Captain's Test

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2018 Commissioner Stanley Vision Video

-Because of personnel, CHP is one of the finest LE agencies in the world. -Vision? Continue to be a leader in LE, look for innovation, dedication, & pride in being a member of CHP. More importantly, we all need to be public servants & help people of CA. -Importance of doing more general LE, be able to handle investigations to their conclusion. -Protests, How professional our people have responded, focus on maintaining public trust & public safety while allowing people to express their 1st amendment rights. -At protests we can't take sides or appear to take sides, we need to be apolitical. -High Speed Rail: Huge piece of transportation, we need to be responsible for the security and LE. -Autonomous vehicles: We need to deal with this & be prepared. -What does public trust mean? Treat people respectfully, fairly, do all we can to engage with the public & have every contact count. Our ability to engage w/ the public is what makes us so great. -RIPA & Prop 64: Be aware & get the info out.


-Defined: Networking system for CHP representatives & elected officials, community leaders, allied agency partners, non-governmental entities. -In order to be successful and have a secure future, I must share with the community and key contacts what we do and how well we do it -Encourage staff to submit legislative proposals -Need to introduce myself right away to key contacts -I'm the direct connection to key contacts on local matters -Program critical for continued success of the dept. -Invite key contacts to Area events (EAD, Cat 10 etc) -Timely submission of key contact report -Timely notification to key contacts of events in their jurisdiction -Keep abreast of local political issues and elections -Always have an agenda and area stats to share -Know the jurisdictional boundaries -Know the issues facing elected officials & their constituents -Always bring something to leave (zenith, pamphlet etc) -Contact frequently at least once a quarter, also includes sheriff and county board of supervisors -Invite once a year CAPH rep and PIO, invite chief-Provide personal contact info, must be reachable 24/7 -Ask needs of the key contacts and what the Dept. can do to assist them -Follow-up with email to key contacts & their staff -Maintain contact with OSR, they are available to assist me with my key contacts -Captain 1st line of defense for the dept., the actual boots on the ground. -Won't delegate key contacts, it's me! -Want key contacts to call me first -Send quarterly letter advising of Area's accomplishments -Set up program for monthly security checks at district offices and document on 415 -As sgt and lt have accompanied captain on visits -I get it and see how truly important this is -Key contacts just doesn't affect me and my area, it can ultimately affect all of the CHP=Statewide ramifications -Key contacts=RELATIONSHIPS -Statewide ramifications -3 parts 1. Legislative proposals 2. Key contacts 3. Resolutions


-Enhancing safety through service means must seek every opportunity to increase trust w/public, enforce law equally, impartially, w/out favoritism or prejudice. -To not lose trust we must demonstrate w/each internal/external contact the heart of service. -3 primary reasons must enhance safety through service by building PT 1. Public & officer safety is built upon mutual trust 2. Public support = safer communities 3. CHP assume leadership role in building PT framework to serve as role model to others. -Commanders shall: review PT w/newly hired & transferred and ensure PT is conveyed to all employees during training, 118s, & discussions on the topic. -At no other time has PT been more important, close attention paid to LE, we are never behind the scenes when wear uniform, on stage for all to see -Dept & CAHP share common cause in attaining this vision of 1. Achieving professional excellence 2. Continued improvement 3. Exceeding public's expectations. -Embrace the principles of individual evaluation, respect & dignity, and unified vision -All have part to cultivate & care for positive relationships with those we serve -Impact of social media, opportunity to show the good we do, give public greater access, & seek input for ways to improve. We must avoid self-inflicted harm & follow-up on our words w/actions. -Never complacent: learn, grow, & continue to earn public support, we owe it to the people of CA -Earn badge every day, on loan to us until we retire. -PT Long range plan, includes CHP PRIDE -Making connections count through core principles of individual evaluation, respect/dignity, & unified vision -Flowing from these core principles are a set of 8 overarching goals: 1.Improve & grow community engagement 2.Understand & promote selflessness 3.Define & achieve advanced levels of professionalism across the CHP 4.Sustain PT 5.CHP must continue to attract, train, grow, & keep the most qualified recruits if PT is to be successful 6.Align our policies & procedures to support & enhance PT 7.Create CHP & CAHP leaders w/full commitment to the ideals of PT 8.Own our mistakes -Simple terms: Why? To serve others, How? By making connections count, What? Your contribution through your role w/in the organization -Developing PT: Ask, Listen, Respond, Value, Trust. -We can never become complacent -Multifaceted approach: Communication, Training, Policy, Strategy (Strat Plan)


-Interval investigations 193, .5% decrease from 2016. 4.5% decrease from rolling 5 year average. Of the 193 internals, 117 were AA's, 48 misc, and 28 RDP. -Citizens' complaints- 302, 11.4% decrease from 2016. 45.3% decrease from rolling 5 year average. Of the 302 complaints, 121 were Cat 1 and 181were Cat 2. 71.5% exonerated and 10% sustained. -24 dismissals in 2017, down from 27 in 2016, decrease of 11.1%. 11.8% decrease in dismissals cases from the previous 5 year average.


