C963 Unit 3: Government and Politics

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What gives a bill a better chance of becoming law? Select the one correct answer. -A bill has a a better chance of becoming law if it is a good bill. -A bill has a a better chance of becoming law if it is sent to a conference committee. -A bill has a a better chance of becoming law if it receives a favorable report and vote from committees in the House and Senate. -A bill has a a better chance of becoming law if it has support from the minority party.

-A bill has a a better chance of becoming law if it receives a favorable report and vote from committees in the House and Senate.

What is the purpose of a conference committee? Select the one correct answer. -A conference committee is convened to deal with subjects that committees from both chambers have an interest in. -A conference committee is convened to resolve differences in bills from the House of Representatives and the Senate. -A conference committee is convened to resolve discrepancies between tax income and spending, involving the appropriations committee and the tax committee. -A conference committee is convened to work out a deal between the Senate and the president.

-A conference committee is convened to resolve differences in bills from the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Which of these statements describes one major different between a joint committee and a conference committee? Select the one correct answer. -Conference committees are usually created by statutes, while joint committees are usually created by the rules of the House and Senate. -A joint committee has members of both houses serving on it; a conference committee does not. -The name only. They are simply different terms used to describe the same thing. -A conference committee meets to consider one specific piece of legislation that has been passed in different forms in the two houses; a joint committee can be permanent.

-A conference committee meets to consider one specific piece of legislation that has been passed in different forms in the two houses; a joint committee can be permanent.

What are the principal topics of a presidential State of the Union address? Select the one correct answer. -A focus on domestic affairs only -A discussion of past achievements and an agenda for the future -A focus on foreign policy and military affairs -A discussion of past achievements only

-A discussion of past achievements and an agenda for the future

Who argued for the creation of a very powerful presidency? Select the one correct answer. -The creators of The Virginia Plan -The creators of The New Jersey Plan -James Madison -Alexander Hamilton

-Alexander Hamilton

Which statement is the most accurate concerning the need for states to draw new district boundaries after each census? Select the one correct answer. -States control how members of the House of Representatives are elected independently of court decisions or the national government. -Almost all states have to redraw boundaries since each Congressional district must have approximately an equal number of people. -Only states that gain or lose in terms of the number of representatives have to draw new boundaries to accommodate the change. -States may draw new boundaries, but they are not required to do so.

-Almost all states have to redraw boundaries since each Congressional district must have approximately an equal number of people.

Which of these functions do congressional committees serve? Select the one correct answer. -Congressional committees save Congress time because a finance bill only needs to be approved by the Finance Committee and not the whole chamber. -Congressional committees fulfill a constitutional requirement that Congress divide itself into committees. -Congressional committees allow members of Congress to become experts on selected matters by concentrating their work on a few committees. -Congressional committees ensure that all voices are heard on bills, as committee seats are usually evenly divided between the parties.

-Congressional committees allow members of Congress to become experts on selected matters by concentrating their work on a few committees.

How does the census affect the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives? Select the one correct answer. -It means that the number of citizens determines the number of Representatives. -Due to changes in population, some states gain seats and other states lose seats. -It has no effect since Congress has increased the seats to maintain its states' number of Representatives. -It has no effect since the census is designed only to provide facts for government programs.

-Due to changes in population, some states gain seats and other states lose seats.

Which of these most accurately describes checks and balances? Select the one correct answer. -Each branch can restrain the others through a system of shared powers. -No branch of government will ever be more powerful than the others. -The states and the federal government have different areas of responsibilities, and neither should intrude on the other. -Each branch of government has an absolute right to stop the others from taking any action.

-Each branch can restrain the others through a system of shared powers.

Which of these is a true statement concerning federal income tax? Select the one correct answer. -Federal income tax required the ratification of a constitutional amendment, after the Supreme Court ruled that a previous attempt to tax income was unconstitutional. -Federal income tax has always been the federal government's primary source of revenue. -Federal income tax is equally applied to all taxpayers at a "flat" tax rate. -Federal income tax was constitutionally authorized by Congress's Article I powers.

-Federal income tax required the ratification of a constitutional amendment, after the Supreme Court ruled that a previous attempt to tax income was unconstitutional.

