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located in between superior articular facets of the sacrum anterior to the sacral canal

base of the sacrum

latitudinal region of mandible


pedicle of vertebra

bone region between body and transverse process

lamina of vertebra

bone region between transverse process and spinous process

what rib-articulating facet does T10-T12 have


differentiating characteristics of thoracic vertebra

facets/demifacets, and elongated spinous process

intervertebral discs are made of what type of connective tissue


ribs 11-12 are considered

floating ribs

ethmoid bone

floor and anterior wall of cranial cavity


forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum

4 single cranial bones

frontal, occipital, ethmoid, and sphenoid

differentiating characteristics of lumbar vertebrae

large body, and hatchet spinous process

two elevated ridges material to the posterior sacral foramina

lateral sacral crest

inferior nasal conchae

lie inside the nasal cavity and serve to increase the turbulence of air flowing through in route to the lungs

name ossicle bones

malleus, incus, stapes

2 single facial bones

mandible and vomer

Temporal Mandibular junction

mandibular fossa off the temporal bone articulates with the mandibular condyles of the mandible

what two major Bones components make up the sternum

manubrium, and body

6 paired facial bones

maxilla, zygomatic, lacrimal, nasal, inferior nasal conchae, and palatine

elevated ridge in the medial portion of the posterior view of the sacrum

median sacral crest

Holes in mandible below teeth

mental foramen

nasal bones

nasal bones form the superior portion of the bridge of the nose

differentiating characteristic of atlas

no body

posterior to the base of the sacrum

sacral canal of the sacrum

located directly inferior to the median sacral crest of the sacrum

sacral hiatus

pathological bend along frontal(left or right) plane of vertebra


Bone features of sphenoid bone

sella turcica, lesser wings, greater wings, and optic foramen

sphenoid bone

serves to unite the cranial and facial bones, acting as a keystone to strength the lateral walls of the cranium.

what is the are of articulation between the manubrium and body fat he sternum called

sternal angle

processes of a vertebra

superior articular process, spinous process, and transverse process

what rib-articulating facet does T9 have

superior demifacet

what two rib-articulating facets does T2-T8 have

superior demifacet and inferior demifacet

what two rib-articulating facets does T1 have

superior facet and inferior demifacet

two parietal bones

superior lateral walls of cranial cavity

three nasal conchae

superior, middle, inferior

bone feature of frontal bone

supraorbital foramen

what feature of the sternum is located on the superior edge of the manubrium

suprasternal notch

what process of the zygomatic bone forms part of the zygomatic arch

temporal process

the rib number corresponds to

the Thoracic vertebrae number of the superior demifacet

lacrimal bones

together with the maxillae, the lacrimal bones contribute to the medial portion of eye orbit

Alveoli (alveolar process)

tooth socket

The head of rib 6 articulates with the inferior demifacet if T5 and articulates with he superior demifacet if T6


The tubercle of rib 6 articulates with the transverse process of thoracic vertebra 6


what feature do floating ribs lack (11-12)


ribs 8-12 are considered

vertebrochondral ribs

what bone feature is located at the very inferior end of the body of the sternum

xiphoid process

does the sacrum have a superior articular facet


zygomatic arch

zygomatic process of temporal bone articulates with temporal process of zygomatic bone

features of temporal bone

zygomatic process, external acoustic meatus, mastoid process, styloid process, mandibular fossa

bones that make up the orbit of the eye

zygomatic, palatine, lacrimal, maxilla, sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid

how many curves are there in the vertebra of a fetus


to side a bone, you need

1) an anterior or posterior reference 2) a medial or lateral reference

what ribs are true ribs


how many pairs of ribs are there


number of thoracic vertebra


how many bones make up the appendicular skeleton


how many facial bones are there


how many curves are in an adult vertebra


number of lumbar vertebra


number of cervical vertebra


how many cranial bones are there


what ribs are false ribs


how many bones make up the axial skeleton


what is the name of the first cervical vertebra

Atlas (C1)

differentiating characteristic od axis

Dens of axis

Occipital bone features

Foramen magnum, external occipital protuberance, occipital condyles

three major features of a rib

Head, tubercle, and shaft(body)

pathological bend at the cervical vertebra


palatine bone

L-shaped bones that form, with the maxillae, part of the bony roof of the mouth and a small portion of the eye orbit

differentiating characteristics of cervical vertebra

Transverse foramen, and bifurcated spinous process

hyoid bone

U-shaped bone that is not attached to axial skeleton -serves for attachment of muscles that control the mandible,, tongue, and larynx -no articulations with any other bones

articulation is

a joint or point of contact between bones, cartilage and bones, and teeth and bone

fact about rhinoplasty

a rhinoplasty can involve changing skin or cartilage of nose and even the bone of the nose -two procedures: closed: incisions are hidden inside the nose open: incision is made across columella

functions of fontanels

allow the head of the infant to fit through the mothers pelvis at birth (as the bones of the skull are not yet formed) -to accommodate the growing brain

bone features of the maxilla

alveoli, and palatine process

frontal bone

anterior portion of cranial cavity

directly inferior to the anterior sacral foramina

apex of the sacrum

small lips located on the very lateral edges of the posterior sacrum


what is the name if the second cervical vertebra

axis (c2)

regions of the vertebral column

cervical, thoracic, lumber, sacrum, and coccyx

what feature of the sternum is located on the superior and lateral portion of the manubrium

clavicular notch

small pointy process at the end of the sacrum


posterior process of mandible

condylar process

4 main sutures

coronal, sagittal, lambdoid, and squamous(2)

sutures of the skull

coronal, sagittal, lambdoid, squamous

anterior process of mandible

coronoid process

ethmoid bone features

crista galli, cribriform plate, olfactory foramina, superior nasal conchae, middle nasal conchae, perpendicular plate

costal cartilage is made up of what type of tissue

hyaline cartilage connective tissue

pathological bend at lumbar vertebra


facets of a vertebra

inferior articular facet, superior articular facet, inferior/superior demifacets, and superior/inferior facets

temporal bones

inferior lateral walls of cranial cavity; house organs of inner ear

what classifies a true rib

own individual connection to sternum

2 paired cranial bones

parietal(2) and temporal(2) bones

pectoral girdle

point where bones of appendicular skeleton articulate with he axial skeleton

occipital bone

posterior wall of cranial cavity

fetal fontanels

posterolateral (mastoid) fontanel, anterolateral (sphenoid) fontanel, anterior fontanel, and posterior fontanel

longitudinal region of mandible



the lower jawbone that articulates with the temporal bone, forming the only moveable joint of the skull. The mandible also has alveoli for articulation with the teeth


the two maxillae together form the upper jawbone. Each maxilla has alveoli for articulation with the teeth. The maxillae also form the inferior and medial portions of the eye orbit, and part of the bony roof of the mouth

zygomatic bones

the two zygomatic bones form the cheekbones and the lateral portion of the eye orbits

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