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which of the following operations cannot be overloaded? A. [] B. -> C. ?: D. *

Control the accuracy of the drawing

Understanding the cartesian coordinate system will help the beginning drafter _____. A. Control the accuracy of the drawing B. Produce a visible grid system C. Select a different text style D. Choose various line types

Select objects according to their color

What are the various options from left to right and the opposite direction A. Choose a different category of objects B. Select objects according to their color C. Select objects according to their position D. No difference


Which of the following concepts provides facility of using object of one class inside another class A. Encapsulation B. Abstraction C. Composition D. Inheritance

Ad-hoc Polymorphism

Which of the following correctly describes overloading of function A. Virtual polymorphism B. Transient polymorphism C. Ad-hoc polymorphism D. Pseudo Polymorphism

Both I and II are false

Which of the following is correct about the statements given below? I. All operators can be overladed in C++ II. We can change the basic meaning of an operator in C++ A. Only I is true B. Both I and II are false C. Only II is true D. Both I and II are true


Which of the following is correct class of the object cout? A. Iostream B. Istream C. Ostream D. Ifstream

All of the above

Which of the following options is correct? A. Friend function can access public data members of the class B. Friend function can access protected data members of the class C. Friend Function can access private data members of the class D. All of the above


If you use the absolute coordinate system to create a line from a starting point of 0, 0 8 units on the X axis and 5 units on the Y axis you enter ______ for the second point. A. 8, 5 B. 5, 8 C. 0, 8 D. 5, 0


In AutoCAD 2D Modelling, which axis is not accessible for drafting? A. X B. Y C. Z D. WCS


In AutoCAD, the number of workspaces is, A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

0,0 and 18,24

In order to set drawing limits for a "C" size architectural drawing the drafter should set the limits to ____. A. 0, 0 and 2, 9 B. 0, 0 and 17, 11 C. 0, 0 and 18, 24 D. 0, 0 and 34, 24

Both A and B

In which of the following a virtual call is resolved at the time of compilation A. From inside the destructor B. From inside the constructor C. From inside the main() D. Both A and B.


In which type of interface users providers commands selecting from a menu? A. GUI B. CUI C. Voice Recognition User Interface D. None of these above

Virtual Function

Which of the following concepts is used to implement late binding? A. Virtual Function B. Operator Function C. Const Function D. Static Function

Dynamic loading

Which of the following concepts means adding new components to a program as it runs? A. Data hiding B. Dynamic typing C. Dynamic Binding D. Dynamic loading

Dynamic Binding

Which of the following concepts means determining at runtime what method to invoke? A. Data hiding B. Dynamic binding C. Dynamic binding D. Dynamic loading

Dynamic binding

Which of the following concepts means waiting until runtime to determine which function to call? A. Data hiding B. Dynamic casting C. Dynamic binding D. Dynamic loading


Which of the following is an abstract data type? A. Int B. Double C. String D. Class

Friend Function

Which of the following is not the member of class? A. Static function B. Friend function C. Const function D. Virtual function


A Boolean operation that is used to select interfering region between solids A. Union B. Intersect C. Subtract D. None of the above


Scrolling of mouse can perform which following action? A. Zoom in/ Zoom out B. Pan & Scan C. Extents/all D. Scale


Shortcut for Trim command is A. T B. TR C. TI D. X


Shortcut key for Multileader in AutoCAD 2022, A. ML B. MLN C. MLEADER D. MULTI

All of the above

The UCS(User Coordinate System) icon represents the intersection of the___. A. X Axis B. Y Axis C. Z Axis D. All of the above

Type @3<45 and enter

Using the Relative Polar Coordinate System to add a 3 inch line that is 45 degrees from the end point of the line created above the drafter would ____. A. Type @3<45 and enter B. Type 3 backslash and enter C. Type 3 forward slash and enter D. Type 3 and try to use the Dynamic Input readout to find the end point

Base class object will call base class function and derived class object will call derived class function.

