BYUIS Art Foundations Part 1 Final

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A perfectly proportioned human figure should be approximately how many heads in length?

7 1/2 heads

Which of the following figures represents an idealized modern American figure?

A Barbie

Which of the following is an example of a modern American ideal of the human figure?

A barbie

Which of the following figures represents the prehistoric ideal of the human figure?

A fat woman statue

As mentioned, Caravaggio was known for his religious paintings and strong use of chiaroscuro. Knowing this, which of the following would be the work of Caravaggio?

A man in light colors dramatically being crushed by a bull

Which of the following best describes a gesture drawing?

A quick warm up sketch

A dollar bill is an example of what?

A reproduction

Which of the following would be the best description of an original work of art?

A sculpture that was hand sculpted by an artist and is like no other

Which group of people can benefit from art criticism?

All of the above: artists, viewers, and professional art critics

Which of the following is true concerning the creation of art?

Anyone can create art.

Which step is most helpful when analyzing a work of art?

Asking what elements are used

What step would not be helpful in analyzing a work of art?

Asking what material was used to create an artwork

How can an object be considered beautiful by one person and unattractive by another?

Beauty is viewed differently by everyone.

Two siblings argue over the interpretation of Jan Van Eyck's Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride. While one says it is a painting depicting a marriage, the other claims it is showing a husband bestowing power to his wife. Which interpretation is correct?

Both are correct because interpretations vary from person to person

A husband and wife go through a museum together and see an ancient Greek sculpture placed next to an ancient Roman sculpture. The husband claims the Greek sculpture is more beautiful, while the wife insists that it is the Roman sculpture. Who is correct?

Both, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

How are secondary colors created?

By mixing two primary colors

Which of the following designs is commonly found in medieval art?

Celtic knot

A young woman wants to learn how to make a ceramic sculpture, but doesn't want to take a formal ceramics class. Based off of the titles, which would be the best book for her to read?

Ceramics 101

Which of the following is the first step in the Feldman Model of Criticism?


Which of the following drawings exhibits one-point perspective?

Drawing with a horizon line and a single vanishing point

Which of the following elements is NOT required to create a Celtic knot?


Which of the following is not true when it comes to creating art?

you must take a formal art class in order to receive proper instruction

Which of the following figures represents the ideal of beauty during prehistoric ages?

Fat woman

Which two ideals of the human figure are most similar to each other?

Greek and Italian Renaissance

Which two groups of sculptures are commonly mistaken for one another?

Greek and Roman

From which group of artists did ancient Roman artists receive their inspiration?

Greek artists

Which of the following is NOT true regarding art restoration?

It always brings art back to its perfect condition

What made the Book of Kells so famous?

It contains beautifully elaborate designs.

In what ways can knowing an artist's intent be limiting when viewing art?

It does not allow a viewer to come up with a personal interpretation

What makes the following painting an altarpiece?

It has three separate panels which can be folded closed.

Which of the following is not applicable to both of the images below? (One is a mural of a priest and the other is a graffiti tag)

It is graffiti and most likely done illegally

Which of the following is NOT true concerning art restoration?

It is most often an easy procedure.

What purpose does a horizon line serve in a perspective drawing?

It serves as a guide.

Why did prehistoric people view a larger figure as beautiful?

It showed that a person was healthy and would be able to support themselves

A viewer looks at a work of art and determines that it is successful. This conclusion is what step in the Feldman Model of Criticism?


A man enters a museum and begins to critique a large sculpture using the Feldman Model of Criticism. After a while, he determines that he likes the piece very much. This man's conclusion is an example of what kind of judgment?

Judgement based off of personal preference

Vermeer was an artist known for his portraits of women and strong use of chiaroscuro. Knowing this, which of the following would be an example of Vermeer's work?

Lady writing in a yellow dress with a dark background

Which artist from Italian Renaissance was known for keeping a notebook filled with drawings and backward notes?

Leonardo da Vinci

Which artist was known for his extensive journals containing notes and sketches concerning his many interests (including he study of the human anatomy)?

Leonardo da Vinci

Which of the following is an example of sculptures from the Archaic period?

Man standing straight and stiff with one foot out in front

Which of the following is an example of a kouros from the Archaic Period?

