educated workers do not have the skills or experience required by potential employers

Since the adoption of __________ in the __________, rates of divorce have __________.

no fault divorce; 1960s; decreased

Sociological research shows that children are __________ when their parents work for pay.

no worse off

A sociologist concerned with the long-term economic implications of racial segregation would argue that racially segregated neighborhoods are most problematic because __________.

non-white neighborhoods also have disproportionately lower housing values

Wearing sweatpants to a job interview, standing still in the middle of a busy sidewalk, and sticking chewing gum to the underside of a desk are examples of deviations from _______


Today, women are more likely to __________ than men.

obtain a college degree

During the 1970s and 1980s, the U.S. economy was very dependent on __________ and economic growth began to slump when __________.

oil; prices skyrocketed

Results of a recent experiment that sent out fictitious resumes to real job ads found that __________ and _________ workers got the least number of callbacks, suggesting that our cultural biases about "good workers" are complex.

older; male

Public officials in your town are in the process of approving a proposal from a private company that burns medical waste to build a new facility in your community. Officials are positive about the proposal because they believe it will bring well-paying job opportunities to the community. Given what you know about environmental health, which of the following areas of town is the facility likely to be closest to?

on the outskirts of town, where the most affordable housing options are and most residents are renters

__________ is related to __________.

opportunity hoarding concerted cultivation

According to Durkheim, hunter-gather societies are characterized by _____

organic solidarity

The ______ we are enrolled in or join play an important role in our development as social beings over the course of our lives.


Increased labor costs typically result in __________.


Research shows that men and women in poor communities tend to prioritize __________ over __________.

parenthood; marriage

Which of the following is the best example of an infraction?

parking violation

__________ helps to explain how and why changing the momentum of established ways of doing things is difficult.

path dependency

Some cities have utilized __________, with great success, to help alleviate chronic homelessness.

planned communities with secure housing

The cases of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Gardner are examples of __________.

police using excessive force against unarmed black men

Sociological research finds that the precarious workers most vulnerable to wage exploitation and unsafe working conditions in the U.S. are __________.

poor and/or undocumented

According to Wilson's work on "marriageable men," __________.

poor women have a difficult time finding partners that they think are suitable for marriage

Predictions about __________ are based on estimates of fertility, mortality, and migration.

population growth and decline

a sociologist that studies health and medicine is most likely to focus on

population health

***Research demonstrates a clear __________ association between _________ and the distribution of health disparities in the U.S. population. However, explaining how and why this relationship exists is complex.

positive; socioeconomic status

According to demographers, a country that has low mortality rates, low fertility rates, and high life expectancy is __________ demographic transition.


Dramatic shifts in employment circumstances, including career changes, are __________.

potentially difficult and disruptive

sociological research finds that families who _________ have more favorable familial experiences.

practice flexibility in breadwinning and caregiving

To help make ends meet while raising her two young children, Jenna starts watching other families' children in her home on a part-time basis. At the end of the week, the families she works with pay her in cash and let her know what their needs are for next week. Jenna's work is an example of what sociologists refer to as __________.

precarious work

Attendance at an elite, private __________ can play an important role in gaining access to an elite college or university.

preparatory school

President Lyndon B. Johnson's statement, "You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe you have been completely fair," describes the difference between support for ________ versus the support for ________.

principle of equality; the implementation of policies that might help create more equality

Felons are most likely to serve out their sentence in __________.


At restaurant you overhear a parent telling their young child to say "thank you" to the waiter for bringing the food they ordered. A sociologist would say that in this situation, the parent is teaching the young child about ________

prosocial behavior

The 1950s cultural model of middle-class family life __________.

proved to be an ultimately unsustainable way to organize family life

Research studies such as Moving to Opportunity, planned communities, and housing voucher programs are most directly intended to __________.

provide us with a better understanding of how housing matters for life outcomes, and how we can best address social problems related to housing

Which of the following proposals would a structuralist argue to be most effective for lessening the impact of growing up in poverty on children?

providing families with enough support to provide consistent access to life's necessities

