BMGT Exam 2

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Go for quality over quantity

Which of the following is not a rule for effective brainstorming?

Minority dissent

Which of the following is not a symptom of groupthink?

Increase group size

Which of the following is not a way to reduce social loafing?

Norms are typically written down and discussed openly by groups

Which of the following statements about norms is not true?

programmed conflict

A local political group is divided on how to present their candidate. The debate is getting heated. Finally, the head of the group instructs all the members to defend their ideas supported by facts, putting aside any personal opinions. This leader's new approach is employing ______ .

Individuals take on increasing amounts of independence as a group develops

Which of the following statements is NOT true about group development?


Marianne is in her business statistics lecture, sitting next to Arnold as he watches a video on his laptop and listens with earbuds, The bright images from Arnold's screen are distracting her from attending to what the professor is saying. This effect on Marianne is an example of ________

task role

A ________ is defined as a set of expected behaviors for a particular position that helps enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose.

"Let's focus on the main goal here. What are we trying to accomplish?"

A group member who says ________ is performing a task role.


A person who makes use of manipulation, has a cynical view of human nature, and adheres to a moral code that puts results over principles is said to exhibit _________________ .

Is likely to reduce critical thinking

A very high level of cohesiveness in a group:

House's path-goal theories

The assumption that managers can and should modify their style of leadership to help employees achieve their goals is a key feature of ____________.

Similar levels of conscientiousness and mixed extraversion

According to research highlighted in the text, the most effective self-managed teams are those with:

Inspirational motivation

According to the text, transactional leadership encompasses all but one of the following. Which one?

an availability bias

Albert is the manager of a large retail store, and he has the authority to hire employees. The store does not have a specialized human resource executive, so Albert himself conducts selection interviews. Albert has not received any training on selection and recruitment, and he does not prepare in advance for interviews. He asks questions that come to his mind easily during interviews. He often finds that he does not hire good employees. It is quite likely that _____ is a cause of this failure.

rational persuasion, ingratiation, personal appeals, and consultation

All four of the following tactics are defined in our terms as "soft" influence tactics:


When issues are complex, better solutions are needed, commitment is needed, and time is available, the ________ conflict handling style is appropriate.


Which conflict resolution style is often applied by leaders when an issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party?

A sender encodes a thought or idea

As outlined in the text and our class presentation, the communication process begins when:

Task-oriented behaviors

As defined in the text and in class, _________ aim to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.

LMX relationships are based on the leader's attempt to delegate and assign work roles.

As noted in class and/or the course materials, which of the following statements is true about leadership?

coalition tactics

George has persuaded most of his department to support a cancer run this spring. He really wants to get Nathan on board since Nathan frequently runs in marathons. George asks Terry, Sandy, and Marvin to "work on Nathan." This is using ________ to get others to support your efforts to persuade someone.

the Delphi technique

Britney, a manager in an advertising firm, was assigned a team and asked to come up with ideas for an advertising campaign. Britney briefed her team and outlined the purpose of the meeting clearly, after which she had the members submit ideas anonymously. In a second session, these ideas were summarized on post-it notes all over the wall so group members could critique and evaluate the alternatives. Which problem solving technique did Brittany employ?


Group cohesiveness, defined as the "we" feeling that binds members of a group together, is a principal by-product of which stage of the group development process?

hinders organizational performance

Conflict is considered to be dysfunctional when it ____________


Harvard's John Kotter observes that great leadership is often "born on a bed of pain."


Marcy reluctantly agrees to Herb's proposal and needs a lot of prodding to satisfy its minimum requirements. Marcy's response would be described as taking which of the following forms?


Delegation, in the form of real decision-making authority, is an important expression of managerial respect.

Reward; complying

Department Chair Holder promises Professor Davis that the department will buy him several computer accessories if Professor Davis covers class for Holder one day while the chair is presenting a paper at a conference. Professor Davis agrees, although he is merely going to hand out an assignment to students and be available for questions if they have any. Department Chair Holder is using his ________ power and Professor Davis is ________.


