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What requires that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained or used specifically by federal agencies be comparably accessible to users with disabilities?

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

What is the term for an instruction within an HTML page that directs the Web server to perform an action?

Server-side include


An HTML extension used to provide location-based services.

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)

(pronounced whiz-ee-wig) Another name for GUI. A user-friendly editing format in which the file being edited is displayed as it will appear in the browser.

HTML5 file format that does both audio and video


Colors are specified in RGB values range from:

0 to 255

Which two tags are containers for other tags?

1. <head> 2. <body>

Which two points are specified when defining a circular hot spot?

1. Center 2. Radius

Which two methods are used to apply Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?

1. Embedding an internal style sheet in an HTML page 2. Linking an HTML page to an external style sheet

Which two actions should be used to address users with visual impairments?

1. Ensure that pages support screen-reader apps 2. Provide text descriptions for images

What does the <!DOCTYPE> achieve?

1. Instructs a web browser which HTML version to use 2. Read by an HTML validation engine

Which two form elements should use the same name for groups of related elements?

1. Radio 2. Checkbox

Which value of the opacity property in CSS3, represents completely opaque?


The hexadecimal value A represents _____.


The hexadecimal value F represents _____.


The hexadecimal value 10 represents _____.


The browser-safe color palette consists of a standard of _____ colors


The hexadecimal value FF represents:


How would you add a hidden comment?

<!-- Comment Here -->

Give the general code layout of an HTML5 document

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta(name, charset, etc)/> <link/> <title> </title> </head> <body> </body> </html>

how would you override an external CSS rule that has been applied to the whole page, so to individually edit a single paragraph?

<__ style="styleexample" > <p style="text-align: center">

How would you insert a local hyperlink?

<a href="document.html"> Document Name</a>

what shows a valid code for a functional, formatted hyperlink reference?

<a href="http://www.wgu.edu">WGU</a>

How to insert a hyperlink using an image?

<a href="name of URL value to reference hyperlink"> <img height:"integer" width="integer" src="imagedirectorylocation.png" alt="description" /> </a>

How would you insert a external hyperlink

<a href="url"> Name of Link/Website </a>

How would you insert a internal hyperlink?

<a id="targetarea"> target anchor text/image </a> --page content-- <a href="#targetarea1"> text or image linking to targetarea1 </a>

how would you insert an audio clip?

<audio controls="controls"> <source src="audio.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" /> Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio element </audio>

Which technique should you use to indent a paragraph? Create a line break?

<blockquote> </blockquote> . <br/>

Which HTML5 element is used to draw graphics on a web page?


What is the basic layout to insert a form into a HTML5 doc?

<form method="post" action="url/location of CGI script"> <input type="radio" name="AddToList" />Yes <Select> If you choose a drop down... </select> </form>

Describe the different semantics elements that define different parts of webpages

<header> <nav> <section> <article> <aside> <footer>

How do you create a horizontal line? What about one that only goes across 1/2 the page and is 10 pixels tall? What must separate the two properties?

<hr/> <hr style="width: 50%; height: 10px;" /> Semicolons

Which tag uses the manifest attribute to enable the offline support for a web page?


how would you insert video that is hosted on an external domain i.e. YouTube?

<iframe width="integer" height="integer" src="url"> Your browser does not support the HTML ifram element </iframe>

How would you insert in an image in an HTML5 doc?

<img src="imagefilenamehere.png" alt="Text Description" />

How do you create an image map?

<img src="imagelocation.gif" usemap="#mapname" /> <map name="mapname"> <area shape=rect" coords="coordinates" href="url" alt="description of url" /> </map>

Which markup should be used to link a CSS document to a web page?

<link rel= "stylesheet" type="text/css" href="theme.css">

How do you link a HTML5 page to its corresponding CSS3 style sheet using code? (in the <head> tag)

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="foldername/stylesheetname.css" />

Give the general code of the <head> tag

<meta name="keywords" content="all keyword associated with Webpage" /> <meta name="author" content="Danella Mitchell" /> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="filefoldername/stylesheetname.css" /> <title>Title of the WebPage</title>

Which tag should be added to ensure a responsive design in a web page, and which will be accessed from a variety of devices?

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

How do you create a bulleted or numbered list?

