BSHS 4200

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Connect buyers and sellers and represent the seller in the sales process in exchange for a commission

Manufacturer's Sales Representatives:

Are a unique type of sales representative that do not sell the product but rather encourage people who influence a buying decision to recommend it

Missionary salespeople:

Selling up (Upselling)

: As a bartender of a local restaurant, you ask if a customer would like top shelf liquor, like Grey Goose, in his martini, instead of the standard brand. This is a form of:

(Buying authority, Financial capability, Willingness to buy) All of the above

A lead is converted into a prospect once the seller establishes:

Field selling

A sales practitioner whose job consists primarily of bringing in new clients by making sales calls on customers at the customer's place of business is involved in:

Needs analysis

Before launching into his sales presentation, John conducted a(n) _____________, fill in the blank, so that he could customize his presentation to this specific prospect.

The seller obtains commitment from a buyer and finalizes the details of the sale

Closing is the point in the sales presentation when:

Inside sales representatives

Mr. Smith employs a team of sales representatives whose primary task is to answer calls from prospective and current customers who have received their company catalog and are interested in making a purchase. He compensates his team using a competitive hourly rate, and he is able to keep costs low since these salespeople do not meet with clients and therefore have no expense account for travel, meals, etc. His salespeople are most likely:


Once a salesperson has identified leads, he/she next must engage in the process of _____________, fill in the blank, in order to establish whether the lead has the authority, resources and willingness to buy.

Flexibility and control

Personal selling is the most expensive form of communication in marketing, costing more to reach each individual customer than other forms of advertising and promotions. However, the unique advantage personal selling provides is:

Follow-up activities

Post-sale activities employed by salespeople that are critical to strengthening customer relationships are known as:


Rejection is an inevitable part of making initial contacts with potential customers.

Adaptive selling

Richard has been in sales for several years and has learned that customers are unique. Different customers respond differently to different sales presentations. He often asks probing questions and listens for clues that will allow him to modify his presentation during the sales calls so that it is more effective at gaining a client's attention. He is using:

Standardized presentation

The benefit of a(n) _____________, fill in the blank, is the degree of control the company has over the message a salesperson provides to a prospect.

Prospecting for potential customers

The first step in the sales process is:

Relationship selling

The idea that meeting a customer's expectations will lead to trust, which will lead to long term satisfaction and loyalty, can be identified as the concept of:


The most common objection heard during the sales process is price.


The stage in the sales process in which the salesperson discusses a product feature, links it with the product benefit and then ties it back into an identified customer need is the:

Suggestive selling

When a customer comes into Best Buy to purchase a cellular phone, the sales staff reminds him that he should also consider buying a charger for his car as well as a protective carrying case for the device. This is an example of:

Responding to objections

When a potential customer expresses concerns during a sales presentation, or reasons why they do not wish to buy, the salesperson needs to move to the step in the sales process known as:

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