Body, Mind and Spirit

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How energy blockages lead to disease

1: Area of contraction is created around suppressed energy to suppress it 2: The contraction leads to chronic tension in surrounding tissues 3: Tension decreases in flow of blood, lymph, nutrients, O2, life force energy and decreased outflow of toxins 4: over time it affects proper fx, fatigue, toxins build up and tissues aren't receiving what they need 5: if fatigue is ignored, body begins to malfunction subtly, weight gain, tight joints, compromised digestion, minor skin issues, don't sleep well, get sick etc 6: if continued to be ignored, more imbalance, symptoms worsen and medical tests label a specific disease 7: if we take mess or procedure it will alleviate some and create others if energy body hasn't been addressed, the root cause of disease hasn't been addressed

Key principles for healing all the way

1: any physical symptoms is a call to align more deeply with your true self 2: with a commitment to healing, steps will be shown to you in ways that you cannot plan 3: let go of what you think you know and take time to listen 4: pay attention to memories, insights and guidance that come to you during or after quiet time with your body 5: be open to being led to a multi-dimensional approach that could include movement, body/energy work, nutritional adjustments, therapy, taking an honest look at relationships, more downtime, more sleep, time in nature etc 6: any physical symptoms that are in process of healing will excavate deeply held emotions. Do your best to allow these to flow through and be expressed in appropriate ways 7: even though you may not see physical results at first, deeper mental, emotional and energetic shifts often need to happen first 8: trusting others to support us is a part of the healing 9: most symptoms took a long time to appear and it will generally take a while for the to reverse 10: life wants you to heal, trust

3 primary ways to make decisions

1: conditioning-programmed to choose foods we are raised with 2: education-usually results with good or bad foods 3: intuition-filter info through our head

7 eating guidelines

1: eat when hungry 2: eat sitting down in a calm environment 3: eat without distractions 4: eat what your body wants 5: eat with enjoy,net, gusto and pleasure 6: eat until you're satisfied 7: eat with the intention of being in full view of others

Suggestion to avoid structure freedom continuum

1: make a to do list, let the order unfold organically 2: allow yourself natural time days with no schedule 3: use recipes to cook with, have fun creating a meal from fridge and garden 4: read books, take courses and classes, listen when to let go of outside info, learn from inner guidance 5: take structured exercise and movement classes, dance and move intuitively 6: commit to doing a structured cleaner or diet for a certain period of time and allow yourself to listen to your body with no food rules at all 7: let some of your land and garden space be planned for plants to give and space for wild and unexpected plants, insects, birds etc to show up 8: think about possible activities before spending time with family and friends, also just go with the flow 9: do research to solve an issue in your life, also just be quiet to open for inner guidance

How to incorporate compassionate listening

1: practice listening to your inner body in quiet time and refer to guided meditations 2: become familiar with how your energy field, including your energy chakras responds to various relationships, circumstances and interactions 3: notice how your body responds to clients over time you will develop a greater capacity to maintain attention on who is going on internally and during sessions 4: teach your clients to listen compassionately together. When they report feeling uncomfortable emotions, have them close their eyes, take conscious breaths, ask where they are feeling the emotion, 5: strip off the label and describe what they feel 6: encourage observing the feeling without agenda and breathing smoothly, stay open and curious 7: ask of any changes and continue to witness what unfolds in the shared field, notice the body relax and mind quiet down

Guidelines for eating intuitively?

1: recognize that your body is your ally and bring your awareness there often 2: let go of perfection 3: let go of rules 4: get into the habit of asking the body what it wants 5: pay attention before you eat 6: pay attention while you're eating 7: pay attention after you eat 8: don't keep junk at home 9: practice

Determining the spiritual life lesson of a symptom

1: what is the primary symptom? 2: what is the normal fx of the affected body part or process? 3: what metaphor comes to mind? 4: which chakra does this relate to? 5: what is the sacred truth? 6: what are the related mental and emotional issues? 7: what changed have happened in your life as a result of your symptoms and in what ways is the physical issues a gift? 8: use the previous steps to come up with a possible spiritual life lesson

In summary, energy awareness

24/7 tool that can contribute to wholeness 1: recognize energy work around us-can boost vitality 2: remove harmful tendencies from shadow and light 3: create foundation for mutual growth in peaceful relationships 4: help others heal by being present 5: gain insight and intuition when we penetrate areas of stagnant energy

Emotional Expression

4 primary behavioural patterns with respect to emotional expression Volatility Suppression Sensitivity Fluidity

Most people use how much of their brain consciously?


