Block 3 personnel

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INTRO program is a tool that _____ use to ensure members who have a pending relocation assignment are able to obtain personal assistance through sponsorship.

Base intro program manager

Resolves problems; coordinates with public affairs to develop basic fact sheet; provides sponsors with sponsor checklist


Responsible for ensuring that members have a LeaveWeb account and verify the account is accurate


Responsible for providing name, grade, home address, and contact information to sponsor?

AMN and family readiness center

Responsible for providing sponsorship

Unit Commander/Unit ESM control officer

Responsible for receiving the ESM roster from the FSS Food Service officer for monthly validation.


Imperative that every member in-process with their servicing MPS and local _____ office.


Upon the newcomers arrival the base intro program manager will utilize _____ to update the "arrival confirmation off/AMN" application to "gain" the AMNs information to file.


WAPS test verification AF Form _____

Master Military pay account

Completed statement of service generates a transaction to members _______ to ensure member is getting correct pay

MPS Elements

Completes records review; annotates IDA worksheet; updates MilPDS

Career Development

Completes remaining updates for record review; ensures alignment to correct position number; validates worksheets


E1-E6 assigned to single government quarters and can access dining facility at least ____ of time.

T or F

Leave is a right and can't be disapproved under any circumstance? T or F?

Sponsorship program

Process to provide info and assistance, part of intro program, designed to facility pcs move

72 hours

How soon can you submit a leave return to approving official after returning from leave?

DDLDS (date departs last duty station) and DAS (Date arrived station)

IDA needs to reflect correct _____ and ______.

Position number

IDA worksheet is used to assign personnel a valid?

Recruitment; end strength

IEB program is a tool used to help the AF meet _____ and _____ goals.

Basic requirements for naturalization

good morale character; residence and physical presence in US; knowledge of English language


overall responsible for in-processing personnel

Important documents

what documents must be verfified when adding SSNs to the DEERS or RAPIDS databases?

sponsor checklist

what does attachment 4 in AFI 36-2013 provide?

E1 - above or O1 - above

what is the exception to issuing, reissuing, or renewing a new CAC in terms of rank?

One year

When approving for Naturalization during peacetime, a person who has served honorably in US Armed forces for _____ may apply for naturalization.

ULM; 10th of month

When are leave audits and reconciliations completed and by who?

Sponsor checklist

created for sponsors to ensure smooth transition for new AMN and families. Attachment 4, AFI 36-2103

Data collection/verification; confirmation of arrival; MilPDS update

3 main accession phases

DD Form 2842

A DD form 1172 is not required for insurance of CAC for uniformed members. However, the ____ form is required.


AMN must report to a new duty station by their ______ or they are reported as a "no show"


AMN must update join spouse code in _____

IEB incentive program

Active duty program; encourages members to fill critical or hard to fill AFSCs

Unit intro program manager

Administers intro program at unit level; provides data to commander for sponsor selection; provides sponsor unit checklist; uses gain roster to track report NLT date of inbound personnel

Point of sale, deduction from pay, reduction in per diem

All members must pay for government meals. they must be made ______?

Fiscal Year

Amount of bonus is based on ____ and corresponds to date of enlistment, term of enlistment, and guaranteed AFSC


An AMN may apply for naturalization through 1 year of qualifying service during peacetime if ____ years of age and served honorably for _____ years.

Five years

Applicant must demonstrate good moral character during peacetime for at least ______ prior to filing an application.


Application for the 1183 dependent ID card?


BAS continues while member is on authorized periods of TDY? T or F?

Photo ID, social, passport, DL, other official documents

Basic documents required for determining eligibility?

MilPDS ; 2

CSE is required to update arrival confirmations in _____ within ______ duty days of arrival on station

ID Cardholder

Carry CAC at all times; surrender when authority requires card; notify CSE if any changes in status

90 Days

DEERS/RAPIDS Verifying official determine benefits and privileges authority, update information on DD form 1172 is only valid for ______ after verifying official signature.


