fine manual control manual coordination body coordination strength and agility
4 composites of BOT
Subtest 1: Fine motor precision
5 drawing items, filling in shapes, mazes, connecting dots, 1 paper folding item, 1 cutting item UNTIMED PRECISION
long form short form composites subtests
BOT structure
long form takes 40-80 minutes
BOT time
4 composites and 8 subtests
BOT total motor components comprised of
supporting diagnoses of motor impairments screening making placement decisions developing and evaluating motor training programs and progress research
BOT uses
subtest 1: fine motor precision and Subtest 2: Fine motor integration
Fine manual control subtests
T/F? The BOT rounds up chronological age
strength and agility
assesses control and coordination of the large musculature involved in locomotion, especially in recreational and competitive sports
subtest 6: running speed and agility
clinical observations regarding gait
manual coordination
control and coordination of arms and hands OBJECT MANIPULATION
fine manual control
control and coordination of distal musculature of hands and fingers grasping, writing, drawing
body coordination
control and coordination of the large musculature that aids in maintaining posture and balance
Subtest 3: manual dexterity and subtest 7: upper limb coordination
manual coordination subtests
Subtest 5: balance
measures control skills required for maintaining posture when standing, walking, or performing activities
Subtest 4: Bilateral coordination
measures motor skills involved in playing sports and recreational games
Subtest 3: manual dexterity
measures speed and dexterity TIMED
sex-specific and combined for all ages
Subtest 2: Fine motor integration
replicating various geometric shapes; scoring based on basic shapes, closure, edges, orientation, overlap, and overall size
Subtest 4: Bilateral coordination and Subtest 5: balance
subtests of body coordination
subtest 6: running spped and agility and subtest 8: strength
subtests of strength and agility
target population
subtest 8: strength
trunk, upper, and lower body strength
subtest 7: upper limb coordination
visual tracking with coordinated aim and hand movements BALL