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________________ have become increasingly important because of the decline of organic views AND because of the overall increase in the volume of content being published on social channels

paid tactics

What element of a Crisis Management Plan defines the process that should unfold once an issue or crisis is identified?

A decision tree


Cleary states who and what the policy applies to

LinkedIn offers a type of paid advertising where a post is promoted in your target audiences home feed, but is NOT published on your LinkedIn home page

Direct Sponsored Content

Earned Tactics

EX: Influencers, advocates, and employees. Identify a region SM influencer and have them document their time at your hotel


Gives brands a chance to showcase the personal side of a brand, more casual and unfiltered. Real time, disappearing content.


Guides the formulation of social media objectives. Specific, Measurable, achievable, resourced, time-bound

Timing and Key dates

Specify days you will be developing content, date it will be released, and duration of campaign -Need to establish reporting intervals -Always ask if there is the time and resources needed to get something done on budget

budgeting process

Start early... A quarter early. Focus on conveying ROI from the current year, and showcase the value of the initiatives and goals that the strategy will bring.

Specified brand voice

Unified voice over all social channels. Is brand friendly or provacative? Have a doc w brand voice. Fun or serious? Formal or casual? Know which adjectives that describe your brand and incorporate them into brand voice on social channels.

Social Media monitoring Strategy

Vital for responding to external issues and crises before they spiral out of control. You can monitor sentiment, strategy (hashtags names competitors), monitor messages. Be prepared for security hacking, natural disaster, etc. Have pre-approved messages ready for any mishap. Make a decision tree. (distinguish a crisis from an issue). Run a social media crisis drill to make sure people are prepared.

Choosing a KPI

Which metrics will let you determine whether or not an effort is successful. Should only measure things that the team has complete control over. Establish benchmarks using past data.

Social media policy

Protects a brand integrity and reputation by outlining what can and can't be posted on brand's social media. Best practices for personal social media use... employees should align with the company. EX: be positive and respectful. Employees shouldn't criticize competitors


mobile social network, can share photos and videos with people, follow people, and send messages. People can share and customize content on their stories. 95 M photos and videos shared each day. Brands can engage and interact with their followers.


unique selling proposition

LinkedIn for business

Can help a business promote products and serviced, increase brand awareness, generate leads, recruit talent, listen, and engage. Marketers can reach new audiences with targeted ad campaigns.

Content game plan

Can help your brand develop a close relationship with its audience, establish authority in industry niche, contribute to overarching objectives. You need: Target audience, goals, brand voice, distribution channel and tactics. Who are you communicating with and how? Content can be repurposed for various social channels

Comms Principle

Communications principle, or how the message is being transmitted

History of the Internet

-ARPAnet (dept of defense) sent its first messages in 1969- this was the first packet switching network -Communications protocols were established in 1970s (TCP/IP) by Vintage Cerf (known as the father of the internet) -ARPAnet adopted the TCP/IP in 1983- perhaps official start as we know it in the public sector -CERDnet of national science foundation, linking several universities, was established in the 1980s.

Things that changed after the birth of the web:

-Advertising fatigue from over-saturation of messages -Consumers matured, and no longer accepted jargon as truth -The new media allowed for global product comparison and more competitive shopping -Customers shared and rated product claims and reality- and posted their own photos as proof -With massive consumption, convenience begins to win over product loyalty.

Early years of the WWW

-Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, and Java application born during this time -Real audio is launched, ppl listening to music on their computers via CDs. -Netscape Browers IPOs with 3rd largest share value ever on NASDAQ -Domain names 50-75$ a year, cheap entry into the dot com storefront -Mailing lists are the key method of reaching users -Online auctions show the power of the internets reach beyond local markets. -Match.com begins to make connect single customers in major cities. -WebBlog is invented to describe an online journal of personal thoughts -Venture capitalism becomes a household name as wealth pours into dot com start ups.

WWW growth in the late 90s

-Banner ads are found on web pages everywhere -pop up ads begin to annoy users -Commercials on TV begin to take new approach, using humor and creativity to drive consumers to websites rather than stores. -Online credit card processing begins and consumers discover a new way to shop -No sales tax across state lines -ECONOMIC SITUATION: Everyone begins to invest into home equity as house market and incomes rise, pour wealth into the NASDAQ and stock market -Primary investing strategy: If its an emerging technology, its hot. Jump on it. -Tech bubble burst, 71% drop in the NASDAQ

Promotion in the 1960s

-Media was highly controlled- highly expensive -Media was a one way message -Had to be print ads or video -Media was consumed by everyone at the same time in the same way. Intergenerational cohesiveness -Media was often its own echo chamber- only "correct cultural messages were allowed to be shared with the public (baby boomers and young gen X)

4 Golden Rules of Advertising circa 1945:

1. Assume and confirm brand loyalty 2. Tell the consumer what to believe 3. Saturate all media markets! (TV, news print, magazines, billboards, and radio (all five)) 4. Watch your revenues soar!

Change factors 1970-1990s

1. Mobility across the world - improved packaging and shipping options. Brand was not limited by geo location. 2. Introduction of cable TV with more viewing choices, rise of consumer shows 3. Rise of Individualism (generational cohesion stated to fail by the 90s with an increase of media choices.

