Buisness Law
"Greatest good for the greatest number"
The power of the federal government to regulate business activity "among the States"
Commerce Clause of the constitution
Today corporate investors look for a business corporation to
Consider the triple bottom line
Civil rights act of 1964
1960's federal legislation that ABOLISHES SEGREGATION in private facilities such as hotels, motels and restaurant
Preemption of federal law over state law
Supremacy Clause
Miranda warnings
- You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do say can and may be used against you. You have the right to have an attorney present before and during questioning; and you have the right, if you cannot afford the services of an attorney, to have one appointed, at public expense and without cost to you, to represent you before and during the questioning."
have the due process clause specifically stated in them
5th and 14th amendment
Wickard vs Filburn
U.S. Supreme Court case, where a wheat farmer could not keep any of the wheat which he had grown for his own personal use, even though there was no commercial sale and no crossing of state lines
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
designed to help reduce corporate fraud and unethical management decisions by setting up accountability measures for publicly traded companies.
class legislation
equal protection clause
freedom of speech
is not absolute
Plain View Doctorine
probable cause to search because they saw something suspicious
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
to promote financial stability and protect consumers from abusive financial services practices.
The Fraud Reduction and Data Analytics Act
passed by Congress in 2016 to identify and assess fraud risks in federal government agencies.
outcome-based ethics
focuses on the impacts of a decision on society or on key stakeholders.
The establishment clause is part of the first amendment freedom of religion and the
free exercise clause
. Duty-based ethics
rooted in the idea that every person has certain duties to others, including both humans and the planet
Sixth Amendment
speedy trial, Trial by jury, informed of charge against you