Cathay Pacific A330

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Memory Item: Stall

"Alpha Prot/Alpha Floor Recovery in Cruise and in Landing Config Announce: "Stall I Have Control" Above FL200 UPRT Strategy: Stall/Attitude I have Control Push? Roll? Thrust? Stabilise Landing Config: Speed, I have control TOGA Follow SRS Above Vapp "Go Around Flaps"" FCOM

Memory Item: Emergency Descent

"Announce "Emergency Descent".

Glide Slope Capture from Above

"Announce "Intercept from Above" Ensure APPR Armed with LOC Capture (LOC/LOC*) & GS Armed (GS) Set FCU ALT to MSA or ALT Higher than present altitude (Prevents ALT*) Ensure within 1 dot LOC & GS remains armed Gear Down CONFIG 2 or 3 VS -2000FT/Min (A/THR SPEED) Monitor VFE (196Kts/186Kts)" FCTM

Memory Item: Loss of Braking

"Announce "Loss of Braking" REV Max Brake Pedals Release A/SKID Off Brake Pedals Press Max Brake Press 1000PSI Park Brake Use" FCOM

Memory Item: GPWS/EGPWS

"Announce "Pull Up TOGA" AP Off Pitch Pull Up TOGA SPD Brakes Retracted Wings Level" FCOM

Memory Item: Stall during liftoff

"Announce "Stall TOGA 15°" TOGA 15° ANU Wings Level" FCOM

Memory Item: Unreliable Speed

"Announce "Unreliable Speed" ADIRU's ADR/IR. ADIRU 1=CAPT 2=FO 3=STBY and CAPT TAT 1 ADR CAT 1 Single 2 ADR AP A/THR disconnect. ALTN LAW. High/Low Speed Protection lost Can use FPV if barometric altitude is reliable or with GPS altitude information BUSS - Don't use the speed brakes. Fly the Green Safe Conduct of Flight Impacted Yes - Memory Items, No - Stabilise Flight Path AP Off A/THR Off FD Off <THRUST RED ALT 15° TOGA >THRUST RED ALT <10000FT 10° TOGA >THRUST RED ALT >10000FT 5° TOGA Flap Maintain 1,2 or 3. If Flap Full - Select Flap 3 SPD Brake Retracted L/G Up Above MSA/Circuit Height - Level Off & Trouble Shoot IAS = TAS-ALT/2 FCOM

Below 200 ft, the AUTOLAND red light illuminates if?

"Both AP trip off Excessive beam deviation is sensed Localizer or glide slope transmitter or receiver fails A RA misbehaviour is sensed. " FCTM

Memory Items: Emergency Evacuation

"Captain Memory Items: A/C - Stop Parking Brake - Set ATC - Notify Cabin Crew - Alert Phase" FCOM

What actions are required If the ECAM L(R) WING TK LO LVL caution occurs during the approach and you have applied the Expected Low Fuel Levels at Destination procedure?

"Confirmed, I have Control, ECAM ACTIONS" Confirm the absence of the X FEED action line. Provided all fuel was confirmed to have transferred to the inner tanks the transfer action lines are irrelevant. Confirm no further action is required before clearing ECAM. PF closes all CROSS FEED valves after engine shutdown. FCOM

Late RWY Change

"Monitor MSA & Stabilised Approach Criteria Pull HDG Activate SEC F-PLN HDG Adjust 30° intercept VS Adjust to maintain 3° profile Confirm ILS correctly identified on ND Press APPR Monitor intercept and configuration Set Missed Approach Altitude Confirm correct TOWAY Point (Ensures NAV Available for Missed Approach) Confirm/Complete LANDING CHECKLIST" FCTM

Trigger: What flight parameters are required to be called during an approach?

"SPEED" -5/+10Kts, "PITCH" Pitch <0° or >+10° Up, "BANK" Bank ° >7°, "SINK RATE" ROD >1000FPM, LOC/GLIDE ½ DOT, "X TRACK" >0.1NM, "VDEV" >½ DOT, "Course" ½ DOT/2.5° VOR FCOM

Memory Item: TCAS

"TA Announce "TCAS I Have Control" RA AP Off FD Off 5 sec to fly the green If on Final Approach "Climb, Climb Now" or "Increase Climb" Go Around" FCOM

Memory Item: Windshear

"Windshear, Windshear, Windshear. Announce "Windshear TOGA" TOGA Follow SRS 17.5° ANU Retract SPD Brakes Don't change config until clear Recovery from the recovery - Call for next config change " FCOM

What is the formula for calculating Climb Gradients and required ROC for a SID?

% = ROC/GS. ROC=%xGS For example: HKG ILS 07L ILS+DME Minima +222FT based upon 7.0% Climb Gradient. ILS+DME Minima 1332FT based upon 2.5% Climb Gradient FCOM & Technique

What are the Limits for Runway Slope?

+/-2% Limitations

What is the Minimum Friction Coefficient permitted?

0.25MU (Expect in an Emergency requiring an Immediate Landing) QRH NP 1.05A

State the Starter Duty Limits for the RR TRENT 772

1 Continuous Start for 5 Min. Two 3 min duty cycles followed by a 1 min cycle with run down to 0 N3 between each. If either of the these duty cycles are exceeded - 30 min cool down required Limitations

What are the regulatory Take Off and Landing Recency requirements for a Commander?

1 Take Off and Landing in the preceding 35 days (Can be Autoland if the previous one was manual). 3 Take Off and Landings in the proceeding 3 months (1 can be Autoland) OMA

How do you divert to an Alternate?

1. If ALTN Prepared - Lateral reversion at TOWY Point ENABLE ALTN 2. If SEC F-PLN Prepared - Activate Secondary 3. Nothing Prepared 250KTS OPN CLB. New destination, cruise flight level - insert

What are the minimum O2 dispatch pressures for flight crew?

1000 PSI except for Europe which is 1500 PSI. NB: Can reduce this by 15% for 3 pilots or 35% for 2 pilot operations. MEL

PC: AFS Equipment - The QRH features a table that specifies equipment required to commence CAT2/3. When do they commence?


State the Maximum and Minimum Pressure Altitudes for TO & LDG

12,500ft, -2000ft Limitations

What is the Minimum Control Speed for Landing?

126kt approximately 150T Limitations

Describe the Fuel Transfer System

18.5T FWD Transfer Occurs 4.0 ➡️ 5.0T Between 13.0/12.0T OUTR TK XFR occurs (Inners 3.5 ➡️ 4.0T). NB: Looks at legs page and get a sense of when this will occur FCOM & Technique

PC: Icing: Define Visible Moisture when considering Icing Conditions

1SM/1600M FCOM

State a conservative Final Reserve Fuel Figure for the A330

2.6T OMA

How many minutes is it not recommended to exceed without air conditioning with passengers on board?