-Make all employees aware of expectations -Need to change the culture/behavior of the office -Heightened expectations by management for employee behavior -Open discussion regarding GO 0.1 and 0.8 in training days, ride-alongs, and informal settings while always setting the example -Ensure all employees receive EEO, Cultural Diversity, and Sexual Harassment on-line training through STAR POINT -Ensure ETRS is current and all training is entered to track employees -As captain, take every opportunity to reinforce adherence to policy and appropriate conduct -Encourage area personnel to be their "brothers/sisters keeper" -Identify outside training applicable for EEO, sexual harassment, and cultural diversity -Invite guest speakers to area to speak on these topics -Ensure compliance with AB1825, bi-annual training in sexual harassment -Check with allieds, see what they are doing -Early Intervention warning system, with IA Pro -Admin duties on LTs, SGTs in the field -Importance of doing our most basic duties -Public Trust-have outward mindset (think of others) -EAP and Peer Support -Continually provide refresher training for all employees on EEO and cultural diversity On each monthly evaluation, have reference to our Professional and Organizational values -Focus of every staff meeting, briefing, and training day will be dedicated time to discussing employee conduct, expectations both on and off-duty -Supervisors in the field, monitoring and leading personnel -Lieutenants in the field, not just behind a desk -Captain to be out with the employees in various settings such as emergency incidents, interacting with employees at the office etc -Monthly ride-alongs for all officers by sgts -Monthly ride-alongs for all sgts by lieutenants -Find team building activities such as Area BBQs, fitness challenge etc -Always lead by example -Take care of small issues so they don't turn into larger issues -Accountability 1. Non-complaint 2. Complaint 3. Public expects 4. I'm that type of leader Have day where officers reaffirm their oath -Gordon Graham and Gabe Potter Video -Need to have candid conversations -Sign CHP PRIDE every year but look to me how to live it

Cal Card

-Obtaining office and janitorial supplies -Can't use on commodities funded by Fed grant, asset forfeiture, or special funding -Requires itemized invoice May be Used: Buy commodities not available prison supply or state contract Buy items which are backordered Buy commodities in emergency situation Auto parts not part of contract/Ergonomic devices Key duplication, film development, oxygen cylinder refill and testing Commander: Shall approve all purchases Develop SOP for preapproving purchases Ensure physical security of all cards. Employees not retain after work. Review monthly reports for verification of preapproval and compliance with policy Sign CHP317

X Numbers

-One time, short, occasional or annual services under 5k. No service provider can be issues multiple X numbers in the same year for the same type of service -Streamline process obtain simple services under 5k -X numbers provided in advance to contract and services Commanders: responsible for designating coordinator & alternate to coordinate program Prohibited Use: Purchase commodities only, payment for services already under contract, same X number for more than one invoice, splitting invoice into 2 to stay under 5k, cost over 5k, rental of any equipment over one month, consultant/speaker/instructor services Can be used for transcription but requires ACF approval Computer related repairs shall be coordinated through Help Desk Requires competitive quote unless emergency exists

Prop 64

-Passed 11/9/16, 57% in favor, direct changes: 1.Decriminalization of crimes and new laws associated w/cannabis 2. Legal commercial for profit cannabis 3. Funding for CHP - Nearly all crimes associated with cannabis were reduced in classification. F-M, M-F Under 18, most became infractions with community service/drug education. Legal now for 21 and older: • Possess 28.5g of cannabis / 8g of concentrated cannabis • Cultivate up to 6 live plants • Give away cannabis to someone 21 or older • Possess cannabis paraphernalia -New crimes created: open container or cannabis product, VC & HS violations, smoke or ingest cannabis in public, or vehicle -Funding source for the CHP: 1.2018/19 $3 million annually for establishing protocols pertaining to DUI including DUI marijuana. (Early receipt of these funds from the Legislature) 2.2022/23 no less than $10 million development of training programs. 3.2022/23 no less than $40 million grant issuance to LE, non-profits, etc. for education, prevention, enforcement. -Impaired driving section was created to facilitate the use of these funds. Study currently underway with UCSD for cannabis FSTs - Colorado and Washington have seen significant increases of drivers in fatal collisions testing positive for THC since they legalized in 2012. Colorado specifically saw a 40% increase in this statistic from 2012 to 2016. There is a great need for public and law enforcement education relating to cannabis impairment. •ARIDE for CHP and allied personnel (currently 97% CHP ARIDE trained) •DITEP for schools systems •Social media blasts regarding cannabis laws and cannabis DUI •Write articles in local newspapers about dangers of cannabis impairment •Send officers to DRE (Dept has increase in the # of DRE schools statewide to 15/yr), currently over 1,700 DREs Statewide. •Maintain my DRE Instructor status •Meet/educate DA to review elements desired for DUI cannabis case filings •Utilize the new Impaired Driving Section as a resource •Ensure all personnel have reference guide for Prop 64/Bureau of Cannabis Control Shipping Fact Sheet •Tracking system for all marijuana arrests like done within Golden Gate Division •Set clear goals and expectations •Make allieds aware of grant funding for backfill OT and travel for DRE school -Tie in w/SP1 reduce fatals/injury crashes, SP2 assist allied agencies w/training/enforcement, SP3 engage community and partnerships. PT ties in