What is gerrymandering? Select the one correct answer. -Gerrymandering is an effort to suppress the vote for the opposition party by limiting voting hours. -Gerrymandering means drawing electoral boundaries to favor a particular political party or group. -Gerrymandering is a term used for falsifying vote totals to ensure the election of a party or candidate. -Gerrymandering means targeting election advertisements for a particular area of a district or state.

-Gerrymandering means drawing electoral boundaries to favor a particular political party or group.

What is one goal for the use of gerrymanders? Select the one correct answer. -Gerrymanders give effective vetoes to the minority party in state legislatures. -Gerrymanders dilute the power of the minority party by concentrating supporters in one or a few districts. -Gerrymanders ensure equal representation for parties. -Gerrymandering is a technique used only by the Democratic Party.

-Gerrymanders dilute the power of the minority party by concentrating supporters in one or a few districts.

What happens when the president vetoes a piece of legislation? Select the one correct answer. -The bill is dead. The president's veto is an absolute barrier to the bill becoming law. -It will usually be overridden if the opposing party has the majority of seats in Congress. -He must send the bill back to the originating house with his objections to it. The bill will only become law if both houses vote to override by a two-thirds vote. -He must send the bill back to the originating house, which must then draft legislation addressing the president's concerns.

-He must send the bill back to the originating house with his objections to it. The bill will only become law if both houses vote to override by a two-thirds vote.

What is impeachment? Select the one correct answer. -Impeachment is a formal accusation of treason, bribery or other "high crime or misdemeanor" made by the House before a trial is held in the Senate. -Impeachment is a "check" that any of the three branches of government may use to restrain an abuse of power in any of the other branches. -Impeachment is something that has never happened to a U.S. president. -Impeachment is removal from office as a result of a formal accusation by the Senate.

-Impeachment is a formal accusation of treason, bribery or other "high crime or misdemeanor" made by the House before a trial is held in the Senate.

Where are most bills prevented from becoming laws? Select the one correct answer. -By a negative vote in either the House of Representatives or the Senate -In the committees of the House and Senate -Being overturned by the Supreme Court -By presidential veto

-In the committees of the House and Senate

For what reason were majority-minority districts created? Select the one correct answer. -Majority-minority districts were created to guarantee representation for the minority party. -Majority-minority districts were created to make districts as representative as possible. -Majority-minority districts were created to dilute the voting power of minorities. -Majority-minority districts were created to avoid gerrymanders that diluted the voting power of minorities.

-Majority-minority districts were created to avoid gerrymanders that diluted the voting power of minorities.

What determines the number of members in the House of Representatives? Select the one correct answer. -The number is determined by law. -The number is determined by the Constitution. -The number is determined by Presidential executive order. -The number is determined by the census.

-The number is determined by law.

Under the Constitution, who has the power related to war and peace? Select the one correct answer. -The power over war and peace is shared by the president and the Senate. -The power over war and peace is shared by the president and both houses of Congress -The power over war and peace is exercised solely by Congress -The power over war and peace is exercised solely by the president

-The power over war and peace is shared by the president and both houses of Congress

Enumerated = Implied = Inherent =

= In the text =Based on the text =Outside the text

Which of these statements is most accurate about the creation of majority-minority districts? Select the one correct answer. -Majority-minority districts can lead to the election of minority candidates in some districts, but often this is at the expense of diluting minority-vote strength in other districts. -Majority-minority districts always benefit minority voters since it allows them to choose a minority representative. -Majority-minority districts are required by the 1965 Voting Rights Act. -Majority-minority districts are unconstitutional because race cannot be taken into account in redistricting.

-Majority-minority districts can lead to the election of minority candidates in some districts, but often this is at the expense of diluting minority-vote strength in other districts.

Why is the census an important factor in American politics? Select the one correct answer. -Under the Constitution, the income tax must be "apportioned," or distributed proportionally, among the states, based on the census. -The census gives the Census Bureau a chance to refine and improve its "sampling" techniques, to get a more accurate count of the actual population. -The census determines how many seats each state will get in the House of Representatives, and consequently, how many votes each state will get in the Electoral College. -The census determines how many seats each state will get in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

-The census determines how many seats each state will get in the House of Representatives, and consequently, how many votes each state will get in the Electoral College.