Man standing very stiff and straight with one foot out in front

Which of the following was an inspiration for symbolism used by the Mexican Muralists?

Mexican culture

Which artist is known for lying on his back and painting the entire ceiling of a large chapel?


Which would be the best example of analysis regarding the sculpture below?

Michelangelo used the shape of Christ's body to create a movement within this piece.

Is it correct to assume that everyone who views this piece will have the same interpretation?

No, because most people interpret things differently.

For an assignment, you are required to provide a written interpretation for a work of art. Your teacher tells you that your interpretation is wrong, and as a result you receive a failing grade. Is your teacher's decision justified?

No, because the assignment was for your interpretation, which is individualized.

Carefully read the following analysis and select which piece it best fits. "The artist carefully uses the color red to create repetition and balance within this work of art. There are also a number of shapes which are repeated symmetrically, which again brings balance to this piece."

Oil painting of gathering in front of a church

What is the main difference between viewer interpretation and artist intent?

One is an artist's interpretation, while the other is the viewer's

Three of the following statements are true for both of the following images. Choose the statement that is true for only one of them. (One is a mural of a preacher and the other is a graffiti tag)

One is graffiti and most likely done illegally

Which of the following is an example of a still-life painting?

Painting of a group of motionless objects

Which of the following is an example of a landscape?

Painting of an outdoor scene

Which of the following is an example of symbolism found in prehistoric art?

Picture of a very simple bull

Which of the following is an example of symbolism created by the Mexican Muralists?

Picture of woman wrapping a dead soldier

Which best describes medieval art?

Pieces filled with small, intricate detail and designs

Based upon the information from 1.1 and by studying the image below, why cannot be concluded?

Prehistoric artists were all overweight

Correctly drawing the human figure most heavily relies on which element?


What is the most important element when drawing the human figure?


Which of the following is an example of an archaic smile?

Statue with a forced smile and chubby cheeks

Which of the following is an example of judgement for this painting?

The artist has successfully created a painting which as been well loved throughout the ages.

Which would be an example of analysis?

The artist has used color to create a focal point in this work of art.

Which of the following statements would be an example of a description for the image below?

The artist used warm colors such as red and yellow.

Knowing that Italian Renaissance artists focused on religion, architecture, and the human figure, which of the following is most likely NOT from this period?

The hellenistic statue

Which fo the following is an example of interpretation?

The husband, protectively watching his wife, is weary over the business transaction she is about to make.

You go to a museum and see written explanations about the art prominently placed to each piece. What can you conclude?

The museum values artist intent.

What would you assume if you were to go through a museum exhibit offering no descriptions of the art on display?

The museum values viewer interpretation over artist intent.

A young woman defines art as something beautiful and realistic. Which of the following images would be considered art based off of her definition?

The realistic lake and mountains painting

Which of the following is not true concerning illuminated manuscriptes?

There are none surviving today

Which of the following is NOT true when it comes to defining beauty?

There is only one level of beauty.

What purpose do symbols serve in Northern Renaissance art?

They add to the meaning of a work of art.

What happens to the objects in a drawing as they reach the vanishing point?

They gradually become smaller.

What did religious officials do in order to restore greatness to their churches and turn people to God?

They hired artists to create religious works of art

Why did artists from the Italian Renaissance depict the human figure with perfect proportions and unrealistic muscle strength?

They wanted to appear Godlike.

How were books copied during the Middle Ages?

They were individually hand written

Examine the painting below. Based upon the Feldman Model of Criticism, which of the following would be an interpretation for this piece? (Depicts a man with a basket on his back with his wife helping him)

This painting symbolizes the strong bond between a husband and wife. The patient, loving face on the wife also shows how hard work can bring two people closer.

Following the guidelines on proportion provided in 2.2, which of the figures below is correctly broken down?

Top of neck to bottom of pelvis is equal in length to bottom of pelvis to ankles

The following is an example of which element of design?(shows strip of same color of green with different shades)


Which of the following ideals of beauty is most similar to that of the ancient Greek and Roman's studied in lesson 2.1?

Very muscular and fit man posed naturally

Which of the following is an example of sculptures from the Hellenistic period?