20 Min. Greater than this and Cabin Air Quality is reduced Limitations

What is the maximum altitude with flaps and or slats extended?

20,000ft Limitations

What altitude is the Alert Height?


PC: AFS System - What is the Alert Height & What does it mean?

200FT RA. The height above which a CAT3 autotland would be discontinued if a failure occurred in either aircraft or ground systems OMA

What about Gravity Extension VLE/VLO?

200kt Limitations

What is the Maximum Tire Speed?

204kt Limitations

PC: Limitations - What is the maximum cross wind component for an auto land on an uncontaminated RWY?


What is the Maximum Crosswind for Autoland on a Contaminated Runway?

20kt Limitations. QRH NP 1.05A

Up to what weight may the crew elect to do an autoland?

229T NB: Provided the runway is approved Limitations

What is the Maximum Wiper Speed?

230kt Limitations

What is the maximum cockpit window open speed?

230kt. NB: It is not possible to open the windows with the packs on Limitations

Define VLE/VLO?

250kt/0.55 Limitations

What are the regulatory and company take off and landing recency requirements for an FO?

3 Take Off and Landings in the previous 3 months (Can not be Autoland). Company requirement is a PC, or 1 Take Off and Landing in the last 60 days. OMA

State the APU Start Limits

3 consecutive attempts - 60 Min cool down Limitations

What is the maximum brake temperature for takeoff?

300c Limitations

What is the Max speed DIR LAW?

330kt/0.80 Limitations

What is the Max speed ALTN LAW?

330kt/0.82 Limitations

What is VMO?

330kt/0.86 Limitations

How long does it take to refuel the aircraft?

35Mins. REFUEL IN PROGRESS Memo displays if the refuel panel switches are not set in thew appropriate position for flight. When REFUEL IN PROGRESS Memo clears - Check the fuel quantity, Refueling Complete. Seat Belts Signs On (This dress up a cabin crew member. Technique

PC: Icing: What kind of icing is acceptable?

3MM Lower surface (Cold Soak Fuel), Thin Hoar Frost on the Upper Fuselage (all Ports Must Be Clear), All leading edge devices must be free of ice and snow OMA

PC: Icing: What section of the leading edge is protected by the anti-ice system?

4 Outboard Slats each wing (4,5,6,7) FCOM

What is the Nominal Runway Width?

45m Limitations

How long should an engine be operated at idle or near idle prior to setting high thrust and why?

5 Min Cold Engine 3 Min when warm (less than 1.5hr off). This avoids Thermal Shock Normal Procedures

Describe the Fuel System

5 Tanks total. Inner x2 / Outer x2 / Trim x1. >12.0T = Fuel in Outers. >36.0T = Fuel in Trim. Trim tank used to control cruise CoG. Passing FL255 AFT XFR starts to -0.5% of aft target. Engine burn then takes the CoG to the aft target and FWD XFR's take it back to -0.5%. Ends passing FL245 on descent or 35/75 min from landing. FCOM

State the available Derates from Takeoff Thrust

6 Options. 4,8,12,16,20,24. These are the % reductions from MTO Limitations

EDTO: What are the various EDTO range distances for the A330?

60Min = 434NM, 120Min = 853NM, 180Min = 1272NM OMA

PC: Signal Problems - What if a transmitter failure lasts for less or more than 7sec?

<7sec The FMA Mode is retained and AP can regain tracking. >7sec FMA reverts to HDG-V/S and AP disengages FCOM

What is the minimum fuel temperature?

<FL300 -44c or -54c >FL300 in the inner tank or the applicable freezing point for the outer or trim tank. NB: ECAM Inner -37c, Outer/Trim -40c (Outers are more critical) Limitations

Passenger Handling: What are the guide lines for passenger handling in relation to delays?

>2Hrs Prior to Start - Deplane. >4Hrs Taxiing - Consider Deplane OMA

What action is required if the BAT voltage is <25.5V?

A 20Min charging cycle is required. All BAT pb-sw AUTO. EXT PWR ON, Check ELEC DC SD page to ensure that the battery connectors are closed FCOM

Define: Split Duty?

A FDP which consists of 2 or more sectors separated by a period of rest which is less than the minimum rest period OMA

Passenger Handling: What action is required if a passenger is offloaded?

A Ground Handling Report shall be submitted. OMA

Define: Normal Rest?

A Rest Period to an FDP where the local time difference is <6HRS OMA

PC: Icing: What will you be looking for during the Pre Take Off Contamination Inspection?

A clean uniform shiny surface, tinted orange, amber or green. The surface should have a glossy appearance. It should not have patches of discolouration or textures that would indicate 'loss of gloss' which is what happens when the fluid has absorbed all the moisture it can and is beginning to fail and turn into slush. Above all, no snow should be accumulating on top of the fluid, this also indicates a failure of the fluid OMA

Define: Net Flight Path?

A flight path determined for engine failure cases. It represents the actual climb performance reduced by: Take Off 0.8%, En Route 1.1% OMA

Define: Local Night?

A period of 8HRS between 2200-0800 local time OMA

What are the ICAO Codes for the various Airbus aircraft?

A333 (330-300), A359 (350-900), A35K (350-1000) Other


After Start Flow FCOM

When is a manual engine start recommended?

After aborting a start, because of : Engine stall, Engine EGT over limit, Low start air pressure When expecting a start abort, because of : Degraded bleed performance, due to hot conditions, or at a high-altitude airfields. An engine with a reduced EGT margin in hot conditions, or at a high-altitude airfields. Marginal performance of the external pneumatic power group. FCOM

PC: Icing: What is the rounding rule for the corrections?

Airport Elevation round down to nearest 100FT, IF/IAF/FAF round up to nearest 10FT. MDA/DA rounded to nearest 1FT, Missed Approach Altitude round up to the nearest 100FT OMA

What are the considerations for a CAT 3 Dual Approach?

Alert height 200 ft AGL, A/THR must be used in selected or managed speed, Both autopilots must be engaged in APPR mode, and CAT 3 DUAL must be displayed on the FMA. CAT III with DH: Minimum decision height 20 ft AGL. CAT III without DH: Minimum Runway Visual Range 75 m Limitations

What actions are required if the aircraft has been powered within the last 6HRS?