Gene is a single father of two young children living in Washington, D.C. He is employed by the city as a facilities employee and makes approximately $40,000 per year. Recently, he received an eviction notice from his landlord because he is three months behind on the rent. He pays $1,300 per month for the one-bedroom apartment he shares with his two young children. Looking for help, Gene calls the city's housing authority to find out if he is eligible for housing assistance. The housing authority worker tells him he is not eligible for __________ because he makes more than the amount specified by the federal government's poverty guidelines for his family size of three to be considered living in poverty ($20,780). However, he could be put on the city's waitlist for __________, which might help him afford an apartment more easily in the years to come.

public housing; a housing voucher

You have just received a phone call from the Local University Poll. The interviewer asked you a series of questions about your opinions on gun control. Which stage of the social problem construction process best applies to this scenario?

public reaction

Brown vs. Board of Education ruled that __________.

public schools could not legally be racially segregated

Professor Karen recently contributed an article to the "Huffington Post" where she discusses, for the general public, the implications of findings from her recent research. This type of scholarship is an example of ______

public sociology

Residential segregation typically occurs along lines of __________.

race and social class

The grouping of Americans of European descent, such as Italian, Irish, and Jewish, into a general racial category of "white" exemplifies __________.

race as a social construction

In a lecture given by your professor in Social Problems class, you are shown a number of maps that use U.S. Census data to display the geographic distribution of different racial and ethnic groups across the country. When the data is collected and displayed by racial and ethnic category it is valuable to our sociological understanding of the world, but also subtly contributes to the process of _______, or understanding how contemporary society chooses to group racial and ethnic groups together or apart from one another.

racial formation

In general, __________ groups are larger than distinctions made about __________ groups.

racial; ethnic

Chicago, New York, and Miami are some of the most _________ cities in the U.S.

racially segregated

The work of W.E.B. Du Bois was largely overlooked by academics in his lifetime because of _______.


A sociologist would argue that __________.

racism is learned via the process of socialization

Sam, a stay-at-home parent, and John, a medical doctor, are divorcing. In court, the judge rules that, in addition to child support, Sam is entitled to __________ from John.

receive alimony

Some victims of sexual assault are said to experience a "second assault" when they report their abuse. This refers to _________________.

receiving negative reactions from others they tell about the incident

During a(n) __________, unemployment tends to __________.

recession; increase

Technological advancements have impacted the labor market and have ultimately __________ and __________.

reduced the skills needed for many jobs; made it easier for work to be outsourced

When a population's birth rate does not maintain a country's population size, the country is struggling with __________.

replacement fertility

Social class privileges are _______

reproduced via the education system

Given what you know about the persistence of the gender gap in pay between men and women workers in the U.S., which of the following policies would best help to close this gap?

requiring wages for part-time work to be the same as they would be if the employee was full-time

When schools feel unsafe __________.

research shows that student learning suffers

White flight and redlining are terms used to describe __________.

residential segregation

High-poverty communities are also __________.

resource poor

Family plays an important role in the opportunities children are afforded in life, but sociological research finds that ____________.

resources provided by communities and extended networks also matter

The earliest form of criminal punishment was __________.


Today, most women in professional or managerial jobs __________.

return to the labor force quickly after having children

Today in the U.S., being a women, having less than a high school diploma, and being non-white are _____

risk factors for living in poverty

The term "million-dollar blocks" refers to __________.

sections of American cities where the government has spent millions of dollars on convicting criminals for committing street crimes

Researchers are interested in understanding the state of __________ because it is an essential component for stability in all other areas of life.

secure housing

Although __________ is technically illegal today, it still occurs through well-established patterns in the social structure of society.


Segregation of neighborhoods also leads to __________.

segregation in schools

Middle-range theories encourage ________

self-fulfilling prophecies

Sociologist who study the impact of stigmatizing labels on an individual's sense of self-concept find that those who labeled as "deviant" are more likely to commit crimes than those who are not labeled as such. This is an example of the power of ________

self-fulling prophecies

Since graduating from college in 2000, Trevor has been in four different serious romantic relationships, each of which lasted for about 5 years. Given this information, a sociologist would describe this as an example of __________.

serial relationships

Most jobs available in the U.S. economy today are __________ sector jobs. This model of economy is known as __________.

service; post industrial

Individuals who identify as LGBTQ are __________.

sexual minorities

How one expresses __________ can change over the life course.