<ol> for numbered <ul> for bulleted <li>1st item</li> <li>2nd item</li> <li>3rd item</li> </ol> or </ul>

Which HTML tag is used to display text exactly as it is defined in the HTML markup?


Which HTML element can be used to create a primitive table on a Web page using tabbed data?

<pre> tag

Which markup should be added to a form to create a drop-down list that allows users to select with three selectable options?

<select multiple> <option value="item1"> item 1 </option> <option value="item2"> item 2 </option> <option value="item3"> item 3 </option> </select>

How would you apply a CSS rule you created to a table in an HTML5 document?

<table class="center">

How would you insert a table?

<table> <caption> Text above the table </caption> <tr> <th> Table Header 1 </th> <th> Table Header 2 </th> </tr> <tr> <td> Data Point 1 </td> <td> Data Point 2 </td> </tr> </table>

what is some example code of Column and Row Spanning?

<tr> <th colspan="2"> Table Header </th> </tr> <tr> <th rowspan="2"> Table Header </th> </tr>

how do you insert a video?

<video width="integer" width="integer" class="classnamehere" controls="controls" poster="image.png" > <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> Your browser does not support the HTML5 video element </video>

Which HTML5 element has a poster attribute? what does it do?

<video>. specifies which image you would like to be the still when the video hasn't been started yet.


A CGI programming methodology that enables Web applications to interact with users in much the same way they do with desktop applications.

What occurs when the Web server receives raw text strings from the client?

A CGI script parses and formats the raw text strings into a human-readable format.

What is Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)?

A W3C-recommended language that uses XML to describe graphics and graphical applications


A base-16 number system that allows large numbers to be displayed by fewer characters than if the number were displayed in the regular base-10 system. In hexadecimal, the number 10 is represented as the letter A, 15 is represented as F, and 16 is represented as 10.

Your Web team has been assigned to quickly develop a Web site. You have the necessary site designers, but you do not have a systems administrator available. You need someone to supply a Web server, bandwidth, and advanced Web and database connectivity. Which type of provider can best help you?

A cloud service provider


A collection of variables stored in a series. Arrays are used to hold multiple values; a variable can hold only one value.


A command that repeats the input you type back to a terminal or an application window.


A command-line text-only Web browser. It is often used by those with shell accounts and those who are visually impaired because it can be used with software that renders text into voice.


A compiled object-oriented programming language that is the proprietary Microsoft competitor to Java

Visual Basic

A compiled programming language developed by Microsoft and used for stand-alone applications and server-side Web applications

Web 2.0

A concept referring to the changing trends in the use of WWW technology and Web design that have led to the development of information-sharing and collaboration capabilities.

Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)

A cross-platform programming language that enables users to write custom CGI programs and system management programs; traditional, platform-independent

Web feed

A data format for delivering Web content that is updated frequently.

Document Type Declaration (<!DOCTYPE>)

A declaration of document or code type embedded within an HTML, XHTML, XML or SGML document; identifies the version and markup language used. Denoted by the <!DOCTYPE> declaration at the beginning of the document.

application cache

A directory on a computer where applications, such as Internet apps, can be stored and run without access to the original application.


A discrete portion of an application; known as an instance, because it can be duplicated and then manipulated within a program.

Fixed-width font

A font in which every character, including the space character, has equal width. In proportional-width fonts, letters such as I and J have less width than M or B.


A language used for defining other languages.


A list of the files that are needed for the Web application to work offline.

block-level element

A markup element that affects at least an entire paragraph.

text-level element

A markup element that affects single characters or words.


A place in memory used to store information for later use. A variable can hold only one value.


A procedural compiled programming language used to develop stand-alone applications, rather than Web applications


A program that converts text files into executable applications.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

A program that processes data submitted by the user. Allows a Web server to pass control to a software application, based on user request. The application receives and organizes data, then returns it in a consistent format.


A program that provides visual navigation with menus and screen icons, and performs automated functions when users click command buttons.


A proprietary CGI technology designed to be easier to install and use than other interpreters and languages.


A proprietary CGI technology that allows you to use various languages, including JavaScript, VBScript, Visual Basic or C#.

In a style sheet, what must you use to separate multiple declarations for one selector within a rule?

A semicolon

markup language

A series of commands used to format, organize and describe information on a Web page.


A set of files called a library that you can refer to in your code. Programmers often include libraries in their code to avoid having to re-create code that has already been written.