RIPA/AB 953 Racial and Identity Profiling Act

-Signed 10/3/15, requires collection/reporting of specified demographic data to the CA OAG, began 7/1/18. -Ongoing effort to maintain PT, enforcement consistent with Org & Prof values, all actions must be based on sound professional judgment, & accomplished in a business like, firm, impartial, courteous, & consistent matter. -What has to be collected 1.Originating Agency Identifier # 2.Date, time, duration of stop 3Location of stop 4.Perceived race/ethnicity 5.Perceived gender 6.Perceived to be LGBT 7.Perceived age 8. Perceived limited or no English fluency 9.Perceived/known disability 10.Reason for stop 11.Stop made for call for service 12.Actions taken by officer 13.Result of stop 14.Officer's unique ID # (not badge #) 15.Officer's years experience 16.Officer's type of assignment -Additional narrative box shall be completed w/brief explanation regarding the reason for the stop. -Perceived data responses shall be based on perception alone. -Though only enforcement is required Dept will continue to gather for all public contacts but only enforcement will be given to OAG. -Everyone with action taken on stop shall have A415 entry -Exceptions: 1.Crowd control or public safety evacuations 2. Active shooter incidents 3.Security screenings if required for all people 4.Routine traffic control, checkpoints etc where it's blanket regulatory activity or neutral formula not based on individualized suspicion or personal characteristics. -Supervisors shall conduct periodic review of A415. -My role: -Discuss it with employees -Ensure employees have proper training on documentation -Annual cultural awareness & discrimination training -Racial profiling & discrimination are prohibited by policy, law, and is not tolerated -Ensure employees understand the "WHY" -This shows transparency -Tool to enhance community relations and trust -Help to reduce bias, promote fair & impartial policing -Need to make sure employees are staying motivated & not discouraged from being proactive -Get out occasionally on patrol & document on CHP A415 -Always personnel have to display Org & Prof Values in every interaction, help to achieve PT -Share the RIPA video and pain, mistrust some people have towards LE, goal is to have empathy & work with the public.


-The CHP is developing curriculum designed to provide all officers and sergeants with the 40-hour "Memphis Model" for CIT recognized by IACP. -What has been done: 40 hours for all employees, Part of Academy curriculum leadership 4 additional hours - Area commanders are required to review the Mental Health Services Resource Guide and complete the CIT Resources Checklist. - This information shall then be disseminated to all uniformed staff within their respective command. - All uniformed personnel shall be informed of the checklist and advised to utilize it as a resource. -SP2 able to better serve those w/mental illness -Stats: 1/5 adults experience MI, 26% homeless have severe MI, 2million w/MI booked every year, only ½ receive treatment, ¼ killed by LE have MI -W/reduced resources, LE becomes 1st responders -Training focus on de-escalation & training through scenario and safety -Importance of forming partnerships with mental health advocate groups -Partnerships with homeless groups, shelters, soup kitchens -As Captain need to: work with local resources, stress mental health awareness to all employees, speak on tdays, briefings about this important issue. If nothing is in place, expected I will make it happen. As captain will focus on collaboration w/advocacy groups and networking to better understand local issues & create partnerships. Develop local SOP and MIRP resource list. -TACT-tone, atmosphere, communication, time -Besides jail my job to know resources of where to take those w/MI besides jail -Be familiar with GO 100.85, Departmental Assistance to the Homeless: make homeless aware of resources, protect the rights of all, be sensitive to homeless needs, transport to homeless shelters to get required help, make sure don't pose a threat to public safety. Commanders shall: local resources, admittance criteria, transportation available for homeless, each quarter verify info is correct, periodically disseminate info to personnel, carry this out with compassion Veterans Affairs


1- Don't leave the employee alone, even in the bathroom 2- Get additional help 3- Call Office of Employee Safety and Assistance 4- Is hospitalization required? 5- Secure the employees weapon(s) 6- Important Considerations a. Alcohol or drugs involved? b. Do they have social or family support? c. Was there a recent Loss/Divorce/Financial Problems/AA d. Was there a recent significant injury


1. Stop the action: Pull offending individual aside - do not shame them 2. Collect information: Interview everyone and document everything 3. Damage Control: Minimize the effects of improper conduct 4. Notify the Next Level of Command: then ask for input on how to handle 5. Preliminary Investigation: Purpose is to clear the employee or take action (Counseling, 100 form comment, MOD, interim, adverse action) 6. Discuss employee at staff meeting: gain insight about employee from others 7. Document: in whatever appropriate form 8. Counseling Session: Identify underlying problem, be humanistic, discuss the (bottom line, hold employee accountable, appeal to professionalism) 9. Professional Help: Provide EAP and have concern about well-being 10. Monitor Employee 11. Heightened Awareness 12. Interim Reporting: 4-steps (outline problem, set goals, monitor, follow-up) 13. Adverse Action: LAST RESORT Accountability 1.Non-Complaint officer- brings their level back to acceptable 2. Compliant officer- reinforces their behavior 3. Public expects us to police ourselves 4. I'm the leader who will hold myself and others accountable


1.01 for 2018, highest in 5 years My Job: LOOK FOR INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO - Insure Commanders are doing their job by: · Deployment of officers is appropriate for traffic conditions and focused in high collision areas (PERFORM A TRAFFIC COLLISION STAT STUDY) · Traffic congestion is relieved through the 4 E's · Focus enforcement on: · Seat Belts (educ, child seats) · DUI (enf and edu) · Commercial Veh (enf and edu) · Distracted Driving Insure officers are doing their job by: · Beat accountability · In-view patrol · PCF enforcement Ask for officer's / sgt's participation for suggestions (helps with buy-in) Attend briefings/ride-longs to remind officers/sgts about strategic plans Utilize Public Affairs Officer (media, high schools, COMS) *CHP Programs External Resources (CalTrans, Allieds, FSP, town hall meetings) OTS Grants to enhance enforcement possibilities Actively manage traffic incidents, Program 10 stats Community Outreach - Partnerships/Problem Solving Prop 64 issues


1.PURPOSE OF THE COMMAND INSPECTIONS (CIP) PROGRAM a. Establish credible and comprehensive processes allowing the command to identify and solve problems before they become critical issues 2.BASED PRIMARILY ON SELF ASSESMENT WITH ONGOING VERIFICATION BY AN INDEPENDENT BODY (OIG) 3.CIP ENSURES COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL STATUTES AND POLICY 4.THE CIP DOES 4 THINGS a. Identify deficiencies b. Identify training needs c. Obtains feedback for improving policies and procedures d. Identifies innovative ideas developed by commanders 5.THE ROLE OF COMMANDERS IS; a. Ensure compliance and review of field and administrative processes b. Ensure inspections are conducted in an ethical, fair and timely manner c. Create action plans to correct identified deficiencies SP#3-demonstrate integrity, transparency, & accountability by completing all OIG audits & inspections. -CALEA shows our policies are good & OIG ensures we follow the policies