What is the Constitutional importance of the census for Congress? Select the one correct answer. -The census provides population figures for the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives. -The census provides useful information on which areas of the country need which kinds of programs. -The census identifies areas likely to vote Democratic or Republican. -The census is used to calculate the number of registered voters for purposes of legislative representation.

-The census provides population figures for the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives.

Why do presidents give a State of the Union message? Select the one correct answer. -The message is required by the Constitution. -The president is not required to give the message but chooses to do so since it is a great opportunity to present his or her ideas to the public. -The message is required by an Act of Congress. -George Washington gave such a message and the tradition followed.

-The message is required by the Constitution.

Which of these is the most accurate statement about the process of a bill's becoming a law? Select the one correct answer. -The process is dependent on the Congress alone. -The process requires the approval of the Supreme Court, which must confirm that the bill is constitutional. -The process is exactly the same in the Senate and the House. -The process is complex and full of steps, at any of which a bill may die and have to begin the process again.

-The process is complex and full of steps, at any of which a bill may die and have to begin the process again.

What was the ruling in the Supreme Court case Miller v. Johnson? Select the one correct answer. -The ruling was that the 1965 Voting Rights Act is unconstitutional. -The ruling was that deliberate creation of majority-minority districts is unconstitutional. -The ruling was that race may not be taken into account in redistricting. -The ruling was that race may not be the "dominant and controlling" motivation in redistricting.

-The ruling was that race may not be the "dominant and controlling" motivation in redistricting.

What is essential for a bill to become a law? Select the one correct answer. -To become a law, it is essential for a bill to be supported by the President. -To become a law, it is essential for a bill to pass both the House and the Senate in identical form. -To become a law, it is essential for a bill to get a favorable report and vote from a House committee. -To become a law, it is essential for a bill to have the support of the majority and minority leaders in the Senate.

-To become a law, it is essential for a bill to pass both the House and the Senate in identical form.

What is a key role of standing committees in the House and the Senate? Select the one correct answer. -To confirm the nominations of the president -To give a detailed hearing to all proposed legislation -To appropriate money for various projects -To guarantee input from the minority party

-To give a detailed hearing to all proposed legislation

How has the Constitution's Interstate Commerce Clause been interpreted? Select the one correct answer. -As granting the early 19th century Congress the power to outlaw the slave trade -Very broadly, forming the justification for much of Congress's modern-day economic regulation -Very narrowly, giving Congress power to stop states from charging fees to other states, but not much else -As giving Congress the authority to regulate trade with foreign nations

-Very broadly, forming the justification for much of Congress's modern-day economic regulation

What is the major difference between congressional budget committees and appropriations committees? Select the one correct answer. -The congressional budget committees are less powerful because the president, not the Congress, has ultimate control over the federal budget. -There is no difference; these are just different names for the same committees. -While the budget committees set overall spending limits, the appropriation committees are responsible for recommending specific allocations of funds. -While the president may veto individual sections of appropriations bills, he may not veto budget resolutions.

-While the budget committees set overall spending limits, the appropriation committees are responsible for recommending specific allocations of funds.

Which of the following enumerated powers of Congress are generally regarded as responses to the weaknesses of the national legislature under the Articles of Confederation? Select all that apply. -exclusive power to coin money -power to regulate banks -power to regulate commerce -power to construct and maintain interstate highways

-exclusive power to coin money -power to regulate commerce

The oversight power of Congress is a form of _________ power.


What is a key role of the appropriations committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate? Select the one correct answer. -One key role of the appropriations committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate is to decide which private real estate will be appropriated for national activities -One key role of the appropriations committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate is to provide cost estimates for government programs -One key role of the appropriations committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate is to provide estimates of how much money is available for Congress to spend -One key role of the appropriations committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate is to provide funding for specific projects, agencies, or programs in proposed legislation

-One key role of the appropriations committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate is to provide funding for specific projects, agencies, or programs in proposed legislation

Which of these statements is correct about Congress's oversight authority? Select the one correct answer. -Oversight is limited to its power of impeachment. -Oversight is largely ineffective, because Congress lacks any authority over the executive branch. -Oversight is not a specifically enumerated power, but rather is implied in Article I. -Oversight is specifically mentioned in Article I, Section 8.

-Oversight is not a specifically enumerated power, but rather is implied in Article I.

