Business Communications Exam 2 Ch. 5-8

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List effective persuasion techniques.

establish credibility, make a reasonable, specific request, tie facts to benefits, recognize the power of loss, expect and overcome resistance, share solutions and compromise

When might persuasion be necessary in messages flowing upward?

managers are just as resistant to change as others are. providing facts, figures, and evidence is critical when submitting a recommendation to your boss.

Describe the purpose and characteristics of persuasive tweets and other online posts.

to pitch offers, prompt specific responses, or draw the attention of their audiences to interesting events and media links attention getters and calls for action

What do claim/ complain messages typically involve, and how should they be crafted?

- Open, body, closing-open with praise or a point of agreement -Review what you have done to resolve the problem -Explain why your claim is valid - Enclose copies of relevant documents -Close with a clear action statement

What seven tips would you give to a beginning blogger??

Craft a catchy but concise title, ace the opening paragraph, provide details in the body, consider visuals, include calls to action, edit and proofread, respond to posts respectfully.

What is a buffer? Name five or more techniques to buffer the opening of a bad-news message.

A buffer is a device to reduce shock or pain. Start with the best news, Compliment the receiver, show appreciation for the customer, make a statement in which you and the receiver can agree, Provide objective information (FACTS) that introduces the bad news, Show that you care about the reader (UNDERSTANDING)

What is a claim? When should it be straightforward?

A claim is when a customer must write to identify or correct a wrong. it should be straightforward when you expect the receiver to readily agree to your terms.

Explain what a wiki is and lists its advantages.

A wiki is a web-based tool that employs easy-to-use collaborative software to allow multiple users to collectively create, access., and modify documents. The advantages of these are that wikis capitalize on crowdsourcing and that working on the same content jointly eliminates the infamous problem of version confusion.

What are a writer's three goals in composing an adjustment message??

Adjustment messages are for rectifying the wrong, regaining the confidence of the customer, and promoting further business

Why do some business people criticize e-mail?

Critics say that email is out-dated, inefficient, and slowly dying. It takes too much time, increases stress, and leaves a dangerous "paper" trail.

Why should businesses welcome customer comments online?

Because online reviews are opportunities for savvy businesses to improve their products or services and may serve as a free and efficient crowd sourced quality-control systems.

What is a process used by many business professionals in resolving problems with disappointed customers in print?

Call or e-mail the individual immediately, describe the problem and apologize, explain why the problem occurred, what they are doing to resolve it, and how they will prevent it from happening again, and promote goodwill by following up with a print message that documents the phone call

How do companies use blogs?

Companies use blogs to help create virtual communities, build brands, and develop relationships.

When would you be more inclined to use the direct strategy in delivering bad news?

Direct Strategy- if bad news is not damaging, may be overlooked, is preferred by the recipient, requires firmness.

Why should a direct claim be made by letter rather than by e-mail or a telephone call?

Direct claims should be made by letter rather than by e-mail or telephone call because letters are convincingly establish a record of what happened and command more attention.

When is e-mail appropriate?

Emails are appropriate for, short, informational messages that request information and respond to inquiries. especially for messages to multiple receivers and messages that must be saved, also as a cover document when sending longer attachments.

List the five best practices for using IM and texting that you consider most important.

Follow company policies, don't disclose sensitive data, Don't text while driving a car, Separate business contacts from family and friends, Don't forward or link to inappropriate photos, videos, or art

How can a subordinate tactfully, professionally, and safely deliver upsetting news personally to a superior?

Gather all the information, Prepare and rehearse, Explain the past, present, and future, Consider taking a partner, Choose the best time to deliver the news and be patient with the reaction

What are some channels that large organizations may use to deliver bad news to employees?

Hard copy memos, Digital media, Intranet posts, Emails, Videos, Webcasts, Blogs, voicemail

What are the risks of instant messaging and texting?

Liability burden, and security and compliance

What are routine messages, and why is the direct strategy useful for them?

Routine messages include simple requests for information or action, replies to customers, and explanations to coworkers, other types are instructions, direct claims, and complaints. The direct strategy is useful because routine messages are positive or neutral messages.

