CCM Exam Study Guide - HPM

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What is a Construction Management Plan?

(CMP) A written plans outlining a project scope, organization and the specific approach of the CM will take to accomplish the various management task.

Schedule of Values (SOV)

- (2) Major methods 1. % of completion of scheduled activities method determines GC progress Payment - CM/ GC determines SOV each activity 2. % of completion by division determines GC progress Payment SOV w/ each work element

Bid Opening/ Evals

- At Risk CM opens/ evaluates/ summarizes all subcontractor & vendor bids. - Recommendations in writing to owner w/ bid docs.

Certified Value Specialist (CVS)

- Brought in typ. value eng/ analysis stage - If conducted before design data developed typ. reports too conceptual to be of value - If delayed, re-design typ.


- CM Typ. recommends float to the schedule - Total float = schedule flexibility - Core to the critical path method - Subsequent task (Free Float) - Project Completion Date (Total Float)

Triple Constraints of Project Management

- Known as the Iron Triangle. - Increase or decrease one side/ alters the legth of the others. - CM involves managing all (3) parameters & maintain proper balance TIME > COST > SCOPE

CM Meetings

- Min. Conducted End Design Phase - Team Review prior to Bid Package Release - Review Budget - Master schedule/ milestones - Resolutions any discussions review process

Design-Bid-Build (DBB) (Traditional Approach)

- Most Common Project Delivery Method. - Delivery Method: Single or Multi-Prime - CM Type: Agency - Applicability: All chapters/ sections - Comment: If single prime contract used some coordination w/ not be applicable - GC Selection through low bid process. Not earlier phases in project design - Gov. Agencies/ Public use


- Narrative doc that accompanies the budget - Specific docs used estimates - Dates - Assumptions/ Clarifications/ Exclusions - Documents Risk & Opportunities

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

- Newest Method - USA - Delivery Method: Integrated Project Delivery - CM Type: Agency or at-Risk - Applicability: All chapters/ sections - Comment: Collaborative team structure for a project's optimization - Shared Risk/ responsibility/ liability

Construction Management - At- Risk (CM- at- Risk)

- Other references - CM/ Independent Contractor CM/ GC or CM guarantee Max Price (GMP) - Delivery Method: CM-at-Risk - CM Type: at-Risk - Applicability: All chapters/ sections - Comment: CM additional responsibilities admin bond, mng safety, direct oversight work, other typ. GC responsibilities. - Cost control/ final approvals - May req. owner or by CM /Designer/ Owner's staff

Preliminary budget forming PM role in Procurement includes?

- Pre-design/ pre-construction support services - Design-Bid-Build, CM -At-risk or Design Build - Owner furnished equip. material, long lead items - Contract pricing strategies: Firm fixed price/ lump sum contracts, unit price contracts. - Property acquisition strategy - Utility relocation strategy.

Quality Management Plan (QMP)

- Quality Assurance - CM Encourages Owner to develop QMP - CM at-Risk must develop QMP.

What is the measured mile approach?

- Relates to CO - Actual cost of identical work performed.

Beneficial Occupancy

- Stage building can be occupied prior to substantial completion. - TCO typ.

What year did private sector owners begin to hire Construction Management Advisors

1960s Example projects: Madison Square Garden in 1963 John Hancock Center - Chicago Twin Towers - NYC

What is front-end loading?

A bid is "front-loaded" if the total price is allocated in a manner where elements of the work to be performed, and paid for, early in a project bear a disproportionate amount of cost, overhead and profit. A front-loaded contract poses financial dangers for a project owner Front End Loading (FEL) is the process by which an organization develops a detailed definition of a capital project to meet business objectives. Included during this front end loading are other best practices such as contracting strategies, value improvement practices, constructability, planning for start-up and other.

What is back charging?

A billing made to collect an expense incurred in a previous billing period. It can be due to lack of payment by the recipient of services or goods, and adjustment due to an error or to collect an expense that was not billable until later due to timing issues.

What is a commissioning review?

A collaborative review of the design professionals design documents for items pertaining to the following: owners project requirements (BOD) basis of design Operability and maintainability (O&M) Including documentation; functionality, training, energy efficient, control systems sequence of operations including building automation systems features, commissioning specifications and the ability to functionally test the system Commissioning team includes: owner/owners representative, FM, CM, commissioning authority- CM, design team

What is an non-excusable delay?

A delay that the GC would take ownership. No time would b e extended for the delay.

What is an Excusable delay?

A delay the GC would be entitled to a time extension. Typically an unforeseen sever weather event. or delay due to owner providing access.


Alternative Dispute Resolution - the process to resolve disputes. Relation to the Owner/ CM agreement Out of court typ.

What is a CQM?

Construction Quality Management

What is CUAIR?

Construction Users Anti-Inflation Roundtable formed in 1969

What is indemnity?

Contacts or obligation of one party to compensate the loss occurred to the other party.

What is a One-time builder?

Entities that will rarely develop a project to meet their business needs.

What is Repeat Builders?

Entities that, in order to support their core business functions, are required to build on a regular basis to expand or renovate a building portfolio

What organization is IFMA?

International Facilities Management Association

When was CMAA estabilished?

Incorporated in 1982

Perametric Estimating

Parametric estimating, a more accurate technique for estimating cost and duration, uses the relationship between variables to calculate the cost or duration. Essentially, a parametric estimate is determined by identifying the unit cost or duration and the number of units required for the project or activity.

What is Exculpatory clauses?

Part of an agreement which relieves one party from liability. It is a provision in a contract which is intended to protect one party from being sued for their wrongdoing or negligence

What is Changed Conditions?

Part of the Initial Design Meeting. Typically w/ designer for additional compensation associated w/ performance of services.

What is the PERT estimate formula?

Pert Estimate = (Optimistic + (4 X Most Likely) + Pessimistic)/6.

What is forward pricing?

Pricing done PRIOR to the Start of or during WORK. The ESTIMATE of costs should itemize PRODUCTION RATES, CREW compositions, HOURS and EQUIPMENT. MATERIAL cost should be listed and substantiated with quotes and price list.

What is SF relationship mean in a diagram?

Start Finish

What does SS mean in a diagram for early start?

