British Literature Exam

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The _____________________________ is an argument that combines hope and joy that argues the existence of heaven. The foundation of the argument is this : Even with the fulfillment of a desire, there's still that longing that only joy can fulfill.

Argument from Joy

List two reasons why Lewis is worth studying

He writes multiple genres and puts God as the focus

___________ - a continual looking forward to the something good in the future. __________ is one of the theological virtues. So a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do. ____________ - state one feels sometimes when certain desires are fulfilled in long-lasting ways

Hope ; hope ; joy

Why does Lewis include the velvet-footed lion scene?

It's reminiscent of the "Eden" that should've been our world

Who were the Inklings (name a few) and what did they do?

J.R.R, Lewis, etc. ; they were a writing group that got together at the Eagle and Kid to talk about writings and just hangout on Mondays and Fridays

In 1931 Lewis became a Christian after a conversation with __________ and _____________.

J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson

Clive Staples (_________) Lewis, 1898-1963


What did Lewis' friends call him?


While both Jack and Ikey (The intelligent man) experience pain in chapter 6, it's clear that Ikey's is far worse than Jack's, Why?

Jack is working through the process of staying and Ikey is fighting it

Modus Ponens Premise of argument : Creatures are not born with _________ except that which there is a satisfaction of these ___________ If we have a desire for _____________ ____________, then something that satisfies that desire must exist. We have a desire for _____________ ____________. Therefore, something that satisfies that desire must exist.

desires; desires; another world; another world

What did Shaw's father do for work? How did this affect the way Shaw grew up?

first a sinecured civil servant and then an unsuccessful grain merchant

What award did Lewis win while at Oxford? What did this award mean?

Triple First

While at Oxford University, Lewis won a _________ _________.

Triple First

Many of Shaw's plays revolve around a conflicted parent-child relationship. Why is this?

he had a conflicted parent-child relationship with his parents so he could relate more to it

What is keeping the well-dressed woman from following the solid person to the mountain?

her own insecurities, compares herself (looks and symbolically) to others, ashamed of her faults, afraid of being truly seen

How did Shaw acquire his knowledge or art, literature, and music?

his mother's influence and his visits to the National Gallery of Ireland

What do the dwarf and Tragedian symbolize?

how Frank sees his inner self - dwarf the "act" he puts on to get attention from others - tragedian

Pygmalion is a witty representation of what?

a clever treatment of middle-class morality and class distinction

Moral Law presents the concept of _______ vs. __________. __________ - natural law (a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct) __________ - the choice every person makes in regards to natural law

is vs. ought ; is ; ought

Hoe does the conversation between Jack and the "hard-bitten ghost" affect Jack's mindset at the beginning of Chapter 8?

it makes him doubt the "waterfall" angel and the mindset of baptism goes away

At the end of Chapter 2, why are the faces becoming distorted?

light overcomes darkness. Wherever there is light, darkness will no longer be

There is also a distinction between _________ evil (misuse of freedom) and ______________ evil (everything else). ______________ evil was the. first evil, and natural evil came as an after effect. Evil (both kinds) entered into the world in the Garden of Eden, and eventually the world become what it is today

moral; natural; moral

What is going to keep the nagging woman from choosing to stay in heaven?

not willing to see her own faults, no respect for her husband, quick to speak but slow to listen, sees a need to change others instead of herself, flippants with money, money>relationships

What kind of people is the "quieter, more respectable ghost" representative of?


Why does Lewis include the brief scene with the "velvet-footed lions" at the beginning of chapter 5?

reminiscent of the Eden that could've been

What is going to keep the Fat Ghost from choosing to stay in Heaven?

sin of intellect, prideful (thinks he knows more than the Bible), indecisive, adds to scripture

What is going to keep the hard-bitten ghost from choosing to stay in Heaven?

skepticism, makes himself miserable, conspiracy theorist, incites fear, incites feelings of inferiority

What is gonna keep the "quieter" and "more reasonable" ghost from staying?

superior, thinks all the people who bothered him on earth won't be in heaven, representation of racist

Jack is moving up the river against the flow of the current. This scene seems a bit random, and even whimsical. What could Lewis's intentions be here?

to show the Christian struggle/journey to baptism

What is the "sin of intellect?"

when someone uses their intelligence for wrong doings like spewing lies to get money from people

The Problem of pain is often linked with The Problem of Evil, which asks 4 big questions:

why is there any evil at all? why are there the types and kinds of evil that there are? why is there the amount of evil that there is? why does God allow the particular evils that He does?

How did Shaw become educated?

Clerical uncle tutored him; school (which he hated) and working as a clerk for an estate office (which he also hated)

Jack was originally an __________, but became one of the most renowned Christian writers, theologians, and philosophers of his time, and ours.


Briefly, describe Lewis's journey to Christianity ( What did he believe before he became a Christian, What led him to become a Christian?).

Atheist> Theist> Christianity ; He had a conversation with J.R.R. that led him to Christianity.

Jack was born in _____________,____________

Belfast, Ireland

What did Shaw prefer to be called?


"The Inklings" met on Monday and Fridays for 16 years in the back of a pub called the ___________________________ (The Bird and Baby to locals) to talk about their writing and just hang out.