sexual orientation

Anita is moving to a new city and decides that instead of selling her current apartment she will use it as a property to generate some side income. To do so, she lists it as a short-term rental property on Airbnb and HomeAway.com. The services provided by these and other websites are part of the growing __________.

sharing economy

On average, college administrators earn salaries that are __________ those of CEOs.

significantly less than

After work Zander picks up his toddler-aged daughter from daycare. As he leaves the daycare parking lot, his wife texts him to ask if he can pick up milk on his way home. Before he gets to the grocery store the toddler has fallen asleep in her car seat. Instead of waking her, Zander decides to run quickly into the store to grab milk. In the 5-minutes he is gone, out of concern for the little girl, someone has called the police. When Zander returns to the car the officer tells him he is being charged with __________.

simple neglect

The vast majority of young people in America do not obtain a college degree. This often results in __________.

slow workplace advancement and periodic bouts of unemployment

In his work, Weber describes four types of ________

social action

According to a sociologist, we are all ______.

social beings

Sherri is an Asian American women. She has two school-aged children. She works full-time as a shift supervisor at a local big box store, but still has difficulty making ends meet. The theoretical contributions of Karl Marx would likely emphasize Sherri's _____ to make sense of her common life experiences.

social class

The gap in academic achievement observed among students in the U.S. is largely explained by __________.

social class differences

The exclusion of women from playing golf on certain courses is an example of_____

social closure

policing is an example of_____

social control

The impact of living with Alzheimer's often results in the experience of _________.

social death

Durkheim would describe societal norms as ______

social facts

Research demonstrates that there is an important relationship between __________ and desistance.

social integration

Families both provide and are impacted by _______

social problems

______ can play important roles at many stages of the social problems process such as documenting the social condition, making policy recommendations, and participating in policy evaluation

social scientists

Older Americans today benefit from __________, which was not the case for this same age group prior to the 1930s.

social welfare programs like Social Security and Medicare

The process whereby we learn about race and ethnicity, along with other key aspects of social life, is referred to as __________.


Masculinity and femininity are ________

socially constructed ideas about gender

Difficulties faced by homeless families versus homeless single men are __________.

somewhat different

An increased demand for __________ is one unintended consequence of widespread high-stakes testing in public schools.

special education

Say you live in a state where marijuana is decriminalized. In this situation, being fined for the possession of small quantities of marijuana would most likely be handled by __________ governments, whereas being arrested for the trafficking of marijuana across state lines would most likely be handled by __________ governments.

state; federal

Making the assumption that all couples who divorce have done so because they have not put enough effort into their marriage is an example of _____.


Research shows that exposure to _____________ may affect self-concept, confidence, and performance on tasks.


The __________ we hold about race can fuel our __________.

stereotypes; implicit biases

Social institutions typically delineate ____, whereas organizations specify ____ for social life.

stereotypes; rules

At school today, Lena was confronted by some other girls in her class. They made comments to her about her family being a mess because both her dad and brother are currently serving time in prison. Which of the following concepts best applies to Lena's experience?

stigma by association

According to __________ theory, an individual is likely to deviate when they feel that the institutionalized means for obtaining success are not realistic for them.


Research shows that offenders of __________ are more likely to be punished than offenders of __________.

street crime, white-collar crime

Imagine you are moving into a dorm at the start of the academic year. After spending all day moving in, you decide to go to get some food. While you are gone, someone breaks into your room and takes your brand new laptop. This is an example of __________ crime, and more specifically, __________ crime.

street; property

Valerie is a sex worker. What type of prostitution puts her at the highest risk of exploitation and violent victimization?


Research suggests that exposure to varying levels of _______ can account for some of the racial and ethnic disparities observed about health.


some research finds that there are connections between poverty, ___, and ___

stress; premature birth

Conflict theory emerged in the 1960s in response to the limitations of ______

structural functionalism

Research has found that tracking practices in schools lead to __________.

students having inequitable exposure to material

Research shows that when teachers are more highly educated and rigorously trained __________.

students' academic performance is better (?)

From No Child Left Behind (NCLB), as a society we have learned that __________.

students' academic success is not best assessed through state-level or national standards (?)

