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What percentage of kinetic energy is of the incident electrons is converted to an x-ray photon? A. 1% B. 2% C. 50% D. 99%

A. 1% *When the incident electron is converted to an xray photon less than 1% of the total kinetic energy remains in that electron. Most of the kinetic energy is converted to heat through thermionic emission. *99% is the amount of kinetic energy that is converted to heat.

General purpose radiographic units must have a minimum total filtration of _____mm Al. A. 2.5 B. 2.0 C. 3.5 D. 3.0

A. 2.5 *By law, all general purpose radiographic units must have a minimum total filtration of 2.5 mm of Al. One of the most important patient protection characteristics of the radiographic imaging system is the filtration of the x-ray beam. By having this filtration, low energy, undiagnostic photons are absorbed and do not reach the patient. Reducing the amount of these harmful photons that escape the tube housing window decreases overall patient exposure and compliments the concept of ALARA.

If a technologist is preforming a radiograph and chooses 110 kVP and 3 mAs, at what speed do the x-rays travel within the vacuum tube? A. 3.0 x 10^8 m/s B. 1.6 x 10^8 m/s C. 1.6 x 10^4 m/s D. 3.0 x 10^4 m/s

A. 3.0 x10^8 m/s *regardless of what technical factors are selected, xrays always travel at the speed of light 186,000 miles per second or 3.0 x 10^8 m/s

What type of x-ray is produced when an electron passes by the nucleus, slowing down, changes course, and then has a reduced kinetic energy in a different direction? A. Bremsstrahlung radiation B. characteristic radiation C. both A & B D. Neither A or B

A. Bremsstrahlung radiation *If an electron completely avoids any of the orbital electrons as it passes through the target atom but passes close to the nucleus; the electron may come under the influence of the nucleus because of the electrostatic force between the negative electron and positive nucleus. The closer the electron gets to the nucleus the more influenced it becomes changing its direction and kinetic.

If high velocity electrons interact with inner-shell (K-shell) electrons of a target atom, what type of x-rays are produced? A. characteristic x-rays B. Compton x-rays C. bremsstrahlung x-rays D. Thompson x-rays

A. Characteristic X-rays *characteristic x-rays result when the interaction is sufficiently violent to ionize the target atom through total removal of an inner-shell (K-shell) electron. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be converted into a different form of energy. Kinetic energy can be converted to potential energy or heat. As higher energy electrons drop to lower energy orbits to replace the removed K-shell electron, the higher energy electron lose energy as they drop to a lower energy orbit. the lost energy is released as x-radiation.

The proximity of a projectile electron, in relation to the target nucleus and electrostatic attraction has a/an _______relationship. A. indirect B. direct C. no effect on one another

A. Indirect * as the distance between the projectile electron and the target nucleus decreases, the electrostatic attraction between this nucleus and the traveling electron increases. Because a decrease in one factor causes and increase in the other factor, this means that the relationship between the two factors is opposite or indirect.

What is the unit of energy? A. Joule B. Hertz C. AMU D. Electron volt

A. Joule *Energy is the ability to do work and is measured in Joule. Radiation is energy that is emitted and transferred through matter. Hertz is the unit of photon frequency. AMU stands for atomic mass units and is the mass of the particles in an atom. Electron volt is the binding energy of an electron.

Bremsstrahlung x-rays are produced when the projectile electron, under the electromagnetic influence of the atom's nucleus, ________. A. loses kinetic energy and changes direction B. ionizes an outer shell electron C. ionizes an inner shell electron D. gains kinetic energy and changes direction

A. Loses kinetic energy and changes direction *If the projectile electron passes close enough to the nucleus to come under the influence of the nucleus' positively charged electromagnetic field, it will slow down, change course and direction and leave with a reduced kinetic energy. This energy is transferred and released as x-ray.

_________is anything that takes up space and is made up of two main components: ______and ______. A. matter, atoms, molecules B. mass, atoms, molecules C. atoms, matter, molecules D. atoms, matter, molecules

A. Matter, Atoms, Molecules *anything that occupies space is known as matter. The two building blocks of matter are atoms and molecules. Without atoms and molecules, matter does not exist.