All BAT pb-sw AUTO. Check voltage >23.5V. This ensures sufficient power is available to support APU Start. FCOM

What actions are required if the aircraft has been unpowered for >6HRS?

All BAT pb-sw Check Off. Voltage Check >25.5V FCOM

What are the initial climb gradients we can expect?

All Engine Take Off ISA+15 12.8%, ISA+25 11.7%. Missed Approach ISA+15 17.9%, ISA+25 16.4% OMA

What are the symptoms/indications of a blocked static source?

Altimeter frozen in last position. VSI Zero. ASI Increase as aircraft Descends

PC: Icing: What checks are required (if any) prior to Take Off?

An inspection is not required until the lower (more limiting) HOT has been exceeded. Consider conditions, jet blast etc prior to making this decision. If the elapsed time is within the time range a Pre Take Off Contamination INSPECTION is required. This is a visual inspection from inside the cabin of the upper wing surface within 5Min of Take Off. If the higher (less limiting) HOT is exceeded, a Pre Take Off Contamination CHECK is required. This is an external visual inspection carried out from outside by authorised staff. OMA

Define: Standard Ops

An operation other than LR or ULR OMA

Define: Adult?

Any person aged 12 or above OMA

Define: Infant?

Any person who is less than 2 years old OMA

Passenger Handling: Who can not sit in an emergency exit row?

As per HKCAD Regulations: MAAS, Reduced Mobility, Elderly or Frail, Children <12years old (whether accompanied or not), Deportees, Prisoners, or any passenger that requires the use of an Extension Seatbelt. OMA

What are the Maximum Wind Conditions for LVO Operations?

As per Port Page or Refer to OMA for State Specific Limitations. Otherwise same as for Autoland Limitations

PC: Derated Take Off - What restriction applies to a derated take off?

Asymmetric TOGA thrust cant not be applied below F speed FCOM

PC: Approach Problems - If a system reversion occurs & the RVR is below the minima for the new capability, the approach may not commence: When does an approach commence?

At 1000FT AAL. The ILS approach will have been established beforehand, but does not officially commence until 1000FT AAL QRH

State the Maximum Tailwind at Landing

At or below 10,000ft 15kt. Above 10,000ft 10kt

State the Maximum Tailwind at Takeoff

At or below 11,000ft 15kt. Above 11,000ft 10kt Limitations

PC: Icing: When do Hold Over Times Start?

At the beginning of the anti-icing treatment OMA

How is a engine dry crank carried out?

Before dry crank: ENG MASTER (affected engine) CHECK OFF, ENG START sel CHECK NORM, ENG MAN START pb-sw (affected engine) CHECK OFF. Dry crank ENG START sel CRANK, ENG MAN START pb-sw (affected engine) ON. To clear fuel vapours a minimum of 30sec dry crank is required. When the dry crank is completed: ENG MAN START pb-sw (affected engine) OFF, ENG START sel NORM FCOM

When must a complete IRS alignment be performed?

Before the first flight of the day, Following a Crew Change, When the GPS is not available and the NAVAID coverage is poor or GPS is not available and the expected flight time is >3HRS FCOM

What are the Severe Turbulence Penetration Speeds?

Below FL250 240kt Fl350-Fl250 260kt Above Fl350 0.78MN QRH

State the APU Operational Envelop

Bleed Air & Electrical Power 0-22500FT, Electrical Power only 22500-41450FT, Battery Start 0-25000FT Limitations

What visual reference is required for landing during a AWO approach?

CAT 2 = RWY Environment CAT 3A = 3 Centreline Lights CAT 3B (DH) 1 Centreline Light CAT 3B = 75M RVR. CAT 2/3A RVR Touch Down and Midpoint. CAT 3B all required FCOM & Technique


CNSTR On. ND Range >40NM Based on Radius FCTM

What are the VFE speeds?

CONF 1 240kt, CONF 1+F 215kt, CONF 1* 205kt, CONF 2 196kt, CONF 3 186kt, CONF FULL 180kt Limitations

When does 'SPEED, SPEED, SPEED' activate?

CONFIG 2,3, Full. Normal Law. Inhibited Alpha Floor Active, RA<100 or >2000FT

What are the restrictions to use of the APU Bleed?

Can not be used if Wing Anti Ice is used

Trigger: OCT

Check Engine Oil Levels have been recorded FCOM

What Systems Checks need to be completed prior to walk around?

Check that the oil quantity is at or above 6 qt + estimated consumption (average estimated consumption = 0.7 qt/h) but no lower than 15 qt. FCOM

What are the Load Limits?

Clean Configuration -1.0g to +2.5g. Other Configurations 0g to +2.0g Limitations

What are the symptoms/indications of a blocked pitot source?

Climb: ASI Increase. Descent: ASI Decrease

Define: Commander Inexperienced On Type?

Commander on Probation (PIC during advanced phase of Command Course), Has completed <20 sectors on type after Final Command Check, or <8 sectors on type following a conversion course OMA

Passenger Handling: State the Conditions of Carriage

Commander or Airport Services Manager (ASM) or Manager on Duty (MOD) may offload any passenger for the following reasons: To ensure the Safety of the A/C &/or its occupants. Prevent the Violation of any applicable Laws, Regulations or State Orders to be flown from, into or over. The Conduct, age, mental/physical state causes risk to himself, property or others. Fails to Observe Instructions of the airline OMA

PC: Enroute - If the destination alternate becomes unavailable enrolee, the Commander/PIC should?

Complete a 'Risk Assessment' of all available options taking into account destination weather, aircraft landing capability, number of RWY's available etc before electing to divert to an ERA FCOM

Trigger: What are the actions required when gear is selected down for landing?

Confirm AB setting, GND Spoilers Arm, Nose sw Taxi, RWY Turn Off sw On FCOM

What procedure should be followed with the failure of 2 IRS?

Consequences: 1 IRS/1 FMGC still available (Only 1 nav system left). Limitation: Do not enter MNPS area or if already established in MNPS area - advise ATC. Procedure: Apply ECAM. Fly the aircraft manually (ALTN LAW no protections). Select EIS DMC switching. Select TRK/FPA fly XTK 0.0 FCOM

What procedure should be followed with the failure of 1 IRS?

Consequences: 2 IRS/2 FMGC's remain (2 nav systems available. No limitation. Procedure: Apply ECAM. Determine the best IRS. Use the AP associated with the best IRS. FCOM

What procedure should be followed with the failure of 2 FMGC's?

