BS 161 Exam 1

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Which bonds rely on the attraction of positive and negative charges? Select all that apply. a. hydrogen bonds b. ionic bonds c. covalent bonds

a, b

As part of their normal function, many proteins bind to DNA briefly and then release it again. Which types of interactions might be involved in these transient protein-DNA interactions? Select all that apply. a. van der Waals forces b. covalent bonds c. hydrogen bonds d. ionic bonds

a, c, d

You are studying a protein that you call Protein X. There is an aspartic acid at a key position in Protein X that is important in the folding and stabilization of that protein. If this aspartic acid is changed to a different amino acid, which one of the amino acid substitutions is most likely to allow the protein to fold normally? a. arginine b. threonine c. glycine d. glutamic acid e. serine

d. glutamic acid

A young girl is staring at the raindrops running down her window. She notices that the raindrops remain more or less intact, even as they cascade down the windowpane. This is a result of: a. ionic bonds between water molecules. b. oxygen bonds between water molecules. c. polar covalent bonds between water molecules. d. hydrogen bonds between water molecules. e. covalent bonds between water molecules.

d. hydrogen bonds between water molecules.

Water readily dissolves compounds that are referred to as _____. a. solvent b. aqueous c. hydrophobic d. hydrophilic e. nonpolar

d. hydrophilic

Which biomolecule is defined by a physical property instead of a chemical structure? a. polysaccharides b. monosaccharides c. proteins d. lipids e. nucleic acids

d. lipids

Pyrimidine and purine bases are found in: a. proteins. b. carbohydrates. c. fatty acids. d. nucleic acids. e. lipids.

d. nucleic acids.

Which component of an amino acid differs from one amino acid to another? a. the amino group b. the hydrogen atom opposite the R group c. the carboxyl group d. the side chain e. the alpha-carbon atom

d. the side chain

The flow of information in a cell proceeds in what sequence? a.DNA is a template to make protein, protein is a template to make RNA b.RNA is a template to make DNA, DNA is a template to make protein c.protein is a template to make DNA, DNA is a template to make RNA d.DNA is a template to make RNA, RNA is a template to make protein e.protein is a template to make RNA, RNA is a template to make D

d.DNA is a template to make RNA, RNA is a template to make protein

In an effort to determine which type of molecule contained the genetic information, scientists treated extractsfrom dead virulent bacteria with enzymes, incubated the treated extracts with live non virulent bacteria, and checked for production of virulent bacteria. Which type of enzyme prevented production of virulent bacteria? a.RNase b.Protease c.Lactase d.DNase


What will happen to the length of the protein produced from the mutant version of this gene? a.It will be shorter because the third codon is now a stop codon which will cause transcription to end. b.It will be one amino acid longer because RNA does read codons. c.It will be one amino acid longer because the ribosome does not read codons. d.It will be shorter because the third codon is now a stop codon which will cause translation to end.

d.It will be shorter because the third codon is now a stop codon which will cause translation to end.

Which best describes a lipid? a. a molecule with the formula C6H12O6 b.a sugar attached to a base and a phosphate group amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen, and an R group d.a molecule that does not dissolve well in wate

d.a molecule that does not dissolve well in wate

Alternative splicing allows for: a.enhanced recognition of an mRNA by a ribosome. b.two or more different proteins to be made from a single processed mRNA. c.multiple genes to be used to code for a single polypeptide chain. d.different polypeptides to be made from a single gene

d.different polypeptides to be made from a single gene

Alternative splicing means that: a.only every other intron is removed. b.some transcripts are spliced correctly and others incorrectly. c.exons are randomly linked together. d.different spliced forms contain different combinations of exons

d.different spliced forms contain different combinations of exons

Based on the information in the gene expression figure on the previous page, when the Substrate binds to the enzyme, amino acid 90 is interacting with the hydroxyl group on the Substrate. What type of interaction is most likely taking place between amino acid 90 and the Substrate? a.formation of a disulfide bond b.a favorable ionic interaction c.hydrophobic clustering d.hydrogen bonding

d.hydrogen bonding

14C is an isotope of carbon that possesses: a. 6 protons, 2 neutrons, and 6 electrons. b. 6 protons, 8 neutrons, and 2 electrons. c. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 2 electrons. d. 8 protons, 6 neutrons, and 2 electrons. e. 6 protons, 8 neutrons, and 6 electrons.

e. 6 protons, 8 neutrons, and 6 electrons.

