Black Cards Quote CAH

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Nolan and Justin had a huge fight. But the last words were___

!We found the old yearbooks! Mr. Swearingen's senior quote was___!

*3 gavel raps* "____"

*2 gavel raps "_____"

After winning the AP award, Trenton said___

After he found out that he failed forensics, Mathesius said___

Satan just appeared at our lunch table, looked Nolan in the eye, and said ___

Aiden self's life motto:___

Noah got sent to JUG because he said _______ to Mrs. Cabral as she was leaving

As the cry tally was erased, Trenton said ____________

Big Keith came in and gave a speech to the class. His first words were ___

Big Chops finally had enough of Konshak. He yelled ____

What you didn't hear Thanos say in Endgame: ___

Brett just sent a mass email to the entire school that said___ and Mrs. Cabral replied with___

The motto of the quote doc: ___

Brett was fascinated by a new idea today. He won't stop saying________

Justin didn't mean to be racist, but as soon as he said _________ Mrs. Trigg yelled at him

Coach Hammond canceled Jug by saying_________

Mr. Horsley did the afternoon announcements yesterday and the whole school heard him say ___

Coach. Hammond: Justin, your hair is too long. Justin:___

Max Steele said this when questioned about his famous salute.

Ethan Cotton admitted that his guilty pleasure is when a girl tells him. ____

Once we realized the power of Poynters calculator, we immediately asked what the answer to life was. It responded ____


LaVon: Spain is better than America. Here's why: ______

Gulden: The last time I used a pencil, God came down and said ______

________. *Silence*

Hello gamers, I just wanna tell you that _____.

I was jogging when I heard some old lady saying _____ to her dog in a sweet voice.

I have spent years of my life deciphering this quote but have gotten nowhere into the context of it

Ms. LaVon got an email from Mr. Gulden. It says___

I heard poynter sexy talking to his calculator in the bathroom. He quietly whispered into the charging port___

Dude, Deacon just went off on Isaac! He said___ and Isaac replied with ___

I just overheard Trenton and Brett having a heated debate. Brett said___

Konshak's class makes me want to stand up and scream "_____!"

I took 6 months, but we finally got Swearingen to say _______

Victor Kraft came back for a visit. His excuse for what he did was ________

I was down in Mrs. Brockman's room when we heard Mrs. Trigg yell______

The first lines of Next year's Colt report should be

If everyone stood up and screamed ___________ It would make national news.

______ "That's a bruh moment"

If you could make any quote your superpower, what would it be?

The Gatton Academy fight song starts with__________

In the avengers Endgame alternate ending, Thanos' last words were _______

Poynter's dad's first words after the birth of his son were___

In the latest meeting between Mrs. Quirk and Mrs. Konshak:___

Bro, what did Hayden say that made Swearingen so mad?

Instead of cursing, just say ____

Gabe! If you ever say ___ again, I'm gonna tell your mom about the time that you said___

Instead of growling, henke will now say ___

Someone left a love note in Poynter's locker. It said___

Justin has a new crush! He told her that he has dwarfism and she said___

Coach Hammond: "GENTLEMEN," ___

Justin's last words to Ashley Pope:___

Nolan got confused in chemistry again. Konshak finally flipped her lid and screamed_______

Konshak was fired over the summer when she sent in a letter to the school saying__.

Mathesius: "why didn't you do my test?" Mrs. Pohlmann: "___

Matthew's autism doctor just broke the news. And the diagnosis is___

The last thing Poynter said to Mrs. Trigg___

Matthew's dyslexia just showed! He accidentally read ___ instead of___

All stand and sing the Loser Squad nation anthem. "______"

Mr. Horsley sad he loved the line in my essay about birds where i said ______

Man, Noah just won't stop talking about his girlfriend. Just yesterday he said_____

Mr. Horsley took us outside and sat us down in the grass. After 5 minutes of silence, he finally said_______

Poynter got to teach a spanish 1A class. He got frustrated and yelled ______ at a student in spanish.

Mrs. Brockman said __________ just as Mrs. Quirk walked in and so she got written up.

Deacon was late to class again. He apologized and said________

Mrs. Konshak finally taught us something. Trenton was so amazed that he said ______

This quote has the biggest misunderstanding

Mrs. Trigg assigned us double homework because Conrad said _____

I asked if there were any more cookies at lunch and the lady told me___

My reply to the tennis emails said___

Whoever is playing that dog whistle needs to___

Next week in English, we will analyze the quote ___

We asked Poynter what his favorite quote from the doc was and he said ___

Noah is running for president! His campaign slogan is ___

Jake: "Mrs. Mo, can you help me with service hours?" Mrs. Mo: ___

Noah told Marie, ___. Then they broke up.