Consequences: 3 (2) IRS's/2 BACKUP NAV are still available. No AP/FD. No Managed Target Speed or Mach. No limitations as there are still 2 independent nav systems. Procedures: Select FM SOURCE sector to NORMAL. Select BACKUP NAV on MCDU MENU. Select NAV on both RMP's. Select TRK/FPA and try to reengage AP in TRK/ALT mode. Select speed/mach target and reengage A/THR. Keep XTK 0.0 FCOM

What procedure should be followed with the failure of 1 FMGC?

Consequences: 3 IRS/1 FMGC/2 MCDU remain. Back up nav is available on the failed side. No limitation. Procedures: check Back Up Nav fiction is available on the failed side (Select MCDU Menu. Press NAV B/UP. Check F-PLN is displayed on the MCDU and ND. Deselect NAV B/UP. Select FM SOURCE to BOTH ON 1 or 2 (ECAM procedure). Select the AP to the live FMGC. Continue with normal procedures FCOM

What procedure should be followed with the failure of 1 MCDU?

Consequences: 3 IRS/2FMGC's/2 MCDU's remain. No limitation. Procedure: Select the failed MCDU off. MCDU 3 automatically replaces it FCOM

What procedure should be followed FMD 1/2 INDEPENDENT OPERATIONS?

Consequences: No automatic crosscheck between the 2 FMGC's. Duplicate enteries required. No limitations. Procedures: Both crew must monitor nav accuracy. FCOM

State some initial Pitch/Power settings for various phases of flight.

Cruise: 2.5° 75-80%. Approach

Trigger: What actions are required upon selection on flaps full?

Deceleration towards Vapp, Correct TO WY point, A/THR Speed Mode, WING ANTI ICE pb-sw Off LDG MEMO No Blue, Landing Checklist Complete FCOM

PC: Icing - What would you do when the fuel temperature approaches minimum fuel tank temperature?

Decrease altitude, increase MN, divert to warmer air OMA

PC: Icing: ATC advise you must hold before making an approach. You are in icing conditions. What precautions are required?

Delay configuration until necessary and ensure AI equipment is on FCOM

What crew action is required if a WGS 84 error is predicted?

Deselect GPS until a safe altitude is reached. Limitations

PC; Icing: What precautions should be taken when taxing on a taxiway covered with SN?

EAI On, Hold Configuration until reaching the holding point FCOM

PC: Icing: While flying an approach, there is significant ice build up on the windscreen wipers. What actions are required?

EAI and WAI On. Increase VAPP FCOM

Trigger: At least 1 brake temp 300°

ECAM BRAKES HOT. Activates at 300°. Clears when the hottest brake drops below 290°. The brakes cool at 3°/min. If the brakes are hotter than 400° and turn around time is <40mins - request brake cooling. FCOM

Trigger: Cabin Please be seated for take off

EFB Flight Mode NTC

Trigger: Heavy rain, Moderate turbulence, or Severe turbulence is expected after takeoff.


Describe the normal start sequence?

ENG START selector IGN START. ENGINE X START announce. ENG MASTER X on. N3 Rotation. Igniter A/B. 25% N3 FF. 30sec (max) after fuel is on EGT Increase. N1 Increase. 50% N3 Start Valve starts closing. N2 Acceleration. (N1 Leads EGT) Normal Procedures

Which engine is usually started first and why?

Engine 1. It powers the Blue Hydraulic System which pressurises the parking brake Normal Procedures

When is an engine run up required?

Every take off we 'stand' the thrust levers up to 1.1 EPR. If in icing conditions and the OAT <1°c a run up is required to 50% N1 for 10 sec every 60mins and just prior to take off. If FZFG present, monitor total taxi time and apply procedure FCOM

Masks On. Comms Establish "Attention Emergency Descent, Attention Emergency Descent" Signs On ALT Turn Pull HDG Turn Pull SPD Pull Read FMA Check A/THR Status SPD Brake Full Engine Start Selector IGN 14000FT Cabin Altitude Mask Man On ECAM/QRH ALT* Retract SPD Brake Set Speed as appropriate"


Define: Flight Duty Period?

FDP - The time when operating an aircraft, and starts at the actual reporting time, and ends at the engines off or on-blocks time (which ever is later), or when free from flight duty OMA

What altitude provides maximum TAS?

FL300 Limitations

PC: AFS System - What level of redundancy is available with CAT3 DUAL annunciated?

Fail Operational FCOM

PC: AFS System - What level of redundancy is available with CAT3 SINGLE annunciated?

Fail Passive FCOM

When is an engine considered secured?

Failure - No Damage 'ENG MASTER OFF' With Damage - 'AGENT 1 DISCH' Fire - 'AGENT 2 DISCH or fire extinguished FCOM

What situations must ATC be notified of while operating in RVSM airspace?

Failure of both autopilot. Loss of altimeter redundancy. Excessive discrepancy in altimeter indications. Failure of equipment which affects the aircraft's ability to maintain level flight. Severe turbulence encounter FCOM

Define: Unacclimatised?

Finish a duty where the local time differs by >3HRS from Home Base Local Time. If returned home within 48HRS, or complete a recovery period, no longer unacclimatised OMA

When is a full alignment of the ADIRS required?

First flight of the day, Following a Crew Change, If GPS is NOT AVAILABLE and NAVAID Coverage is poor, or GPS is NOT AVAILABLE and the flight time is >3hr FCOM

What is the Recommended Flap Configuration with a tailwind greater than 10kt?

Flaps Full Limitations

What is the Normal Maximum Cabin Altitude?

Flights < 2.5hr 8000ft Flights > 2.5hr 7460ft Limitations

PC: AFS Equipment - When should the QRH table of equipment be referred to?

For any system fault that does not result in a landing capability downgrade on ECAM STATUS or FMA QRH

Trigger: Flaps 0 after take off

GND Spoilers Disarm, Nose sw off, RWY turn off sw off FCOM

State the limitations associated with a CAT2/3 automatic approach and landing?

Glide Slope -2.5 and -3.25 degrees, Elevation below 9,200ft, Rollout on Dry or Wet runways only - not contaminated Limitations

Passenger Handling: How do we deal with drunk passengers?

HKANO requires that No passenger has enter or be on in any A/C drunk. This is assessed by the Cabin Crew. The ISM will liaise with the Commander to determine if the passenger should be accepted or rejected from the flight. OMA

What are the Wind Limits for Autoland?

HW 35kt, XW 20kt, TW 10kt. The Wind limitation is based on the surface wind reported by the tower. If the wind displayed on the ND exceeds the above-noted autoland limitations, but the tower reports surface wind within the limitations, then the autopilot can remain engaged. If the tower reports surface wind beyond the limitations, only a CAT 1 automatic approach without autoland can be performed. Limitations QRH OPS.11B

PC: Icing: HOT have not been assessed in which conditions?