Start Start Relationship

Who is responsible for implementation of the quality control requirements during construction? a. Contractor b. Owner c. CM d. Architect

a. Contractor

A formal demand for compensation by a contractor in accordance with the contract documents can be described as a ______. a. Modification b. Change order c. Bonus d. Claim

b. Change order

What is the process in title to verify and document at the performance of mechanical, electrical, and other systems? a. Value engineering b. Commissioning c. Quality audits d. Value analysis

b. Commissioning

What is the term used for the project analysis process used to determine how best to meet necessary functions, performance, and reliability at the minimum lifecycle cost? a. Monte Carlo analysis b. Value engineering c. Build information modeling d. PERT estimation technique

b. Value engineering

In deriving a GC's experience modification rate (EMR), which one of the following is most important. a. Severity of past accidents b. Type of past accidents c. Frequency of past accidents d. Cost of past accidents

d. Cost of past accidents

What is Agency CM?

professional advisor to the owner, managing both design and construction regardless of project delivery method. without design or construction responsibilities

Project Management Plan (PMP)

- CM responsible (Cost/ Time) - CM leads defining project req. - Outlines strategies for project - Updates throughout project cycle - Need owners approval (PMP) before proceed - Typ. Est. scope, budget, schedule, environmental conditions, basic system used. - Scope defined typ. - CD's/ Narrative/ Performance Parameters/ Budget

What stages does the CM prepare estimate during the Design Process?

- Completion of (SD) Schematic Design. - Completion of Preliminary design - In progress final design (60-90%) complete - Completion of Bid docs (issued Addenda's)

Design Phase

- Design professional has total responsibility for design implementation execution - Owner/ CM decision - making responsibilities

Design-Build (D-B)

- Desirable owners - single point contact - Less disputes/ reduce risk - Draw back - Req. Owner upfront/ can slow process/ incure additional cost. - Delivery Method: Design Build - CM Type: Agency - Applicability: All chapters/ MOST sections - Comment: Many sections not applicable (D-B) will hold primary responsibility for performance. - Recently gaining popularity in method.

(CM- at-Risk GC) Common Phase to become part of project team

- Final design doc. estimates phase

The project manual clearly defines what items?

1. team responsibility 2. levels of authority 3. communication protocol 4 Systems, methods & procedures for project execution

Independent Cost Estimate (ICE)

- Used w/ CO - Often required by legislation of company policies

Multi-Prime Contracting (Multi-Prime)

- Variation of design-bid-build - Utilized multiple contractors to construct project - general prime contractor & procure specialty trades GC (Struct/ MEP/ etc.)

Guarantee Max Price (GMP)

- also known as GMP, not-to-exceed price, NTE, or NTX) - contract is a cost-type contract - also known as an open-book contract - GC is compensated for actual costs incurred plus a fixed fee subject to a ceiling price. - GC is responsible for cost overruns, unless the GMP has been increased via formal change order (only as a result of additional scope from the client, not price overruns, errors, or omissions). - Savings resulting from cost underruns are returned to the owner. - Different from a fixed-price contract (also known as stipulated price contract or lump-sum contract) where cost savings are typically retained by the contractor and essentially become additional profits.[

What is forward pricing?

- estimate itemizes prod. rates/ crews/ hours/ equip. - Done Prior to the start of/ or during the work - Materials -listed/ quotes/ prices list. (Backups)

Name record system keeping systems that are a COMPREHENSIVE ACCOUNT of the project?

1. General correspondence files (in and out) 2. Periodic reports (daily, weekly, monthly) 3. Drawing schedules, submittals (Shop drawings, payments, samples) 4. Transmittals 5.Request for information 6. Request for proposals 7. Change request & authorizations 8. Procurement 9. Material control 10. Meeting minutes 11. Confirmation of oral instruction/ field directives 12. Controlled inspections 13. Notice of non-conforming contract work 14. Weather conditions 15. Scheduling records 16. Progress Photographs

Typical PMP includes the what BASIC COMPONENTS?

-project description -scope of work -milestone schedule -master schedule -quality management approach -safety management plan -reference to project documents -project organization chart and staffing plan -explanation of roles, responsibilities, and authority of team members. -project budget/ work breakdown structure -sustainability plan -logistics including temporary construction support requirements, i.e. laydowns or marshalling area. -environmental/ archeological considerations. -reference to project procedures manual -management information systems -communications protocol -bid packaging, contracting strategy, and delivery evaluation. -site mobilization and utilization phase -BIM implementation strategy

What is analogous estimating?

.Top-down estimating Using expert judgement and historical information to predict the future Example: The last three projects cost $25k or took six months, and so should this one

CHANGE ORDERS Large Impact Cost can be determined by?

1. Actual cost of identical work performed, "measured mile" approach 2. Reasonable estimate of the work cost if a change had not been encountered compared to the estimate cost of CO job conditions/ compared to the actual cost of work performed if POST PRICING was used. 3. Audit of the contractor's job cost records

POST-CONSTRUCTION Phase Close-out times CM verifies?

1. All construction contract punchlist Issuance of substantial completion 2. Settlement of all changes/ claims 3. Submittals: warranties, operation & maintenance manuals, record dwgs. 4. Acceptable disposition of spare parts 5. Confirmation that permit, right-of-way req. training are complete. 6. Confirmation that grant or funding provisions are satisfied. 7. Confirmation that grant or funding provisions are satisfied. 8. Receipt of signed released form the contractors, issuance of final payment. 9. Demobilization of contractor facilities.

CONSTRUCTION PHASE the CM agency RESPONSIBILITIES when a GC is managing schedule?

1. CM ensures construction contract req. GC to develop/ submit initial schedule for acceptance prior to beginning construction 2. CM monitors GC performance & ensures GC makes timely submission of preliminary schedule 3. If GC fails to submit initial schedule CM informs OWNER makes recommendations to address w/ GC's failure 4. CM reviews schedule upon submission ensure complies w/ contract docs. Makes recommendations to owner for acceptance. 5. If baseline schedule not acceptable by CM within TWO WEEKS, CM makes recommendations to owner how to address. A DELAY could result in GC EXTENTION to original schedule


1. CM must recognize need for revision to PROJECT PLAN & provide owner w/ Recommendations how to address. 2. Once team recognized revisions needed to plan. CM's responsibilities -CM itself responsible develop schedule w/ subs revisions - CM keeps owner informed - CM reviews submissions - CM shifts focus to revised schedule for project teams performance monitoring. - CM reviews updated schedule. Determines it defines plan for completion of remaining project work. 3. GC req. time extension. CM's verifies in accordance w/ contract provisions. -CM ensures analysis for magnitude of the delay - CM reviews time extension in accordance - CM makes recommendations - At-Risk CM may be allowable by contract for additional time for itself .

CHANGE ORDERS with Impact cost what issues should be addressed?

1. Changes in the SEQUENCE of work 2. Changes in METHOD 3. Discontinuity of work 4. Premium time incurred to overcome delays 5. Congestion of work area/ Trade stacking 6. Added mobilization & demobilization 7. Impact on other work & other contractors

Design Phase 5 C's of Design Doc' Review

1. Clarity 2. Completeness 3. Constructability 4. Compliance (w/ owner's program) 5. Coordination (Among Trades/ GC)

Cost Verification Stages the CM prepares estimates at what stage of the design process?

