catcher in the rye

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Name some of the strange things Holden sees through his window.

A man dressing like a women and he sees a guy and girl spitting drinks at one another.

What won't Ackley let Holden do?

Ackley wouldn't let Holden sleep in Ely's bed even though he knew Ely wouldn't be back until Sunday night.

What does Holden end up writing Stradlater's essay about?

Allie´s baseball glove

What does Holden invite the cab driver to do? What does this reinforce about Holden?

Asks the cab driver to have a drink with him. Holden is trying to find company, but he is doing it at all the wrong places.

What are Holden's spiritual beliefs?


Why doesn't Holden throw his snowball at anything?

Cause its pretty

Who does Holden meet on the train?

Ernie Morrow´s mom

Where does Holden end up?


How does Holden feel about the way Mr. Spencer treats him? How do you know?

He agrees with him, but does not really listen, because he wants to experience it all on his own.

What does Holden admit about himself and sex?

He believes that men should only have sex with women they genuinely care about and that it shouldn't be a public thing.

Holden feels sorry for ugly girls because he feels they have to put up with what?

He can barely look at them, especially when they have to deal with phony guys

What happened to his brother? How did Holden react?

He died of leukemia, and Holden didn´t take it well he broke all the windows.

What does Holden mean when he criticizes the headmaster of Elkton Hills as "the phoniest bastard [he] ever met in his life"?

He does not like fake people. That he only puts on a face for the heck of it and he does not like it.

What does Holdne respect/dislike about Ernie?

He doesn't like how he's a snob and a phony but he's a good piano player.

What bothers him most about a fist fight?

He doesn't like looking at the other guys face

What excuse does Holden make up in order to avoid sex?

He had an operation in his spinal cord

What does Holden admit about himself concerning fighting at the end of Chapter 6?

He is a pacifists.

What depresses Holden about the bellboy?

He is old and carrying bags and is bald with a comb over.

How does Holden react to this?

He just says he is going to leave, but since he kept annoying him, Ackley got annoyed and that made Holden mad.

Why does Holden care so much for Jane?

He liked her and has history with her.

What does Maurice do to Holden? How did Holden provoke him?

He punched him in the stomach. Holden was calling him names.

What does Holden do when he gets depressed?

He talks to Allie.

What does Holden tell Mrs. Morrow the reason he is going home early is?

He told her he had a brain tumor that would take about two minutes to operate on.

Describe how Mr. Spencer treats Holden and how the teacher acts around his visiting student

He treats Holden with respect, and tries making him realize he has a future ahead of him

How does Holden deal with this event?

He was acting like he was shot and dying.

Why does Holden bail out?

He was nervous and depressed and she was depressing, and she goes to the movies.

What does Holden admit about himself in this chapter, and what example does he use to illustrate his point?

He's one of those "yellow guys" and he uses his stolen gloves as an example.

What makes Holden feel bad when he thinks about his parents?

His mom gave him new ice skates, even though they weren´t the right kind.

Does Holden agree or disagree with Mr. Spencer's advice? Does Holden voice his agreement or disagreement to Mr. Spencer or does he keep it to himself?

Holden agrees with him, but kind of hides the truth.

What does Holden impulsively decide to do?

Holden decided to leave Pencey for good and get a cheap hotel in New York until Wednesday.

What details and circumstances prompt Holden's claims to feel sorry for Mr. Spencer?

Holden feels sorry for Mr. Spencer because he was really old and he could not even pick up his a chalk that fell on the floor.

What two books does Holden say he truly enjoyed? What third book was less exciting to him?

Holden really enjoyed a book that was written by Ring Lardner, and a book called The Return of the Native. He did not like the book Of Human Bondage

What does Holden do after his fight with Stradlater?

Holden went to see Ackley. Holden wanted to play Canasta with Ackley.

What does Holden start to do right before he leaves?

Holden yelled at the top of his lungs "Sleep tight, ya morons."

What kind of book "really knocks [Holden] out"?

Human Bondage

To what extent do you accept Holden's assessment of himself: "I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life." ... "I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot"? Why? Why do you suppose he tends to evaluate himself negatively?

I think it is because he wants to stay humble and modest.

Who does Holden run into at the club and how does he know her?

Lillian Simmons, DB's ex-girlfriend.

What does Holden keep calling Stradlater? How does Stradlater react?

Moron and Stradlater gets mad and punches him.

Do Holden's parents know that he has been expelled from Pencey? When do they expect him home for his Christmas break?

No, Holden did not tell his parents and they expected him to be back on Wednesday.

Name some of the people who Holden considers calling when he arrives in New York?

Phoebe, DB, Jane, and Sally Hayes

Who does Holden talk about at the beginning of chapter 10? What does he admire about her?

Phoebe, his sister. He admires how smart she is.

What would he rather do than punch someone?

Push them out a window or chop their head off.

What does Holden tell Mrs. Morrow his name is?

Rudolf Schmidt

What can we infer has happened to Jane?

She got with Stradlater.

How does Holden "blow it" with Faith?

She said no to hanging out with him at 3 in the morning so she says t and he says tomorrow, and he said no.

What does Holden say is the only thing wrong with Phoebe?

She's very emotional, too affectionate.

What reason does Holden give for being a virgin?

Something always happens and when girls tell him to stop he does.

What is hypocritical about what Pencey serves for dinner on Fridays?

Steak, when the parents visit on saturday, they look rich.

What are some of Holden's criticisms of Stradlater?

Stradlater is a secret snob because he shaves with a dirty razor, but he is still a strong, and good-looking

What is Holden contemplating at the end of the chapter?

Suicide, he wants to jump out the window.

Who comes to his door? What do they want?

Sunny and Maurice, they want the rest of the money.

What is the prostitute's name? What is a defining characteristic about her?

Sunny and she's not friendly and she's nervous.

Who takes the money from Holden? How does he react?

Sunny takes it. He cries

What do you think Holden means when he says, "I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot"?

That he only likes learning of things he is interested in, such as English, that is why he reads.

What aspects of Jane Gallagher does Holden fondly recall?

That she practices ballet 2 hours a day.

Who does Holden end up calling? What did she used to do?

The burlesque stripper named Faith.

What does Holden want to talk about with the cab driver?

The ducks in Central Park go during winter.

What really bothers Holden when they leave?

They don't even offer to pay for their drinks.

Name some things that annoy Holden about the three girls at the club.

They laughed at him because of his age and they didn't listen, also they were looking for celebrities

What is Holden's plan?

To go and stay in a cheap hotel in New York until Wednesday when he'll go home after his parents fully digested his expulsion letter.

What homework assignment does Stradlater ask Holden to do for him? Why does he ask Holden?

To make a report of something detailed and he asks Holden because he is the best at English

What shows how much Holden cares for her?

When he was kissing her because of her step dad.

What does Ackley brag to Holden about in Chapter 5?

a girl he got with

What do Holden and Stradlater argue and fight about?


What does Holden do to Mrs. Morrow throughout this chapter?


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