Database used to track benefits; ensures beneficiaries received benefits; verifies and confirms eligibility for benefits.

Lawful spouse, children, unmarried children under 21

Dependents entitled to 1173

Code B

Desire join spouse to CONUS or any accompanied OS tour

Code A

Desire join spouse to CONUS or any overseas tour


Determines eligible AFSCs and appropriate bonus levels


During in-processing who is responsible for identifying all accessions, confirming arrival and duty information by updating MilPDS and establishing a CMS case if required?


During in-processing who is responsible for identifying all accessions, confirming arrival and duty information by updating Milpds and establishing a CMS case if required?

ESM (essential station messing)

Enlisted members in grades E7-E9 are exempt from this?

Installation Commander

Ensures intro program is implemented and is overall responsible


Entry or re-entry into Active Duty, or an Air Reserve component

Unit commander

Establishes unit intro program; appoints primary and alternate manager; selects people for sponsorship duties; sends welcome letter

U.S. AF Academy, Reserve officer training corps, and chaplains

Examples of AF Accession points?

Advanced, emergency, excess

Examples of ordinary types of leave.


Form ____ starts/stops BAS

AF Form 1486

Form reviewed during leave audits to validate all transactions that have been reconciled and posted to each AMNs pay record?

AF IMT 220

Form used to document the starting and stopping of BAS


Historic origins; offset costs; continuous entitlement and exceptions


How do airman update their Join Spouse intent codes?

Code H

Join Spouse assignment not desired

10 days

MPS must open CMS case to AFPC accession confirmation team NLT _____


Military members are sponsors in their own right and have the responsibility to report within ______ days any family member additions or changes to DEERS

RAPIDS (Real time automated personnel identification system)

Network of computers that links uniformed services to DEERS? consists of software and hardware used to update DEERS?


Once an AMN submits an ordinary leave request in leave web, who does the request flow to?


Paid vacation; 2.5 days per month; disprovals document on leave form; begin and end in local area.


Pays member; recoups money owned


Person who wants to naturalize must first be permanent resident.


Reports changes to DEERS; enrollment of military spouses; dependent additions/deletions; provides proper documentation; retrieves ID cards

FSS Food Service Officer

Reviews and updates ESM automated system upon receipt of AF Form 220s from units

DEERS/RAPIDS verifying official

Reviews supporting documents; retrieves DD form 1172 thats previously scanned.


Special leave accrual is defined as leave in excess of _____ days at the end of fiscal year.


Sponsors provide valuable service to inbound airman by reducing ____ and ______ that often accompany a PCS move.

Special orders and anything pertaining to the members assignment

The CSE will create a clearance file for the new coming member. What do these files include?

AF Form 330

The CSE will use an ______, Records Transmittal/Request, to verify the contents of the package.

AF Form 899

The CSE will use the _______ to annotate date and time member arrived on station


The HQ AFPC Accessions team receives accession paperwork from the _____ via ______

Unit Into Program Manager

The _____ assists sponsors by providing them a checklist tailored to the unit needs and identifies the sponsors duties and responsibilities.

Chief MPS

The ______ appoints the base intro program managers within the MPS.


The first place a person will report to will be ______ when arriving to a new base.


Used for feedback; improve intro program; maps chief reports info to installation commander on quarterly basis.


Verifies that an enlistee has completed training to level 3 in an IEB AFSC?

Verifying official

Verify DEERS data; termination of benefits; replace lost or stolen ID cards

Process for application

Verify eligibility in DEERS and request personal identification with photo

Speaking, reading, and civics test

What components are on the naturalization test?

Date of enlistment, term of enlistment, guaranteed AFSC

What determines the amount of enlistment bonus an eligible member will receive?

AF Form 1613

What document is created once HQ AFPC Accessions confirmation team validates service dates?

Marriage Certificate

What does MPS use to document the marriage of military couples?


What does attachment 3 in AFI 36-2013 provide?

Base in-processin and sponsorship program and base newcomer orientation

What does the intro program include?


What enlisted grades are automatically authorized to mess separately?