X-rays travel in a _____ direction at ____miles/second. A. straight line; 186,000 B. diagonal line; 186,000 C. straight line; 168,000 D. diagonal line; 168,000

A. Straight line; 186,000 *in free space, xrays travel in a straight line and always at the speed of light.

What is the lowest part of a wavelength called? A. trough B. crest C. lambda D. angstrom

A. Trough *trough is the lowest point in a wavelength.

___________is the number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom. A. valence B. element C. electron D. atomic mass

A. Valence *valence is the number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom. The valence determines the chemicals combining characteristics. An element that has one electron in outermost shell has a valence of +1 and will freely give up the electron to join another element to form a compound. An element with 7 electrons in the outermost shell has a valence of 1 and would accept an electron to become stable with 8 electrons.

Which is the simplest form of beam restricting devices? A. aperture diaphragms B. cones C. cylinders D. collimators

A. aperture diaphragms * the simplest of all beam restricting devices is the aperture diaphragm. It is a flat sheet of metal with a hole in the center and is than attached to the x-ray tube.

If kVp is increased, AEC time_______, density ________, and contrast will _____________. A. decrease; stay the same; change B. decrease; change; stay the same C. increase; change; change D. increase; change; stay the same

A. decrease; stay the same; change * Anytime that kVp is increase. the exposure ti,e will always decrease. mAs is the factor that controls density, sa an increase in kVp will not affect the density of the image. kVp is the quality that controls radiographic contrast, so an increase in kVp will change depending on the level of increase in kVp.

Grid ratio is calculated by dividing _____by_____. A. height; distance B. distance; height C. length; width D. width; length

A. height; distance * Grid ratio is calculated by dividing the height of the grid strips by the distance between the lead strips. Depending on the grid ratio, technical factors will increase by a certain factor. When going from not increased correctly, diagnostic quality of the image can be compromised.

What affects the penetrability of the xray beam? A. kVp B. mAs C. collimation D. grid

A. kVp *kVp affects the penetrability of the xrays beam. When kVp in increased more photons pass through the patient and interact with the image receptor because less photons interact with matter. mAs affects the quantity of xray photons. Collimation restricts the xray beam. The grid adsorbs scatter radiation>

_________affects the quality of the xray beam and -_______affects the quantity of the x-ray beam. A. kVp and mAs B. mAs and kVp C. kVp and SID D. SID and mAs

A. kVp and mAs * The quality of the x-ray beam is controlled by the amount of voltage, and voltage provides contrast to the radiographic image. The quantity of the x-ray beam is controlled by milliamperage, and milliamperage provides radiographic density to the image.

In terms of grid cutoff, decreased density on both side of the image describes the grid error of ____________? A. upside down grid B. off level grid C. lateral decentering of the grid D. grid focus decentering

A. upside down grid Explanation: When grid cut off occurs and the resulting image shows decreased density on both sides, the error of placing the grid upside does has occurred. The utilization of grids is very important when dealing with parts that are over 10 cm in thickness. When using grids, the technologist should always remember that placing the grid in the correct position in relation to the tube and vice versa is extremely important. If there two objects are not aligned properly, grid cut off can occur.

When performing radiographs on pediatric patients, grids should only be considered when the part measures greater than _____cm. A. 20 B. 12 C. 10 D. 8

B. 12 *For most pediatric patients, grids will not be used necessary because they are not fully developed in terms of muscle and bone tissue. As the patient approaches adulthood, grids should only be considered for parts greater than 12cm in thickness. This adjustment from the usual "10cm" thickness rule is due to the lack of full bone development.

____________________is a system that provides automatic termination of an exposure time when sufficient radiation is received by the selected ionization chamber. A. dead man switch B. automatic exposure control C. tomography D. fixed kV technique chart

B. Automatic Exposure Control * Many imaging systems are equipped with an AEC technology which is very helpful in reducing unnecessary patient exposure. This AEC system helps technologists achieve high diagnostic quality images by reducing the chance of technologist error.

A grid in which the lead strips are angled to coincide with the divergence of the beam is referred to as a ___________ grid? A. linear B. focused C. crossed D. star pattern

B. Focused * Focused grids are often one of the more complicated grids to use, in that they must be used with a specific SID. Furthermore, centering and alignment of the tube with the grid must be precise or grid cutoff will occur. Because of the angulation of the grid strips, this precise alignment is more difficult, but benefit of superior absorption of scatter radiation outweighs these difficulties.

