Carbon Dioxide
Carbon Loops
As the oceans continues to increase in temperature they will release CO2. CO2 increases atmospheric temperature. Warmer temperatures = warmer sea water. Warmer sea water = more CO2 being released
Examples of Artificial Carbon Sink
Electricity and heat production, Transportation, Industry. Is a contributor to global warming
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Is non-polar but is water soluble. It is a naturally occuring gas that is found in the atmosphere that helps regulate the world's climate.
Carbon (C)
Is the most common element in all organic things.
Carbon Source
Releases more carbon into the atmosphere than it takes in.
Greenhouse Effect
The Sun's energy bouncing off of the Earth and being trapped by CO2 and other greenhouse gasses (such as methane and water vapor).
Using photosynthesis and dissolution it absorbs carbon dioxide. It absorbs lots but not all of the carbon in the atmosphere.
Examples of Natural Carbon Sources
Volcanic Eruptions, Ocean atmospheric change, respiration: animals and plants.
Ocean pH
When CO2 reacts with water it creates carbonic acid (H2CO3) which dissociates to H+ and HCO3-
Carbon Sink
a forest, ocean, soil, or other natural environment viewed in terms of its ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
As temperature increases . .
gas solubility decreases. (Aka higher temp lower oxygen)