Human body vibrates at?


How much of the brain is used subconsciously?

95% From external sources: interpretations, decisions, actions, emotions, behaviour and reactions

How to reduce a persons frequency?

A negative mental and emotional state by 10-12MHz


A spiritual process with its own timing Sometimes we need to work with other emotional layers first

Sacral/2nd chakra

Above public bone and below navel Honour one another Creativity and harmony in relationships, creativity, emotional fluidity, pleasure and joy, abundance and lack, sharing and possessiveness, blame and guilt, money and sex, power and control Related disease: infertility, ovarian cysts, fibroids, PMS, extreme menopausal symptoms, prostate disease, sexual dysfunction, Crohn's, colitis, IBD

Energy Medicine

All of life is fundamentally made of energy Everything is made up of energy, nothing is dead ex. Rock

What is anything that we do to avoid feelings?

An addiction

What are the 4 main emotions?

Anger Happiness Anxiety and fear Sadness

Habits of intuitive people

Art of intuition by Sophie Burnham 1: they listen to their inner voice 2: they take time for solitude 3: they create 4: they practice mindfulness 5: they observe things deeply 6: they listen to their bodies 7: they connect deeply with others 8: they pay attention to their dreams 9: they even enjoy plenty of downtime 10: they work through challenging emotions

Healing is possible?

At every and any stage

Root/first chakra

Base of spine, pelvic floor and first 3 vertebrae All is one Safety and security Courage and fear, feeling physically and emotionally safe, ability to stand up for self, provide for life's necessities and feeling at home Related disease: constipation, bladder issues, low back/leg/feet issues, eating disorders, immune relate disorders, adrenal fatigue, varicose veins, osteoporosis and AIDS

Bruce Tainio's research says?

Below 62MHz: human. Elle can start to mutate 58MHz: cold or flu 55MHz: Candida is present 52MHz: Epstein-Barr virus is present Below 42MHz: cancer can appear 20MHz: deTh process begins

Solar plexus/3rd chakra

Between navel and breastbone Honour oneself, connecting to and honouring authentic personal values Self esteem, self confidence, self respect, care of oneself and others, trust, personal honour, sense of purpose, sensitivity of and to criticism, responsibility for making decisions, fear and intimidation Related disease: diabetes, under active stomach, gall stones, liver issues, kidney issues and stones, ulcers, hiatus hernia, eating disorders, digestive issues

Bruce Lipton

Biology of Belief 3 ways to disturb the signals going to the cells are: physical trauma, toxins and thought

What is the primary cause of physical disase?

Blocked energy

All of our experiences

Both pleasant and not Leave traces in our bodies such as memories, neurological and chemical pathways Changes in cell fx and changes in energy flow impact health and fx of our tissues

Other consequences of stagnant energy?

Breathing is affected The health of whole body is compromised We stop living in our bodies but in our heads

The Work

Byron Katie Judge your neighbour worksheet

Heart chakra/4th chakra

Centre of chest Love is divine power, giving and receiving unconditionally Love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance of self and others, commitment and loneliness, grief and anger, resentment and bitterness, jealousy and betrayal, hatred toward self and others Related disease: heart disease, breast cancer, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, upper back issues, high Bp


Control above the genes How cells are affected by outside influences through modifications of gene expression rather than alterations to the genetic code

Power vs force

Dr David Hawes What is good for you is good for me, harmonic inductance

What it takes to heal

Dr Kelly Turner, Radical Remission 1: radically changing your diet 2: taking control of your health 3: follow your intuition 4: using herbs and supplements 5: releasing suppressed emotions 6: Increasing positive emotions 7: embracing social support 8: deepening spiritual connection 9: identifying strong reasons for living

Nocebo Effect

Effects of negative thinking

What is the conditioned self?