Document Type Definition (DTD)

A set of rules contained in a simple text file that defines the structure, syntax and vocabulary as it relates to tags and attributes for a corresponding document.

Web application framework

A set of software tools or code that is commonly used in the creation and management of online applications.


A stand-alone, reusable segment of program code that is not part of an object. A line of code that allows you to refer to an entire series of steps or commands. Functions are used to organize code into discrete sections.


A style of programming that links data to the processes that manipulate it.

Offline Web application

An HTML extension that allows Web programs to function when an Internet connection is not available.


A text file that contains information sent between a server and a client to help maintain state and track user activities. Cookies can reside in memory or on a hard drive.

When conducting a Web development project meeting, why might it be useful to have a third party deliver a summary of progress?

A third party may help ensure clarity in meetings that include technical and non-technical participants.

JavaServer Pages (JSP)

A universal CGI technology that uses the Java interpreter.


A universal character set designed to support all written languages, as well as scholarly disciplines (e.g., mathematics).

What are Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) concerns?

Accessibility for developers, User agent accessibility

The _______ attribute specifies the name and location of the CGI script used to process the form.


An organization has users which run older versions of Internet Explorer. Which action should be done to ensure that that web page content is visible in all browsers?

Add JavaScript code to HTML documents and create a new CSS rule

What is the default administrative password for Windows systems for permissions typically assigned by an ISP?


What is used to give web applications the same responsiveness as desktop applications?


Which law was enacted to protect the civil rights of people with disabilities, and includes mandates that electronic information be accessible to people with disabilities?

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


An Application Programming Interface (API) that is used to transfer XML and other text data between a Web server and browser.


An HTML extension that allows Web page elements to be moved inside and outside the Web page.

What is the difference between an ISP and a cloud service provider?

An ISP provides bandwidth and possibly Web server space, whereas a cloud service provider provides more complex services such as software-as-a-service (SaaS), backup services and database connectivity.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

An Internet protocol used to transfer files between computers; allows file transfer without corruption or alteration.

drop zone

An area of a Web page that has been defined as a place where dragged items can be placed.


An individual computer connected to a network. Also, a system or application (such as a Web browser or user agent) that requests a service from another computer (the server) and is used to access files or documents.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

An interpreted server-side scripting language for creating dynamic Web pages; runs on multiple platforms


An object-oriented compiled programming language whose applications are platform-independent


An object-oriented compiled programming language whose programs must be compiled to a specific computer type


An open-source CGI technology that emphasizes code readability by employing minimalistic code syntax and semantics.


An open-source Web framework that makes the creation of complex, database-driven Web sites easier by emphasizing the use of components that can be reused.

user agent

Any application, such as a Web browser, mobile phone, smartphone or help engine, that renders HTML for display to users.


Application Programming Interface. A set of universal commands, calls and functions that allows developers to communicate with an application or operating system.

What are Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) used for with regard to adding functionality?

As a CSS extension language for preprocessing

Why is it preferable to use <strong> in lieu of <b> to apply the bold text style?

Because <strong> can be used both to denote bold text when printed and strongly spoken text when output through an audio device

Why should you avoid adding spaces or hard returns within an <img> tag?

Because XHTML will render the additional spaces or hard returns, which may affect the placement of the image on the page. And it wont validate.

When you prepare your development environment to create Web page code, why should you set file preferences to view file name extensions?

Because you will be working with various file types that may have the same or similar names

If you want to specify default text for a text area box, where should you add the text that will appear as default text?

Between the <textarea> tags

What is the default value for aligning images relative to text using CSS?


Most daemons (i.e., services) are written in which language?


client-side script

Code embedded into an HTML page and downloaded by a user; resides on the client and helps process Web form input. Common client-side scripting languages include JavaScript and VBScript.

server-side script

Code that resides on a server to help process Web form input. Server-side CGI scripts are commonly written in Perl.

Which HTML tag type consists of a pair of opening and closing tags?

Container tag


Dynamic HTML. A general term used to describe the combination of HTML, script, styles and the Document Object Model (DOM) that provides Web page interactivity.

On the fly

Dynamically created Web page content, as opposed to pre-defined, static content.


Document Object Model. A W3C standard that specifies the way objects are manipulated through script.