Eagle and Child

Lewis wrote :

Fictions, Theologies, and Non-Fictions

How did Shaw's first attempt at writing fiction go?

First attempt titled immaturity was rejected by everyone/publishers in London. 1st four novels were similarly refused, as were most of the articles he submitted to the press for a decade. At 1st, Shaw's literary work earned him less then 10 shillings a year (about $50)

With ______ _____, came______ and _______. If ______ and ______ are taken away, then free will is taken away. If ______ ______ is taken away, God's ______ ______ is taken away. If God's ______ is taken away, He ceases to be who He is. God is ______. If this happens, then the ______ is not the ______. ______ is not ______ ______ is not ______ God is good because of the free will, love, and goodness that is Him. Evil in the world does not negate this fact.

Free will; evil and pain; evil and pain; free will; genuine love; love; love; Gospel; Gospel; Love; love; goodness; goodness

The Problem of Pain : The Problem

If God were good, He would wish to make his creatures perfectly happy, and if God were almighty, he would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God either lacks goodness, or power, or both. This is the problem of pain in its simplest form

How is a Modus Ponens argument set up?

If P, the Q. P. Therefore, Q.

Modus Tollens: method of denying. The argument format is as follows:

If P, then Q Not P Therefore, not Q.

Modus Ponens : the method (or mode, from modus) of affirming (or propounding, from ponens). The argument format is as follows :

If P, then Q P. Therefor, Q

Modus Tollens

If P, then Q. Not P. Therefore, not Q

Moral Argument - argues that :

If the is an objectively valid and true moral law giver, then there must be a moral law giver. There is an objective moral law, therefor there is a moral law giver.

What does the argument of Moral Law claim?

If there's a good and moral law, then there must be a moral law giver. There is moral law so there is a moral law giver, God.

Example of Modus Ponens

If you decide to adopt a puppy, I know you'll be happy. I think you're going to adopt the puppy, so you'll definitely be happy!

Example of Modus Tollens

If you decide to adopt that puppy, then you're going to be stuck at home for a long time. But you could never accept that- you live for your trips. This pup's adorable, but it's not for you.

Moral Law presents the concept of ____ vs. _____

Is ; Ought

Lewis returned from the war and was elected a Fellow of ____________ ____________, ________________, where he served as a tutor in English Language and Literature for 29 years until leaving for Magdalene College, Cambridge, in 1954.

Magdalene College, Oxford

Jack attended _____________ for a short time before he enlisted in the British Army during WWI.


In Chapter 8 Jack encounters a female ghost, what is troubling her?

She doesn't want the angel people to see her translucent when they're solid

The discussion on the evening Lewis became a Christian was important in bringing about the following day's event that Lewis recorded in _______________________ : " When we set out by motorcycle to the Whipsnade Zoo I did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and when we reached the zoo I did."

Surprised by Joy

Clearly Lewis is getting at something here : for fickle human beings do desire the ultimate fulfillment; but, there is pleasure in the longing, where we se the "________________ ______ _____________."

Tantalizing Glimpses of glory

_____________________ : There is a third instinct that gives what we ought to do

Tertium Quid

What is Tertium Quid?

The 3rd thing that tells you what's right and wrong

After Lewis's conversation, Lewis, Tolkien, Warnie, Hugo Dyson, Charles Williams, Dr. Robert Havard, Owen Barfield, Weville Coghill started a group called " ________________________"

The Inklings

describe the conversation between Jack and the "hard-bitten ghost."

The hard-bitten ghost is trying to talk Jack out of going to heaven

What animal herd runs through the woods at the end of Chapter 8?


Jack's father was __________ and his mother was __________

Welsh; Irish

What's holding the tousle-haired youth back?

arrogant, self-conceited, superiority complex, intelligence>kindness, may be one of the most ready people on the bus, but is still clinging to his worldly past, still seeks acceptance and recognition for his creations. It's still about him

What did the outbreak of war in 1914 represent for Shaw?

bankruptcy of the capitalist system, the last desperate gasps of the nineteenth-century empires, and a tragic waste of young lives, all under the guises of patriotism

What is holding the intelligent man back?

capitalism mindset (combined with superiority), takes advantage, materialism

What is the Grey Town like?

cold, dark. gloomy, unwelcoming

What are a couple things the Big Ghost will need to lay down in order to choose life in heaven?

comparison, works over grace, grudge holding

What is going to keep the Big Ghost from choosing to stay?

comparison, works over grace, grudge holding

The Argument from Joy is an argument that combines _______ and ________ that argues the existence of _______

joy ; hope ; heaven

What are a couple of things that the Intelligent Man will need to lay down in order to choose life in heaven?

need for profit, self-conceited, materialism, capitalism

What are a couple of things that the Tousel-Haired Youth will need to lay down in order to choose life in heaven?

self-conceited, judgmental, past worldly life

What argument does Shaw present in one of the more successful plays he wrote?

that men can achieve aesthetic salvation only through political activity, not as an individual

What is going to keep the Fat Ghost from choosing to stay in heaven?

the fact that he won't admit that what he believes is wrong

In 1929 Lewis became a ____________ : "I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed..."


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