What happens if the base and derived class contains definition of a function with same prototype? A. Compiler reports an error on compilation B. Only base class function will get called irrespective of object C. Only derived class function will get called irrespective of object. D. Base class object will call base class function and derived class object will call derived class function

Both A and B

What is correct about the static data member of a class? A. A static member function can access only static data members of a class B. A static data member is shared among all the object of the class C. A static data member can be accessed directly from main(). D. Both A and B.

Language specification and module design

What is/are the main component/components of the User Interface? A. Language Specification B. Module Design C. Both of these D. None of these

Both A and B

What will happen if a class is not having any name? A. It cannot have a destructor B. It cannot have a constructor C. It is not allowed D. Both A and B

The ending point of the last line

When drawing a line using the relative coordinate system a line is created from ____. A. 0, 0 B. The ending point of the last line C. The beginning point of the last line D. None of the above

Insure that Ortho is on

When using the direct entry method to create a horizon line exactly three inches long the drafter should ____ first. A. Pull the line from away from the starting point very carefully B. Insure that Ortho is on C. Enter 3 for the length of the line D. Read the coordinate position on the Dynamic Readout

Multiple Inheritance

Which inheritance type is used in the class given below? Class A : Public X, Public Y {} A. Multilevel Inheritance B. Multiple Inheritance C. Hybrid Inheritance D. Hierarchal Inheritance


Which of the following access specifier is used as a default in a class definition? A. Protected B. Public C. Private D. Friend


Which of the following approach is adapted by C++? A. Top-down B. Bottom-up C. Right-left D. Left-right

Protected Data members

Which of the following are available only in the class hierarchy chain? A. Public data members B. Private Data members C. Protected Data members D. Member functions


Which of the following cannot be friend? A. Function B. Class C. Object D. Operator function


Which of the following cannot be used with the keyword virtual? A. Class B. Member functions C. Constructor D. Destructor


Which of the following concepts means wrapping up of data and functions together? A. Abstraction B. Encapsulation C. Inheritance D. Polymorphism

Data hiding

Which of the following concepts of OOPS means exposing only necessary information to client? A. Encapsulation B. Abstraction C. Data hiding D. Data binding

Default arguments

Which of the following concepts of oops allows compiler to insert arguments in a function call if it is not specified? A. Call by value B. Call by reference C. Default arguments D. Call by pointer

All of the above

Which of the following define the characteristic of a good user interface? A. Speed of learning B. Support for multiple skill levels C. Error recovery, feedback and consistency D. All of the above

Input and output devices

Which of the following devices are mainly responsible for the user interface? A. Input and Output devices B. Memory devices C. Processor D. None of the above

Both A and B

Which of the following factors supports the statement that reusability is a desirable feature of a language A. It decreases testing time B. It lowers the maintenance cost C. It reduces the compilation time D. Both A and B

Initialize objects

Which of the following functions are performed by a constructor A. Construct a new class B. Construct a new object C. Construct a new function D. Initialize objects


Which of the following header file includes definition of cin and cout? A. Istream.h B. Ostream.h C. Iomanip.h D. Iostream.h

All of these

Which of the following is a golden rule of interface design A. Make the interface consistent B. Reduce the user's memory load C. Place the user in control D. All of these

All of the above

Which of the following is a mechanism of static polymorphism? A. Operator Overloading B. Function Overloading C. Templates D. All of the above


Which of the following is an invalid visibility label while inheriting a class A. Public B. Private C. Protected D. Friend

Both A and B

Which of the following is correct about a function overloading? A. The types of arguments are different. B. The order of argument is different. C. The number of argument is same. D. Both A and B.

Class data members are private by default while that of structure are public by default

Which of the following is correct about class and structure? A. Class can have member functions while structure cannot B. Class data members are public by default while that of structure are private C. Pointer to structure or classes cannot be declared D. Class data members are private by default while that of structure are public by default.