Embedded information that defines the font, color and phrase elements used on an HTML page


Embedded instructions within a text file that link it to another point in the file or to a separate file.

Stand alone tags

Empty tags can be written with a slash after the element to become a stand-alone non-empty tag.

How can you accommodate Web users with a vision impairment?

Ensuring that all pages and page elements can be rendered by audio screen readers by utilizing the alt attribute.

In programming, which term describes a line of code that allows a language to respond to a specific event or user input?

Event handler


Extensible Hypertext Markup Language; Web language standard that separates responsibilities for organizing and formatting data.

What does Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) use to organize the data on a Web page?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) allows you to organize the data on a Web page.

Which languages describe the data from which Web pages are created, but do not format Web pages?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)


Extensible Markup Language; A markup language that describes document content instead of adding structure or formatting to document content. A simplified version of of SGML.

What would be the best method to use for floating images to the left and right of text in HTML5 if you are developing sites with multiple pages?

External CSS classes

Which term describes a hyperlink you create from a file on your system to a separate file on the Internet?

External hyperlink

Which multimedia technology did popular video sharing sites replace with Motion Picture Experts Group-4 (MP4) to address security concerns?


Which database type can store data in a single table only?

Flat file

The only Web-ready image file formats that support interlacing are:

GIF 87a, GIF 89a and PNG.

The only Web-ready image file formats that support animation are:

GIF 89a and PNG.

The only Web-ready image file formats that support transparency are:

GIF 89a and PNG.


Gives value to it's attribute. always surrounded by quotation marks.

Which Web image format is best suited for line art, custom drawings and navigational images?

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) files are best suited for line art, custom drawings and navigational images. GIFs support 256 colors, rather than the millions of colors available to JPEG images.

What does Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) use to describe a document's visual layout?


HTML 4.01 Frameset

HTML 4.01 flavor that requires pages that used HTML frames, which placed Web pages inside each other to create separate panes in the browser window

When creating your Web pages, you should consider the site's structure because your files will be uploaded to a server eventually. How are Web site files typically structured?

HTML pages are placed directly in a directory, and all images and files used in that page are stored in sub-folders with the same name.


HTML5 element structure that is defined for company services and blogs that contains the content of the page

The HTML Web development "trifecta" consists of:

HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript

Which symbol with an href value tells the browser to look for an anchor within the current document?

Hash (#)

Which HTML heading style renders text the same size as normal text?

Heading level 4


Hyper Text Markup Language 5. A language that requires few plug-ins and standardizes how video and audio are presented on a Web Page.


Hypertext Markup Language; The traditional authoring language used to develop Web pages for many applications. Language used primarily for defining format and appearance of Web documents

What happens if you specify a font name in an external CSS file that a user's system does not support?

If you specify a font that is not available on all systems, some users will not see the font face you chose and the font will display as a default font face.

inline images

Images rendered in a Web page.


In a style sheet, a format instruction that consists of a specified selector and the properties and values applied to it.


In a style sheet, any element to which designated styles are applied.

Generally, which Web image format should you use if you want the highest image quality?


<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"/> This code shows:

Link to a style sheet. it is located in the <head> tag.

Which term describes a hyperlink that links one file on your hard drive to another file on your hard drive?

Local hyperlink

Which of the following should you use when you develop your own Web pages and want to link them to form a site?

Local hyperlinks


Logical constructs that allow you to control the way that information flows in the application.

The <audio> element supports which three formats?

MP3, Ogg and Wav

The <video> element supports which three formats?

MP4, WebM and Ogg

What is a working definition of ethics for a web designer?

Make choices to avoid violating the rights of people

The _______ attribute specifies the manner in which the browser will send form data to a Web server.


What can be run on various systems and is used to update database files?

Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface or its Java counterpart, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)


Microsoft's original server-side scripting solution


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension; A protocol that enables operating systems to map file name extensions to corresponding applications. Also used to automatically process files downloaded from the Internet.

Which HTML5 tag attribute is essential for an input field in a web form if submitted to the server?


Which term describes the process of adding a pair of tags within another pair of tags?


Which language type does not allow for inheritance from one class to another?


What can be considered a disadvantage of using FormMail?

Older versions of FormMail could be fooled into sending e-mail to anyone.

Virtual server

One Web server contains your site and several other sites

What are the two types of GUI editors?

