Cancer Exam Biology

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List these in order from start to finish.

1. Prophase 2. Metaphase 3. Anaphase 4. Telophase 5. Cytokinesis


A disease that is caused by the inability of the body to control the division of cells.

The part of an enzyme or antibody where the chemical reaction occurs.

Active site

The base that pairs with Thymine in DNA


Chemicals naturally produced by some plants; prevent cells from forming spindle fibers, thus preventing cell division


Chemicals that integrate into the DNA, causing it to break at specific points; general and so can cause long-term side effects including other cancers

Alkylating agents

Occurs as growth factors are released and capillaries grow toward the tumor


Chemicals that mimic nucleotides and are integrated into DNA, but interfere with DNA replication, preventing cell division


Lining of the internal organs or skin


Assist in dividing the genetic material and contents of the cell during cellular reproduction.


Region of a chromosome where the two sister chromatids attach


Is the use of drugs to treat disease. In the case of cancer, chemotherapy works by targeting the cell cycle to prevent cell division in rapidly dividing cells


The three nucleotide segments found on mRNA, which code for amino acids, are called ______.


X-ray of organs with pictures from multiple angles that are used to generate a 3D image, can involve dye for contrast

Computerized tomography (CT) scans

Always pairs with guanine


(Deoxyribonucleic acid) is a nucleic acid that stores genetic information.


Determining the exact order of the base pairs in a segment of DNA.

DNA sequencing

X-ray of breast and surrounding tissues, used after finding a lump or suspicious blood work

Diagnostic mammogram

Synthesis of proteins (rough ER), lipids (smooth ER), and carbohydrates (smooth ER).

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Protein catalysts for chemical reactions.


The two different classes of cells are ______ and ______.

Eukaryotes and prokaryotes

Uses X-rays or gamma rays to target a specific area of the body

External radiation therapy

Normal cell division is highly regulated by proteins to prevent mutations from occuring. If the cell division is stalled due to excessive DNA damage, the cell is placed in ______ phase in an attempt to repair the DNA.


checks for cell size, nutrients, growth factors and DNA damage

G1 checkpoint

There are multiple steps in interphase that prepare the cells for cell division. Select the correct order of steps that prepare cells for division.

G1, S, G2

checks for cell size and DNA replication

G2 checkpoint

Units of genetic information that provide instructions for making proteins.


The sum of all genetic information in a cell.


Targets specific sequences in DNA for editing.

Genome editing

Processing center of the cell.

Golgi apparatus

Always pairs with cytosine


In a normal cell, topoisomerase

Helps unwind DNA during DNA replication.

Is the body's ability to maintain a constant internal environment, including pH, temperature, and blood chemistry


The term used to refer to chromosomes that each has a corresponding chromosome from the opposite-sex parent


Involves convincing the body's immune system to identify and eliminate cancer cells as "nonself" instead of "self."


The majority of the cell's time; normal functions occur


Alkylating agents target DNA of all cells. If mutations are introduced into the bone marrow cells, the patient may develop ______, which is cancer of the blood.


White blood cells in the bone marrow


Cells and tissues of the immune system


Digestion of incoming nutrients.


checks for chromosomes attached to the spindle (just before anaphase)

M checkpoint

The portion where cell division occurs; consists of mitosis and cytokinesis

M phase

There are several scanning techniques physicians use to determine the extent of tumors. What type of scan, shown here, can be used to determine the extent of the tumor in the breast?


Uses radio waves and magnets to generate detailed images of the body.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)



Can screen genetic information, allowing doctors to look for specific mutations or differences in gene expression between normal cells and cancer cells.


Converts the energy found in nutrients to a form usable by the cell.


In cellular division, the two parts of M phase are mitosis and ______.


part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cell nucleus divides


Any changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called


A building block of DNA, consisting of a five-carbon sugar covalently bonded to a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.


Contains the genetic information of the cell.


Thinking about the hierarchy of biological organization, which of the following includes the others?

Organ systems

technique that allows molecular biologists to make many copies of a particular gene


Isolates the cell from its external environment and selectively allows for the passage of materials.

Plasma membrane

Uses radioactive tracers to measure the metabolism of cells, cancer cells are more active and stand out.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan

the linear sequence of amino acids

Primary structure

Speed up the cell cycle.


Multiple protein chains interact to form larger molecules with more complex functions.

Quaternary structure

Is the movement of energy in waves or particles.


Location where the genetic information is used to manufacture proteins.


Connective tissue, such as bone


X-ray of breast and surrounding tissues that looks for abnormalities associated with cancer

Screening mammogram

Amino acids interact based on weak chemical interactions.

Secondary structure

Tumor is limited to a very small area and only nearby lymph nodes, if any, are involved

Stage 0-1

Tumor has become invasive and has grown, but is still located entirely within the breast, lymph nodes may be involved.

Stage 2

In Stage ______ cancer, the cancer has spread extensively to nearby tissues and lymph nodes but has not yet spread to organs.

Stage 3

Tumor has moved out of the breast tissue, but has not spread to distant organs, lymph nodes are involved.

Stage 3

Cancer has fully metastasized and spread to organs outside the breast, the cancer is incurable.

Stage 4

In ______ radiation, a radioactive substance is either ingested or injected into the blood. It can then be targeted for therapy.


Radioactive substances are injected in blood or ingested in body

Systemic radiation treatment

Naturally produced by yew trees; prevent microtubule breakdown during cell division so cell division doesn't continue


Repeated DNA sequences at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes.


Telomere length can change with age and the type of cell. Which of the following correctly describes telomere length?

Telomeres are the longest in stem cells.

3-D molecule, functional

Tertiary structure

Always pairs with adenine


Chemicals that disable topoisomerase enzyme, preventing DNA replication

Topoisomerase inhibitors

There are two stages of gene expression. The first stage, ______, produces mRNA that is used in the second step.


Prevent unregulated cell growth by slowing down the progression of the cell through the cell cycle.

Tumor-suppressor genes

sister chromatids are pulled apart


Cells within the inside of a tumor secrete growth factors, which cause capillaries to grow toward the tumor. This process is called ______, and contributes to the growth and spread of the tumor.


The main difference between Stage 0 and Stage 1 cancer is that in Stage 1, the cancer cells have

begun to spread to a few lymph nodes.

Chromosomes are copied

between the growth phase (G1) and preparation cell division (G2).

Cancer causing agents


Describes the organized series of events required for cell division.

cell cycle

threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes


The life span of normal cells and cancerous cells is the same.


Normally, cancer cells can evade an immune response because the immune system

has a difficult time identifying cancerous cells.

At the end of gene expression, the amino acids are in a ______ structure. This is also the ______ structure of a protein.

linear; primary

Cell division occurs in ______ phase.

m phase

Messenger RNA; a type of RNA that carries instructions from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome


Cells have checkpoints to regulate cell division. The G1 checkpoint

may cause the cell to enter a resting phase. allows the cell to move into S phase. is regulated by growth hormones. may delay division.

sister chromatids align on the spindle equator


The spread of cancer cells beyond their original site


In animal cells, DNA is located in the __________.


In eukaryotic cells, transcription occurs in the ______.


A long chain of amino acids that makes proteins


chromosomes condense


joined copies of the original chromosome

sister chromatids

reactant of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction


nuclear envelopes form and a cleavage furrow forms


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