1. Completion of schematic design 2. Completion of preliminary design 3. In progress final design (may vary from 60-90% complete) 4. Completion of bid documents (including any issued addenda)

CONSTRUCTION PHASE CM issues what reports?

1. schedule maintenance reports 2. project cost summary reports 3. cash flow projection reports 4. construction schedule reports 5. progress payment reports

What is the min. a GC written safety program should include?

1. Compliance w/ Law, rules & regs - OSHA - Fed, state, local -Owner, CM, insurance carriers - 100% safety orientation of all jobsite personnel/ visitors. Tracking systems. Hard hat stickers, example. 2. Duties & Responsibilities of GC mngmt personnel for safety. - PM - General superintendent -Foreman -Safetly mngr/ rep -Safety committee/ team 3. Infractions of safety rules -Life threatening (anger) issues corrected immediately - Serious hazards (define in contract) -Reported GC safety rep - Timely correction -Prime contractors to enforce safety req. on subs - Non complying employees to BE REMOVED form the project BY THE GC or request of the OWNER/ CM 4. Housekeeping - Continuous cleaning req. -Final clean-up required -Owner will perform if required/ CHARGE GC. - Designated staging plan. 5. Means of implementation program. - CM rep addends weekly toolbox meeting w/ agenda - Incorporate safety in weekly meetings. -Safety committee/ inspections w/ GC - Emergency procedures/ #'s -Project bulletin board w/ req. policies - Employees each shift hove first aid/ CPR training - Completion job hazard analysis each critical non-routine activities -Accessible safety program manual -Communication means to upper mngmt - Tracking/ record keeping procedures - Accident investigation 6. Procedures to investigate, document & repot all accidents/ near-misses - Steps to prevent a recurrence - Completion of all reporting paperwork - Proper notification & distribution

DESIGN PHASE - contract documentation procedures. CM establishes recording systems for receipt, handling & distribution of the following:

1. Contract documents 2. Correspondence w/ GC/ Subs/Specialty vendors/ Stakeholders 3.Request for info 4. Owner's directives 5. Designer's directives 6. Submittal receipt & approvals 7. Changed conditions 8. Claims 9. Meeting notes 10. Project periodic reports 11. Daily field reports 12. Special inspection reports 13. Payment requests 14 Photographs

Project Procedures Manual should address what items?

1. Cost controls & systems req. for monitoring & controlling project costs. 2. Quality control & quality assurance programs established by the team. How to be implemented. 3. The project schedule. How to be developed, implemented and maintained . 4. Document control & specific project systems, methods & procedures. (example: bidding, payments, change orders, submittals, correspondence, reports, performance records, claim resolution, etc.) 5. Functional responsibilities & limits of authority 6. Correspondence distribution matrix 7. Safety program 8. Check list 9. Meeting list. (Type, frequency) 10. Sample forms to be used 11. Detailed bidding & construction phase procedures 12. Coordination among various prime contractors 13. Sustainability requirements.

During BIDDING an At-Risk CM RESPONSIBILITIES typically include?

1. Develop trade subcontractors solicitation list 2. Pre-qual trade subcontractors 3. Develop trade subcontract package recommendations & scopes of work 4. Develop MBE, WBE, DBE, small business, etc. solicitation list based on project goals. 5. Perform pre-bid conference meetings for each trade subcontractor 6. Identify long lead equip./ initiate early procurement 7. ESTABILISH the GMP (Guarantee Max. Price) 8. Monitor trade subcontractor bid bonds.

Pre-Design Phase (3 Goals in CA)

1. Develop/ Processes & Procedures, Admin Contracts - All phases. 2. Develop process design consultant selection 3. Develop communication Procedures (Owner > Design Team . GC)


1. Developing project schedule. 2. Updating project schedule periodically allowing project team to track, measure and monitor progress against original plan. 3. Updating project schedule to accurately define plan for completion for remaining of work 4. Revising project schedule to reflect changes in scope/ execution plan 5. Reviewing, acceptance of, monitoring schedules, schedule updates, revised schedules prepared & submitted by other project team 6. Monitoring & analyzing the schedule to track project performance relative to time & alert parties to deviation form established plan 7. Project fall BEHIND schedule, recommend MITIGATION action be taken by project team. Bring project back within goals/ recommended revision's. 8. Preparing schedule ANALYSES 9. Advising project team regarding contract provisions related to scheduling/ time extension


1. Discuss medium & long range plans for GC 2. Discuss/ resolve scheduling/ coordination problems of or between GC Obtain answers & clarification to any question GC has of the designer/ direction for obtaining info on timely basis. 3. Review & approve monthly payment request 4. Coordinate long lead items procurement 5. Resolve issues brought to group.

SAFETY MNGMT GC is RESPONSIBLE per contract docs for safety name a few requirements?

1. Duty to comply w/ federal, state, local & county safety regulations applicable to his work site. 2. Provide safety representative. They can STOP work. 3. All subs comply w/ Prime Contractors jobsite safety program 4. Subs having more that 25 employees should require FULL TIME SAFETY REP. 5. Authority of OWNER to request REMOVAL of GC safety rep if prep is judged to be improperly inadequately performing duties.

SUSTAINABILITY 5 key guiding principles for a sustainable facility?

1. Employ integrated design principles. 2. Optimize energy performance. 3. Protect and conserve water. 4. Enhance indoor environmental quality. 5. Reduce environmental impact of materials.

BIM Integrator role

1. Ensure transition of model form design to construction phase. 2. Maintain central model 3. Bring new Project team members up to speed on BIM objectives/ current model status. 4. Complete transition of model from construction phase to the owner 5. Verify project phases model meets owners BIM req. 6. Assure interoperability between models.

(2) Types of pricing (CO) Change Orders

1. Forward Pricing - Done Prior to the start of/ or during the work - estimate itemizes prod. rates/ crews/ hours/ equip. - Materials -listed/ quotes/ prices list. (Backups) 2. Post pricing - Pricing done during or after complete - Represents actual cost/ labor/ materials/ equip.

What are two types of change order pricing?

1. Forward Pricing 2. Post Pricing

What are the CM's typical RESPONSIBILITES during the POST-CONSTRUCTION phase?

1. Obtaining sustainability certification, if applicable. 2. Completion of punchlist items. Not req. for substantial completion. 3. Facilitating owner occupancy 4. Assembling record dwgs for as-built documentation 5. Warranty, guaranty & operation & maintenance manuals 6. Pursuing resolution of warranty items 7. Documentation of final pay quantities & costs 8. Preparing contract files for transfer to owner 9. Final payment & contract acceptance

SAFETY AUDITS the CM conducts what to monitor GC?

1. Orientation training 2. Hazard communication training 3. Accident investigations 4. Jobsite inspection 5. Emergency procedures 6. Disciplinary action 7. Safety meetings 8. Overall administration of their safety program

Typical 3 1meetings for BID & AWARD process.