Woman dramatically draped with a cloak

Concerning the process of defining art, which of the following statements is NOT true?

You can never change your mind once you decide your definition of art.

Whether or not you consider graffiti a form of art should depend upon

Your own feelings and opinions

As defined in 3.4, what is the definition of reproduction?

a copy of a work of art

Which of the following places was NOT mentioned in 6.4 as a good place to find art?

a music video

Which of the following best describes an illuminated manuscript?

a page containing both text and painted adornments

What resulted from the many restoration attempts on Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper?

a painting which is still deterioration and can only be viewed by a few people at a time

The dollar bill, which has been copied over a million times, is na example of what?

a reproduction

Complementary colors are located where on the color wheel?

across from one another

Which of the following was not mentioned as a part of Italian Renaissance art?


Where would be the most likely place. for someone to find art?

an art museum

Which would be the most likely place to find a Celtic knot?

an illuminated manuscript

You walk into an art gallery where an art dealer tells you he has a very special piece of art. It is a one-of-a-kind and was painted right before the artist's most untimely death. This would be an example of what?

an original

Which of the following best describes the pose of an Archaic sculpture?

an upright stance with one foot stepping in front of the other

Which step of the Feldman Model of Criticism requires the viewer to describe how the elements and principles of design work together?


Which of the following inspired the Italian Renaissance?

ancient Roman heritage

When defining art, it is most important to remember that

art is uniquely individualized

A valuable work of art is severely damaged. Paint is starting to chip as well as discolor. What technique would be used to restore it back to its near-original condition?

art restoration

An artist has a specific meaning for a work she created. How would this be labeled?

artist intent

Interpretation for a work of art should

be individualized

The process of defining art should

be personal and individualized

What results were produced following the restoration of the Sistine Chapel?

brighter colors

How would you give a painting a warm feeling?

by adding warm colors such as yellow

In what way could artist intent be useful to viewers?

by providing more insight to a work of art

In the painting shown below, the artist predominantly used yellow and purple. This is a use of what types of colors?

complementary colors

Which of the following words best describes art from the Classical Period?


Green, blue, and purple are examples of what type of colors?

cool colors

Look at the painting below. What types of colors were used by the artist? (Painting with only blues)

cool colors

Interpreting art requires the viewer to do what?

create and answer questions concerning a work of art

Analysis involves

describing how the elements and principles of design work together

As discussed in 6.2, which of the following paintings does not portray an inspiration commonly found in Baroque art?

detailed painting of a chapel

Which best explains the second step in the Feldman Model of Criticism?

determining the meaning of a work of art

Which of the following words best describes Hellenistic sculpture?


Which of the following describes sculptures from the Hellenistic Period?

dramatic figures in stretched-out poses

Which was NOT mentioned as a common characteristic of illuminated manuscripts?

dull coloring

Which one of the following is not one of the steps to the Feldman Model of Criticism?


Which of the following is an example of accepting positive criticism?

finding positive aspects of criticism to help yourself improve

What principle is meant to catch your eye?

focal point

Vanishing points also commonly act as

focal points

Without permission, a man uses a can of spray paint to create markings on a wall. Based upon the definitions provided in 1.4, these markings would be defined as


What body part is used to serve as a measure of length when drawing the human figure?


Which of the following was NOT a trait found in Caravaggio's paintings?

immoral scenes

Like art, it is most important for beauty to be defined


In the end, beauty should be defined by


A young boy studies a painting. After careful examination he comes up with a story for the piece. This is an example of what step in the Feldman Model of Criticism?


Which step in the Feldman Model of Criticism requires you to review the other three steps?


Which of the following is not a form of judgement as discussed in 6.3?

judgement based off of the opinions of others

What is the last and possibly most crucial step in the Feldman Model of Criticism?


Which of the following would NOT help with viewing art?

knowing how to draw

Which of the following would NOT help with creating art?

knowing the hours of an art museum

Which type of art was NOT discussed as being created during the middle ages?

large painted murals

As was mentioned in 5.4, not everyone feels that art restoration is a necessary procedure. What would be the most logical alternative for those who oppose art restoration?

letting art take its natural course

Look at the sculpture shown below. What is the main element used to create the shape of the hair? (Statue with curly hair)


Which two elements play a major role when creating a Celtic knot?

line and shape

Which would be least helpful in viewing art?

looking through a novel

Which social class most inspired Baroque artists?

lower classes

Which statement best describes the results and feelings following the restoration on the Sistine Chapel?

mixed reactions over the brighter colors which were revealed

Just like ancient cave art, __________________ are permanent wall paintings packed full of symbols.