The three main groups, or domains, of organisms are: a. animals, plants, and protists. b. animals, plants, and fungi. c. animals, plants, and Bacteria. d. Bacteria, Archaea, and prokaryotes. e. Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

e. Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

A mutation in _____ results in a change in _____ that sometimes produces a(n) _____ with altered structure and function. a. RNA; protein; DNA b. RNA; DNA; protein c. protein; RNA; DNA d. protein; DNA; RNA e. DNA; RNA; protein

e. DNA; RNA; protein

_____ are the subunits of nucleic acids, and _____ are the subunits of proteins. a. Nucleoli; amino acids b. Polypeptides; sugars c. Amino acids; nucleic bases d. Bases; polypeptides e. Nucleotides; amino acids

e. Nucleotides; amino acids

The ability of atoms to attract electrons is referred to as: a. van der Waals attraction. b. cohesion. c. potential energy. d. hydrophobicity. e. electronegativity.

e. electronegativity.

Secondary structure is characterized by which type of interactions? a. the covalent bond between an amino nitrogen and a carboxyl carbon b. hydrogen bonding between R groups of amino acids c. ionic bonding between an acidic R group and a basic R group d. a covalent bond between two cysteines e. hydrogen bonding within the peptide backbone

e. hydrogen bonding within the peptide backbone

The first cells were most similar to: a. eukaryotes. b. multicellular forms. c. none d. viruses. e. prokaryotes.

e. prokaryotes.

Because of hydrogen bonding, water is uniquely suited for its central role in life. Many hydrophilic molecules interact freely with water, but a number of hydrophobic molecules are important for life, too. How does the interaction between water and hydrophobic molecules help to organize biological systems? a. Because water molecules preferentially associate with each other, they force hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules. b. Because cells are not pure water—in that they have many substances dissolved within them—the hydrophilic/hydrophobic effect has a limited role in biological organization. c. The ionic bonds between water molecules cause hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules. d. None of the other answer options is correct.

a. Because water molecules preferentially associate with each other, they force hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules (Because water molecules preferentially associate with each other, they force hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules.)

Recall that a carbon atom behaves as if it possesses four valence electrons. Given this information, what is the most likely structural formula for carbon dioxide (CO2)? a. O=C=O b. O=C-O c. O-C=O d. O-C-O

a. O=C=O

If you were to compare the entropy of a dog to that of a bucket of water, which of the statements would be true? a. The entropy of the bucket of water would be greater. b. The entropy of the bucket of water and the entropy of the dog would be equal. c. The entropy of the dog would be greater.

a. The entropy of the bucket of water would be greater. (To maintain itself as a living organism, the dog (or any living organism) needs constant input of energy. A bucket of water will remain a bucket of water without input of energy. In fact, if you add energy to water, it may change its state to a gas and become even more disordered (exhibit higher entropy).)

What important feature of noncovalent molecular interactions makes them so important to life? a. They are weak in a cellular environment, so they can be made, broken, and reformed easily. b. Covalent bonds are too strong to be easily made, broken, and reformed under cellular conditions. c. They can only occur in cells. d. None of the other answer options is correct. e. They are strong in a cellular environment that holds atoms together tightly.

a. They are weak in a cellular environment, so they can be made, broken, and reformed easily.

Suppose that a researcher claimed to have created a genetically modified plant that produces twice as much energy as it harnesses from its environment. How could this be possible? a. This is impossible because such a plant would violate the laws of thermodynamics. b. The researcher has likely doubled the amount of DNA present in the plant's genome. c. The researcher has inserted genes into the plant's genome that increase the amount of work the plant is capable of performing. d. The researcher has inserted a mutation into the plant's genome that causes twice the amount of ATP to be produced. e. The researcher has found a way to decrease the overall entropy of the plant.

a. This is impossible because such a plant would violate the laws of thermodynamics.

Which amino acid is most likely to participate in hydrogen bonding with water? a. asparagine b. alanine c. valine d. leucine e. phenylalanine

a. asparagine (In order for a hydrogen bond to form, there must be a partial negative charge on the side chain of the amino acid. This occurs with the oxygen in the side chain of asparagine.)