Only I is correct

Which of the following is correct about the statements given below? I. All function calls are resolved at compile - time in procedure oriented programming II. All function calls are resolved at compile-time in OOPS A. Only II is correct B. Both I and II are correct C. Only I is correct D. Both I and II are incorrect.

Friend Constructor

Which of the following is not a type of constructor A. Copy Constructor B. Friend Constructor C. Default Constructor D. Parameterized Constructor


Which of the following is not a type of inheritance? A. Multiple B. Multilevel C. Distributive D. Hierarchal

Int ShowData(void) const {/*statements*/}

Which of the following is the correct way of declaring a function as constant A. Const int ShowData(void) const {/*statements*/} B. Int const ShowData(void) const {/*statements*/} C. Int ShowData(void) const {/*statements*/} D. Both A and B

Virtual void Display(void) = 0;

Which of the following is the correct way to declare a pure virtual function? A. Virtual void Display(void){0}; B. Virtual void Display = 0; C. Virtual void Display(void) = 0; D. void Display(void) = 0;

Making at least one member function as pure virtual function

Which of the following is used to make an abstract class? A. Declaring it abstract using static keyword B. Declaring it abstract using Virtual keyword C. Making at least one member function as virtual function D. Making at least one member function as pure virtual function


Which of the following keyword is used to overload an operator? A. Overload B. Operator C. Friend D. Override

Only I and II are correct

Which of the following objectives are not the one that used interface offers? I. Help user interact with software. II. Give commands and input through the instructions that are displayed via user interface III. To improve the coding skills of the users. A. All I,II and III are correct B. Only I and II are correct C. Only I and III are correct D. None of the given options is correct


Which of the following operator is overloaded for object cout? A. >> B. << C. + D. =

A run-time error

Which of the following problem causes and exception? A. Missing semicolon in statement in main(). B. A problem in calling function C. A syntax error D. A run-time error


Which of the following provides a reuse mechanism? A. Abstraction B. Inheritance C. Dynamic Binding D. Encapsulation

Derived class pointer cannot point to base class

Which of the following statements is correct? A. Base class pointer cannot point to derived class B. Derived class pointer cannot point to base class C. Pointer to derived class cannot be created D. Pointer to base class cannot be created

Only I is true

Which of the following statements is true? I. In the graphical user interface, different information can be simultaneously displayed on the screen. II. In the Text-based User interface, different information can be simultaneously displayed on the screen A. Only I is true B. Only II is true C. Both I and II are true D. None of them is true

Member function

Which of the following term is used for a function defined inside a class? A. Member Variable B. Member function C. Class function D. Classic function

Singleton Class

Which of the following type of class allows only one object of it to be created A. Virtual Class B. Abstract Class C. Singleton Class D. Friend Class


Which of the following ways are legal to access a class data member using this pointer? A. This->x B. This.x C. *this.x D. *this-x

The interface architecture between the two computers

Which one is not a part of Interface design A. The interface architecture between the two computers B. The specification of interfaces between the components of software C. Creation of interfaces between software producers and human producers and knowledge consumers D. None of these

Knowledgeable, frequent users

Which one is not a process of user interface design? A. Knowledgeable, frequent users B. Interface design C. User, task, modelling, environment analysis D. To validate interface


Which one of the following options is correct about the statement given below? The compiler checks the type of reference in the object and not the type of object A. Inheritance B. Polymorphism C. Abstraction D. Encapsulation

All of the above

Why reference is not the same as a pointer? A. A reference can never be null B. A reference once established cannot be changed C. Reference doesn't need an explicit dereferencing mechanism D. All of the above

Efficiency based

which of the following is not a type of user interface A. Command language based B. Menu based C. Efficiency Based D. Direct manipulation based

Both A and C

which of the following statements regarding inline functions is correct? A. It speeds up execution B. It slows down execution C. It increases the code size D. Both A and C.