1. Pre-bid meetings 2. Bid openings 3. Pre-award conferences

RISK MNGMT the CM follows steps during the following project phases?

1. Pre-design 2. Design 3. Procurement 4. Construction 5. Post-construction

DESIGN PHASE On-site communication procedures the CM prepares?

1. Project directory 2. Communication flow chart 3. Contractor correspondence files 4. Chain of responsibilities & authority 5. Submittal flow chart & logs 6. Field orders 7. Coordination meetings 8. Quality assurance/ quality control 9. Shop drawings 10. Substitutes 11. Directives & reports 12. Cost & schedule performance data

Name benefits of RISK MNGMNT process?

1. Provide disciplined framework for identifying/ mnging risk 2. Help avoid/ reduce large losses/ lessens frequency of smaller losses. 3. Help identify opportunities that become realities/ enhance project delivery. 4. Improves decision making through clarifying responsibly & authorities 5. Supports better understanding for managing risk


1. Realistic project assumptions 2. Gather expert judgements 3. Clearly understand risk elements & their impacts 4. View project realistically, not idealistically

What are recommended subjects for each project meeting?

1. Review of the project budget & current estimate of what construction cost the dwgs & specs currently represent, making allowances & assumptions for detail not shown or know. 2. Review of the Master Schedule, Milestone Schedule, & any additional detailed sub schedules for the project 3. Discussion and resolution of any issues which have become evident through previous review of docs/ team discussion & have not been addressed

RISK MNGMT Name the 3 Risk Mnmnt plan includes:

1. Risk identification 2. Risk analysis 3. Risk mngmnt

CHANGE ORDERS when CM's evaluating materials & equipment cost the CM considers what special factors?

1. Salvage of job material 2. Odd lot sizes that add to cost 3. Special delivery cost 4. Potential higher price for proprietary items 5. Escalation of cost since the original job was bid 6. Storage costs that may be necessary 7. Premiums for payment & performance bonds 8. Potential for additional insurance coverage 9. Additional inspection & testing cost 10. Special equip. that may be required to perform the work

During BIDDING an Agency CM's RESPONSIBILITIES typically include?

1. Solicitation & Pre-qualification of bidders. Development of guidelines bidders are evaluated. 2. Notices & advertisements 3. Bidders' interest campaign 4. Delivery of bid documents 5. Information to bidders 6. Issuance of addenda 7. Bid opening, evaluation, & recommendation 8. Monitoring compliance with & execution of construction contracts 9. Arrangement for owners purchased equip. & materials 10. Provision for permits, insurance & labor affidavits

CHANGE ORDERS - in forward pricing the CM considers what special factors when evaluation PRODUCTION RATES?

1. Status and condition of the work 2. Relative size & capability of the contractor 3. Size & complexity of the change 4. Climatic conditions 5. Mechanization that is possible 6. labor agreements 7. Trade practices 8. Learning curve 9. Additional supervision required by the change

BIM the CM excepts responsibilities related to BIM process?

1. Stay current/ remain educated on BIM process. 2. Educate owner/ project team benefits, features, limitations, implementation process for BIM. 3. Educating own personnel/ project team, CM opportunity to continue leadership role in Project Delivery process w/ appropriated application of BIM

What are the different delivery methods

1. Traditional Approach or Design-Bid-Build (D-B-B) 2. Multiple-Prime Contracting (Multi-Prime) 3. Construction Management-at-Risk (CM-at-Risk) 4. Design-Build (D-B) 5. Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

PM (PMO) Program Management Office 6 key function areas

1. Understand owner's needs/ translate them into capital program. 2. Set project delivery strategy, define project functions, select delivery teams. 3. Control program execution budgets, schedules, procedures, docs & communication 4. Provide status reporting. 5. Collect & institutionalize best practices/ lessons learned.

DESIGN PHASE - Field reporting CM's on-site staff should provide what daily written reports of activities

1. Weather conditions 2. Trade contractors/ subs working & # of workers 3. Project visitors 4. Significate materials/ Equip received 5. General description of each GC activities w/ brief summary of any issues/ resolutions 6. Project delays/ potential delays 7. Quality issues 8. Safety issues 9. Trade contractors/ subs on site equip. utilization

SAFETY MNGMT during construction CM reviews/ accepts Submittals what is submitted typ.

1. Written safety program 2. Resume of safety representative 3. hazard communication program 4. Specialized programs for specific job hazards 5. Environmental waste disposal plan 6. Drug & Alcohol Program 7. Safety training program 8. Union safety regs if req. 9. Site specific safety plan 10. Task specific safety & health plan for High-risk activates

What is exculpatory clause or provision?

A part of an agreement which relieves one party from liability. It's a provision in the contract which it extends to protect one party from being sued for their wrongdoing or n it's a provision in the contract which it extends to protect one party from being sued for the wrongdoing or negligence.

Leading Indicator

A preventive or proactive measure that is taken to decrease the possibility of an incident.

Lagging Indicator

A reactive measure of the effectiveness of a safety program after the facts. Typical indicators - number of incidents, injuries, or days away from work.

What is breakdown structure?

A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a key project deliverable that organizes the team's work into manageable sections. The main purpose of a WBS is to reduce complicated activities to a collection of tasks. This is important for the project manager because she can oversee the tasks more effectively than the complex activities. Tasks must be measurable and independent, with clearly defined limits.

What is acceleration from a contractual standpoint for construction management?

Acceleration is when an owner places requirements on GC to speed up the overall project duration.

What is free float?

Activities that are not on the critical path have a difference between their early start date and their late start date, those activities can be delayed without affecting the project completion date. The float on those activities is what this phrases means.

What does AN mean in a diagram? Where is its place on the chart?

Activity Name. It is the center top on the chart to determine schedule duration.

Safety Management

Anticipating and implementing procedures to protect the health and safety of all people on a project or program site, including workers, visitors, and the public.

Project Cost Report (CA)

At-Risk CM produces project cost report tracking true subs amount compared to guaranteed max. price.

Construction mngmt - Contract Req. & Drafting Guidelines

CD's should be structured to ensure GC & Subs are responsible for safety Submittals - safety programs - team info - site specifics - high risk plan Responsibilities & Req. - CD's should CLEARLY state solely respon. - Compliance w/ all regulations relating to site - Safety representative


CM ensures project team develops 1. Project plan that allows project tot be accomplished in an appropriate span of time. 2. Schedule to both plan & monitor the use of time on project 3. CM guides project team appropriate form & content of project schedule 4. CM acts as the LEADER of the TIME MNGMT & SCHEDULING effort.

What is CM at risk?

CM first provided pre-construction advice and then reverted to the equivalent of a general contracting role with responsibility for construction performance.