Clearance File

What is created for each incoming member prior to arrival?

Extended AD; meet all PC requirements; have join spouse intent code A or B; neither are scheduled for reassignment, separation, or retirement with next 12 months.

What is the eligibility for you and you spouse on Join Spouse Program?

To online the MPS in-processing requirements to ensure personnel are assigned to a valid position number and to facilitate timely and accurate input of current data after an AMNs arrival.

What is the initial duty assignment (IDA) worksheet used for?

Join Spouse Assignments Program

What program has the policy that keeps military couples together? Not always assigned to same location


What program is defined as food furnished to enlisted personnel at government expense and generally provided by the installation dining facility?

AF Form 3008 and 3009

What source document is used to authorize an IEB payment?

After arrival at first duty station

When do AMN receive their initial enlistment bonus (IEB) payment?

10 days

When does MPS open a CMS case and forward documentation to the HQ AFPC Accessions confirmation team?

AMN report to closest AF installation and submit application right after marriage

When marriage occurs after assignment what needs to happen?

Customer Service

Which element in the MPS is responsible for creating an in-processing line or doing face-to-face interviews?

MPS chief

Who appoints intro managers within MPS?


Who corrects IEB data errors in Milpds?


Who has overall responsibility for in-processing inbound personnel, and to ensure that MilPDS is accurate?

Unit Commander

Who is responsible for appointing the unit intro program manager?

Unit Commander

Who is responsible for establishing a unit intro program?

Commander/Unit ESM control officer

Who is responsible for verifying eligibility for ESM/BAS?

Base Intro Program Manager

Who is the office of primary responsibility (opr) for intro program and first duty station orientation?


Who mails citizenship applications and required documents to USCIS Nebraska using certified mail?


Who monitors IEB incentive program and correcting data errors in MilPDS?

Installation Commander

Who must make sure that an intro program is implemented

Base intro program manager

Who receives RIPs/Allocation notices and forwards them to a gaining commander?


Who receives application for quality review and submits to USCIS Nebraska service center


Who retrieves quarterly non-us citizenship rosters and notifies AMN via. email that they are eligible and can apply.

HQ AFPC Accession Confirmation Team

Who reviews MMPA to determine what transactions are required to properly establish pay records?


Who sends the marketing notification email to the AMN using the quarterly non-us citizen roster?


Who signs memorandum acknowledgment receipt, and returns to unit intro manager? Contracts newcomer; provides information and assistance; schedules in-processing with MPS


Who verifies the enlistee completed 3-level training?

Food Service Office

Who will provide a monthly validation roster and is also responsible for reviewing and updating the ESM system upon receipt of proper documentation?

RAPIDS; Forms 1172

____ equipment creates IDs and DD forms ____


____ is the application that allows users query, modify and access the _____ database.

CSE (customer support element)

______ creates in-processing line/records review

CAC (common access card)

______ identifies benefits and privileges; generated by RAPIDS; government property


______ is a database that tracks the personnel and medical DOD benefits

Unit intro program manager

______ responsible for contacting the MPS to set up and in-processing unit.

Finance Office

______ will review and update the pay file upon receipt of an AF IMT 220, request, authorized, and pay order BAS

Unit Commander

_______ establishes annual leave program to give members opportunity to take leave


_______ must veifry/update marriage in DEERS/MilPDS


if the members supervisor approves an ordinary leave request the leave request will follow to the?


provides feedback; intro sponsor questionnaire

AMN family and readiness center

provides relocation services, sponsorship training, and sponsor kit; provides pre-departure and post arrival services allowing members to make informed decisions.

Less stressful

sponsor helps pcs move ______?

Ineligibility of Join Spouse

spouse is AMN of air reserve component; spouse is cg; doesn't meet pcs criteria; someone has code h


the manner of applying for us citizenship is known as?

intro program

tool that commander uses to ensure members who have a pending relocation assignment are able to obtain personal assistance through sponsorship


who is responsible for updating naturalization and citizenship status in MilPDS?

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