A trusted leader in law enforcement ensuring CA is the safest place to live and travel


ARMS spending (equipment, evid tows [track tows], training, photos, postage) Occupational Safety (Internal - workplace, external - field or tactical) I & I Case Management (getting proper care, dialog with SCIF) Ensure reasonable accommodation and timely return to duty Personal involvement in area and division Occupational Safety Programs Professionalism (establish accountability, Organizational Values - REEF) Training (Ethics, Special Relationships, ICS, EEO) monitor spending Employee performance evaluations and monitoring Respond to all major events to assure safety and proper handling Personally review all 268, 275, and 270s (PEER SUPPORT) Importance 735s, one of few things we do that we collect $ Vacation balances Management of state resources (equipment and vehicles, inventory, maint.) Monitor Overtime (proper use of grants, scheduling issues, overlap - m & confer) Proper use of CalCard, actively manage contracts for services, petty cash Use of area resources (utilities, fuel, office supplies, inventories) Lawsuit causes (Personal Injury, Spec. Relationships, False Arrests, Discrim, Unlawful searches, failure to investigate) Fleet issues (use least expensive gas, tire pressure, maint., ensure proper use) Current Budget: 2.8 billion Salaries/Benefits = 2.24 billion (80%) Operations =560 mil (20%) 7.67 MILLION DOLLARS PER DAY


AWOL is 5 or more consecutive working days (PT of FT) AWOL don't report to work, don't contact commander, take time off when request was disapproved, don't return from leave of absence & don't submit resignation If employee hasn't contacted commander after 4 hours, should attempt to contact employee. If reason valid, commander decides when employee must return to work, if not acceptable shall advise AWOL and policy of 5 days. Oral info given to employee shall be immediately confirmed in writing. If employee can't be contacted, shall forward written notice of AWOL & effective date of separation to last known address. If AWOL and returns to work before 5 days, dock time Prior to invoking AWOL, look at MOU to ensure comply with MOU. AWOL sent overnight not certified Upon mailing a copy of both the notice and proof of service by mail should be sent to OIA and HRS.

EEO Programs

B Bilingual Services: Goal to improve accessibility of services for limited English speakers. Bilingual pay when employees average at least 10% of bilingual contacts U Upward Mobility Program: Move employees from low-paying positions to higher paying with broader classifications. Plans reviewed w/emp annually S Sexual Harassment Policy: Zero tolerance. Immediate response and proper reporting. Unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances. Quid-pro-quo and Hostile work environment. (Sups and employees may be personally liable) H Hiring and Workforce Composition: Monitor Dept's non-uniform hiring process. Goal to hire those who are disabled and underrepresented persons. W Workforce analysis: Conduct annual analysis and identify underutilization of any group. Overview of Dept's EEO program. A Age Discrimination Policy: All positions filled based upon work behavior, experience and qualifications, NOT AGE (applies to 40+ State, 40-70 Fed) P Persons with Disabilities Program: Objective to reach, attract and employ qualified persons with disabilities. Currently 9.5% have reasonable accomm. 60% of last year's reasonable accommodation requests were granted! D Discrimination Complaint Process: Prohibits discrimination based upon 18 protected groups. ALSO PROHIBITS RETALIATION Things will do: free from discrimination, org/prof values, immediate action, no retaliation, serious attention to this issue, set the example, supervisors receive initial & refresher training, all employees eeo training, contact OEEO for training materials, EEO counselor posted at the office for all employees to read


CHP is a department of the CA Transportation Agency. Commissioner, appointed Gov, confirmed by the Senate. HQ, Sacramento and oversees 9 field divisions. 8 geographic divisions, 103 Area offices, 36 resident posts, and 17 CVEF. Each area office is led by a captain or LT, CHP established in 1929 to provide service/enforcement State Highways/County Mission and Vision statement Statewide LE agency employing almost 11,000 employees Jurisdiction is freeways and all unincorporated roadway, patrol over 100,000 miles of roadway 2,000 PVs, 400 MCs, almost 80 million miles CHP answered over 7 million 911 calls last year. Non-uniform staff is over 3,000, including dispatchers, commercial inspections, technical functions, and clerical duties. So important what they do. Last year over 3 million enforcement contacts and 1 million motorist services, investigated almost 200,000 traffic collisions CHP certified CALEA in 2010 and was one of the first 2 agencies have certification for the Department, dispatch, and Academy. Like a bachelor's degree for the Dept. 2002, CHP Statewide coordinator AMBER Alert program. Since inception there have been over 300 children safely located. In 1995, the CA State Police merged with the CHP. CHP responsible for all State buildings, protecting governor and other State elected officials. After 9/11, CHP became Statewide leader in fighting terrorism. With emphasis on State power grid, aqueducts, and State buildings CHP readily assists during natural disasters and when local agencies need assistance. And even other states, CHP deployed over 100 personnel to assist with Hurricane Katrina. CHP has boats, bridges Bay Area CHP has airplanes and helicopters throughout the State. They assist with searches, traffic congestion relief, and provide emergency medical treatment. Last year saved over 30 lives through helicopter medical evacuations. Senior volunteers, 800+ volunteers, over 177,000 hours Over 500,000 truck inspections a year, most in US Approx. 2,000 MVARS units for capturing audio/video of the officers. CHP has many community outreach programs such as start smart, right turn, every 15 minutes, explorers, senior driver program, el protector, SAFE, and Asian Pacific Islander outreach to name a few.