A CM -at-Risk can also be referred to as

CM/ independent contractor CM/ GC CM GMP (Guarantied Maximum Price)

What is General Conditions?

Contract conditions, usually included in the book of specifications (or in the accompanying architectural drawings) of a contract, that set the minimum performance requirements for the contractor. These conditions also include the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved.

Who has STOP WORK authority?

Contractors Safety representative

What is Contracting Advantage

Contracts for all public projects have features that greatly favor the public owner. Some of these features include the ability to direct their consultants to do work beyond the original scope of work (subject to subsequent equitable adjustments), price data rights that allow the public owner to audit the service providers books at any time, and special provisions based on statutes that specify civil and criminal penalties for program fraud.

Earned work hours or dollars to date/actual work hours or dollars to date equals BCWP/ACWP

Cost performance index (CPI)

What is QMP - Quality Management Plan?

Defines a project's quality policies, procedures, criteria for and areas of application, and roles, responsibilities and authorities. The Quality Management Plan is created during the Planning Phase of the project and is considered a component of the Project Management Plan.

What is EF mean in a diagram? Where is its place on the chart?

Early Finish Top right corner to determine schedule duration

What does ES mean in a diagram?

Early Start

Safety Mngmt - Project organization

Early member project team CM's safety coordinator Input for safety perspective: cnstr mngmt plan, Project Procedures manuals, Pre-Construction dwgs, constructability reviews and mngmt info system.

Strategic Risk Processes

Employing risk management processes to attain & meet expectations Successful Project -Maximize opportunities - Min. Risk Impacts Added Benefits - Cost Effectiveness - Schedule Control - Contingency management

Safety mngnt - Staffing Considerations

Fed, state, county, local safety regs BOCA & NFPA codes ANSI standards OSHA EPA/ DER (Distributed energy resource) environmental regs Hazard communication requirements Construction operations, specs & dwgs Labor relations Some project may req - Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Cnst Health & Safety Technician (CHST), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) for SPECIAL COND. Asbestos, hazardous waste removal.

What does FF mean in a diagram for early start?

Finish Finish Relationship

What does FS mean in a diagram for early start?

Finish Start Relationship

Constructability Review (CM Responsibility Typ.)

Focus - Phasing - Logistics - Avoidance cnstr. conflicts

What is Parametric Modeling?

Form of estimating using known project characteristics (parameters) in a mathematical equation to arrive at current project cost. Square footage cost, per bed cost, megawatt cost, etc. may all be used in parametric modeling to arrive at conceptual estimate.

What is free float?

Free float is time that an activity can be delayed from it's early start date without delaying early start of any immediately following schedule activities. You can calculate the free float by subtracting the Early Finish date of the activity from the Early Start date of next activity (ES of next Activity - EF of current Activity).

First group to pioneer Construction Management in Public Sector

GSA (General Services Administration) Began in 1970

Safety Representative

Has STOP WORK authority

What is JHA?

Job Hazard Analysis It is a technique to a identify the dangers of specific task in order to reduce the risk of injury to workers. OSHA requires a written certification that I has her assessment has been performed using a job hazard analysis JHA or job safety analysis JSA approach that identifies potential physical chemical biological or other hazards for each work task

What was the first project GSA used Construction Management

National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC 1975

What is LF mean in a diagram? Where is its place on the chart?

Late Finish Bottom right corner to determine schedule duration.

What is LS in a diagram? Where is its place on the chart?

Late Start It is the bottom left corner to determine schedule duration.

What is Liquidated damages?

Liquidated damages are an amount of money that contracting parties agree on as the amount of damages one of them can recover if the party breaches the contract. Usually they apply to some specific type of breach of the contract, not any breach of any promise anywhere in the contract.

What is implied warranty?

Manufacture Warranty - Product warranty. Implied warranty is a legal term for the assurances - written or oral - that a product is fit for the purpose intended and is merchantable, i.e., conforms to an ordinary buyer's expectations. The warranty of merchantability is implied, unless expressly disclaimed by name, or the sale is identified with the phrase "as is" or "with all faults."

Mobilization payment

Mobilization costs represent pre-contract costs incurred by a contractor to prepare a job site before the actual commencement of the contract. These costs can include administrative costs such as licensing, securing permits, etc.

What is Monte Carlo analysis?

Monte Carlo simulation, or probability simulation, is a technique used to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in financial, project management, cost, and other forecasting models. When you develop a forecasting model - any model that plans ahead for the future - you make certain assumptions.

On a PERT chart what is Td or P?

Most Pessimistic/ Pessimistic(P) - The activity cost/duration based on an analysis of the worst-case scenario for the activity.

On a PERT chart what is Tm or M?

Most Probable/ Most likely (M) - The cost/duration of the activity, based on a realistic effort assessment for the required work and any predicted expenses.

What is Computerized Estimating?

Most common method. Computer software system used that have national cost databases embedded within them. Estimator can start by inserting conceptual project info into the computer model and arrive at a conceptual estimate base on the data contained with the software.

On a PERT chart what is Ta or O?

Most optimistic/ Optimistic (O) - The activity cost/duration based on an analysis of the best-case scenario for the activity.

In the pre-design phase the CM is primarily responsible for what documentation?

Overall cost and time

Safety management - Pre-Design Phase

Owner has responsibility for taking action on any issues regarding hazard or safety responsibilities between CM/ GC. If Owner does not have strong safety commitment. CM MAY NOT want to take contractual safety role due to RISK.

What is PERT estimation techniques?

PERT is an estimating technique that uses a weighted average of three numbers (see below) to come up with a final estimate.

What does PERT stand for?

Program Evaluation and Review Technique

What does PMP Project Mngmt Plan typically establish?

Project scope, budget, schedule, environmental conditions and basic systems used, methods and procedures.

What is Socio-Economic Objectives

Public sector often include socio-economic objectives designed to enhance project participation of small, minority, women owned, and other disadvantage service providers. Semi-public owners include requirements that favor local labor participation and acquisition of goods and services with local vendors. Additionally, most publicly funded projects require that the general contractor or design builder provided payment and performance bonds for the projects.

What is Open Procurement Process

Public sector owners procure consultant services (architects, construction managers, and construction contractors or design builders, etc.) through an open competitive process. Projects are generally publicly advertised, the proposals are evaluated against pre-established, published criteria, and selection is based on price or best value considerations through which both technical and price components are considered.

What is P3s?

Public-Private Partnerships (P3s).

Differences between Repeat Builders and One=time builders

Resources Level of Sophistication

What is risk mitigation?

Risk mitigation planning is the process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives

What is log out tag out?

Safety procedure which is used in industry in research settings to ensure that dangerous machines are probably shut off and are not able to be started again prior to the completion of maintenance or repair work.