SM Governance

A collection of policy documents that ensure employees reflect organization's goals values and practices through social media strategy. Need it to prevent brand damage, lost revenue

Social media objectives should:

Adhere to the SMART framework (Specific, measurable, achievable, resourced, time-bound)

As Web 2.0 arrives....

American public has discovered the power of connecting online, no longer relying on company statistics or a brochure for truth. Community over consumption. For businesses, a time of diminishing revenues and a weeding out of products or services that don't meet the standards of the hype-wearing world.

Components of a social media audit

Audience analysis Internal audit Competitor audit


De-portalized web sites (atom=RSS), or taking content from being limited to one website or social media, and broadcasting it over a variety of resources

Owned Tactics

EX: Post twice a day everyday of photos from around hotel property, with a special hashtag

Education and training

Employees must understand and be aware of social media policy, or else it is not effective.

Creating and Updating documentation

Ensures that policy keeps up with everychangin world

T/F : Brand voice/persona should be developed after your social strategy has been implemented for 6 months to see what kind of voice/personal occurs naturally


Facebook Pages

Facebook Pages can be used by businesses to maximize marketing value and customer engagement. They can also use Facebook ads to expand their reach and reach people who haven't yet liked your page.

Social Media Tactics

Fine grained, short term actions that flow from and support social media objectives. Paid, owned, and earned. supported by third party tools, measuring sentiment, scheduling messages, and running + tracking campaigns

The value of social advertising lies in the large audience size your company has the potential to reach and the ____ social ad platforms offer.

Finely Tuned Targeting Capabilities

If you are new to Twitter and want to grow your audience using paid advertisements, what campaign type would work best?

Followers campaign


Help team manage and effectively execute social media tactics

SM director

Higher level planning and strategy, makes the final approval


How technology melds and evolves toward a central and common functionality. EX: Amazon fire tablet is a computer, potentially a phone, and a book/reading platform all in one.

Web 2.0

Initially coined in 1999 by Darcy DiNucci. Cant be directed to an actual technology, the term points to the shift away from static web pages, to a more dynamic web that included: crowdsourcing, collaboration, creative, and cloud based. (Youtube, Myspace, and eBay.) -Consumers favor companies that show goodwill as well as good campaigns -Customers want to deal with human beings, not impassive slogans -Effective marketing is propelled by word of mouth, not by being "above the fold" -Problems must be heard and addressed if a company's reputation is to be maintained. -Feedback occurring everywhere

What is the internet

Internet is a digital pathway taken by information from one place to another. Internet existed long before the WWW.

When was the WWW created?

Introduced images, hypertext, and a lot more functionality that could be read by browsers. -Tim Berners-Lee invented the internet in 1989

What is social media strategy?

Its the strategic plan for how a company will incorporate social media into their business -increasing customer satisfactions -generating more sales leads -driving web traffic -higher revenue


Open network. People use twitter to connect with others, discover new things, and get news. For businesses, twitter offers two way connections: with customers, as well as vendors, partners, and employees. Gives employees the ability to connect with new and potential customers. Twitter lists gives you the chance to track what people are saying about your business, industry, and competitors.

SM manager

Oversees day to day execution and manage campaigns to make sure everything runs smoothly


Owned by Google. One of the top 3 websites worldwide. Can share, like, comment on videos. Businesses can use it to interact and share videos with subscribers.Youtube analytics can track the performance of a channel.

Social media tactics tend to fall into three categories

Paid, owned, earned


Powerful platform for brands to engage with younger audiences in an authentic way. Videos can be created in the app of outside of the app. Lots of editing tools and integrates with Apple Music. For brands, they can connect with humor, hashtags, and influencer partnerships.

Crisis Management Plan

Prepare in advance a CMP so brand can mitigate risk and increase the likelihood for a positive outcome


Process for setting up official channels, transferring ownership, and who can use it and when. Who approves posts before they are published?

Social media coordinator

Publishing content Monitoring engagement Responding to questions and comments

Roles and responsibilities

Review who has access to branded social channels? Grant direct accès to just a few employees who are responsible for pages. Social media director, social media manager, social media coordinator.

When pitching your budget to decision makers, focus of conveying two things; first, demonstrate ROI from the current year, and second:

Show detailed plans and showcase the value that the social media strategy will add to the organization

Paid Tactics

Social media ads, paid influencers, boost a post through a promotion

Essential components of a social media strategy

Social media audit Social media goals and objectives Budget, Tactics, and Tools required Content Strategy Brand persona and Voice Calendar of key dates Roles and Responsibilities Social Media Governance plan Crisis management plan Measurement and reporting plan

Advertising changes 1950s-present

The focus has moved from media to consumers driving the conversations. Early days: Brand X vs. Brand Y. easy brand choice, word of mouth spread, mass media dominance, easy reach for brands, brand loyalty. -Became movement of convergence, individualism, mobility, www, globalization, a LOT of ads. (sensory media overload). MANY MANY more options and brand competition. COMPLEX brand choice.

Parallel media consumption

Using a variety of content platforms, Mobile phones, web, tv, pop, etc.


Women make up majority of users. Allows users to organize photos and videos into personal collections, Called boards. Great for discovering new things. Brands are empowered to learn the interests and passions of their community.


Word of mouth

Social media

multidirectional communication networks.... Less expensive. Most popular social media channels: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, reddit

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