What wake turbulence category is the A330?

Heavy ARAD

PC: Icing: Define Allowance Time?

Hold Over Times apply to most forms of precipitation except Ice Pellets (PL). Allowance Time allies to operation in ice pellet conditions. Fluid Undiluted 100/0. (Take Off -PL/PL, Landing -PL/PL/+PL approved) OMA

What are the Normal Engine Idle Parameters?

ISA. Sea Level: EPR 1.015 N1 22.6% N2 47% N3 63% EGT 380c FF 820kg/h (2/4/6/8) Normal Procedures

PC: Icing: When is a static run up required?

Icing Conditions, No FZFG or FZFG with Total Cumulative Taxi Time <45Mins OAT <1°C 50% N1 for 10secs every 60Mins and just prior to Take Off. If in Icing Conditions AND FZFG Present AND Total Cumulative Taxi Time >45Mins refer to NOR SUP ADVWX Procedures in FCOM FCOM


If GPS PRIMARY LOST is displayed on the PFD, the navigation accuracy remains sufficient for RNP operations provided that the RNP value is checked or entered on the MCDU and HIGH ACCURACY is displayed. Limitations

When can we use NAV after takeoff?

If GPS PRIMARY is available OR Flight Crew checked FMGES takeoff updating Limitations

When can we use NAV in the TMA?

If GPS PRIMARY is available OR appropriate RNP is checked OR entered in MCDU and High Accuracy is displayed OR FMS navigation data is crosschecked with navaid raw data Limitations

When may we perform an approach in NAV, APP NAV or FINAL APP?

If GPS PRIMARY is available OR the navaids are serviceable, turned and monitored Limitations

Are there any restrictions to the use of Reverse Thrust?

If at least 1 reverser is operative, select reverse on all engines during a RTO or Landing. If both are INO, do not select reverse thrust FCTM

Approaching ToD, you notice that your alternate arrival fuel is approximately <6.0T. Is there a procedure required?

If fuel will be less than 5,400 kg while still in flight, when passing FL 200 and before commencing the approach: The crew should be satisfied that there is no fuel leak as confirmed by normal fuel monitoring. Confirm that all tanks have transferred to the inners, otherwise transfer manually. Manually open all crossfeed valves. FCOM

PC: Approach Problems - Why might CAT3 DUAL be annunciated on the FMA during EIO ILS Approach?

If the failed engine is windmilling, its related HYD SYS may still be providing sufficient SYS PX, however, as IAS decreases it will become insufficient & the FMA will change to CAT3 SINGLE QRH

Why must the FD be switched off during a TCAS RA?

If we do not switch off the FD, the A/THR remains in THR CLB or THR DES instead of SPEED. This may lead to High Speed or AOA protection. FCTM

What items need to be reviewed by the PM prior to the walk around?

In addition to the normal flow HERO. H=Hydraulic Reservoir Level (Normal Range), E=Engine Oil (6qt + 0.7qt/hour but not <15qt) , R=Rain Repellent, O=Oxygen (1000PSI minimum) FCOM

How do you isolate the IFE?

In the VCC - switch off the PAX SYS sw FCOM

Define: Fail Operational Automatic Landing System?

In the event of a system failure below alert height, the remaining part of the automatic system allows the aircraft to complete the approach, flare and landing. This is annunciated by CAT 3 DUAL on the FMA. Alert Height 200FT AGL. A/THR must be used in selected or managed speed. Both AP must be engaged in APPR Mode and CAT 3 DUAL must be displayed. CAT 3 with DH Minimum DH 20FT AGL. CAT 3 without DH Minimum RVR 75M FCOM

Define: Fail Passive Automatic Landing System?

In the event of a system failure, there is no significant out-of-trim condition or deviation of flight path or attitude, but the landing is NOT completed automatically. This is annunciated by CAT 3 SINGLE on the FMA. A/THR must be used in selected or managed speed. One AP must be engaged in APPR Mode and CAT 3 SINGLE or DUAL must be displayed on the FMA. Minimum DH 50FT AGL. FCOM

What are the maximum allowable fuel imbalances between tanks?

Inners 4.8T (17,000kg load) 7.8T (7,500kg load) Outers 1,580kg (2,400kg load) 1,730kg (1,730 loaded) Limitations

PC: Approach Problems - In IMC, if a system reversion occurs below 1000FT AAL but RVR is above mimic for the new capability, is a go around required?

It is recommended QRH

State the fuel freezing temperatures

JetA =- 40c JetA1 = -47c Limitations

Define: Late Night Period?

LNP 0100-0659 Home Base time zone to which a crew member is Acclimatised OMA

Describe the function of the Auto Brake System

LO/MED/MAX provide a preselected deceleration rate. LO/MED activate at GND SPOILERS EXTENSION. MAX activate at GND SPOILERS EXTENSION and NW Compressed FCOM

Define: Long Range Ops

LRO - An operation involving a scheduled sector time of > 10HRS but not > than 16HRS OMA

During descent passing 10,000FT, what actions are required?

Landing lights on, Seat belts cycle, CSTR selected, LS pb pushed (ILS/LOC APP only), RAD NAV checked, ENG START SELECTOR as required, NAV Accuracy Check and Approach Checklist FCOM

PC: Signal Problems - Once carped, what effect does failure of the LOC or GS transmitter have on the PFD?

Loss of the corresponding index, the scale and FD flash FCOM

PC: Icing: What do the two times in brackets mean?

Lower Figure = Moderate Intensity, the Higher Figure = Light Intensity OMA

PC: Icing: Define LOUT

Lowest operational Use Temperature is the lowest temperature at which the fluid meets the aerodynamic acceptance test. Its the actual fluid freeze temp + a buffer Type 1 +10°C, Type 2,4 +7°C OMA

What mode changes occur on the PFD during takeoff?

MAN TOGA (or MAN FLX xx)/SRS/RWY (or blank)/A/THR (in blue) NB: If an ILS that corresponds to the departure runway is tuned, RWY mode appears. If not, no lateral mode appears until the aircraft lifts off. FCOM

State the Operating Conditions for the RR TRENT 772

MAX EGT TOGA 920° 20 sec, 900° 5Min/10Min EIO, MCT 850°, START GND 700° AIR 850°, MAX RPM N1 99% N2 103.3% N3 100% Limitations

Passenger Handling: What is a MEDA form, who requires it and what can we do if hey don't have one?