Page editors and site management editors

Which term describes a style of programming that uses subprograms to accomplish tasks?


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Rules in an external text file that determine how to display HTML elements in your Web pages. Formatting can be placed within the HTML or called remotely from an external style sheet.


Similar to object-oriented programming languages, but does not allow for inheritance from one class to another.


Software as a Service. Software that is hosted centrally on the Internet and accessed by users with a Web browser.


Software used to read and process code in standard text files. Interpreters either reside on the server or are downloaded to a client. PHP, Perl and ASP are all languages that use it.

Cloud Computing

Software, infrastructure and platform services that are hosted by a remote data center and provided to organizations or individuals over the Internet.


Standardized Generalized Markup Language; metalanguage; used to descrive data and context, not appearance

What occurs when you specify the wrap="soft" attribute and value for the <textarea> tag?

Text you enter will continue on one line beyond the scrolling text box border.

Which HTML tag should you use if you want to indent a block of text?

The <blockquote> tag

How is the <h> tag different than <p>?

The <h> tag denotes a header line of text. Can edit the size (1-6, 1 being the largest and 4 being normal). <h> cannot be set within a <p> tag. A <p> tag denotes a paragraph.


The ability for a computer to approximate a color by combining the RGB values.


The ability for one class to share characteristics with another class. Characteristics can include an object's state, structure or behavior.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

The ability to automate the planning and operations of an entire organization. Depending on the organization, this automation might include hiring, termination, manufacturing and marketing. Enterprise resource planning is a service typically provided by a cloud service provider for a cost.

n-tier solution

The business logic, data and presentation are completely separated. An upgrade in one of the layers does not necessarily mean the others are affected.

two-tier application

The client is responsible for presentation and business logic, and a server houses only the data. Called a client-server relationship. Any change to the database requires client upgrade.

What attribute should you use to specify the width in characters of a scrolling text box?

The cols attribute

What will occur if your HTML code asks for a color that the browser or operating system cannot support?

The computer will compensate by dithering, which is the ability for a computer to approximate a color by combining the RGB values. The results of dithering are unpredictable and often unattractive.

When you are ready to publish your Web site files to your Web host, which choice lists all the information you must specify in order to publish your files?

The destination server's name or IP address, authentication information, and the file location on the remote server

Who is responsible for protecting a copyright?

The entity whose work is being used

The W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Recommendation outlines seven points that help determine what?

The suitability of a GUI editor for developers with disabilities

What happens when you place text between the <!-- and --> tags in your HTML source code?

The text will be "commented out" and will not appear on the Web page.

character set

The group of symbols used to render text on a page.

You are creating a Web form in HTML5 for your site. You want to make sure you code it correctly to process data. You have included the action attribute in the <form> element. What else do you need to include?

The method attribute of the <form> element

Which <input> tag attribute organizes Web form information submitted by the user into the basic elements for a raw text string, which is then processed by the Web server?

The name attribute

link rot

The phenomenon in which hyperlinks on a Web site gradually become invalid as referenced Web page content, links and page locations change.


The process of developing an outline for a Web presence.

Radio buttons are reserved for two or more mutually exclusive options on a Web form. How do you ensure this exclusivity?

The radio buttons must share the same name attribute.


The service provider allocates space for your equipment. You provide the server hardware, and the provider supplies space and necessary bandwidth for your server.

Dedicated hosting (or co-hosting)

The service provider gives you access to a dedicated server that it owns.


The use of audio or video digital-media files that are distributed through Web feeds to subscribed users.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) can be used for which purpose?

To allow data to be interchanged with all types of applications

What is the purpose of the W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines?

To guide development of editors for developers with disabilities

Which term describes a unique word, phrase, or symbol that is officially registered by an organization with the government?


HTML 4.01 has three distinct variants, or "flavors." They are?

Transitional Strict Frameset

Zack developed his corporation's intranet site using proprietary HTML language extensions based on the company's current browser at the time. The company has recently updated its systems to include the use of a new browser. Now the intranet site that Zack developed no longer renders its content consistently. What should Zack do to ensure that this site's content renders consistently going forward, regardless of the browser used?

Update the site using a single W3C language standard consistently, such as HTML5 or XHTML.

Which pair of points is specified when defining a rectangular hot spot?