Most proteins retain metabolic activity when denatured. a. false b. true

a. false

Lipids and water do not mix because lipids are ________________ and water is _______________. a. nonpolar; polar b. polar; non-polar c. non-ionic; ionic d. unsaturated; saturated e. hydrophilic, hydrophobic

a. nonpolar; polar (Polar substances will tend to exclude nonpolar substances, and the reverse is also true.)

At some point in their life cycle, all cells have a _____, whereas not all cells have a(n) _____. a. plasma membrane; nuclear membrane b. nucleus; cytoplasm c. nucleus; plasma membrane d. nucleus; nuclear membrane e. plasma membrane; RNA or DNA

a. plasma membrane; nuclear membrane

When a peptide bond is created between two amino acids: a. the carboxyl group of the first amino acid is joined to the amino group of the second. b. the amino group of the first amino acid is joined to the amino group of the second. c. the amino group of the first amino acid is joined to the carboxyl group of the second. d. the carboxyl group of the first amino acid is joined to the carboxyl group of the second.

a. the carboxyl group of the first amino acid is joined to the amino group of the second.

Which statement accurately describes a polar covalent bond? a. the unequal sharing of electrons between an atom with a partial positive charge and an atom with a partial negative charge b. None of the other answer options is correct. c. the interaction of a hydrogen atom connected to an atom with a high electronegativity and an electronegative atom of another molecule d. the interaction of an atom with very high electronegativity and an atom with very low electronegativity e. the equal sharing of electrons between atoms of identical or similar electronegativities

a. the unequal sharing of electrons between an atom with a partial positive charge and an atom with a partial negative charge

The language of nucleic acids is converted to the language of amino acids during the process known as: a. translation. b. transcription. c. central dogma. d. replication.

a. translation

The individual polypeptide chains in a multi-subunit protein each have their own primary, secondary, and tertiary structure. a. true b. false

a. true

The sequence of amino acids in a protein is referred to as its primary structure. a. true b. false

a. true

In a ribbon model of a polypeptide, broad arrows indicate: a. β sheets. b. disulfide linkages. c. β sheets and α helices. d .α helices. e. All of these choices are correct.

a. β sheets.

Nucleic acids are important information storage molecules present in virtually every cell. Which of the processes is carried out by a cell when it accesses that information in the DNA of the genes? a. DNA replication and transcription b. transcription and translation c. DNA replication and translation

b. transcription and translation

Observations are used by scientists to draw tentative explanations called hypotheses. a. false b. true

b. true

What role do the functional groups in the peptide bond play in alpha helices? a.They form hydrogen bonds with functional groups in other peptide bonds of nearby amino acids. b.They form hydrophobic clusters with side chains of other amino acids to stabilize overall three-dimensional protein shape. c.They form hydrogen bonds with side chains of other amino acids to stabilize overall three-dimensional protein shape. d.They form hydrophobic clusters with functional groups in other peptide bonds of nearby amino acids.

a.They form hydrogen bonds with functional groups in other peptide bonds of nearby amino acids

Which level of protein structure involves IMFs between two different polypeptide chains? a.quaternary b.secondary c.tertiary d.primary


Which actions would affect the secondary structure of a protein? Select all that apply. a. disruption of the interactions between two different polypeptide chains b. breaking the hydrogen bonds between amino acids c. changing the sequence of amino acids d. breaking the ionic bonds between amino acids

b, c

The structural diversity of carbon-based molecules is determined by which properties? Select all the apply. a. carbon's strong electronegativity results in polar covalent bonds b. the ability of carbon's covalent bonds to rotate freely c. the ability of carbon to form four covalent bonds d. the orientation of carbon's bonds in the form of a tetrahedron e. the ability of carbon to ionize and interact with other ions

b, c, d

How many water molecules would be produced in making a polypeptide that is 14 amino acids long? a. 28 b. 13 c. 14 d. 27

b. 13

In DNA molecules, complementary base pairs always include one purine nucleotide and one pyrimidine nucleotide. Suppose you analyzed the DNA from some bacterial cells and you found that 16% of the nucleotides are adenine nucleotides. What are the percentages of the other nucleotides in the bacterial DNA? a. 34% thymine, 16% guanine, 34% cytosine b. 16% thymine, 34% guanine, 34% cytosine c. None of the other answer options is correct. d. 34% thymine, 34% guanine, 16% cytosine e. 34% uracil, 16% guanine, 16% cytosine

b. 16% thymine, 34% guanine, 34% cytosine (Because adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T) in this scenario, T will also be 16%, and together A and T will comprise 32% of the DNA. The balance is C-G pairs.)