Which one of the following was not a source of inspiration found in baroque art?

mythical gods

Where are analogous colors found on the color wheel?

next to one another on the color wheel

Which is the most effective way to provide positive art criticism?

offer helpful suggestions to help the artist improve

What type of painting method became widely used during the Northern Renaissance?

oil painting

What types of shapes are shown below? (blobs shown)


A young man discovers what he believes to be a book of illuminated manuscripts. Which of the following would be the best indication that his assumption is correct?

pages with text and painted images

Space taken up by an object is

positive space

Prehistoric symbols allow us to know what

prehistoric people valued or felt was important

Which of the following was not commonly found in illuminated manuscripts?

prehistoric symbols

What colors are used to create secondary colors?

primary colors

A gesture drawing is defined as a

quick, rough sketch

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of oil paint?

quicker drying time

What three colors cannot be created by mixing any other colors?

red, yellow, blue

When you make an initial reaction, it is important to

reevaluate your reaction to make an educated judgement

Which of the following themes is most commonly found in Baroque art?


Which of the following was the overall them found in Baroque art?


Which of the following best describes art from the North Renaissance?

religious and symbolic

If an element, such as color, were to be repeated within a work of art, what principle would be created?


Aside from religion, what inspired Baroque artists?

scenes of everyday life

As discussed in 6.1, what were the three main art forms used by Baroque artists?

sculpture, painting, and architecture

Which of the following words would NOT be used to describe Northern Renaissance art?


Which of the following was a benefit to painting with oil paints as opposed to paints used earlier?

slower drying times

Although the Vikings destroyed much of the art believed to have been created during the Middle Ages, some pieces survived their attacks. Which of the following is an example of this type of art?

small metal workings

What type of art survived the Viking attacks during the Middle Ages?

small metal works such as pendants

When writing a description it is important to provide what kind of details?


Throughout history many artists have portrayed the Biblical figure David. Unlike many others, Baroque artist Bernini sculpted a dramatic version of David in the process of using his sling. Knowing this, which of the following would be the work of Bernini?

statue dramatically posed in action

How do we know what prehistoric people valued?

symbols found on cave walls

When accepting art criticism, it is important to

take away the positive

Adequately describing art requires the viewer to

take the time to look at detail

What motivated a religious trend in art during the Baroque era?

tension between the Catholic and Protestant faiths

Which group did artists from the Italian Renaissance look to for inspiration?

the ancient Romans

Chiaroscuro is defined as

the contrast of light and dark colors

To discuss the Italian Renaissance is to discuss

the flourishing of the arts in Italy

In 1606, Carlo Maderno was commissioned to design a facade for St. Peter's. What is the definition of a facade?

the front of a building

A woman is examining a modern abstract painting and notices a Celtic knot in the background. From which time period did this painting's artist most likely receive his or her inspiration?

the middle ages

Which of the following should not be a factor when judging a work of art?

the opinions of others

Art restoration involves

the process of restoring a work of art to its near-original condition

As explained in 4.3, what can be a helpful starting point when interpreting a work of art?

the title of the piece

Michelangelo was an artist who created realistic marble sculptures (often of biblical figures) with a polished marble surface. Based off of this information, which of the following would not be the work of Michelangelo?

the unrealistic statue

What makes the following shapes organic?

they have no exact specification

What is the purpose of art criticism?

to evaluate and judge art

What is the purpose of a gesture drawing?

to get an idea of proportion and serve as a warm up

You examine a drawing and notice that there are two vanishing points. This is an example of what?

two-point perspective

One benefit to oil paints is that they allowed an artist to better blend lines. Knowing this, which of the following is most likely to have been painted using oils?

very detailed painting with rich colors

When something gives off the appearance of texture, it has

visual texture

What type of surface did both prehistoric artists and the Mexican Muralists use to depict symbols?


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