Coaching and mentoring Program Policy: Ensure newly promoted/assigned personnel receive guidance and training Goals: Foster leadership development by listening, offering guidance. Mentors will share critical knowledge and encouragement Mentor Definition: mutually beneficial relationship (insight, Our future leaders: Gamers, Generation Next and the Military Promote leadership at all levels/classifications - regardless of rank or position I will use my sphere of influence to affect positive change Command Responsibilities: 1. mentee provided orientation memo by coach within first 30 days 2. mentee is assigned mentor within first 30 days 3. mentee is provided with initial self-assessment checklist within 30 days 4. ensure mentee completes post program self-assessment 30 days after mentoring program concluded


Commander is dept rep for EP & chairs the committee. Ensure follows policy & learning for life program & need EP SOP & that follows manual Shall appoint a post coordinator, post advisor, and if necessary an associate post advisor who demonstrate interest and enthusiasm & who will serve as good role models. Commander approves monthly financial report/statement Ensure annual EP audit is conducted MISSING ITEMS: Petty cash/change fund- report immediately but no later than 1 business day following discovery, report to FMS & if stolen do a 216 and STD 99 For overage send to FMS using transmittal process & change in command memo stating new person taking responsibility for the funds. Lost/stolen PAS- Memo w/circumstances & measures to prevent happening again (indicate if officer negligent), do a 216 & enter serial # in Automated Property System, do either AA or report theft/loss to local agency or CHP enter Damaged PAS- 202L & send to DOJ (if non warranty) Missing Ammo- ammo requisitioned ¼ on its own requisition GC/policy require separation of duties between firearms training records and the ammo officer Commanders responsible for all ammo received & its distribution, CHP269, records of ammo, shall be used to record all ammo received, issued, and balance on hand.


Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies How will I implement as a Captain: Assure we are in compliance with Departmental policy, thereby CALEA Ensure all employees are trained on purpose of CALEA/Show instructional DVD by Commissioner Understand GO 6.11- STARTED BY IACP, NOBLE, NSA, PERF On November 20, 2010, Department formally accredited by CALEA Desire to be "recognized leader in LE and emergency management." CALEA proven modern management model, promotes efficient use of resources and seeks to improve service delivery. Provides objective evaluation Process will instill a greater sense of confidence among departmental employees and the people of California, as well as legislature Provides opportunity to voluntarily demonstrate adherence to an established set of standards by comprehensive written directives and proofs For each standard, the Department required to provide applicable policies and procedures as well as proof the directives are being adhered to. (460 standards) On December 12, 2008, the Department was formally accepted to participate in the CALEA Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. Five phases; enrollment, self-assessment, on-site assessment, commission review and decision, and maintaining compliance. · During the on-site assessment CALEA assessors toured HQ, Academy, Sac Comm, an Area Office, and other CHP facilities. · Branding / Marketing - Letterhead and memo, publications, forms (press releases), Internet page, new cardstock, envelopes and business cards · Accreditation lasts 3 years, during which time the department must submit annual reports attesting compliance with required standards. The department has already begun collecting and compiling calendar year 2011 proofs of compliance · Recertified in 2013, Academy certified in 2013, Dispatch certified in 2014/Tri-arc award for all 3, we are only State Agency to have all 3. Like a bachelor's degree for the Dept/Reduces liability


EMPLOYEES ARE THE MOST VALUABLE ASSET OF THE DEPARTMENT Purpose: encourage HARMONIOUS relations between the Department and its employees Established for: the equitable and peaceful resolution of differences on employee relations matters, and to increase management's and employees' understanding of rights, responsibilities and obligations MAIN TENNANTS: Communications: Open lines of communication (between employees and representatives) is the key to increased job satisfaction, motivation, efficiency and morale Employee Relations Responsibilities: Managers and supervisors are responsible for seeing that employee relations policies of the CHP are properly administered Office of Employee Relations: A- Provide assistance on matters relating to wages, hours and other terms B- Maintaining a liaison with Cal HR C- Reviewing grievances/complaints processed at all levels D- Representing the Dept in negotiations for various bargaining units E- Training managers and supervisors to enhance their understanding F- Contract Interpretations - CHP management administers 11 of the 21 bargaining units - Importance relationship w/Area Rep/Meet and Confer/Informal dispute resolution - Make sure commanders understand and follow 9.1, MOU, POBR- have current copy of contracts - Importance of relationship with District Reps/Area reps for commanders/Meet & Confer/Informal dispute resolution - Utilize CalHR website, all about relationships and treating people right


ENHANCE PUBLIC TRUST THROUGH SUPERIOR SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC Objectives Improve customer service. Expand educational, marketing, and awareness programs to inform the public and stakeholders about CHP roles, programs, and functions. Demonstrate departmental integrity, transparency and accountability with the public. WE ARE COMMITTED TO PROVIDING 1ST CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE


Employee Assistance Units include: · Peer Support Program · Critical Incident Stress Debriefings · Critical Incident Response Teams · Employee Substance Abuse Program · Cancer Survivor Support Group · Wellness Program · EAP · Military Deployment Program · Survivor Outreach Program