At physiological pH, the ionized state of the carboxyl (COOH) group in the R group of aspartic acid is: a. COOH. b. COO-. c. CO-O-. d. COOH+.

b. COO-. (The α-carboxylic acid group of amino acids is a weak acid, meaning that it releases a proton at physiological pH values.)

The function of a protein is dependent upon the shape into which the chain of amino acids folds. Many noncovalent interactions are responsible for maintaining the protein's shape. Assume you have isolated a protein from an organism in its proper shape, and you have treated it with an enzyme that selectively targets and breaks only the peptide bonds in the proteins. Would the protein retain its shape under these conditions? a. Yes; once noncovalent bonding determines the shape of a protein the peptide bonds are no longer necessary. b. No; while the noncovalent bonds determine the shape of a protein, the peptide bonds are required to hold the amino acids together. c. Yes; but the shape would be affected to a greater extent by changes in temperature. d. Yes; because the noncovalent interactions that determine the shape of a protein are stronger than the peptide bonds.

b. No; while the noncovalent bonds determine the shape of a protein, the peptide bonds are required to hold the amino acids together.

Which one of the options by itself does not possess the ability to synthesize its own proteins? a. a human cell, a virus, and a bacterial cell b. a virus c. a human cell d. a viral particle and a bacterial cell e. a bacterial cell

b. a virus

Carbohydrates and proteins are two types of macromolecules. Which functional characteristic of proteins distinguishes them from carbohydrates? a. efficient storage of usable chemical energy b. ability to catalyze biochemical reactions c. large amount of stored information d. None of the other answer options is correct. e. tendency to make cell membranes hydrophobic

b. ability to catalyze biochemical reactions

For a folding domain that forms a sort of "fist" with certain amino acid R groups buried within and other R groups facing out, the hydrophobic R groups mainly face "out" and the hydrophilic R groups mainly face "in." a. true b. false

b. false

Peptide bonds are characteristic of: a. fatty acids. b. proteins c. lipids. d. carbohydrates. e. nucleic acids.

b. proteins

Prokaryotic protein synthesis is faster than eukaryotic protein synthesis. What characteristic of prokaryotic transcription and translation makes the overall process faster than in eukaryotes? a.The ribosomes of prokaryotes are very different in structure and can go faster. b.Prokaryotes lack a nucleus so translation of an mRNA can begin even before transcription of the mRNA is complete. c.The circular chromosome of prokaryotes makes it easier and faster for RNA polymerase to identify genes for transcription. d.Prokaryotes are more efficient than eukaryotes at capping and splicing mRNA

b.Prokaryotes lack a nucleus so translation of an mRNA can begin even before transcription of the mRNA is complete.

Which statement below most likely describes the role of amino acid 87 in the structure and function of this enzyme? a.The peptide bond between amino acid 87 and 88 causes the polypeptide to fold into a specifictertiary shape. b.This interaction between amino acid 87 and 35 causes the polypeptide to fold into a specific tertiary shape. c.The interaction between amino acid 87 and the methyl group on the Substrate is important for Substrate binding. d.This interaction between amino acid 87 and 51 causes the polypeptide to fold into a specific tertiary shape

b.This interaction between amino acid 87 and 35 causes the polypeptide to fold into a specific tertiary shape.

Which number represents the pH of a solution with the highest concentration of hydrogen ions? a. 9.1 b. 7.0 c. 1.0 d. 4.5 e. 11.5

c. 1.0

Which bonds are covalent bonds? a. glycosidic bonds b. peptide bonds c. All of these choices are correct. d. phosphodiester bonds

c. All of these choices are correct.