The________ of a radioisotope is the amount of time it takes for the radioactivity of a substance to decrease to half of its original value. A. radioactivity B. half-life C. atomic number D. ionization

B. Half-life *the radioactive half-life of a radioisotope is the time for the substance to undergo radioactivity and decrease by 1/2 of its original value. After two half-lives there will be 1/4 the original value, after three half lives 1/8 the original........

How are frequency ad wavelength related? A. directly proportional B. inversely proportional C. both A & B D. neither A or B

B. Inversely proportional *wavelength is the distance between two of the same points on a wave. frequency is the number of waves that pass a certain point in a given amount of time. Velocity= Frequency x Wavelength. since velocity is a constant when the frequency increases the wavelength has to decrease.

__________x-rays are those those that exit the x-rays tube before interacting with the patient? A. remnant B. primary C. secondary scatter D. attenuating

B. Primary *during x-ray production, photons that are produced exit the tube via the window. Before the x-rays reach the patient, they are considered primary x-rays. The primary beam of photons is often termed the "useful" beam.

_________is the transfer of energy through space. A. irridation B.radiation C. ionization D. filtration

B. Radiation *when energy is emitted and travels through space, it is referred to as radiation. There are several types of radiation. For example, electromagnetic energy traveling through space is called electromagnetic radiation.

Isotopes have _______atomic number, _______atomic mass number, and _______neutron number. A. different, same, different B. same, different, different C. different, different, same D. same, same, same

B. Same; Different; Different *atoms that have the same atomic number but different atomic mass number are isotopes. Isotpe describes all atoms of given element.

The following equation represents what Law? mA x S = mAs A. the inverse square law B. law of reciprocity C. square law D. 15% rule

B. The Law of Reciprocity *The reciprocity law governs the relationship between mA & time in an exposure- to achieve the same mAs, as one factor changes (mA or time), the other changes in an inverse proportion. The reciprocity law states that a variety of different mA & time setting could produce the same mAs and therefor same density.

What is the wavelength equation? A. velocity= frequency x amplitude B. velocity= frequency x wavelength C. velocity= frequency x period D. velocity= frequency x crest

B. Velocity= Frequency x Wavelength *the wavelength formula is velocity= frequency x wavelength. Velocity is a constant which is the speed of light. Due to velocity being constant

What type of x-rays are produced when a traveling electron is slowed down by the electric field surrounding a target atom's nucleus, thereby releasing some of the electron's energy? A. characteristic x-rays B. bremsstrahlung x-rays C. ultraviolet x-rays D. gamma x-rays

B. bremsstrahlung x-rays *during the production of x-rays, projectile electrons may miss outer shell electrons in the target and move close to the nucleus. The electrical field of the nucleus is positive and can slow down a projectile electron with a negative charge. When the electron slows down the reduction in kinetic energy leads to release of energy as an x-ray photon. The resultant x-rays are called Bremsstrahlung x-rays, which means "braking", since the braking or slowing of projectile electrons is the cause. The kinetic energy of this radiation is determined by the kVp value chosen on the operating console.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of x-ray photons? A. invisible B. electrically positive C. travel at the speed of light D. has no mass

B. electrically positive *there are several charateristics of x-ray photons. Some of those are invisibility, travel at the speed of light, no mass and polyenergetic. Of all the characteristics that do exist, being electrically neutral in charge or lack thereof.

Which of the following is an advantages of using a fixed kVp chart? A. increased patient dose B. increased exposure latitude C. longer exposure times D. decreased exposure latitude

B. increased exposure latitude * Fixed kVp charts are used to help decreased the overall patient radiation dose and increased exposure latitude. By using higher kVp techniques, shorter exposure times are achieved, decreasing the opportunity for both intentional and unintentional motion.

______kVp systems can easily make small incremental changes, whereas _____kVp systems cannot. A. fixed; variable B. variable; fixed C. fixed; constant D. constant; fixed

B. variable; fixed * variable kVp systems allows the Technologist to have complete control over the technical factors selected. This control results in the ability to change kVp factors by small increments. Although this can be viewed as a positive characteristic of these systems, this does increase the risk of errors that can be made by the technologist. This increase in risk reassures the importance of the continuous practice of ALARA by all Radiologic Technologists.

