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What percent of refugees are resettled


How many people died and got across the wall

136 people died trying to cross the Berlin Wall during its existence. It is believed that approximately 5,000 people made the escape from East Germany to the West successfully by crossing the Berlin Wall.

What % or the worlds adults want to migrate permanently


How many refugees of migration crisis 2015-2016

2 million

Eu allowed 10 member states in what year


When was the largest wave of migration


How many refugees were at the end of 2017

25.4 million and 3.1 asylum seekers

How many countries Involved


What percent of pop is international migrant


Polling Numbers for Brexit

30 million people voting - 17.4 million people opting for Brexit. 53.4% of English voters supported Brexit, compared to just 38% of Scottish voters.

How many failed asylum seeks are sent back


What percentage of Germans Think east and West are now one?

50 percent of Germans now believe the country has grown to become one nation, according to the survey.

How many refugees in bloc are job seekers


How many brits belived migration to be a bad thing


German population

82.79 million (2018)

Aslym Seekers in Gernany

A record number of 745,545 applications were filed in 2016 and 185,853 were recorded for last year.

Bamf Rejection Rate

A record number of 745,545 applications were filed in 2016 and 185,853 were recorded for last year.

Many many people live in the EU ready to work in other countries

About 1.2 million Brits currently live in other EU countries. Right now they are able work in these other countries without much hassle. That would change..

Boris Entry

After winning the Conservative leadership contest, Mr Johnson took over as PM in July 2019 and set about renegotiating Mrs May's deal.

How many % of Brits said Immigaration and race = #1

In a survey conducted last year, 45 percent of Brits identified "immigration/race relations" as a top issue facing the country

When was brexit extended again

At a meeting of the European Council on 10 April 2019, the UK and EU27 agreed to extend Article 50 until 31 October 2019.

German Cities Ranked

Berlin - 3,275,000. Hamburg - 1,686,100. München (Munich) - 1,185,400. Köln (Cologne) - 965,300. Frankfurt - 648,000.

Chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany (reunited Germany)

Chancellors of the Federal Republic of Germany (reunited Germany) Helmut Kohl1990-98 Gerhard Schröder1998-2005 Angela Merkel2005-

Who is the Eu commissioner for migration

Dimitri avramopoulus

Northern Triangle

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

When did Germany become a state again

Germany became one country again on October 3rd, 1990.

Treaty of Rome (1957)

In 1957, France, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands signed the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (EEC),

When was the first referendum

In 1975, the nation held a referendum on the question: "Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?" The 67 percent "Yes"

May and her impact following Cameron

In October 2016, Prime Minister Theresa May, who had assumed office following David Cameron's resignation, announced her intention to invoke Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, formally giving notice of Britain's intent to leave the EU. On March 29, 2017, the order, signed by May a day earlier, was delivered to the Council of the European Union, officially starting the two-year countdown to Britain's EU departure, set for March 30, 2019. However, on March 30, 2019, Parliament rejected May's EU withdrawal agreement. The European Council set a new deadline of October 31, 2019, or the first day of the month after that in which a withdrawal agreement is passed—whichever comes sooner.

Camrons Veto

In the interests of protecting Britain's financial sector, David Cameron became the first UK prime minister to veto a EU treaty in 2011.

Berlin Airlift

Jun 24, 1948 - May 12, 1949

Famous Speech

June 12, 1987 - In a speech at the Brandenburg Gate, US President Ronald Reagan challenges General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, leader of the USSR, to "tear down this wall!"

May leaving

May said she would quit as leader of the Conservative Party on June 7, but would stay on as Prime Minister until a successor is chosen.

Travel Restrictions Lifted

November 9, 1989 - East Germany lifts travel restrictions to the West. Politburo member Guenter Schabowski announces that East German citizens can "leave the country through East German border crossing points," effective immediately.

When was brexit first extended

On 20 March 2019 the Prime Minister wrote to European Council President Donald Tusk, asking to extend Article 50 until 30 June 2019.

When was article 50 established

On 29 March 2017, in writing to European Council President Donald Tusk, the Prime Minister formally triggered Article 50 and began the two-year countdown to the UK formally leaving the EU (commonly known as 'Brexit').

The Maastricht Treaty

The Maastricht Treaty, which took effect in 1993, created the Brussels-based European Union (EU), of which the EEC, renamed simply the European Community (EC) was the main component.

How many brits say that Migration should be reduced

Seventy-seven percent of Brits today believe that immigration levels into the country should be reduced.

Which nation took in the most regfigees per capita

Sweden, over 600k with 10 mil pop 58% rapist were foreign

Good Friday

The 1998 Good Friday Agreement turned the border almost invisible, except for speed limit signs, which switch from miles per hour in the north to kilometers per hour in the south. 10 April 1998 Effective dec 2 1999

When was soft brexit first introduced

The Brexit White Paper released in July 2018 revealed plans for a softer Brexit.

When did the UK enter the EEC

The UK finally made it into the club in 1973, but just two years later was on the verge of backing out again.

When does the UK leave EU

The UK is due to leave the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020, after Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Brexit deal was backed by MPs.

Scotland and Brexit

The country as a whole rejected the referendum by 62.0% to 38.0%.49 Because Scotland only contains 8.4% of the U.K.'s population

German Barriers to Unification

The final barrier to reunification fell in July 1990 when Kohl prevailed upon Gorbachev to drop his objections to a unified Germany within the NATO alliance in return for sizable (West) German financial aid to the Soviet Union

Fall of the Berlin Wall

The official date of the fall of the Berlin Wall is November 9th, 1989. Actual demolition did not begin until June 13th, 1990. Between these dates the border controls still existed but were less strict.

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty

The process of leaving the EU formally began on March 29, 2017, when May triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. 2 years

Lander In Germany

To continue to politically involve the Länder in EU affairs, the Federal Government and the Länder have agreed on a number of possibilities for the Länder to participate. Details have been set out in Article 23 of the Basic Law and in the Act on Co-operation between the Federation and the Federal States in Matters concerning the European Union (EUZBLG) and the Agreement between the Federation and the Federal States (BLV).

When was the Berlin Wall built?

To stop this, on August 13, 1961, the Communist government of East Germany built a wall separating East and West Berlin.

Referendum Turnout

Turnout for the referendum was 71.8 percent, with more than 30 million people voting. The referendum passed by a slim 51.9 percent to 48.1 percent margin,

Hungarian PM

Viktor Orban

UK Vetoed

When the United Kingdom first applied for membership in the EEC in 1963, France's President Charles de Gaulle vetoed its application.

How much UK owe

how much money the UK is to pay the EU (initially thought to be £39bn) The Withdrawal Agreement doesn't mention a specific figure, but it is estimated to be up to £32.8 billion, according to Downing Street.

When is transition period till

the UK will enter a transition period until 31 December 2020.

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