How did President Polk bring about a war with Mexico? Select the one correct answer. -President Polk ordered American troops to occupy disputed territory in his capacity of commander-in-chief. -President Polk issued an ultimatum to Mexico in his role of chief diplomat. -President Polk broke off diplomatic relations with Mexico. -President Polk used economic pressure in his role of chief diplomat.

-President Polk ordered American troops to occupy disputed territory in his capacity of commander-in-chief.

How has reapportionment after the census affected the makeup of the House of Representatives? Select the one correct answer. -Reapportionment has permitted national parties to exert more control over members of the House of Representatives. -Reapportionment has favored states with more registered voters giving greater representation to wealthier portions of the population. -Reapportionment has had virtually no effect on the makeup of House of Representatives. -Reapportionment permits state legislatures to redraw boundaries to favor the majority party leading to changes in the makeup of the House of Representatives.

-Reapportionment permits state legislatures to redraw boundaries to favor the majority party leading to changes in the makeup of the House of Representatives.

Which of these correctly describes the process of redistricting? Select the one correct answer. -Redistricting is a complex process that is subject to constitutional restraints. -Redistricting is completely in the hands of individual state legislatures, who may draw lines however they please. -Redistricting is a straightforward process that has engendered little controversy. -Redistricting is the sole responsibility of the U.S. Congress.

-Redistricting is a complex process that is subject to constitutional restraints.

Which of these is an example of Congress's exercising its power under the Commerce Clause? Select the one correct answer. -Establishing uniform standards for restaurant sanitation and hygiene -Requiring that bus lines serve all customers equally -Regulating the working conditions and hours of minors employed in factories -Prohibiting the presence of guns in school zones

-Requiring that bus lines serve all customers equally

What is a key difference between standing committees and select committees? Select the one correct answer. -Standing committees continue from one session of Congress to the next, whereas select committees are temporary. -Select committees have an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. -Standing committees are very specialized, and select committees deal with broad issues. -Standing committees are in the House of Representatives, and select committees are in the Senate.

-Standing committees continue from one session of Congress to the next, whereas select committees are temporary.

How far did the efforts go to remove Andrew Johnson from the office of the presidency? Select the one correct answer. -The House of Representatives voted in favor of articles of impeachment and Andrew Johnson was removed from office by a two-thirds vote in the Senate. -The House of Representatives considered articles of impeachment but a majority did not vote in favor of any of these articles. -The House of Representatives voted articles of impeachment which led to Johnson resigning as president. -The House of Representatives voted articles of impeachment, but the Senate did not vote to remove Johnson from office by the necessary two-thirds majority.

-The House of Representatives voted articles of impeachment, but the Senate did not vote to remove Johnson from office by the necessary two-thirds majority.

Which of these statements describes a key difference between the House Rules Committee and the Senate Rules Committee? Select the one correct answer. -The Rules Committee in the House typically limits debate, but the Rules Committee in the Senate does not. -The House Rules Committee has the power to vote a piece of legislation down, but the Senate Rules Committee does not. -The Senate Rules Committee is a select committee, while the House Rules Committee is a standing committee. -The Senate Rules Committee is more powerful because the Senate is governed by standing rules.

-The Rules Committee in the House typically limits debate, but the Rules Committee in the Senate does not.

Which of these statements is correct about the Senate? Select the one correct answer. -The Senate has a tradition of unlimited debate that can only be overcome by a majority vote. -The Senate has a tradition of unlimited debate that can only be overcome by super-majority votes. -The Senate has a tradition of unlimited debate that is absolute. A filibustering senator has the absolute right to the floor. -The Senate has a Rules Committee that can set aside the Senate's standing rules for a specific debate.

-The Senate has a tradition of unlimited debate that can only be overcome by super-majority votes.

Which of these statements best describes the ruling of the Supreme Court on the issue of statistical sampling during a census? Select the one correct answer. -The Supreme Court permitted statistical sampling as long as the government presented evidence that certain identifiable groups were under-counted. -The Supreme Court permitted statistical sampling, noting the difficulties of counting over 300 million people. -The Supreme Court disallowed statistical sampling, saying that the Constitution requires an "actual enumeration." -The Supreme Court ruled that census procedures were up to the individual states, not the federal government.

-The Supreme Court disallowed statistical sampling, saying that the Constitution requires an "actual enumeration."

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