Mathesius read the morning prayer. He messed it up and said_______

Now that Poynter's gone, Trenton said________ about the APUSH award.

Poynter's joke is less funny everytime he tells it. He keeps telling everyone_________

Poynter came back to a football game and brought a girlfriend. The first thing we heard her say was _____________

This quote could actually be a senior quote.

Poynter got talking predestination today. Deacon's incompetent response was___

Noah, I think it's time that we___

Right before Nolan died, his last words were___

You to your girlfriend ____________- Sent from samsung smart fridge

Spy: Tell me everything Me: ___________

______. Now that was deep

The 3rd floor pool entry password is___

The last line of the KYA PO speech was___

The Horse mascot can speak! His first words are ___

I asked the lady in the campus store for the new shirt. She told me ___

The announcer at the DeSales vs. St. X game forgot the microphone was on. The whole stadium just overheard him say___

Trenton convinced the school to get rid of the spanish department by saying ______.

The best way to find Grimes is to say _______ while yodeling.

Zach McGee's first words were ___

The bonus question on the Chemistry final: "How do you balance a chemical equation?" Noah's answer: ___

Mr. Sentner got so tired of people not having one earbud out, he finally snapped and said___

The excuse we heard for not doing any labs sophomore year___

Poynter got his first JUG! The email said___

The fine print of Poynter's Gatton acceptance letter said___

___. Not with that attitude you can't.

The newest addition to the desales handbook: ___

The next new Nintendo game will be titled ___

The newest minecraft update is called ____

Dude I'm scared. I just overheard Mr. Swearingen tell Mrs. Brockman "___

The one phrase that gets you automatically expelled: ___

Grimes did a presentation, and since he said ________ really loudly, we had to go into a lockdown.

The police showed up and arrested Isaac. His defense was________.

*1 gavel rap "_____"

There was a misprint on the AP Test. It said___ instead of ___

Damn You Autocorrect. _________ isn't what I wanted to say!

They added a new verse to the school song. It starts with________

During finals, some freshman broke under the stress. They ran out of school yelling.

This is what Konshak taught me this year summed up in a quote._____

Fortnite came out with a new Season. Ali-A's new intro starts off like this._____

This quote has the best double-meaning.

No prompt here. Most Iconic quote in your hand.

This quote is taken out of context the most.

Poynter came back from Gatton on a visit. Angry, he looked at Mrs. Konshak and said________.

This quote is the most likely to be made into a song

__________Who thought that such insightfulness could come from a high-schooler?

This quote represents a good 20 ticks on the cry tally.

Poynter framed a quote to put in his dorm room. What quote was it?

This quote was featured in YT rewind 2019.

This quote will one day be put into a famous literature piece

This quote will be the next big thing.

Mr. Moore's superhero catchphrase phrase would be ____

This quote would most likely be the start to a poem

The motto of the Gatton academy is__________

Trenton forgot to take his ADHD meds. He wouldn't stop saying________.

They had class rep advertising messages. Can you believe Henke's started like______?

We found an interpreter for Henke's snarls. It turned out he was really saying_________

Can the big D fight? ___

We just annexed Pres. They surrendered by saying ___

Mr. Sentner looked Aidan deep in the eyes and quietly said___

We just got Poynter's AP score back and it was so bad that Mrs. Brockman said with disappointment___

We heard Poynter sleep-talking. He said ________

We scared Maguu so bad that he shouted ________

Trenton is giving the speech at graduation. The first line: ___

What do we say to all incoming freshmen? ___

Did you hear the news? Brett single handedly took overall of Europe by saying _____

What quote will always haunt you for saying?

Nolan forgot to do his hair! Everyone laughed and said ____ as he walked through the door.

What will Grime's first line in his speech as dictator of Germany be?

My only response during my interview to work at DeSales was ___

When asked about the senior prank, Mr. Hammond replied ___

There's a sign outside my house that everyone takes pictures next to. It says ___

You ever just wanna grab someone, and scream _______ right into their face?

I'm hungry. For what? _______

You remember that time Roney got a jug for saying______?

____________*ah that's hot that's hot*

You:___________ Conrad: LetsGo.LetsGo.LETSGO

What's your favorite bible quote?

_____ "God moment"

____ John Sol would not approve

_______ is just another way of saying _______

This quote strikes fear into the heart of anyone who hears it

________. RUN

This quote is the most underrated.

___________. Wait, I need some of what you're smoking.

This quote could have been plagiarized from the enlightenment thinkers.

_____________. That's what she said

At DeSales, our brotherhood is so strong. We feel comfortable sharing things like___

______________ Wow. That escalated quickly

_______________ *confused screaming*

________________: We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled.

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