GUIDING RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CHP Each employee recruit 1 person per month, put on 100 form As a Captain I will: •Be Personally involved in local recruitment efforts (I have helped over 10 get hired) •Emphasize that our employees are our best tools •We all share in this responsibility •Hold myself and others accountable to identify those with desirable traits •Foster an interest by sharing my examples and ongoing efforts •Discuss recruitment at area staff meetings, training days and briefings •Assure recruitment documents are available to all personnel •Make everyone aware of Applicant Preparation Program (APP), let's people know what to expect, beneficial for minorities & women, physical training workouts, cover all aspects of career for applicant/family •Reach out minorities/females, typically 12% applicants females, 8% Black, 5% Asian •Assign personnel in the Area to mentor before, during, and after testing to those who want to become officers •Look for individuals who possess the following: Interest in LE, physically fit, sound mind, solid life, and possess tenacity/grit (one of best indicators of success) •If no Explorer post, start one •Talk up recruitment time off (40 hours) -Explorer program, 2014 34 explorers graduated the academy, 35% of explorers are females •Continuous advertising for cadets -Not enough I get it, my people have to get it. -Sr Volunteers- patriarchs/matriarchs-encourage their families to apply WHERE ARE WE AS A DEPT: 6.2% uniform members are females 3.4% uniform AA, 6.5% AA in CA 24.9% uniform Hispanic, 38.6% Hispanic in CA 4.0% uniform Asian, 14.4% Asian in CA 68.2% uniform White, 38.5% White in CA Of note on CHP- only 17 AA females uniform Reach out to community leaders and get their input of how to recruit minorities and women. Also, as need to understand that these issues aren't just facing the CHP but LE in general. -SV's-patriarchs & matriarchs -Civilian staff/dispatchers recruitment -My efforts, 2 dispatchers, recruited over 10, currently one in the Academy

Job Characteristics

Honesty Integrity Accountability Sensitivity Confidence Decisiveness Commitment Diplomacy Professional demeanor Courage Independence Appearance commensurate with departmental policy


INVEST IN OUR PEOPLE Objectives Enhance employee safety and wellness Identify and develop our future leaders Coach and mentor our employees to reach their full potential Recruit and hire the best qualified workforce from all segments of society


Incorporate Strategic Plan #2 into your answer! Improve customer service Demonstrate Dept. integrity, transparency, & accountability We must maintain transparency to keep the trust of the people we serve Lack of compliance can lead to injunctive relief and punitive lawsuits and cause public to question ability to trust the CHP Procedure to handling PRA requests: DO NOT: · Ask for ID or ask if from press · Ask for a reason · State releasable info not releasable · State info is only releasable to press DO: Maintain CHP 370C in lobby Train personnel to be HELPFUL Track each request using 520 log Assist in narrowing requests Advise 10 cal day timeline All requests, except ARREST LOG ONLY, will be forwarded to Office of Risk Management As a CAPTAIN I will: Ensure all relevant personnel (including myself) are well versed in PRA Hold myself and others accountable to using the established procedure Ensure Dept. Organizational Values (REEF) are applied to EVERY contact made


Money can be stored location other than office, commander coordinates with bank. $1k cash/$10k drugs, book into evidence Commander shall have discretion to close out items of little or no value. Commander designate area for hazardous removal of clothing. NIK KIT test, watch prior video and ensure have adequate training. Evidence officer work with commander to ensure safety of evidence room. Keys, do not duplicate on them, 1 for each primary evidence officer & 2nd commander in envelope sealed then primary date, initial, & ID# on the seal. Any entry w/spare key shall be noted on property room entry log. Commander shall conduct at least one unscheduled inspection property room per year, track at least 10 items. Coordinators & commander shall be only persons who have keys to the DVD cabinet. Commanders DA office to establish mutually agreeable procedures concerning the submission of MVARS DVDs to the DA's office. Any discovery requests or legal questions OLA. PRA requests shall be referred to the Special Counsel. Change of command inventory of MVARS DVDs not required, unless problems found. Any issues shut down evidence room & 100% audit


Other points to bring up: - Essential part of management. Too much can turn a manager to a tyrant, too little erodes authority - Not taking action on improper behavior erodes employee confidence and has a negative impact on morale. - Discuss roots of both words PROGRESSIVE and DISCIPLINE Do's Consistency! - KEEP YOUR SUPERIORS AWARE AT ALL STAGES - Keep your inquiries job related and not focus on personality traits - State problem clearly and stay on topic when discussing it with employees - Respect the employee's dignity and right to a viewpoint - Take notes freely and be sure purpose of discussion has been met - Be helpful - sincerely try to plan for change and work out a remedy - Set a deadline for specific MEASURABLE change and set a date for FOLLOW-UP! - Make a WRITTEN summary of the interview and furnish copy to employee - DON'T's Don't bluff, threaten, or block the matter from being taken up the chain of command - Jump to conclusions (maintain an open mind and seek the WHOLE truth) - Don't joke - maintain seriousness of situation - Procrastinate , be angry or vengeful. Don't exaggerate and do not provide unsupported generalizations - Apologize for the interview or volunteer excuses for employee - Be afraid of listening to mitigating circumstances - try to solve the problem - Don't win the argument and lose the employee - instead solve the problem - Require abject submission or agreement - its behavioral change that counts - 3 phases: 1. Preventative 2. Corrective 3. AA formal written reprimand, salary reduction, suspension, involuntary transfer, demotion, dismissal (IFSSDD)


PLOP-C Public Responsibility- anticipate and respond to the needs of the public we serve. Accomplished through ongoing analysis and planning. Must investigate additional funding sources for the future. Encourage growth in those areas where there is a demonstrated need. Leadership and Innovation- continue to maintain & enhance our leadership role to respond to the needs of the public. All personnel must strive to increase productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Encourage managers to identify, develop, and implement new ideas for achieving appropriate mission and objectives. Organizational Development- supervisors & managers will be developed through training & experience. Managers manage through strategic planning process. Strategic planning operationally implements mission, goals, vision, and objectives. Personnel Development- manages develop personnel to the fullest extent possible, including individual accountability. Continue to pursue & achieve realistic EEO opportunity goals. Command Accountability- Department will continue to promote responsibility, accountability, and decision making at each command level.