1 keV equals how many electron volts? A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 10000

C. 1000 *keV stands for kiloelectron volt and kilo is the prefix for thousand. Electron volt describes the binding energy of electrons and the xray energies.

What is the maximum number of electrons that can be in the M-shell? A. 2 B. 8 C. 18 D. 32

C. 18 *the maximum number of electrons that can be in the M-shell of orbital is 18. The maximum number of electrons in an orbital shell is determined by the equation 2n 2. This is because a neutral atom has equal amount of photons to electrons. The element hydrogen has only one photon and one electron and it orbits the K shell. The K shell is the closest shell to the nucleus of the atom, L, M, N, O shells. K=2, L=8, N=32

In what year did Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen discover xrays? A. 1893 B. 1894 C. 1895 D. 1986

C. 1895 *Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen discovered xrays on Nov. 8, 1895 in his lab at eh University of Wurzburg in Germany. 1901 he received the first Nobel Prize for physics

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus that contains _____ protons and ______neutrons. A. 1, 1 B. 2, 1 C. 2, 2 D. 1, 2

C. 2, 2 *an alpha particle is equal to a helium nucleus, in that it contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons. In comparison to an electron, alpha particles are larger and exert a larger amount of electrostatic force. A distinct characteristic of alpha particles is its origination from the nucleus of heavy elements.

Who invented the fixed kilovoltage technique? A. Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen B. Eddy Clifford Jerman C. Arthur Wolfram Fuchs D. Evan Lewis Travis

C. Arthur Wolfram Fuchs *Arthur Wolfram Fuchs invented the fixed kilovoltage technique. He preformed radiography in both world wars and published two radiographic exposure books.

High velocity electrons that completely avoid the orbital electrons as the pass through a tungsten atom, yet come close enough to the nucleus of the atom to come under the influence of its positively charged electric field (P+) will produce what type of x-rays? A. characteristic xrays B. Compton xrays C. bremsstrahlung xrays D. Thompson xrays

C. Bremsstrahlung xrays *Bremsstrahlung literally means "braking". When a high velocity electron passes through a tungsten atom, avoiding the electrons yet coming close enough to the nucleus to be affected by the positively charged electrical field of the nucleus, the change of direction causes a release of xrays.

The strength of attachment of an electron to the nucleus is called______. A. Newton's third law B. electron opposition energy C. electron binding energy D. ionization potential energy

C. Electron binding energy *the closer an electron is to the nucleus; the more tightly it is bound. K-shell electrons have the highest binding energies, followed by L-shell, M-shell and so on. The binding energies in the K-shell are not the same in all atoms. These values vary depending on the total number of electrons in the atom.

The thickness of a designated absorber required to decrease the intensity of the primary beam by 50% of its initial is defined as ____________: A. added filtration B. inherent filtration C. half-value layer D. positive beam limitation

C. Half- Value Layer *if you were to take a material and apply a primary beam to it, the thickness of the designated absorber required to decrease that beam intensity by 50% of its initial value would define the half-value layer of that material. With the appropriate amount of filtration, an increase in the diagnostic quality of the image and a decrease in overall patient dose will occur.

As the SID (source to image distance) increases, the intensity of the x-rays beam decrease. This statement describes which law? A. Law of Beronie and Tribondeau B. Law of conservation of energy C. Inverse Square Law D. Law of inertia

C. Inverse Square Law *The inverse square law is used to help assist technologists in compensating for changes in SID that sometimes occur. As the SID increases, the intensity of the x-ray beam decreases. Oppositely, as the SID decreases, the intensity of the beam increases. It is key to adjust the intensity of the x-ray beam as SID changes to maintain radiographic quality.

What is the unit of resistance? A. amp B. force C. Ohm D. volt

C. Ohm *Ohm is the unit of resistance described as the resistance to a flow of current. Amp is defined as one coulomb of electrical energy change flowing per one second. Volt is the measure of potential difference.

What material is often used as the anode target material? A. lead B. titanium C. tungsten D. roentgenium

C. Tungsten *Tungsten is often used as anode target material. This is because with the atomic number of 74 it produces higher intensity x-ray beam. The intensity of the x-ray beam is approximately proportional to the atomic number of target material.