A line shows its dimension as 14.52. What is the precision of this line? A. [0.0] B. [0.00] C. [0.000] D. Display of length has nothing to do with precision


A line with a tapering width can be easily created by using the ____ tool. A. Circle B. Eclipse C. Line D. Polyline


A polyline can be broken into individual lines and arcs using which of the following command? A. BREAK B. TRIM C. EXPLODE D. OVERKILL

All of these

A software might allow a user to interact A. Via keyboard B. Via Mouse movement C. Via Voice recognition D. All of these


An open area can be filled with which of the following gradient A. Gap B. Tolerance C. Transparency D. Open

Both of these

During program design, a software process which used in modules design A. Top-down approach B. Bottom - up approach C. Both of these D. None of these

The array can't be modified in any way once it is made associative

Find the false statement in regards with "If an array is made associative" A. You can't use Boolean operations on the array elements B. To make the array non associative you need to use explode command on it C. The array can be edited again by selecting it D. The array can't be modified in any way once it is made associative

Using Virtual tables

How "Late binding" is implemented in C++? A. Using C++ tables B. Using Virtual Tables C. Using Indexed Virtual tables D. Using polymorphic tables


How many instances of an abstract class can be created A. 1 B. 5 C. 13 D. 0


How many types of polymorphism are supported by C++? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

No difference

Is there any difference between Command Plot and Print? A. Plot command prints only big plans B. The plot command for CNC(CAM) C. No difference D. Print command can print up to A3 size paper

The Model tab is where you crate the drawing, and a layout tab represents the sheet that you will plot or print on

Model tab and Layout Tab can be majorly distinguished as, A. The model tab is used for drawing in 3D and a Layout is used for drawing in 2D B. The Model tab is where you create the drawing, and a Layout tab represents the sheet that you will plot or print on C. The color of the background D. The model tab displays the drawing you are copying from and the Layout tab is where you lay out the new drawing

Object-Oriented Programming

OOP stands for ... A. Object - Oriented Programming B. Object - Oriented Process C. Both a and b D. None of these

Type Z enter A enter

One quick way to view the entire drawing area is to use the Zoom command by typing____. A. Type Z enter A enter B. Type Z enter E enter C. Type SHOWALL enter D. Type ALL enter


Origin of the AutoCAD drawing space is, A. 0, 0 B. 1, 0 C. 0, 1 D. 1, 1

Product Requirement specification

PRS stands for A. Product requirement specification B. Project reduce scheme C. Product restrictions scheme D. None of these

Connect users with an application through graphical options like icon, menu, text, etc.

The main function of user-interface A. Convert program/programs into machine language B. Transmit data to a remote location C. Connect users with an application through graphical options like icon, menu, text, etc. D. None of these


The shortcut to start a table is, A. T B. TA C. TBL D. TABLE

Zoom Window

To bring a particular area of the workspace in focus, what command should be used? A. Zoom Extents B. Zoom Window C. Zoom Dynamic D. Zoom All

By a crossing window drawn from right to left

To select a set of objects in the workspace, what should be done? A. By a crossing window drawn from right to left B. By a crossing window drawn left to right C. Shift + clicking on the objects D. None of the above

A constructor is called at the time of declaration of an object

Which of the following statement is correct A. A constructor is called at the time of declaration of an object B. A constructor is called at the time of use of an object C. A constructor is called at t he time of declaration of a class D. A constructor is called at the time of use of a class

Both A and B.

Which of the following statement is correct? A. C++ allows static type checking B. C++ allows dynamic type checking C. C++ allows static member function be of type const. D. Both A and B

Object is an instance of a class

Which of the following statement is correct? A. Class is an instance of object. B. Object is an instance of a class C. Class is an instance of data type D. Object is an instance of data type

Structures can have functions as members

Which of the following statements is correct in C++? A. Classes cannot have data as protected members B. Structure can have functions as members C. Class members are public by default D. Structure members are private by default


cout is a/an______. A. Operator B. Function C. Object D. Macro


when setting up a mechanical drawing in AutoCAD the drafter should set the units to____. A. Fractional B. Decimal C. Architectural D. Metric

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