PRIMARY DIMENSIONS: SECONDARY DIMENSIONS Initiative · Energy Planning and Organization · Stress Tolerance Delegation · Leadership Management Control · Sensitivity Problem Analysis · Risk Taking Decisiveness · Independence Development of Subordinates Organizational Sensitivity PRIMARY DIMENSIONS: SECONDARY DIMENSIONS Initiative · Energy Planning and Organization · Stress Tolerance Delegation · Leadership Management Control · Sensitivity Problem Analysis · Risk Taking Decisiveness · Independence Development of Subordinates Organizational Sensitivity


PROTECT LIFE AND PROPERTY Objectives/Performance Measures Reduce fatality and suspected serious injury crashes within CHP jurisdiction Reduce vehicle theft statewide Increase safety on state property through training, education, and reduction of crime Annually re-examine calls for service, crashes, and crimes to adjust beats and Area officer deployments WE MAKE CA A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE, WORK, AND TRAVEL BY REDUCING FATALITIES, INJURIES, AND CRIME


Remain conversant Stay abreast of any changes Stay cognizant that POBR may be applicable at any time Interrogation - Notification (4 hours) nature, charges, names/ranks of investigators - Only 2 investigators at a time - Reasonable hour or employee gets OT - Held in private - Allow to tend to physical needs - Reasonable amt time based on charges - Right to representation - Criminal charges = Miranda - No criminal tactics - No offensive language - No threats or promises for cooperation - Shall record and allow emp. to do so - Entitled to transcription unless conf. - Info not released to media w/o consent - Not subject to punitive action for exercising these rights - Unlawful to deny POBR rights - Nothing adverse in file w/o knowledge - Employee has 30 days to respond - Must allow inspection of personnel file during business hours - Not prohibited from political activity - May run for school board - Shall not compel lie detector test - No internet release of personal info - Not require disclosure of assets unless position subject to bribes - Officers may wear Amer. Flag pin unless provide rule, may appeal rule - Locker searches = consent, warrant, prior notification, in his/her presence - No temporary reassignment


Provide the highest level of safety, service, and security


SB719 Requires all LE Agencies to establish pursuit policy, train continually, report pursuits to CHP, pursuit policy has to comply with 17004.7 VC-12 items for immunity, CHP complies w/all 12. CHP compiles annual report (total, pursuit collisions, injuries, fatalities) to be presented to legislature. CHP Statistics for 2017: Below 100, crime victims entitled to compensation 2,588 pursuits, 536 (20%) resulted in a collision of which 65% were PDO, 8 fatals/9 dead(6 drivers, 1 passengers, 1 officer, 1 uninvolved)- Need to work w/DA on charges (2800, 191/192, 23153) 4 Purposes of PURSUIT POLICY (POST and CALEA certified) 1. Ensure CHP is in compliance with law (SB 719) and POST -41% 2 minutes or less 2. Inform officers of their legal limitations and obligations for emer. Vehicle Ops -need to be in training day 3. Promote safe driving which enhance public safety and minimize exposure -importance of training officer 4. Promote operating efficiency of patrol equipment, reduce costs, conserve fleet -POST/CALEA certified I will coordinate with allied agencies (written guidelines) -Farrow John McGinness show I will ensure:- Acknowledge pursuit polices of each agency -many start end infraction, result greater - Cross train to ensure awareness of policy (361 pursuits 2015) -Over 3 million enforcement contacts & - Discuss interoperability issues only 2,056 pursuits - Discuss incident command considerations -I will review PRS/MVARS/take action Make sure local pursuit training guide is reviewed quarterly -Involved & respond to pursuits Take quarterly training seriously. Communicate expectations! -spike strip, safe locations Ensure local pursuit training guide in SOP and employees sign pursuit attestation annually Work w/DA on prosecution/Get involved as commander in the pursuit/public trust Despite sensational media coverage, only a small percentage of enf. Actions lead to pursuits. 53% of pursuees are apprehended. Of the remaining 47%, 50% are aborted by the LE Agency The number of lives saved, and property protected by the pursuit and apprehension of suspects who evade arrest is immeasurable. Tie this into public trust, important acknowledge public perception, always looking at risk/gain. If there is a culture of never 10-22, my job to stop it, reward/recognize those that voluntarily 10-22 Risk vs gain weight it and make the tough decisions, public perception we should not be pursuing, importance of being involved as the commander.


SEMS (Standardized Emer Resp System) NIMS (Natl Incident Mgmt System) Concepts and Principles: Flexibility and Standardization Standard Responses to All ICS questions: Respond Assign a scribe and restrict access Gather info while en-route Look for witnesses and record license plts Notify next level of command Utilize resources (PAO, CalTrans, Allied) Assume Incident Command Issue SIG Alert/determine alternate routes Establish Unified Command Notify affected CHP areas Ensure safety of personnel and public Develop Incident Action Plans Evaluate need for addt'l personnel Disseminate action plans to all at scene Protect the scene/photographs Assign a safety officer Set up a perimeter Remain on-scene for duration Command Operation Planning Finance Logistics Extra Credit If a pursuit, call for air support and get personally involved in pursuit Remember POBR, assure employees have representation, not interrogated w/o sgt In ALL cases, timeliness and accuracy of reports (TCs, 407E, Pursuits) Hold post-incident tactical review with all involved (including allieds/CalTrans) Potential for lawsuits / be ACCOUNTABLE