The measurement of the distance from one wave crest to another is called: A. velocity B. frequency C. wavelength D. amplitude

C. Wavelength *If you were to draw out a sine wave representing energy, there would be parts of the wave that would be above the axis and parts that would be below the axis. The portions of the wave that are above the axis are known as crests and the portions below are known as valleys.

_____________are originated in the electron shells, and ____________originate from the nucleus of a radioisotope. A. alpha, beta B. gamma, xrays C. xrays, gamma D. beta, alpha

C. Xrays and gamma rays *Xrays and gamma rays are forms of electromagnetic radiation. These photons, which travel at the speed of light, have only one difference between them: their location of origination. Xrays originate outside the nucleus, in the electron shells and gamma rays originate from the nucleus.

______________is the most important influence on subject contrast? A. SID B. mAs C. kVp D. OID

C. kVp *Low kVp values result in a short gray scale, which translates high subject contrast. High kVp values result in a long gray scale, which translates low subject contrast. Whether or not a high/low kVp value is chosen significantly affects subject contrast more than any other factor.

What is the ability of a material to become magnetized? A. paramagnetic B. ferromagnetic C. permeability D. retentivity

C. permeability * permeability is the ablitiy fo a material to become magnetized. Retentiviy is the ability of the material to stay magnetized. Paramagnetic and ferromagnetic are classifications of magnetic properties of materials.

A kVp linearity test means_____kVp and a mAs linearity test means________mAs. A. fixed; fixed B. fixed; variable C. variable; variable D. variable fixed

C. variable, variable * In the mAs test, you hold kVp fixed. In the kVp test, you hold the mAs fixed.

What percentage of energy is actually converted to X-radiation during the x-ray production process? A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 1%

D. 1%

Out of all the electrons traveling from the cathode to the anode, around_____% of their kinetic energy produces x-ray photons? A. 50% B. 5% C. 99% D. 1%

D. 1% Explanation: When projectile electrons travel from the cathode and bombard the anode, 99% of their kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy or heat. This production of heat is directly correlated with an increase in x-ray tube current. An increase in kVp also directly effects heat production.

What is the number f electrons the outermost shell of an atom can contain? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

D. 8 *The outermost shell of an atom can never exceed more than 8 electrons. This is known as the octet rule. Atos with the octet rule are considered inert and chemically stable. The specific electron configuration determines the elements position on the periodic table

Which of the following has the highest atomic number? A. air B. fat C. muscle D. bone

D. Bone * bone has an atomic number of 12.31, the higher atomic number makes it easier to see bone on a radiograph than any other material found in the body. This is because bone has a higher density and absorbs radiation better than soft tissue structures. With a greater absorption of photons fewer photons reach the radiograph making bone less radiographic dense on the image. Air= 7.78 atomic number Fat= 6.46 lowest atomic number is 4 Muscle= 7.64

Which option does not describe an x-ray interaction with matter? A. Compton effect B. photoelectric effect C. coherent scatter D. bremsstrahlung radiation

D. Bremsstrahlung Radiation

What type of radiation is x-ray? A. alpha B. beta C. particulate D. electromagnetic

D. Electromagnetic *X-rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma is another type of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation produce ionizing radiation by ways other than direct atomic collision. Particulate radiation produce ionizing radiation by direct atomic collisions. The types of particulate radiation are alpha and beta particles.

The type of energy that is used in an x-ray is___________. A. chemical energy B. nuclear energy C. thermal energy D. electromagnetic energy

D. Electromagnetic energy *electromagnetic energy is considered one of the least familiar forms of energy in comparison to other types of energies such as thermal, electrical, or chemical energy. In our field of work, however, electromagnetic energy is one of the most crucial energies, in that x-rays are a type of electromagnetic energy.

What describes the number of waves that pass a particular point in a certain time frame? A. period B. wavelength C. amplitude D. frequency

D. Frequency *frequency is the number of waves in an electromagnetic wave that pass a particular point in a certain time frame or can be described as a number of cycles per second. The unit of frequency is hertz. period is the time is takes to complete on wavelength. Wavelength is the distance between two of the same points on a wave. Amplitude is the maximum height of the wave, the intensity of the wave.