Ego Not good or bad Just conditioned from experiences and a result of human being doing the best to fit in and stay physically and emotionally safe

Fluidity is?

Emotions are deep Move quickly in absence of extremes Done much personal work to understand our emotional being and when emotions come they move freely with little or any resistance When others feel intense emotions we are empathetic but then don't stick to use People feel comfortable expressing themselves around us and report feeling more relaxed and calm

Volatility is?

Emotions are expressed freely From a distorted place Usually out of proportion to the circumstances Quickly escalates from one emotion to the other Tendency to blame outside circumstances for how we are feeling

Thoughts and emotions are composed of?


We attract experiences that we need to grow

Even physical challenges (symptoms and disease) to teach us about ourselves and encourage us to let go of energy, thoughts, emotional patterns that result in authentic ways of being

Meditation lays the foundation for?

Excavating deeper and deeper layers of energies that need to move

Sensitivity is?

Express emotions freely Sense they are from a genuine place Empathetic and might feel like we are feeling the emotions for others Picking yo negative emotions often tires and depletes us

Desire come from?

Fear itself

When we commit to uncovering our true nature

Forgiveness is a matter of course, we are forgiving ourselves for closing our hearts to life as the great benevolent force that brings us all that we need to open our hearts including challenging relationships

General Adaptation Syndrome

GAS 1930s by Hans Selye Studied rats and stress =illness Mind-body medicine

Other ways to heal

Get rest, sunshine, fresh air Eliminate toxins Drink clean water Grow your own food Move Spend time in nature Cultivate community and commitment, connection with family Appreciate your talents and other gifts Participate in prayer

Fear is?

Growing edge Fear without danger is rich territory

Energy has high or low vibration

Higher vibration: Appreciation, real food, positive thinking Lower vibration: judgement, fake food, negative thoughts

Emotion quote

If we could simply stay present in the body, feel the emotion all the way and allow it to complete itself, it would pass through quickly

Isatrogenic Illness

Illness due to medical treatment

Feelings are generated

In the inner body

How does energy travel?

In waves Every atom gives off info in the form f vibrational waves and absorbs vibration from around it Ex. Feeling grounded when touching a tree

We are shown the way

Indirect proportion to our readiness, receptivity and willingness to surrender to the mystery that we sense outside of our current consciousness

Pain is?

Inevitable, suffering is optional


Is an exploration that we have all signed up for whether we realize it or not, we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience-French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

What are the 4 steps of the judge your neighbour worksheet?

Is it true? Can you absolutely know that it is true? How do you react? What happened? Who would you be or what would you've with/without the thought?

If your soul is ready to shed a particular pattern

It will make it obvious by attracting it repeatedly

Food is energy too

Life changing foods by Anthony Williams Energetic properties of many foods Ex, when we crave unwholesome foods it may be because we are avoiding awareness

Law of attraction

Life wants us to become conscious of the fullness of who we are Energy is governed by this law

Light and shadow

Light side expressed evolved authentic qualities effortlessly Shadow side expressed part of our growth that were stunted, that we try to hide or that we've developed distorted patterns around

True fear and false fear

Limbic system Amygdala-threat Hippocampus: stores emotionally charged memories Thalamus: relays info to the prefrontal cortex, can increase or decrease initial response based on interpretation

The connection between matter and spirit

Located at the heart chakra which united the lower energy chakras of matter and upper energy centres of spirit

Anthony William

Medical Medium

Living primarily in our heads

No longer open to ways our bodies communicate within and we lose sight of our body's needs Pleasant emotions become elusive, harder to access and disconnects from our hearts and intuition-authentic self connection is lost

Our true nature doesn't need fear

Or desire to motivate, it's primary motivation is to express itself

Subconscious mind is associated with?