MEDA = Passenger Medical Clearance. Required for passengers with certain medical needs. A Doctors Note is not sufficient. Must be approved form. If we don't have a MEDA - Clarify the Condition, Contact MEDLINK, Obtain MEDLINK Approval Code Number, Update PIL. Can be verbal confirmation to ISM but MUST get MEDLINK Approval Code Number. INTRACX

What documents need to be checked by the captain upon entering the flight deck?

MRIRAN. Maintenance Review. Registration. Insurance. Radio Station Licence. Certificate of Airworthiness. Noise Certificate. NB: The dates can only be checked on the CoA & Maintenance Review. FCOM

Trigger: Class 1 Defect with Cockpit Effect on PFR

Make a Tech Log Entry

What are the operational considerations for taxi with a deflated or damaged tire?

Maximum 1 tire deflated: (Consider 3 gears) Max taxi speed during a turn = 7kt If 2 tires deflated (max 1 gear): 3kt. Maximum NWS Angle 30 degrees Limitations

What are the limits associated with a FLEX Thrust Takeoff

Maximum 25% (33% Enhanced) Reduction from MTO (ISA+48c or ISA+60c Classic/Enhanced) Limitations

What are the Limits of Crosswind during Takeoff and Landing?

Maximum Certified Takeoff 32kt (Including Gust). NB: This is an AFM Limitation relating to Engine Performance. Maximum Demonstrated Landing 40kt (Including Gust). NB: Not a AFM Limitation. It is the maximum condition experienced during certification Limitations

State the Differential Pressure Limits applicable to Cabin Pressurisation

Maximum Positive 9.25 PSI Maximum Negative -1.0 PSI (330E -0.73 PSI) NB: Safety Relief Valve Setting 8.85 PSI Limitations

Describe the Environmental Envelope

Maximum Service Ceiling 41,450ft. Minimum TAT -53°c. Maximum TAT +55°c Limitations

What are the restrictions for a Commander on Probation?

Minima shall be increased by 50FT and 200M RVR/VIS. This does not apply to LVO, ALTN Planning Minima or EDTO Planning Minima OMA

What are the considerations for A CAT 3 Single Approach?

Minimum decision height 50 ft AGL, A/THR must be used in selected or managed speed, One autopilot must be engaged in APPR mode, and CAT 3 SINGLE or CAT 3 DUAL must be displayed on the FMA. CAT 3 Single = Fail Passive Limitations

What are the considerations for a CAT 2 Approach?

Minimum decision height is 100 ft AGL, At least one autopilot must be engaged in APPR mode, and CAT 2 or CAT 3 SINGLE or CAT 3 DUAL must be displayed on the FMA. For manual landing, AP should be disconnected no later than 80 ft AGL. Limitations

Define: Contaminated Runway?

More than 25% of the Runway is covered by: surface water > 3MM/0.123" deep, Slush/Loose Snow, equivalent to >3MM/0.125" of water, or Compressed Snow, or Ice OMA

What must be done if NAV Accuracy Lo is displayed?

NAV Accuracy Check. <3nm error managed modes may still be used. >3NM error, selected modes and use ROSE. Do Not select TERR on ND FCOM

PC: Planning - What reference contains information on lily effects of failed or downgraded ground equipment on minima?

Navtech Supplement 'Minima' OMA

Does OCT AML Engine Oil Level Entry require certification?


What side stick input is required during the takeoff roll?

No TW, XW <20Kts = Half Forward Sidestick. Any TW or XW >20Kts = Full Forward Sidestick FCOM

What are the alcohol intake restrictions, including time limit?

No alcohol within 10 hours of report time, ground duties or reserve, or while in uniform OMA

PC: Icing: Can you take off or land in -GR?

No. Any operations into know/forecast GR conditions are not permitted. (Take off -GS/GS or Landing in -GS/GS+GS is permitted) OMA

PC: Limitations - The ISIS/STBY Attitude Indicator fails, can we commence an LVO approach?

No. Attitude indication on STBY Instrument is required QRH

PC: Icing: if ATC assign you an altitude do you need to make a correction for cold weather altimetry?

No. Fly the assigned altitude. Corrections are not to be made

PC: Planning - The destination alternate airport has CAT3 B capability. Can this be used as a basis for calculation of alternate minima?

No. LVO minima shall not be used as a basis to calculate minima for filing as an alternate OMA

Is a CRS required for an OCT?

No. Not required unless maintenance action has been carried out OMA

PC: Icing: Does Freezing Precipitation include snow or hail?

No. Only rain or drizzle OMA

Can you use FLEX Thrust on a Contaminated Runway?

No. TOGA or Derate only Limitations

If the engine fails below 1000ft AAL during a CAT2/3 - may the approach be continued?

No. The engine out procedure must be completed prior to reaching 1000ft AAL Limitations

PC: Icing: Are small lower wing surface ice ridges acceptable?

No.Lower wing surface ice ridges of any size are not acceptable OMA

PC: Icing: How much Dry SN can you have on the wings and fuselage?

None. Clean Wing Principle Applies. only Thin Hoar Frost on the upper fuselage is permitted. As Ports must be clear. OMA

Are there any restrictions to the use of the ALT GO Procedure?

Not to be used ENG INOP Limitations

PC: Icing: Define Icing Conditions

OAT (GRD) TAT (FLT) less than +10°C to -40°C in visible moisture FCOM

Below what temperature must we consider the Fan Ice Shedding Procedure?

OAT less than +1c. (50% N1 10sec at intervals not exceeding 1hr Normal Procedures

When is a engine dry crank required to be carried out?

On ground, after: An unsuccessful manual engine start, or An unsuccessful automatic start not followed by an automatic dry crank, the flight crew can perform a dry crank cycle on the affected engine to remove the fuel vapours. FCOM

Trigger: Arrival ATIS OAT 30° or >

On ground, hot weather conditions may cause overheating to be detected around the bleed ducts in the wings, resulting in "AIR L (R) WING LEAK" warnings. Such warnings may be avoided during transit by keeping slats in CONF 1, when OAT is above 30 °C. FCOM

When may the cabin doors be closed?

Once the TCO or RCO has confirmed with the CAPT: All Pax on board, Final Pax Number, Final Loadsheet Version & with the ISM: All Pax on board, Final Pax Number OMA

How do you manage a RMP Failure?

One RMP can control all receivers: RMP 1 INOP = VHF1 RMP 3. RMP 2 INOP = VHF2 RMP 3. FCOM

What are the Wind Limits for Passenger and Cargo Door Operation?