Safety Mngmt - CM hired for safety mngmt

Separate contract w/ owner required Clearly defined scope/ compensation CM Liability projection cost must be covered - Fee for safety mngmt services - Fee for additional insurance coverage

What is Beneficial occupancy?

Stage of construction of a building or facility, before final completion, at which its owner can occupy it for the purpose it was constructed.

Project Delivery Method

System designed to achieve satisfactory completion of a construction project form conception to occupancy.

What is Total Float?

The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the completion date of the project.

Productivity Change = Unit Productivity Rate During Impacted Period/ Unit Productivity Rate During Impacted Period

The measure mile analysis formula

What are some unique capabilities a CM must understand?

The needs of each owner their proposed facility in order to provide the customized services that best satisfy the needs of the owner.

Which of the following estimating techniques is used during the conceptual phase of design, utilizing actual costs from similar, previously=-performed projects? a. Bottom up estimating b Component estimating c. parametric modeling d. linear extrapolation estimating

Top down estimating, Analogous Estimating

What Is a pre-solicitation notice?

The pre-solicitation notice helps government agencies determine if there are qualified vendors to perform the work scope. It provides a "heads up" that the solicitation will be released and solicits capability responses from responsible vendors. The pre-solicitation notice also helps the government determine if the requirement can be set-aside for a small business if capable small businesses respond. The pre-solicitation notice is valuable to a contractor for the same reason and it also provides the contracting office with information on the company if they have never done business with them before. The pre-solicitation notice serves its purpose. However, it would help first-time contract bidders if information regarding the purpose of the solicitation such as; is there an existing requirement, if so, who is the incumbent, what are the differences in work scope (if any), and overall budget for the project term. The proposal process includes three very important elements: 1. Technical/Management Approach - companies must be able to perform the requirements in the Statement of Work, as well as describe how they plan to do so. Sales brochures or cookie cutter company descriptions will not work. A business owner should be prepared to write to the requirements and respond with a strong technical volume. Offer what they want, not want you think they want or need. 2. Past Performance - companies should include strong references of relevant past performance. 3. Price - Competitive pricing is expected, as long as it's not so low or high that it is determined that the contractor does not understand the requirements.

Bottom-Up Estimating

The technique involves estimating the cost individual project component sand then summing the total of the project components estimates. For example, in a wastewater treatment plant, the estimator may be able to independently estimate the component cost for primary clarifies and extended aeration basins on a million gallon per day basis, and then factor in cost for headworks and screening, yard piping and electrical, disinfection facilities, and discharge piping. Having arrived at a conceptual estimate for each component of the system, the estimator can sum the components coast to arrive at a conceptual cost.

What is bottom up estimating?

The technique involves estimating the cost of individual project components and then summing the total of the project component estimates.

Safety Climate

The workforce's shared perception at a given moment of the extent to which hazard identification and injury performance are important to the organization based on their interactions with their direct supervisors.

What is the absence of a no-damage-for-delay clause?

This cause generally waves claims for additional compensation for delays on a project. You may be entitled to additional time a specified in the contract but the clause can absolutely prohibit claims for additional compensation.

What is the least preferred contract type?

Time-and-materials and labor-hour (T&M/LH) contracts. Typically used w/ Government work.

What is an analogous estimate

Top down comparison from similar type previous project. Not as accurate.

Safety Mngt - Design Phase

Typ term during this phase - "Design for construction safety" CM Safety coordinator - at this phase provide input for CD's/ specs related to safety Goal is to clearly define safety in this phase and not leave to awarded bidder All guidelines provided are at a MIN. REQ. to GC Indemnification clauses/ insurance req. should be reviewed by the owner's legal counsel at this phase to implement into GC CD's. - Intent protect Owner & CM

ONIP - Owner Controlled Insurance Programs

Used on large projects typ. More stringent safety controls Typ. project over $100 million of construction value

Monte Carlo Simulation

Using random numbers to simulate phenomena that has variation.

Based on the schedule provided, what is the total float?

a. 1 b. 0 c. 2 d. 4

Based on the baseline schedule provided, what is the late finish for activity A? a. 12 b. 8 c. 3 d. 10

a. 12 (verify)

In the diagram provided, the latest start time of an activity 4-5 is ____ ? a. 8 b. 10 c. 4 d. 2

a. 8

Based on the schedule provided, which activities are included in the critical path?

a. A, B, C, H b. A, C, F, H c. A, C, G, H d. A, C, D, G, H

The CPM schedule helps CM ______. a. All of the above b. To concentrate his attention on critical activities c. To divert the resources from non-critical advanced activities to critical activities d. Avoid any delays in the critical activities to avoid delay of the whole project

a. All of the above

The dollar in time amount allocated by the owner for a project is defined as

a. An estimate b. A standard c. A budget d. A baseline

The total dollar amount allocated by the owner for a project/ program is known as the ___________. a. Budget b. Estimate c. Schedule of values d. Budget estimate

a. Budget

With this project delivery system, the CM assists the advises the owner prior to construction, guarantees a maximum price for construction, and manages subcontracts during construction. a. CM at-risk b. Design-build c. Multiple prime d. Design-bid-build

a. CM at-risk

An owner who is unfamiliar with construction hires you as the agency construction manager late in the design phase. The owner is renovating their only facility, which is a 10,000 square foot building that is 150 years old. The original drawings from 150 years ago are unavailable. The lead designer recommended a 30% construction contingency, but the owner is very nervous about costs and asks for your recommendation. Your FIRST action is to:

a. Conduct an analogous estimate. b. Review the design team's work. c. Consult a standard cost index. d. Hire an outside cost estimator.

Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, all work will be performed _____. a. During the hours specifically authorized for the CM b. Using overtime to meet the construction completion deadline c. During hours that best fit the owners needs d. During regular working hours

a. During the hours specifically authorized for the CM

Which of the following contract terms attempts to shift the risk, or burden of risk, from one party to another, in a contract? a. Exculpatory clauses b. Liquidated damages c. General conditions d. Changed conditions

a. Exculpatory clauses

The time by which activity completion time can be delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, is known as ____. a. Free float b. Duration c. Interfering float d. Total float

a. Free float

An advance risk register usually contains additional fields with specific quantitative definitions and a formula for score in the overall risk. Which of the following would most likely be included in this advanced risk register? a. Frequency score b. Insurance score c. Third-base liability score d. Profitability score

a. Frequency score

Whose responsibility is it to provide general liability? a. General contractor b. CM c. owner d. The employer

a. General contractor

A design-bid-build project is ready to begin the procurement process, but the owner is worried about receiving unbalanced bids. The owner also wants to avoid delays and disputes. Which of the following will BEST accomplish the owner's goals?

a. If any bids are unbalanced, reject all bids and rebid the project b. Reject the apparent low bidder if the bid appears unbalanced c. Allow the apparent low bidder to rebalance if the bid appears unbalanced d. Include a mobilization payment line item in the bid form