When electrons strike the anode, the following effects take place: I. Production of heat II. characteristic x-rays production III. Bremsstrahlung x-rays production

D. I, II, and III * When electrons strike the anode, three things are produced: heat characteristic x-rays and bremsstrahlung x-rays. The traveling electron strikes the target, and the outcome is the conversion of the kinetic energy in the form of thermal energy and electromagnetic energy in the form thermal energy and electromagnetic energy in the form of infrared radiation and x-rays.

_________is the emission of particles and energy in order to become stable. A. convection B. momentum C. acceleration D. radioactivity

D. Radioactivity *Often, atoms exist in a excited state because of an unstable nucleus. The goal of all atoms is to become stable and in order to do that; they will emit particles and energy to change their state. When this emission occurs, radioactivity begins.

_______________________x-rays are those that exit the patient and produce the radiographic image. A. secondary scatter B. attenuating C. primary D. remnant

D. Remnant *When preforming a radiograph, xrays travel from the tube, through the patient and strike the IR forming the Latent image. The photons that remain of the useful beam after travelling through the patient and strike the IR are know as Remnant.

Which of the following is a factor that would appropriate a change in kVp? A. patient body habitus B. desired change in contrast C. desired change in ionizing chamber D. desired change in backup time

D. desired change in contrast * kVp should never be changed to compensate for patients boy habitus. Also a change in kVp does not affect which ionizing chamber is used during the exposure. The backup time can be changed on the operating console. kVp is the controlling factor of range of contrast.

________is the number of wavelengths that pass by a given point each second, and is measured in ______. A. amplitude; hertz (Hz) B. Velocity; joules (J) C. momentum; joules (J) D. frequency; hertz (Hz)

D. frequency; hertz (Hz) * the frequency of a wave is measured by calculating the number of wavelengths that pass a stationary point during a one interval. Often, this is referred to as cycles per second. the unit of measurement for frequency is hertz (Hz) and each individual hertz is equal to one cycle per second.

What affects the penetrability of the x-ray beam? A. mAs B. beam restrictor C. collimator D. kVp

D. kvp *If kVp is increases fewer photons interact with matter allowing more to pass through the patient to interact with the film. The higher the kVp the more penetrating the x-ray beam will be but there will also be more scatter radiation. Scatter radiation is increased because with the increase in kVp Compton interactions occur more often causing the scatter.

What is Force?

Force in the xray beam is the difference between the number of electrons at one end of the circuit versus the other end of the circuit.

What is Linearity?

Linearity in radiography refers to production of a constant amount of radiation for different combinations of millamperage and exposure time. In the clinical setting, it is essential that all general x-ray units produce a proportional change in exposure as milliamperage (mA) varies. The assumption is that an increase in mAs, should produce proportional increase in radiation exposure. The purpose of the mAs linearity test is to determine if the x-ray unit produces the same radiation output linearity for the same kVp and mAs regardless of the mA station used. When referring to mA stations, exposure linearity must be within 10% for adjacent mA stations. In addition, if three exposures are taken, where two of the exposure should be the same with in + or - 5% of the original exposure amount.

Explain kVp....

The term kVp is used to denote teh endpoint or highest x-ray level energy in the spectrum. It refers to the potential difference between the cathode and the anode of the tube. The spectrum of x-rays is generated by the bremsstrahlung or "Braking Radiation" process when the electrons are decelerated by the anode. Most photons/xrays in the spectrum have energies will below the tube voltage, with the average occurring between a quarter to a third of the peak voltage.

explain mAs........

The term mAs is the product of the tube current and the time for which it is turned on. This is how many electrons/sec go from the cathode to the anode time the # of sec this current is on. This product tells one how many electrons hit the anode. It is used by the industry as a rough approximation to dose to the patient or as a setting on the machine to specify image quality.

Why is tungsten used as anode material? A. high atomic number B. low atomic number C. low heat conducting ability D. high conversion efficiency

a. High atomic number *tungsten is used as an anode target material for three main reasons. High atomic number, high melting point and heat conducting ability. Tungsten high melting point can withstand the heat made during xray production and it conducts heat well. tungsten has an atomic number of 74 which helps in the production of diagnostic range photons.

That is Paramagnetic

material with low permeability and weak magnetic field attractions such as platinum and aluminum.

What is Ferromagnetic

materials that are highly permeable such as iron, cobalt and nickel.

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