What are five characteristics goodwill messages should have?

Selflessness, Specificity, Sincerity, Spontaneous, Short

Describe the writing plan for informational e-mail messages.

Subject line: Summarizes the main idea Opening: Reveal the main idea immediately but in an expanded form Body: Explain and justify the main idea using headings, bulleted lists, and other high-skim techniques when appropriate Closing: Include a) action information, dates, or deadlines b)a summary of the message c) Closing thought

What is the four-part AIDA writing plan for sales messages, and what does the acronym stand for?

The AIDA plan is a way to promote a product, service, idea, or yourself. A-attention I-interest D-desire A-action

What is the primary difference between the direct and the indirect strategies?

The indirect strategy needs buffers.

What is an adjustment message?

When a company receives a claim and decides to respond favorably, the message is called an adjustment.

When are letters still the preferred channel of communication despite the advent of e-mail, social networking, and other electronic communication technologies?

When you want to provide a permanent record, safeguard confidential, convey formality and sensitivity, or delivering persuasive, well-considered messages

Why should you apologize to customers if you or your company erred? What is the best way to do it?

You should apologize to customers because apologies work. they cost nothing and go a long way in soothing hard feelings. apologize promptly and sincerely accept responsibility use good judgment

How can you ensure that your claim/complaint message is developed logically?

begin with a compliment provide identifying data prove that your claim is valid attach document copies supporting your claim appeal to the receiver's fairness and desire for customer satisfaction describe your feelings and disappointment avoid sounding angry, emotional, or irrational close by telling exactly what you want done

How can negative online comments be turned into positive growth for an organization?

check the veracity of the claim made in the complaint. respond as quickly as possible. offer freebies such as discounts, refunds or free goods to earn the loyalty of consumers. leverage online comments as a source of ideas for improvements.

When denying a claim from an irate customer who is threatening and overstates the claim, how can you remain professional and fair?

convey empathy and sensitivity explain clearly and completely project a professional image be fair-maintain friendly reactions

Name the best practices for e-marketers hoping to write effective e-mail sales messages.

craft a catchy subject line keep the main information "above the fold" Make the message short, conversational, and focused sprinkle testimonials throughout the copy provide a means for opting out

List the characteristics of persuasion in the digital age.

exploded volume and reach of persuasive messages persuasive messages spread at warp speed organizations of all stripes are in the persuasion business persuasive techniques are subtler and more misleading persuasion is more complex and impersonal

What are five groups of people to whom business communicators might write letters of appreciation?

expressing thanks for a gift, sending thanks for a favor, extending thanks for hospitality, and recognizing employees for their contribution

How should instructions be written? Give an example.

instructions should be written in an imperative mood. Ex: Send the contract immediately, install the app first.

How have shifts in authority in digital-age organizations affected the strategies for creating goodwill and the tone of workplace persuasive messages?

messages moving downwards from superiors to subordinates require a little persuasion. because many executives now rely on buy-in instead of exerting raw power, messages flowing downward require attention to tone. the goal isn't to manipulate employees, but to present strong, honest arguments.

How do organizations use and deliver podcasts?

organizations use podcasts to broadcast repetitive information that does not require interaction. Organizations deliver podcasts through many different platforms such as YouTube, Podcast Awards websites etc...

In delivering bad news, name five techniques that can be used to cushion that news.

positioning the bad news strategically, using the passive voice, highlighting the positive, implying the refusal, suggesting a compromise or an alternative

Name potential risks of social networks for businesses

productivity losses, compromising trade secrets, and attracting the wrath of huge internet audiences, and facing embarrassment over inappropriate and damaging employee posts. Network admins fear security breaches from the unauthorized private use of work-issued devices.

What distinguishes rational, emotional, and dual appeals in persuasion?

rational-appeals to reason and intellect, they translate selling points into references to making or saving money, increasing efficiency or making the best use of resources. emotional- appeals to status, ego, and sensual feelings. appealing to the emotions is effective when a product is inexpensive, short-lived, or nonessential. dual appeals- dual appeals appeal to both

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