Pick the correct statement from the following: a. If the float is positive and the activity is delayed by a period equal to its total float, the completion of project is not delay b. The float may not be negative. c. If the float of an activity is negative, delay in its performance will not delay the completion of project. d. If the float of an activity is zero, the activity is not critical and any delay in its performance will not delay the whole project.

a. If the float is positive and the activity is delayed by a period equal to its total float, the completion of project is not delay

Concrete air-entraining agents are primarily used for: a. Increasing the concrete resistance to freezing b. Slowing down the settling time c. Increase the density of the concrete d. Reducing the water requirements of the concrete

a. Increasing the concrete resistance to freezing

What is an important action you can take to limit your project liability? a. Make a note of safety violations, notify contractor/ owner in writing and ask for it to be corrected b. Dictate procedures to the contractor to ensure safety c. Order work stopped and determine a solution when safety violations are identified d.Report incidents to OSHA

a. Make a note of safety violations, notify contractor/ owner in writing and ask for it to be corrected

The start of a Construction and project is initiated with a _______ letter. a. Notice to proceed (NTP) b. Award c. Commissioning d. Certification

a. Notice to proceed (NTP)

The occupancy plan is a means to plan and coordinate the time frame between the construction phase and______. a. Operation/use phase b. Final payment c. Final punch list completion d. Demobilization

a. Operation/use phase

In developing a project risk management plan, the initial major step is to _____ ? a. Perform a risk analysis b. Mitigate the risk c. Manage the risk d. Identify the risk

a. Perform a risk analysis

On which of the following sets of principles is value engineering based?

a. Pier analysis, and economize System, material type b. Value analysis, compliance standards, and operational awareness c. Organize review, a functional - oriented approach, and creative thinking d. Cost reduction, maintainability, and standardize systems

Which of the following parties is primarily responsible for maintaining a safe site, under most standard forms contract? a. Prime contractor b. Construction manager c. Safety inspector d. Owner

a. Prime contractor

Public bidding statutes are designed to ________.

a. Provide equity for all bidders including minority and women owned businesses b. Allows selections by public owners to be based on performance rather than low bid c. Enterthe contract is awarded to the low responsible or qualify bidder d. Protect public funds, and to prevent fraud, collusion and favoritism

The earned value and analysis method generates a cost performance index to __________. a. Represent the relationship between actual cost expended and the value of the physical work performed b. Represent of the relationship between percent complete of an activity in the budget for that activity c. Provide baseline budget factors for schedule work performed to date to derive value earned date d. Represent the relationship between the value of the initial plan schedule and the value of the physical work performed

a. Represent the relationship between actual cost expended and the value of the physical work performed

Which of the following is a contract stipulation that would have the potential for conflict of interest between the owner and an Agency CM? a. Shared savings between the owner and designer for estimating project cost and actual cost of construction. b. The CM provides project accounting services. c. Payment by the CM to the owner's designer for additional inspection due to deficient work. d. Offer a low fee and renegotiate with the client once selected as the CM.

a. Shared savings between the owner and designer for estimating project cost and actual cost of construction.

What is the term used to define the detailed written description of the project requirements? a. Specifications b. Standards c. Building information model d. Drawings

a. Specifications

In the event of a contract termination notice to the contractor, he should: a. Stop work on the date into the extended specified in the notice of termination b. Complete performance of such work which has been started c. Place further order for materials for work terminated d. Use their best effort's to sell already purchased materials

a. Stop work on the date into the extended specified in the notice of termination

A major change in scope, Requested by the owner, will cause the project's budget and the contract completion date to be extended, even though the owner has empathetically told you that no additional cost or time will be authorized. What should the CM do? a. Work with the designer and contractor to try to identify cost and time saving alternatives and present the options to the owner b. Tell the owner he's crazy and it can't be done c. Get the contracting officer to issue the least cost option to the contract d. Issue a change order immediately

a. Work with the designer and contractor to try to identify cost and time saving alternatives and present the options to the owner

Construction Mngmt. organization should provide training to all employees in a. federal guidelines for the purchase of professional service b. insurance fraud c. ethics and standards of practiced. d. AIA design standards for types of buildings done

a. federal guidelines for the purchase of professional service

The time by which activity completion time can be delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, is known as a. free float b. duration c. interfering float d. total float

a. free float

A contractor's proposed schedule of values that provides for inequitably excessive payments at the beginning of the project is typically known as_________________. a. front-end loading b. front end apportionment c. front-ended work breakdown structure d. front-end distribution

a. front-end loading

Value engineering studies are used for the purpose of __________ in project designs. a. optimizing value b. determining value c. checking efficiency d. checking value

a. optimizing value

Private Sector Owners are subject to what guidelines?

applicable federal, state, and local regulations. Example: building codes, zoning restrictions, and environmental requirements,

Safety Management - Who is typically in control of the site?

at- Risk CM Agency CM are not Typical Agency CM agreement - req. CM to MONITOR GC activities related to CD's Anything extra would be separate Contract w/ CM and owner for additional safety services

The contract for sewer pump station allows for liquidated damages (LDs) of $5000/day to be imposed if beneficial occupancy is reached after July 3. On July 1, the only work outstanding is landscaping and color coding of pipes, and both are completed six days later. On July 5 the pump station is put into operation. What LD's should be assessed the contractor? a. $10,000 b. $30,000 c. $0 d. $25,000

b. $30,000

In the diagram provided, the critical path is _____. ? a. 1-2-4-3-5-6 b. 1-2-4-5-6 c. 1-2-3-4-5-6 d. 1-2-3-5-6

b. 1-2-4-5-6

At the pre-design stage of a project, what should be the normal expected design contingency that an estimator should add to the total estimated construction cost? a. 10% b. 15-25% c. 25-30% d. 30-40%

b. 15-25%

What is the regular length of time for concrete to harden into its optimal strength under normal conditions? a. 7 days b. 28 days c. 20 days d. 14 days

b. 28 days

Using the Activity 2 worksheet and based on the baseline schedule provided, what is the free float (FF) for activity F? a. 2 b. 3 c. 0 d. 1

b. 3

Based on the baseline schedule provided, what is the early finish for activity H? (See additional resources for a larger image. ) a. 26 b. 33 c. 30 d. 27

b. 33

Using the Activity 2 worksheet and based on the baseline schedule provided, what is the free float (FF) for activity E? a. 2 b. 6 c. 0 d. 4

b. 6

Which of the following terms defined as: a decrease by the owner in the amount of time given to the contractor to complete the job? a. Float b. Acceleration c. Change order d. Excusable delay

b. Acceleration

All directions that supplements or differs from the solicitation documents provided by bidders resulting from the pre-bid meeting should be issued to all bidders by _____. a. A modification b. An addendum c. A pre-solicitation notice d. Change order