Original mammalian brain Conscious mind is much slower (creative and generates free will)

Caroline Myss

Our biography is our biology

Sadness is?

Perception f something of value has been or will be lost

Anxiety and fear is?

Perception of threat or danger might not be able to face

Anger is?

Perception of violation, injustice or frustration relate to what we want

Happiness is?

Perception or expectation of physical or emotional gain

Higher frequencies can?

Positively affect lower frequency energies Ex. Energy healers, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch

Shell shock

Post traumatic stress disorder: PTSD

How to increase a persons frequency?

Prayer, meditation and other positive states can increase by 10-15MHz

Harmonic indulgence

Process of one thing changing the vibration of another


Relates to realities that are beyond our physical senses and educated mind

Energy is truthful

Relays directly to developing intuition Energy fired contained specific info and memories Ex. Organ transplant recipients claim they have inherited memories, experiences and emotions of their donors

Lower energy centres of matter

Root Sacral Solar plexus Physical reality


Sister science to yoga Our health is affected by innumerable internal and external elements

Edgar Cayce

Sleeping prophet, father of holistic medicine

By raising your own frequency

Slightly by regular practice of kidneys, love and receptivity, seeing endless good and beauty it can counter balance 90,000 ppl who live with shame, anger, hatred, guilt, depression, despair

Intuition is?

Something that we know, or it arises from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning It's knowing without knowing

Meditation isnt

Something we do, a natural state that is always here, lying upright beneath the many details that make up our moments

Energy permeates all?

Space The space between objects is made up of energy

Brow/3rd eye/6th chakra

Space between eyebrows Seek only the truth, intuition and understanding Discernment between truth and illusion, open mindedness and imagination, ability to learn from experience, inner vision and intuition, ignorance and wisdom Related disease: tension headaches, migraines, vision issues, glaucoma, sinus issues, stroke, ADD, ADHD, cataracts

Emotions are?

Specific set of sensations E-motion

Hypnagogic Trance Or highly programmable state

Subconscious minds of children are programmed in the womb and until 6ish consciousness isn't available

Placebo Effect

Sugar pills Real physiological changes occur Mind over medicine by lissa Rankin

Suppression is?

Suppress and deny feelings Rationalize challenging situations to avoid what we feel Clear to others emotions are present even without expression behaviour can appear rigid and controlled

Transcendental Medicine

TM Relaxation Response 1968 Dr. Herbert Benson

The upper energy chakras of spirit

Throat Brow Crown Relate mostly to our spiritual awareness

Throat/5th chakra

Throat Surrender personal will to fib one will, to accept change and to express authentically Authentic expression, deep listening choice end faith, judge,England criticism, fear of not being accepted, change, surrender Related disease: thyroid issues gum disease, jaw issues, tonsillitis, sore throats

Judge your neighbour worksheet

To identify stressful beliefs, meditation, opening the heart 4 steps

Crown/7th chakra

Top of head Live in the present moment, acceptance and connection to the divine Ability to trust life, faith and inspiration, spirituality and devotion, selflessness and humanitarianism Related disease: stroke, Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, depression, epilepsy, MS, schizophrenia, autism

Through the law of attraction

We draw to us client relationships that have the capacity to bring forth growth and evolution

When we are present with what is

We open to what life is asking us to explore together

When we take responsibility for our energy field

We realize residual emotions from past painful events are ours to liberate deeper access to spiritual understanding that clearly sees the other persons innocence and that they are doing the best they can

Geneen Roth

When food is love, women, food and God Food issues are spiritual issues 7 eating guidelines

Most intuitive times are?

When relaxed In shower or bath Being creative In nature First thing in the morning When meditating When doing mindful movements

Energy is independent of space and time

When you think about someone if they are open the energy signature had the potential to reach them instantaneously

Shared field

Your energy is blended with others to create a shared field ex, I was just thinking that

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