SM communications, collaboration, and information exchange; streamline processes; and foster productivity. SM represents extra means communicating directly & immediately, not as a substitute for conventional media. SM engages public education, emergency or traffic notifications, and crisis communications. Personnel not use to bring discredit to CHP Caution employees not to disclose their employment on their private social media accounts Can't post about other members of Dept. w/out consent Reminder that SM private accounts may provide grounds for undermining or impeaching an officer's testimony. Personnel can't give info gained by employment; make any statements etc. considered to rep views of CHP without express authorization of their commander. SM pages shall clearly indicate maintained by the CHP & have the appropriate contact info displayed. All background and profile images shall be approved by COMR. Content is subject to public records law. Relevant records retention schedules apply to social media content. Content must be managed, stored, and retrieved to comply with open records laws and e-discovery laws and policies. When possible, pages shall clearly indicate, "If you have an emergency, immediately call 9-1-1. Please do not use social media to report criminal activity or an emergency incident." Commands creating and/or maintaining one or more social media accounts shall develop Standard Operating Procedures to address how accounts are maintained and information is posted. The posting of photographs of departmental employees shall be in compliance with Government Code Section 3307.5 when the employee reasonably believes the posting may result in a threat, harassment, intimidation, or harm to the employee.


STEPS TO INCREASE MORALE IN THE WORKPLACE: Inquire through: Inquire from sergeants: Lts, Sgts and officers Chain of command effective? Personnel and sgt evals Staff mtgs held? Are they effective? Evaluate conditions Does mgmt keep staff informed? Personal observations Sgts adhere to MOU and POBR? Inquire from officers Is there integrity and fairness to all? Do employees feel important to the operation? Are employees kept informed about critical issues? Do supervisors interact with them consistently and fairly? Are policies and procedures applied to all equitably? Do employees feel the "open door policy" is realistic? Is command staff personally responsive to personal/family issues? Work with Area Rep/SP4 Invest in our People, access our culture to increase pride/passion in public service/Anonymous survey every 2 years Other issues: Are over and under achievers receiving same level of praise on their evals? When corrective measures are required, are they handled at the lowest level? Are staffing levels and beat assignments appropriately determined? Is the office neat and clean? Is the lighting adequate? Chp 34 inspections, Important of accountability and 4 reasons - Org and prof values SP4- Invest in our People-Assess our culture to increase pride & passion in public service, anonymous survey every 2 years.


Who is our community? (homeowners, students, military, business leaders, key contacts, city managers, board of sups, allieds, fire, caltrans, public works) Be FLEXIBLE and ADAPTABLE WHEN YOU TRANSFER OR RETIRE, WILL YOUR CONTACTS STILL KNOW WHERE TO GO TO GET HELP? It's about building relationships The pillars of community outreach are 1. Partnerships 2. Problem Solving We build community outreach through the 4 Es/1 P enf, eng, educ, expectations, partnerships OK to admit we have made mistakes "the fact you feel that way means we must do better" Tools to gain public trust 1. Area environmental assessment 2. CHP414, Community services survey (can then do in languages of your community) Empower employees to respond to public's needs & be flexible to those needs Programs: Right Turn, Start Smart, Every 15 mins, D/Driver, Explorer, SVP, Older Driver, Recruitment, El Protector, SAFE, CHIPS for kids, Age well drive smart, Asian Pacific Islander Outreach Community Outreach Inclusion Plan sign by Comm Farrow 2009 1.Emphasis of inclusiveness from the top. 2.Implement programs rooted in community-based partnerships. 3.Identify and participate in venues which are a diverse rep. of each community. 4.Participate in events, such as annual safety fairs and open house events. 5.Encourage increased participation in youth mentoring programs. 6.Share best practices in community outreach efforts. Need to be flexible to the community we serve, when something happens we want to be the 1st call I'm not here to tell you what you need from the CHP, but to hear what we can do for you Not 1 PIO but 100 PIOs/Citizens Advisory Board 3 R's. Reliable, relevant, and respected. Public trust initiative Trust is the cornderstone of leadership, do what you can while being truthful and people will follow. Positive & upbeat in presentations, earn the public's respect


Why does the CHP write tickets? 1- Understand perception is important 2- Education, Engineering, Enforcement , Expectation, Partnerships- all play a part in the big picture of the CHP going out and saving lives 3- Tie in Strategic Plan- protect life and property, reduce injuries, fatalities, & big rig collisions 4- CHP budget a. 90% comes from MVA (your registration dollars) not from enforcement b. No funding comes from enforcement it goes to city, county, POST, victim funds, courts etc. 5- Annually there are approximately 3,000 fatal collisions and over 200,000 injury collisions 6- CHP responsibility to "aggressively seek out violators" (HPM 100.68) 7- Organizational and Professional Values 8- Focus of enforcement should be on those violations which save lives and prevent injuries 9- Lots of discussion that court fines hurt those who don't have money, meaning cycle of poverty 10- Important key contact issue right now is Amnesty programs for traffic violations, are we serving the best public interest. 11- As Captain need to stress public trust document which says each enforcement contact is an opportunity to educate and enforce and to consider what is best for the public and the violator. 12- History of formation of CHP, previous 1929 each County had traffic squad & would write tickets to generate revenue, legislators specifically put law into place to avoid this. 13- In-view patrol, illegal to have quotas 41602 VC, 8 hrs work for 8 hrs pay 14- MDR .94 in 2013, on the climb in 2014 and up 5% nationally, largest climb in last 50 years 15- If presentation, let person know by bringing this up has generated traffic and/or citizen's complaint -This question generates a traffic/citizens complaint process

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