Cavitas laryngis
At each side there is a pouch -
ventriculus laryngis which acts as the resonator.
Cavitas infraglottica extends from plicae vocales to the next organ - trachea. There is conus elasticus below the mucous membrane in
cavitas infraglottica.
Aditus laryngis is bordered by the following structures:
epiglottis, plicae aryepiglotticae, incisura interarytenoidea.
The mucous membrane covers lig. vestibulare and forms
plica vestibularis
The mucous membrane also covers lig. vocale and forms the vocal fold -
plica vocalis
The fold is concerned in the production of the sound. M. vocalis lies parallel to the ligament in the vocal fold. The narrow triangular fissure between both plicae vocales is
rima glottidis s. vocalis
There is a narrow fissure between both plicae vestibulares -
rima vestibuli
Cavitas laryngis extends from the laryngeal entrance to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage where it continues into the
Rima glottidis has two parts:
1. pars intermembranacea - between plicae vocales, 2. pars intercartilaginea - between medial surfaces of the arytenoid cartilages.
The cavitas laryngis has hour-glass shape. There are three portions in the laryngeal cavity:
1. vestibulum laryngis, 2. glottis, 3. cavitas infraglottica
Vestibulum laryngis is the upper part and it extends from the entrance of the larynx -
aditus laryngis to plicae vestibulares
... is between plicae vestibulares and plicae vocales
here is .... which lies below the mucous membrane in vestibulum laryngis
membrana quadrangularis