CA HA 5 Axial Skeleton

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3-5 fused vertebrae


5 fused vertebrae


5 vertebrae

cranial bones

frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid


7 vertebrae


12 vertebrae

lordosis curvature

cervical and lumbar

Which of the bone feature below is ONLY found in the thoracic vertebrae?

costal facets

Which of the bone feature below is ONLY found in the cervical vertebrae?

dens transverse foramen smallest centrum when compared to other vertebrae largest vertebral foramen when compared to other vertebrae

crista galli

ethmoid bone

facial bones

lacrimal, maxilla, zygomatic, palatine

Which of the bone feature below is ONLY found in the lumbar vertebrae?

largest centrum when compared to other vertebrae smallest vertebral foramen when compared to other vertebrae

Match the bone feature of the rib in LEFT column that articulates with bone feature of vertebrae on RIGHT column, rib tubercle

transverse costal facets of thoracic vertebrae

Of the vetebrae bone feature below, choose the ones that are standard features, which means that it belongs to ALL vertebrae (cervical, thoracic and lumbar)

transverse process articular facets vertebral foramen

Which of the bone feature below is found in the sacrum?

ala articular facet foramen hiatus canal

bone(s) connected by the coronal suture

frontal and parietal

supraorbital foramen

frontal bone

bone(s) that form(s) the chin


mandibular condyle


infraorbital foramen


bone(s) that form(s) the hard palate

maxilla and palatine

bone(s) that contain(s) the foramen magnum


hypoglossal canal


butterfly shaped bone(s)


sella turcica


Match the bone feature of the rib in LEFT column that articulates with bone feature of vertebrae on RIGHT column, head of rib

superior and inferior costal facets of thoracic vertebrae

bone(s) that contain(s) the mandibular fossa


zygomatic process

temporal bone

kyphosis curvature

thoracic and sacral

lower portion of the nasal septum


bone(s) that form(s) the nasal septum

vomer and ethmoid

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