Distributive negotiating is also known as ________ negotiating


Dr. Hamrick is hired by the Eganam Company to hear cases involving grievances of employees of the company. Evidence is sometimes presented, witnesses are called, decisions are always based on legal merits, and his decisions are binding. This is an example of the __________ form of alternative dispute resolution

Managers do NOT possess complete information.

Which of the following is one of the assumptions underlying the use of NONRATIONAL models of decision making?

task-motivated or relationship-motivated

Fiedler's contingency model identifies which leadership styles?


Folding arms, crossing hands, and crossing legs communicate


In a highly cohesive team, members may try to maintain harmony by striving toward consensus on issues without ever offering, seeking, or seriously considering alternative viewpoints and perspectives. This kind of behavior exemplifies ____________

stages of rational decision making

Identify the problem or opportunity; generate alternative solutions; evaluate alternatives; and implement and evaluate the solution.


In the ________ bias, a decision maker tends to overestimate the importance of information s/he recently received or thought about

after the receiver receives the message

In the communication process model, decoding the message occurs right ____________


In which stage of the group development process do group members resolve their power struggles so that something can be accomplished?

an anchoring heuristic

Instead of taking into account how that product might best be positioned in the current product environment, a marketing department determines its price point for a revolutionary new product by increasing the price of the company's previous entry in that market. The department is employing:


JM Video Games uses ________ to help design new products. It maintains a proposal submission website open to anyone, reviews submitted designs twice a year, and awards the winner of the design competition $2,500.

"What are we trying to accomplish and how fast can we do it?"

Jamal says ________. He is performing a task role

Devil's advocacy

Jim is head of the marketing department and must decide how to allocate a fixed amount of funds. There are two top projects that Jim believes hold the most promise. Recently, the majority of funds have been allocated to Project A, but Jim wonders if it is time to provide Project B with a larger share of the money. Jim decides to assign a particular individual, Clara, to thoroughly criticize the proposal for Project B, looking for every possible flaw. Which technique is Jim using to help him make a better decision?

Jim seeks to motivate employees to pursue organizational goals above their own self-interests

Jim is the daytime supervisor for an automobile assembly line. He supervises 45 workers who perform routine jobs that require minimal training. Which of the following statements would indicate that Jim is following the transformational model of leadership?

Encourage wild ideas, even outrageous ones

Kathryn is looking for ideas on how best to grow her small business. She and her three partners sit down to brainstorm suggestions. Which of the following rules will help to bring about a positive brainstorming session?

Minimize social loafing

Keeping the team size sufficiently small and designing tasks such that each team member's contribution is more noticeable are some of the ways to ____________

Include questions on slides

Which of the following is recommended in the text and/or our class presentation as a useful tip for creating more effective PowerPoint presentations?

The leader's relationships with followers

Leader-member exchange theory focuses on:


Nate is a manager at a small appliance store. He is working with an unhappy customer who is yelling at him. Nate's policy on handling customer complaints is to give the customer what they want even at a cost to the company. His approach is an example of the ________ conflict handling style.


One function of a formal group is to coordinate interdepartmental efforts.


Which form of conflict resolution requires the complete sharing of information by both parties, a full discussion of concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a resolution?

minority dissent

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic associated with groupthink?

employee involvement teams

Quality circles consist of individuals who normally perform core production tasks but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement. These suggestions are then communicated to management as recommendations for improvement. Quality circles are examples of ______________ .


Ricardo is the manager of a large retail store, and he has the authority to hire employees. The store does not have a specialized human resource executive, and Ricardo himself conducts selection interviews. Ricardo has not received any training on selection and recruitment. He selected an applicant only because he displayed personality traits similar to several of his best performers. Identify the bias Ricardo is exhibiting in this case.

laissez-faire leadership

Rodrigo's manager, Mel, neglects to provide coaching on difficult assignments, fails to assist employees in setting performance goals, avoids performance feedback, ignores bullying, and remains so hands-off that employees have little idea what they should be doing. How would we categorize Mel's leadership style?

minimizing cyberloafing.