Passenger Doors: 40kt (50kt if the aircrafts nose is into the wind). Cargo Doors: FWD/AFT 40kt (50kt if the aircrafts nose is into wind or on the downwind side). All doors must be closed before wind speed exceeds 60kt Limitations

Describe a process for calculating minimum fuel for landing and how long you can hold for

Plan backwards from touch down. Look at CFP and take Final Reserve Fuel (30Min) figure e.g. 2.6T. + ½ (1.3T) = 3.9T (45Min). Then add the trip fuel from holding position to that figure (usually 1.0T) = 4.9T leaving holding fix. NB: Leaving the Hold Fuel Flow 100Kg/Min Other

What actions are required when the cabin altitude goes above 14,000ft?

Press the MASK MAN ON pb FCTM

What options do you have if you find that the preceding Captain forgot to fill in the tech log?

Print the CAR from the previous sector prior to initialising the ACARS, Contact IOC Technique

PC: Icing: What extra precautions must be made during flight deck preparation during cold weather?

Probe Window Heat On FCOM

Where is the Maximum Recommended Crosswind on Wet or Contaminated Runways Listed?

QRH NP - 1.05A Limitations

What crew action is required if GPS PRIMARY LOST is displayed on the PFD?

RNP Operations are still allowed provided RNP Value is checked OR entered in MCDU AND High Accuracy is displayed Limitations

PC: System Degradation on Approach - What actions will you take if on a CAT3 B approach and the A/TH fails below 1000FT AAL and above minima?

RVR permitting, note reversion, continue (AB recommends a go around) QRH

PC: System Degradation on Approach - What actions will you take if on a CAT3 B approach, the A/TH fails above 1000FT AAL?

RVR permitting, reset minima, brief reversion, continue. RVR below lists, continue to 1000FT AAL then reassess. Go Around or if RVR within limits, continue QRH

What actions are required if only 2 ADR's are operative?

Record altimeter indications on PFD and Standby altimeter FCOM

What are the regulatory and company recency requirements for an SO?

Recurrent training at intervals not exceeding 90 days. Company requirement is to have operated in the aircraft in the preceding 60 days. OMA

PC: Signal Problems - What if a transmitter failure occurs below alert height?

Red AUTOLAND Warning Light illuminates FCOM

When is maintenance action required for ECAM HOT BRAKES?

Required if the temperature difference between 2 brakes of a gear is more than 150°, and the temperature of 1 of these brakes is above or equal to 600°, or The temperature difference between 2 brakes of a gear is more than 150°, and the temperature of 1 of these brakes is below or equal to 60°, or The difference between the average temperature of the left gear brakes (combination of body and wing L/Gs) and right brakes (combination of body and wing L/Gs) is above or equal to 200°, or The temperature of 1 brake exceeds 800° FCOM

Discribe the Eng Out Take Off Profile

Rotate 12.5°, Follow SRS Guidance (V2), Centre the Beta Target, Consider TOGA (Flex ✅ Derate - must be above F Speed), Cancel Master Warning, 400FT AAL ECAM Procedure, Consider EOSID & OEB, Engine Secure 'STOP ECAM' Check above minimum Acceleration Height Press Alt, Acceleration Segment (Flap 0 Beta Target replaced by normal side slip indication), Speed Trend Arrow touches GD CLIMB PULL, LVR MCT set MCT, Continue ECAM FCTM

Define: Wet Runway?

Runway surface covered with water or equivalent but less than 3MM/0.125" deep or when there is sufficient water on the runway to make it appear reflective OMA

What are the mode changes at ACCEL Altitude?


Describe the workflow for managing a PACKS OFF TAKEOFF

Select Pack 1/2 off at least 20 sec prior to setting takeoff thrust. The 20 sec is important as it allows the FADEC to recalibrate for the chosen Bleed Config. This prevents ECAM ENG THRUST LOSS. (If this ECAM does trigger - Thrust Levers Idle). Select Pack 1 after CLB thrust reduction. Select Pack 2 on at least 10sec after Pack 1. This is best managed by selecting Pack 2 on after flap 0 selected (On as part of the after takeoff flow). Brief ECAM AIR PACK 1(2) will display FCOM

Define the procedure to be used to maximise climb performance after takeoff?

Short Term Tactical Speed 285Kts/0.78. Long Term Managed Climb CI0 (Brief return to CFP CI value at ALT*) FCTM

Pressing the APU FIRE PB does what?

Shuts down the APU, Silences the Aural Warning, Arms the squib, Closes the LO PRESS Fuel Valve, Shuts off the APU Fuel Pump, Closes the APU Bleed Valve & X Feed Valve, & Deactivates the APU Generator. FCOM

Pressing the ENG FIRE PB does what?

Silences the aural warning, Arms the squib, Closes the Low Press Fuel Valve, Closes the HYD Fire Shutoff Valve, Closes the ENG Bleed Valve, Closes the Pack Flow Control Valve, Cuts off the power to the FADEC and Deactivates the IDG. FCOM

What ACARS CFP's are available?

Simplified ACARS CFP's are available in flight to support crew decision making and flight monitoring. The types of CFP's available are: Normal, 1 EIO, Preferred Level, Constant MN, Diversion, Change of Alternate OMA

Define: Dry Snow?

Snow which can be blown if loose or, if compacted by hand, will fall apart upon release OMA

Define: Compacted Snow?

Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass that resists further compression and will hold together or break up into chunks if picked up OMA

Define: Wet Snow?

Snow which if compacted by hand, will stick together to form a snowball OMA

Trigger: What calls are required on touch down?

Spoilers, Reverse Green, Decel, 70Kts. or No Spoiler, No reverse eng X, No reverse, No decel FCOM

State the Radar Separation Minima required?

Super - Heavy 6NM Heavy - Heavy 4NM. Medium - Heavy 3NM. Light - Heavy 3NM ARAD

PC: Icing: What is Freezing Precipitation?

Supercooled large water droplets which may freeze upon contact with cold surfaces OMA

Define: Damp Runway?

Surface is not dry, but moisture does not give a shiny appearance OMA

PC: Icing: Whats are the effects on aircraft performance with Low Temperature Altimetry?

Take Off - Accounted for with FLYSMART. Missed Approach - All Engine Acceleration Altitude the correction is not required. EIO - Required unless Port Page, ACARS, SMS, FLYSMART used OMA

At what speed should the flaps be retracted during a takeoff in high turbulence?

Target Speed +20Kts, limited by VFE-5Kts FCTM

PC: Icing - What precautions should be taken during taxi out or after landing through slush or standing water?