In your social problems class this semester, your professor assigns a project that requires you to interview someone who is a social minority about their lived experiences. The goal of the assignment is for students to connect with each other and learn from each other's experiences. The goal of the assignment is an example of _______.

sympathetic knowledge

Sam is a teacher. This means his occupation is __________ and he works in the __________ industry.

teacher; education

Research about child support __________.

tends to underestimate the amount that is contributed by the paying parent

As public opinions become more favorable and public policies become more inclusive of sexual minorities, we can reasonably expect __________.

that homophobia, transphobia, and anti-gay harassment will become less widespread

The Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges overturned __________.

the Defense of Marriage Act

Redlining, white flight, and other trends in residential segregation are most directly the result of which historical U.S. event?

the Great Migration

When compared to other countries, it is clear that _____ does ____ to reduce poverty than others do

the U.S.; less

A patient in __________ will pay an average of over $4,000 per day to stay in a hospital. This is among the highest costs for medical care in the world.

the US

healthcare in ___ is the most expensive in the world.

the US

The most expensive place in the world to obtain a college education is in __________.

the United States

The poverty line in the U.S. was originally based on ____

the average cost of food for a family in the 1960s

A potential shortcoming of the Libertarian proposal for healthcare reform is that__________.

the benefits we realize from the Hippocratic Oath would have to be abandoned

there are no best practices in place that clarify ___ for patients

the cost of medical care and procedures

There is an inverse relationship between __________ and __________ in the U.S.

the crime rate; the incarceration rate

Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter are organizations that came out of social movements to raise awareness about racial disparities in _________.

the criminal justice system

The gains in educational attainment and employment that women have realized since the 1950s is primarily the result of

the feminist movement

A significant contributor to inequality in the American education system is explained by __________.

the funding structure of schools

Research on violence and bullying among LGBTQ youth finds __________.

the gender nonconforming youth were more likely to be victims

As a result of __________, women's lives have changed dramatically in the last 50 years.

the gender revolution

Nate is looking to earn some extra money during his summer break from college. He decides to become a Lyft driver. When he tells his parents, Nate's dad expresses his opinion that the job is a bad idea because it offers no long-term employment security, benefits, investment in Nate's future work life, or protections. This and similar jobs are characteristic of work in __________.

the gig economy

In most affluent, democratic nations, the development of health insurance was the primary responsibility of __________, except in the case of __________.

the government; the US

Research has not been able to adequately explain __________ with data about the use of doctors and facilities, the aging population, or poor health behaviors.

the high medical care cost in the US

Which of the following best explains the steady increase in the U.S. prison population over the course of the last several decades?

the increased criminalization of drugs and drug users

One of the most important advantages deskilling has given to employers is __________.

the interchangeability of workers

The shift from manual labor to professional services occupations over the last 100 years indicates that __________.

the labor market requires more specialization and training for many jobs

Early onset Alzheimer's can dramatically reduce __________.

the length of the quality-of-life years

Today, _____ in the U.S. is about ______

the median household income; $60,000

According to the information in your textbook, research demonstrates that there is a positive association between homicide and __________.

the number of guns in circulation in a society

The way facts are interpreted and, in turn, given attention by the media and public helps explain the differences between _____ and _____.

the objectivist; the constructivist approach

When sociological theories are used to understand social problems, they tend to emphasize ________

the origin of problems

__________ delineate(s) the difference between deviance and crime.

the penal code

The statistic that about 70 percent of whites today agree that "blacks should overcome prejudice and work their way up in society, like Irish, Jewish, and other minorities did at one point in history," demonstrates __________.

the phenomenon of white privilege

As __________ increase(s), the cost of purchasing healthcare coverage __________.

the population age; increases

Since 2000, __________ has outpaced __________.

the price of rent; renters' average income

Interpreting data from an age pyramid can help us infer __________.

the proportion of a country's population that is dependent

In Durkheim's view, the American flag and a $1.00 bill are examples of _____

the sacred

Sociological research shows that, in heterosexual families, women today take on more of the burden of ________ than men.

the second shift

Sociologists are primarily concerned with______.

the study of groups

Which of the following fueled the severity of the recent Great Recession?

the subprime mortgage industry

Valerie is a 30-year-old single woman with no children. Last year she finished a graduate degree and moved out of her parents' basement into an apartment of her own. She is searching for the right partner to be in a committed relationship with, but has not found that person yet. At Thanksgiving, Valerie's grandmother asked her when she might be getting married and having children and said, "By the time I was your age I was married and had all three of my children." Sociologists would most likely point to changes in _________ in order to explain Valerie and her grandmother's different experiences at this stage of life.