Social media benefits for employers include all the following EXCEPT ________________ .

Does the proposed action affect any of the firm's secondary stakeholders?

Which of the following is NOT a question in the ethical decision tree (Bagley's) presented in the text?

increased decision making complexity

Which of the following is a challenge associated with global virtual teams?

normative; behaviors

The 81-cell leadership grid discussed in class was designed to depict a ______________ theory that looks at leader ______________ .

dialectic advocate

The dean of Slectout College is looking for a new head of admissions. She wants to be sure that Slectout College has an admissions program with the highest standards. As the committee interviews various candidates, the dean tries to point out potential flaws in each person. She is playing the role of ___________________ .

Leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

The dimensions of situational control in Fiedler's model are:

face to face

The highest level of information richness is achieved when messages are transmitted through _________.

Revealed through practice in a particular context

Which of the following is a characteristic of tacit knowledge?

networks are people oriented

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the three levels of political action?

Both high and low conflict intensity may be related to lower performance

The relationship between conflict intensity and performance outcomes can be described as:

Concern for others and concern for self

The styles of conflict handling are differentiated along two dimensions:

organizational politics

The term ________ is mainly defined as intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or groups.

distributive and integrative.

The two basic types of negotiation are _____________


The use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles is known as

Frame your story

Thinking about what your audience already knows about your subject is part of the ________ step of the TED protocol for effective presentations.

Functional conflict

Which of the following is defined as being characterized by consultative interactions, a focus on the issues, mutual respect, and useful give-and-take?


Which of the following is defined in class and the text as a "soft" influence tactic?

choose a solution "good enough" to meet some minimum qualifications

To be a rational decision maker, one should do all of these except ______________

Semi-autonomous work group

To help address a recent fall-off in sales, Telelectrica's management formed a group to improve its chips through improved internal communication. Members from the administration, marketing, production, and research/design functions were empowered to go ahead with any communication improvements they agreed on, but actual product modifications that emerged would require top management approval. Based on the classification scheme discussed in class, we would characterize this cross-functional group as _______ .


Traits play a central role in the way we perceive leaders, and they do ultimately affect leadership effectiveness

social media

Unlike traditional websites that merely "push" information from the creator to the audience, ________ are more conversational and reciprocally interactive between sender and receiver. What results is a sense of community through generating interactive dialogue with members of a network.


When a group of people joins together to pursue a particular issue, they comprise a:


When companies invite nonemployees to contribute to particular goals and manage the process via the Internet, this is known as


When issues are complex, better solutions are needed, commitment is needed, and time is available, the ________ conflict handling style is often a useful course of action

Expert and referent powers have a generally positive impact.

You are a management consultant. During a training session, a manager from Urger Energy Corporation asks you to summarize the best research evidence on the impact of the five bases of power on job performance, job satisfaction, and turnover. Which of these would be a correct response?


________ is an alternative dispute resolution technique in which disagreeing parties agree ahead of time to accept the decision of a neutral party in a formal court-like setting which may include witnesses and evidence.


________ is an alternative dispute resolution technique where a third party urges disputing parties to deal directly with each other in a positive and constructive manner.


________ may be defined as the process of putting thoughts into language that can be understood by others.

Media richness

________ reflects the capacity of a given communication medium to convey information and promote understanding

Implicit leadership

________ theory is based on the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers.

"Leaders need to modify their leadership style to fit various employee and environmental characteristics."

is a key point of Robert House's revised Path-Goal Theory of leadership


is defined as a trait that reflects use of manipulation, a cynical view of human nature, and a moral code that puts results over principles.

initiating structure

is the leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output.


leadership focuses on increased benefit to others, whose intentions are assumed to be honorable, rather than to benefit the leaders themselves


leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives.

Low LMX relationships

tend to focus on the economic exchange between leaders and followers.

The Blake-Mouton Leadership Grid

was created as a normative model that differentiates leadership styles on the basis of their levels of concern for production and for people.

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