Taxi Out with Flaps Up. after Landing, do not retract the flaps until a visual inspection has been carried out. Consider informing ATC 'OPS Normal - due to ground contamination the flaps will not be retracted' QRH

PC: Icing: Define FZFG

Temperature <0°C & Visibility ≦1000M OMA

Trigger: Check Data Cycle

The Active FMGEC Data Base is not valid. Select Number 2 FCOM

Passenger Handling: Who has the ultimate responsibility for refusing to carry or offload a passenger?

The Commander OMA

Cargo Handling: What procedure is required for loading of CPA Spares?

They may be loaded on the flight deck at the Commanders Discretion. Ensure No Dangerous Goods, Packed correctly and are of a reasonable size. Require a Flight Spares Notification Form (FSN). Flight deck crew not responsible for delivery of the spares. OMA


This alert triggers when both level sensors of one inner tank have dried-up for more than 60 s. Depending on the pitch attitude and fuel density, the alert may be triggered when fuel in one of the inner tank is between 1100kg and 2520kg FCOM

What does the MCDU 'CHECK APPR SELECTION' message mean?

This means that a NPA has been elected and yet an ILS frequency has been manually tuned. (The available approach guidance is for a non precision approach) FCTM

How is a manual engine start abort carried out?

This procedure only needs to be applied during a manual engine start. ENG MAN START pb-sw Off, ENG MASTER sw Off, (Consider DRY CRANK), ECAM ACTIONS, FCOM

PC: Derated Take Off - Why does Flysmart generate a derated take off data for a contaminated RWY in preference to TOGA?

To improve TOW and engine life FCOM

Below 1000FT AAL on a AWO approach and not visual, a go around is recommended for what failures?

Triple Click, Master Caution/Warning, AP Off or Alpha Floor Best Practice

What action is required if ice is seen on the visual indicator or wipers or with SEVERE ICE DETECTED ECAM?

Turn on the wind anti ice. (EAI should already be on)

PC: Icing: What fluid types are approved?

Type 1 Deicing Fluid (Orange), Type 2 De/Anti Icing Fluid (Colourless/Pale Straw), Type 4 Anti Icing Fluid (Emerald Green). The wings are sprayed first and therefore become the critical surfaces OMA

Define: Service Disruption?

Unforeseen circumstances which occur during operations after the commencement of a FDP OMA

Trigger: OAT -15°c

Use GN Power to start the APU FCOM

Trigger: Below what speed should flap be selected? (if operationally possible)


State the Minimum VMCA/VMCG values?

VMCA=121kt VMCG=122kt NB: Varies by a few knots with altitude and configuration changes Limitations

PC: System Degradation on Approach - What actions will you take if on a CAT2 only available and the A/P disconnects below minima?

Visual. Assess, if suitable manually land OMA

Define: Slush?

Water saturated snow which will splatter OMA

What are the Depths of Contaminate allowed for Takeoff?

Water/Slush 12.7mm Wet Snow 25.4mm Dry Snow 101.6mm Limitations

Under what conditions is takeoff not recommended?

Wet Ice, Water on top of Compacted Snow, Dry Snow or Wet Snow over ice, Windshear or Microburst Limitations

Trigger: How do you know that the gear is down and locked?

Wheel SD pg. This appears passing 800FT AAL or at gear extension. Check 3 greens on the indicator panel. At least 1 green triangle on each landing gear strut. Also LDG GEAR DN green LDG MEMO FCOM

Define: Sector Time?

When an aircraft first moves from its parking position until it comes to rest, after landing, at its parking position (Blocks to Blocks) OMA

PC: Icing: When do you need to make cold weather altimeter corrections?

When the ambient temperature is below ISA-15°C OMA

When is the ILS frequency automatically tuned?

When the direct distance to destination is <300NM FCTM

PC: Planning - For a take off in LVO, when is a take off alternate required?

When the talk off weather is at or below the published ILS Landing minima or the minima for the approach aid in use if not an ILS FCOM

Passenger Handling: How do we deal with passengers who Require Special Assistance?

With Tact and understanding. Do not discriminate or make a big deal about their condition. Contact Customer Journey & Recovery Team (IOC) for assistance. Seek clarification on the definition of 'Self Reliance'. OMA

What is the minimum speed with ice accretion?

With Wing Anti-Ice Operative: Config Clean = VLS+15Kts Config Any Flap = VLS+5Kts With Wing Anti-Ice Not Operative: VLS+10Kts/GD FCOM

Can you use FLEX Thrust on a Wet Runway?

Yes Limitations

Can the aircraft land above Maximum Landing Weight?

Yes provided the pilot follows the Overweight Landing Procedure NB: QRH MISC 22.07A If the aircraft exceeds the Go Around in Config 3 Climb Gradient Table then use Config 3 for landing. Packs Off QRH

PC: Icing: Can you take off in -FZDZ?

Yes you can. FZDZ or +FZDZ no allowed OMA

PC: Limitations - Is autoland permitted for engine inoperative landing?

Yes, provided the EIO procedures are completed prior to 1000FT AAL QRH

PC: Icing: Do you need to advise ATC of the corrections you are making?

Yes. 'XXXX Temperature Corrected'

Can we do a CAT 2 or 3 Approach EIO?

Yes. A CAT 2 and CAT 3 autoland are only approved in CONF 3, and if EIO procedures are completed before reaching 1000FT AAL on approach Limitations

PC: Derated Take Off - If Flysmart data specifies CONF 1+F, F speed will not be displayed on the PFD, so does this libation apply?

Yes. F Speed is till calculated & displayed on the MCDU/OIS PERF Page FCOM

Are there any restrictions to the use to of the In-Seat Power Supply System?

Yes. It must be switched off for takeoff and landing Limitations

Are there any restrictions to APU use associated with refuelling operations?

Yes. Normal Starts and Shut Downs are permitted except if the APU Failed to start or it auto shutdown - don't use it. If a fuel spill occurs - do a normal shutdown Limitations

Is a CRS required for an ETC?

Yes. OMA

Can we do an Autoland in CAT1 conditions or better?

Yes. Provided: Autoland Approved in Port Page, Flight Crew monitor for LOC/GS fluctuations, At least CAT2 displayed of FMA and Visual Reference is obtained prior to DH Limitations

EDTO: Describe the various Critical Fuel Scenarios

nnnETOPE = 1 EIO/Depressurised. nnnETOPD = All ENG/Depressurised. nnnEDTO = All ENG. This will be listed on the CFP OMA

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