Canto 9, 24, 26

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What does this metaphor reveal about Virgil's mindset?

Virgil is like a peasant farmer who wakes up, sees frost, but thinks it is snow. If snow has fallen, then the farmer's herding animals will not get good fodder. However, the day warms up a little, the frost disappears, and the farmer is happy because now his herding animals will get good fodder. The farmer can take his sheep out to pasture. In this case, Virgil can lead his "sheep" Dante on toward Heaven once he realizes what to do.


a Thessalian witch who could call the spirits of recently dead man back to their bodies and send them on missions into Hell. Although this character is from ancient myths, the story between her and Virgil is invented by Dante.

What, according to Virgil, will be lost if Dante gives into sloth and remains on the ground, recovering from his climb?


What important information does Virgil share about his own experiences when he talks about Erichtho?

he has traveled this way before and knows the way

Why did Fucci reveal this prophecy to Dante?

he wants to cause Dante a small amount of suffering he feels

According to The Inferno, why did Ulysses (Odysseus) not return home after leaving Circe's island?

he was not ready to stop exploring

Based on lines 25-32, which season is Dante comparing the eighth circle to?


Why does Virgil cover Dante's eyes?

the furies threaten to show the head of medusa

The Furies

three sisters who punish blood crimes, sometimes considered the goddesses of vengeance. Dante is able to bring his motif of "three" into play again; the three furies might represent three categories of sins punished in Hell.

Vanni Fucci's reference to Mars ("Next Mars draws up a bolt from Val di Magra") indicates that the conflict will...

turn into war


A monster woman with living, poisonous snakes in her hair. Whoever looked at her face would turn to stone. In mythology, the hero Perseus cut off her head and eventually gave it to Athena for her shield.

As seen in The Inferno, what is the name for the literary device that is an exclamatory speech addressed to someone or something that can not answer back?


In The Inferno, Canto 26, How are Ulysses' words to his men similar to the Serpent in the Garden?

Both claim that turning away from a desire is a denial of self Both insist on pursuing forbidden knowledge Both twist good ideas and words as a manipulation

In The Inferno, Canto 9, what is the name of the city that encompasses Circles 6-9 and holds Satan.


In The Inferno, Canto 24, what, according to Virgil, is necessary to make a lasting mark on the world?


In The Inferno, Canto 24, Vanni Fucci gives Dante a prediction about Florence. Why did Fucci reveal this prophecy to Dante?

He wants to cause Dante a small amount of the suffering he feels

Who is trapped in the open, burning coffins inside the Gates of Dis?


In The Inferno, Canto 9, Virgil covers Dante's eyes when the head of Medusa appears. What classical work might this be a reference to?

Odysseus had his men tie him to the mast to resist the sirens

In The Inferno, Canto 24, which mythical creature is Vanni Fucci compared to?



Pluto's three headed dog. In The Inferno, he resides in the third circle where he was chained by Hercules.

In The Inferno, Canto 9, if Virgil is an allegory to represent Human Reason, what might this incident at the gate of Dis reveal?

Reason can not take you far without faith

If Virgil is an allegory to represent Human Reason, what might this incident at the gate of Dis reveal?

Reason cannot take you far without faith

In The Inferno, Canto 26, which word best described the tone in Dante's address to Florence: "Take joy, O Florence, for you are so great / your wings beat over land and sea, / your fame resounds through Hell!"



The mythological founder of Athens. He is most famous for defeating the Minotaur, and he also faced the furies while traveling through Hell with a friend. His friend was killed by the Furies and here they lament they left Theseus alive.


The phoenix is a legendary bird who, when it died by combusting, would be reborn from its own ashes. They are normally seen as symbols for hope. Here, Dante compares the burning man to a phoenix.

In The Inferno, Canto 24, what type of sin is being punished by attacking, venomous snakes.


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