Because of hydrogen bonding, water is uniquely suited for its central role in life. Many hydrophilic molecules interact freely with water, but a number of hydrophobic molecules are important for life, too. How does the interaction between water and hydrophobic molecules help to organize biological systems? a. Because cells are not pure water—in that they have many substances dissolved within them—the hydrophilic/hydrophobic effect has a limited role in biological organization. b. None of the other answer options is correct. c. Because water molecules preferentially associate with each other, they force hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules. d. Because water molecules preferentially associate with each other, they force hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules. e. The ionic bonds between water molecules cause hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules.

c. Because water molecules preferentially associate with each other, they force hydrophobic molecules to associate with each other and not with water molecules.

In which of the domains do the cells store their genetic information in a nucleus? a. Archaea and Bacteria b. Archaea c. Eukarya d. Eukarya and Archaea e. Bacteria and Eukarya

c. Eukarya

At physiological pH, the ionized state of the amino (NH2) group in the R group of lysine is: a. NH-. b. NH2. c. NH3+. d. NH4++.

c. NH3+. (At physiologic pH, the amino group gains a hydrogen.)

woman's doctor tells her to gargle with salt water. She stirs a tablespoon of salt into a cup of warm water and watches the salt dissolve. Why does the salt dissolve in water? a. The partial negative charges on chlorine atoms are attracted to positive charges on hydrogen atoms in water molecules. b. The partial negative charges on oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions. c. The partial positive charges on hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions, and the partial negative charges on oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions. d. The partial positive charges on hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions, and the partial negative charges on oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions. e. The partial positive charges on hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions.

c. The partial positive charges on hydrogen atoms in water molecules are attracted to chlorine ions, and the partial negative charges on oxygen atoms in water molecules are attracted to sodium ions.

Which of the statements is true regarding a basic amino acid? a. A basic amino acid would be considered both polar and hydrophobic. b. The hydrophilic R group of a basic amino acid will be located in the interior of a protein. c. The positively charged R group of a basic amino acid could bind DNA. d. All of these choices are correct. e. The R group of a basic amino acid would only be able to form covalent bonds with other molecules.

c. The positively charged R group of a basic amino acid could bind DNA.

When we say that the cell is the fundamental unit of life, we mean that: a. a single cell can carry out all life processes. b. all living things are made up of one or more cells. c. all of these choices are correct. d. the smallest entity that can be considered living is a cell. e. life doesn't exist in the absence of cells.

c. all of these choices are correct.

Helicase is an enzyme that separates the double helix of the DNA into two separate strands. How do you think helicase does this? a. by breaking ionic bonds b. by breaking phosphodiester bonds c. by breaking hydrogen bonds d. by breaking peptide bonds

c. by breaking hydrogen bonds

A pair of atoms joined by a polar covalent bond: a. has the charge spread evenly across both atoms. b. mixes well with nonpolar solvents. c. has a slight positive charge on one atom and a slight negative charge on the other. d. is unlikely to form hydrogen bonds with water.

c. has a slight positive charge on one atom and a slight negative charge on the other.

Two major types of protein secondary structures are referred to as: a. elementary and primary. b. amino and carboxyl. c. helix and sheet. d. residual and permanent.

c. helix and sheet.

Which choice correctly pairs the particles of an atom with their physical properties? a. proton - uncharged; neutron - negatively charged; electron - positively charged b. proton- positively charged; neutron - negatively charged; electron - uncharged c. proton - positively charged; neutron - uncharged; electron - negatively charged d. proton - negatively charged; neutron - uncharged; electron - positively charged

c. proton - positively charged; neutron - uncharged; electron - negatively charged

Triacylglycerols are used in cells primarily for: a. information storage. b. movement. c. biological catalysis. d. energy storage. e. cell membrane biosynthesis.

d. energy storage.

Based on the information in the gene expression figure on the previous page, you think that amino 50 is interacting with the NH3+ the substrate. Using this hypothesis, which of the following amino acids would you predict might be found at position 50 and why might you make this prediction? a.Lysine because it will form a hydrophobic cluster with the substrate. b.Aspartic acid because it will form a hydrophobic cluster with substrate. c.Aspartic acid because it will form a favorable ionic interaction with the substrate. d.Lysine because it will form a favorable ionic interaction with the substrate

c.Aspartic acid because it will form a favorable ionic interaction with the substrate.

