Bontrager Ch. 12-Radiographic Anatomy of the Biliary Tract

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Name the bile route from start to finish:

-R & L hepatic ducts -common hepatic duct -common bile duct -pancreatic duct (duct of Wirsung) -duodenum

How long is the cystic duct?

3-4 cm

How much bile does a typical gallbladder hold at one point?

30-40 mL

How many lobes is the liver divided into?

4; 2 major, 2 minor

How long is the normal gallbladder?

7-10 cm

How long is the common bile duct?

7.5 cm

How much bile does the liver produce in a day?

800-1000 mL/day (1 quart)

Of all the abdominal regions, which does the liver occupy most or all of?

R hypochondrium, major part of the epigastrum, and a significant part of L hypochondrium

Which quadrant does the liver mainly occupy?


What are the major functions of bile?

aid in digestion of fats by emulsifying (breaking down) fat globules and the absorption of fat following its digestion

Is the gallbladder more anterior or posterior to the midcoronal plane?


The ____ is the main section of the gallbladder.


Which lobe is located posteriorly to the quadrate lobe?

caudate lobe

Typically, where is the gallbladder nestled in the liver?

centrally in the inferior and posterior aspect

What hormone is secreted by the duodenum when fatty acids are present?


Bile also contains __________, which is made soluble in the bile by ____ _____/

cholesterol; bile salts

If bile is not directed to the gallbladder for temporary storage, via what duct can it be secreted directly into the duodenum?

common bile duct


condition of having gallstones

Through which duct is bile carried to the gallbladder from the common hepatic duct?

cystic duct

What is another term for the pancreatic duct?

duct ofWirsung

What are the 2 major lobes of the liver separated by?

falciform ligament

The ______ is the distal end and the broadest part of the gallbladder.


Where is bile stored?




What is the process of concentrating bile within the gallbladder?

hydrolysis (removal of water)


inflammation of the gallbladder

Where is bile manufactured?


What is the largest solid organ in the body and how much does it weigh?

liver; 3-4 lbs

Where is the common bile duct located and where does it enter the duodenum?

located posteriorly to the superior duodenum and enters at the descending or second portion

What to radiographic examinations of the biliary system study?

manufacture, transport, and storage of bile

The ____ is the narrow, proximal end which continues as the ______ duct.

neck; cystic

What duct joins the common bile duct to empty into the duodenum via the duodenal papilla?

pancreatic duct (at the hepatopancreatic sphincter)

What is another term for the duodenal papilla through which the common bile duct and duct of Wirsung enter?

papilla of Vater

What is the gallbladder shaped like and what three parts is it identified by?

pear shaped; fundus, body, and neck

Where can the 2 minor lobes of the liver be found?

posterior aspect of the major right lobe

What does the spiral valve in the cystic duct serve to do?

prevent collapse of the cystic duct

Which of the livers 100's of functions is important radiographically?

production of large amounts of bile

Radiographically, which position would place the gallbladder closest to the IR?


Which of the minor lobes is located anteriorly, between the falciform ligament and the gallbladder?

quadrate lobe


rad. exam of biliary ducts


relationship to bile

What two ducts join to form the common hepatic duct in which bile travels?

right and left hepatic ducts

When viewed anteriorly, which lobes of the liver can be seen?

right and left major lobes

Where is the livers greatest vertical dimension?

right border (6-7 in)


sac or ladder

What is another term for the hepatopancreatic sphincter?

sphincter of Oddi

What are the membraneous folds contained within the cystic duct termed?

spiral valve

What are the three primary functions of the gallbladder?

store bile, concentrate bile and contract when stimulated

What happens to bile if it is not needed for digestion?

stored in the gallbladder


study of both the gallbladder and the biliary ducts

To assist in drainage of the gallbladder, which position is most beneficial?



surgical removal of the gallbladder

Viewed anteriorly, what shape does the liver form?

triangular shape (superiorly convex to conform to the right hemidiaphragm)

What transports the bile?

various ducts

When should the gallbladder contract?

when fats or fatty acids are in the duodenum

When do gallstones (choleliths) form?

when too much water is absorbed or when the cholesterol becomes too concentrated

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