Upper left and lower right

What does the W3C Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines evaluate?

Usability of HTML coding tools by a user with disabilities

The HR Department has asked your Web team to create a Web page for the company's intranet site that will compare the company's three different employee insurance plan options. What is the most effective way to accomplish this?

Use document structure tags to lay out the page, and use a table to organize the insurance plan information.

What is the purpose of the WebM MIME type?

Uses a file format to stream online videos

Which graphical image type scales without losing image quality?



Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. A set of guidelines for ensuring Web site accessibility to all users, including those with disabilities.

What does a validation engine (such as the W3C Markup Validation Service) determine about your Web page?

Whether it conforms to a specific W3C markup code standard

Colocation service

Which hosting option allows a company to ship specific hardware to the provider?

Which site planning tool describes an outline for a Web presence?


Which file type allows a client to integrate to a vendor's purchasing system by transmitting data points when a user clicks senD?


What specific information would you need to obtain from an ISP or cloud service provider whose hosting services you wanted to use?

You would need account information, IP addresses, DNS server names, and file and directory location

What can be considered a drawback of obtaining feedback about your Web site by conducting customer surveys via e-mail?

Your organization runs the risk of receiving a bad reputation as a spammer.

What will happen if you neglect to include a <!DOCTYPE> tag in your HTML document?

Your page will not validate with a markup validator

Site Development Associate<br/> is an example of what?

a line break, which is an empty tag

Which attribute of the anchor (<a>) element determines the color of unvisited hyperlinks?


Which CSS state selectors show uninspected hyperlinks in red?

a:link { color:red; }

Which attribute of the anchor (<a>) element determines the color of visited hyperlinks?


HTML 4.01 Transitional

allowed developers to insert formatting using either CSS or traditional layout instructions

HTML markup tags consist of:

an element, an attribute and a value.

The hexadecimal value #000000 represents the color:


Give an example of a basic CSS rule

body { font-family: arial, serif, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; }

Which code block should be used to set the background image for a web page?

body{ background-image: url('paper.gif')}

There are two types of tags:

container(aka non-empty) and empty. Container tags come in pairs; empty tags stand alone.

The main goal of Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is to:

create a medium that would provide for the transition from HTML to XML.

In RGB code, the lower the numeric value representing a color, the _____ that color will be.


single-tier computing

data, business logic and presentation are all combined into one application or database

Mind share

effect of marketing efforts influencing a particular target market or demographic

HTML 4.01 Strict

flavor of HTML 4.01 That required the exclusive use of CSS when defining layout instructions

Which property is used in CSS3 to specify the left or right alignment of an image?


With the ______ method, form data is appended to the URL for use in a query string.


Which HTML5 geolocation API process retrieves the user's latitude and longitude?


The term "pixel" is short for:

picture element

In RGB code, the higher the numeric value representing a color, the ______ that color will be.


Relative Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

location of a web resource on a network and the method of retrieving it

What attribute should you add to the <audio> element if you want your audio to play over and over again without stopping?


HTML5 APIs are used to create apps for:

mobile devices

Before making any changes to an active Web site, you should:

obtain a consensus of opinion about changes from customers, upper management, sales, and marketing, then obtain appropriate stakeholder approval.

With the ______ method, form data is forwarded to the URL specified by the action attribute.


By adding the checked="checked" attribute and value into the <input> tag for a group of check boxes, you can:

preselect as many check boxes as you like.

A storyboard is a document that describes the:

purpose and intended audience for a Web site, and provides a rough outline of the pages needed.

Interlaced Images

read from left to right and fade in as it renders. fuzzy till it appears

Non-interlaced images

reads from top to bottom. Appears invisible or incomplete until entire image is read and from top after 50% is read

The HTML <area> tag uses which attributes? what is it nested in?

shape, coords, href, and alt. <map>

To alleviate language concerns when designing Web pages that will be viewed globally, you should:

specify Unicode support for all of your site's Web pages.

empty tag

stand-alone tag. does not require a closing tag b/c it is self-closing. example: <br/>

Give an example of a CSS rule that changes the style of a table in an HTML5 document

table.center { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

Which attribute is used to specify the format of a video file?


The hexadecimal value #FFFFFF represents the color:


What color does the mixture of pure red, green and blue light on a monitor screen produce?


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