the transition to adulthood

the accumulated effect effect of stress from lifelong exposure to racial prejudice and discrimination is referred to as ___.

the weathering effect

What do sociologist marx, du bois, and addams have in common?

they all mixed scholarship and activism in their careers

When a rural community houses a federal prison, __________.

they receive more government resources because their population is inflated

An opponent of an approach to primarily dealing with poverty in the U.S. via programs that promote "family values" would most likely argue that ______

this approach is not productive because changes in the structure of the economy, gender norms, marriage and parenthood have far outpaced efforts to restore the "traditional family"

Why does the U.S. encourage people to continue working for as long as possible?

to offset the economic expense of social welfare programs that support senior citizens

Laura and Anne have been in school together since the first grade. They worked well together and were always in the same class. Once they got to middle school, Laura was put into a class of students that were labeled "high achieving" and Anne was in a class for the "average" students. This exemplifies __________.


Scott has bachelor's degrees in graphic design and computer science, but he has only been able to find part-time freelance work. Scott's situation is an example of __________.


The __________ makes up about __________ percent of the country's GDP.

underground economy; 10

Since the 1960s ______ in the U.S. has dramatically declined

union membership

___ played an important role in securing securing access to good healthcare benefits for workers


Raising one's children, assisting elderly relatives, and cleaning one's house are examples of __________.

unpaid care work

The classic Bronzeville study is an example of __________.

urban ethnography

While walking down the street, Kyra notices a homeless man. She thinks to herself,"that man must be homeless because he is unemployed. Im sure that is because the economy is really struggling. Good paying jobs are hard to come by these days." Sociologists would say that Kyra is _______ to make sense of this situation

using her sociological imagination

Kevin is at a baseball game. Before the game starts he stands, removes his hat, and puts his hand over his heart during the national anthem. Kevin's behaviors, which he views as necessary ways of acting in this situation, are an example of what type of social action?

value rational

In an ideal meritocracy, research would find a _____

very low association between parents' and children's incomes

Research shows that heterosexual couples __________ in long-term relationships.

want to pair with people like themselves

Americans might fare better in the future global economy if __________.

we reconsider the implications of the increasing costs of higher education

Owning a home, possessing a retirement fund, and owning stock are examples of ______


In 2017, many high-profile men in the media

were accused of being sexual assault perpetrators

Today, there is considerable debate among sociologists about __________.

whether or not race will decline in significance in the future

In recent years, the car manufacturer Volkswagen admitted to installing software in their vehicles that would help more cars pass tests for environmental emissions standards. This is an example of __________.

white collar crime

Christine and Aidan live in a diverse, urban neighborhood. Next year, their daughter will be starting kindergarten. After doing some research about the local public schools, they are not overly impressed by the data on students' academic performance in the school district, the high student-teacher ratio, or the limited availability of high-quality extracurricular activities. To give their daughter the best education possible, Christine and Aidan decide to put their house on the market and look for a new home in a nearby suburb, a less diverse and more affluent community with higher-quality schools. These events illustrate __________.

white flight

Historically, how __________ is defined was a key component to becoming a full American citizen.


Rates of Alzheimer's are highest among __________.


By 2045 the U.S. Census Bureau projects that __________.

whites will comprise less than 50 percent of the population

Intergenerational asset accumulation helps explain _______.

why the racial wealth gap persists

Students __________ are more likely to benefit from academic tracking practices.

with highly educated parents

In an experiment that sent fake job resumes to real job ads, women applicants __________ got more callbacks, whereas men applicants with the same characteristics had no difference in the callbacks they received.

without children

Research shows that ______ are particularly vulnerable to falling into poverty after a divorce


Research shows that _______ are particularly vulnerable to experiencing financial hardship after a divorce.


The demand for long-term care services increased when __________.

women increasingly entered the labor force

The ____ in America live in ______

working poor; relative poverty

Compared to the 1980s, the state of racial desegregation in U.S. schools today is __________.

worse off

One unintended consequence of concerted cultivation is that _________.

young people today feel overly pressured to be very busy and accomplish goals

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