BOC 5.2 Process Flow on a P&ID

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Control Valve

identify the valve symbol D in the figure

Globe Valve

identify the valve symbol F in the figure

double disc gate valve

identify the valve symbol G in the figure

Piston-Operated Valve

identify the valve symbol H in the figure

Solenoid valve

identify the valve symbol I in the figure

Angle valve

identify the valve symbol J in the figure

needle valve

identify the valve symbol K in the figure

Check Valve

identify the valve symbol L in the figure

Ball control valve with positioner

identify the valve symbol M in the figure

Butterfly control valve

identify the valve symbol N in the figure

Relief valve

identify the valve symbol O in the figure

Plug valve

identify the valve symbol P in the figure


From the P&ID provided, identify the identification number of the propane pipeline.

35 feet 6 inch

From the P&ID provided, identify the maximum level setting for D-053

0 - 3000 PSIG

From the P&ID provided, identify the measuring range for PI-1654

0 - 200 PSIG

From the P&ID provided, identify the measuring range of pressure indicator after the centrifugal pump.

0 - 30 PSIG

From the P&ID provided, identify the measuring range of pressure indicator before the centrifugal pump.

25 feet 8 inch

From the P&ID provided, identify the minimum level setting for D-053

346.0 PSIG

From the P&ID provided, identify the set point for PZV-202B.


From the P&ID provided, identify the size of the propane pipeline.

field mounted instrument needing electrical supply

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location and power supply needed for 'E'.

field mounted instrument needing instrument air

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location and power supply needed for 'F'.

field mounted instrument needing air and electricity

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location and power supply needed for 'G'.

instrument identification

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location and power supply needed for 'H'.

locally mounted instrument in the field

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location for A

board mounted instrument in the control room

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location for B

rack mounted instrument in the control room

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location for C

locally mounted instrument on a panel in the field

From the instrument symbols provided, identify the instrument location for D

process line

From the line designation symbol provided, identify the type of line for 'A'.

air/pneumatic line

From the line designation symbol provided, identify the type of line for 'B'.

electrical line

From the line designation symbol provided, identify the type of line for 'C'.


Identify the main process variable being measured from the instrument abbreviation 'FIC'.


Identify the main process variable being measured from the instrument abbreviation 'LG'.


Identify the main process variable being measured from the instrument abbreviation 'PCV'.


Identify the main process variable being measured from the instrument abbreviation 'TS'.

Kettle type heat exchanger

Identify the process equipment from the equipment symbol provided.

dome roof tank

Identify the process equipment from the equipment symbol provided.

heat exchanger kettle type

Identify the process equipment from the equipment symbol provided.

process vessel

Identify the process equipment from the equipment symbol provided.

rotary compressor

Identify the process equipment from the equipment symbol provided.


P&ID contain more information about -------------in a process


P&ID for a facility include a section that identifies all the symbols and abbreviation used on the drawing is known as -------------------

Right side

To trace a product, you would normally follow the product on a P&ID sheet from where it comes in on the left side to where it leaves the ———————-+


What is the abbreviation used for a pressure relief valve on a P&ID?

level control valve

What type of instrument is abbreviated LCV on a P&ID?

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