In eukaryotes, what determines where transcription starts? a.RNA polymerase scans from the promoter to the first start codon in any reading frame and that start codon is the start site for transcription. b.General transcription factors interact with promoters and bind to the ribosome indicating where transcription starts. c.General transcription factors interact with promoters and bind to RNA polymerase indicating where transcription starts. d.General transcription factors interact with the start codon and bind to tRNA indicating where transcription starts.

c.General transcription factors interact with promoters and bind to RNA polymerase indicating where transcription starts.

Which one of the following correctly lists the components necessary for transcription? a.RNA polymerase, DNA, and DNA nucleotides b.ribosomes, DNA, and RNA nucleotides c.RNA polymerase, DNA, and RNA nucleotides d.ribosomes, DNA, and DNA nucleotide

c.RNA polymerase, DNA, and RNA nucleotides

Which of the following do you predict would happen if an aminoacyl tRNA synthetase was mutated so that it always attached the wrong amino acid to its tRNA? a.It is impossible to tell without knowing which aminoacyl tRNA synthetase was mutated. b.The cell would be ok because this would create errors in only a few proteins. c.The cell would die because this would create errors in most proteins and disrupt their function. d.The cell would be ok because this would create errors in proteins, but not disrupt their function.

c.The cell would die because this would create errors in most proteins and disrupt their function.

Which of the following are critical regions of a tRNA molecule? a.ribosome binding site and 5 cap′ b.anticodon loop and ribosome binding site c.amino acid attachment site and anticodon loop d.amino acid attachment site and start codo

c.amino acid attachment site and anticodon loop

Which of the following processes occur in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell? a.tRNA charging and translation b.transcription and translation c.transcription and RNA processing d.translation and RNA processing

c.transcription and RNA processing

Which choice most accurately describes the ratio of oxygen to carbon to hydrogen in a simple 6-carbon sugar such as glucose? a. 1:2:1 b. 2:1:1 c. 1:2:3 d. 1:1:2 e. 1:3:2

d. 1:1:2

The interactions between amino acids are major factors in determining the shape of a protein. These interactions can be affected by the environment surrounding a protein. Which factor would have an effect on the shape of a protein? a. the concentrations of ions present in the environment b. whether the other molecules in the environment are predominantly hydrophilic or hydrophobic c. the temperature of the environment. d. All of these choices are correct. e. the pH of the environment

d. All of these choices are correct.

Which is a component of an amino acid? a. α carbon b. amino group c. carboxyl group d. All these choices are correct. e. R group

d. All these choices are correct.

Which process is an example of the first law of thermodynamics in action? a. Energy is created by cells during ATP synthesis. b. Some energy is released as heat during metabolic processes. c. As monomers combine into polymers, the disorder inside the cell decreases. d. Light energy is transformed into chemical energy during photosynthesis.

d. Light energy is transformed into chemical energy during photosynthesis.

In general, colder temperatures would tend to reduce the fluidity of membranes. In response, cells can adjust the composition of their membranes to maintain the proper degree of fluidity. How would the membrane change in response to colder temperatures? a. The length of the fatty acid chains in the phospholipids would increase. b. The amount of saturated triacylglycerols would decrease. c. The amount of saturated triacylglycerols would increase. d. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids would increase. e. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids would decrease.

d. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids would increase. (Kinks introduced by the double bonds reduce the tightness of the molecular packing and thus the number of intermolecular interactions.)

Which choice is an example of a hydrogen bond? a. the bond that forms between two hydrogen atoms within different water molecules b. the bond that forms between a hydrogen and oxygen atom within the same water molecule c. the bond that forms between two hydrogen atoms within the same water molecule d. the bond that forms between two oxygen atoms within different water molecules e. the bond that forms between a hydrogen atom in one water molecule and an oxygen atom in another water molecule

e. the bond that forms between a hydrogen atom in one water molecule and an oxygen atom in another water molecule

Which interaction helps stabilize the tertiary level of protein organization? a. a covalent bond between a positively charged R group and a negatively charged R group b. disulfide linkages between histidine residues c. hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl oxygen of one peptide bond and an amide hydrogen of a nearby peptide bond d. hydrophilic clustering of non-polar R groups in the interior of a protein e. van der Waals interactions between R groups in close proximity

e. van der Waals interactions between R groups in close proximity

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