b. An addendum

What is it called when an owner occupies a project before it is 100% complete? a. Beneficial occupancy b. Substantial completion c. Substantial occupancy d. Early move-in

b. Beneficial occupancy

The process of evaluating the construction documents for clarity, consistency, completeness, and ease of construction to facilitate the achievement of overall project objectives is called a ________. a. Quality control review b. Constructibility review c. Quality assurance review d. Submittal review

b. Constructibility review

Owners like cost plus CM agreements with a GMP because ________ . a. There are no change orders b. Cost for limited in savings are usually shared c. They reduce design cost d. The time of performance is reduced

b. Cost for limited in savings are usually shared

The project delivery system that allows the option to fast-track a project is _______________? a. Construction Management b. Design-Bid-Build c. Traditional d. Design-Build

b. Design-Bid-Build

A/an__________ takes into account capital, operating and maintenance cost to verify that the most effective design solution has been achieved. a. Preliminary estimate b. Feasibility study c. Constructibility analysis d. Value engineering analysis

b. Feasibility study

Which of the following owner object is is most important for the CM to clarify with the owner? a. Insurance requirements b. Financial feasibility of the project c. Small business participation goals d. How the project will allow for future expansion

b. Financial feasibility of the project

A parties right to compel reimbursement when it discharges an obligation for which other party would be liable as defined as ____. a. Mutual liability b. Indemnity c. A back charge d. Exculpatory provisions

b. Indemnity

Prior to the performance of any critical or high hazard construction activity, the contractor should perform a _____. a. Security review b. Job hazard analysis (JHA) c. OSHA inspection d. Commissioning review

b. Job hazard analysis (JHA)

When the CM performs forward pricing, which of the following factors should be considered in evaluating production rates? a. Overhead b. Labor agreements c. Material cost escalation d. Value of salvage material

b. Labor agreements

What legal encumbrance can a contractor use to secure payment after the work has been completed? a. Letter of credit b. Lien c. Arbitration d. Security bond

b. Lien

Which of the following is a safety related task during equipment installation? a. Start up/testing b. Lock out/tag out c. Calibration/alignment d. Commissioning

b. Lock out/tag out

Which of the following documents from the construction specifications institute (CSI) is typically used to organize construction information for commercial building projects? a. Commissioning plan b. MasterFormat c. LEED plan d. Dictionary

b. MasterFormat

A quantitative risk analysis method that replies on repeated random sampling to obtain a range of possible outcomes is called a ________ simulation. a. Random b. Monte Carlo c. Python d. D'Alembert multiple

b. Monte Carlo

During the design phase, the CM should perform which of the following activities? a. Prepare the project specifications b. Obtain owners authorization for design scope or criteria changes c. Direct the A/E to make changes to stay within budget d. Review and approve the design work product

b. Obtain owners authorization for design scope or criteria changes

The most reliable estimate is a a. Preliminary estimate b. Parametric estimate c. Detailed estimate d. Unit - priced estimate

b. Parametric estimate

Which of the following method of compensation for CM services is inconsistent with the agency CM's fiduciary relationship to its owners? a. Fixed fee b. Professional fee plus expenses c. Multiple of direct personal expenses d. percentage of construction costs

b. Professional fee plus expenses

What is the term used to describe work that is not conforming to contract specifications that the contractor must complete prior to the final payment? a. Snag b. Punchlist c. Dispute d. Claim

b. Punchlist

Which of the following is the identification of all requirement of a project or contract? a. Basic Services b. Scope c. Record Drawings d. Budget

b. Scope

Where should project dimensions manufacturing conventions, and special fabrication instructions be included? a. BIM models b. Shop drawings c. Record drawings d. Specifications

b. Shop drawings

What is the primary function of the record drawings provided the owner at the completion of the project? a. Provide the owner all project lessons learned b. Show revisions in materials equipment and the design c. Provide the owner a final design d. Validate to the owner the commissioning process

b. Show revisions in materials equipment and the design

During the pre-design phase, the owner asked the designer to develop conceptual designs alternatives based on different site locations. Doing the conceptual design estimates for these alternatives, the CM should fully recognize the cost differentials for ___________ . a. Zoning of each specific site b. Site utilities, access, soil conditions, topography and location c. Preparing legal surveys identifying restrictive covenants and easements for each site d. Furniture expansion capabilities

b. Site utilities, access, soil conditions, topography and location

Which of the following are activities of the Project Pre-Design Phase? a. The project team collaborates on developing the design b. The owner assembles and organizes a project team of design and construction management professionals c. The construction manager develops a detailed cost estimate d. The architect develops the program and specifications of each building system

b. The owner assembles and organizes a project team of design and construction management professionals

The term substantial completion means? a. The project is almost complete b. The project is ready for occupancy in accordance with its intended purpose c. The project is complete, but liquidated damages for delay will continue d. The project is complete except for the fire marshal's approval

b. The project is ready for occupancy in accordance with its intended purpose

Which of the following tools is used to manage all or partial cost of the planning, design, and construction associated with the project budget? a. Cost management plan b. Schedule of values c. Forward pricing d. Cost estimate

d. Cost estimate

Construction quality control is important to a CM who is responsible for determining ________. a. If the project inspectors are capable of workmanship b. Weather proposed projects components conform to the drawings, specifications, and applicable standards c. The quality level achieved after the punch list work is completed d. The desire quality of materials for the project

b. Weather proposed projects components conform to the drawings, specifications, and applicable standard

The Code of Professional Ethics of the Construction Manager states that the CM shall: a. Continue project when conflicts of interest arise upon incorporation of the issue in the PMP. b. accept assignments for which I am qualified by my education training professional experience and technical competence c. Furnish services in a manner consistent with the established and accepted standards of my company d. Seek to avoid completion with my professional colleagues

b. accept assignments for which I am qualified by my education training professional experience and technical competence

When a CM is acting as the owner's agent, the CM has a responsibility to _______________. a. work under a special consultant agreement b. act as a fiduciary to the owner c. act as an independent contractor d. take care of CM's interest, prior to owner's interests

b. act as a fiduciary to the owner

Which of the following would be considered an impact cost when estimating change order? a. Increased material quantities b. changes in the sequence of work c. additional laborers for added work d. addition of a new subcontractor

b. changes in the sequence of work

The construction management plan outlines: a. scope of the project and budget b. project scope, milestone schedule, budget, environmental conditions, strategy for contracting and procurement c. overall status and forecast of the project d. the responsibility of the project team, levels of authority, and methods and procedures for project execution

b. project scope, milestone schedule, budget, environmental conditions, strategy for contracting and procurement

The role of the CM changes from Agent for the owner to CM At-Risk when a. The CM assigns risk to contractors performance the work and accepts the responsibility for managing the construction b. the CM accepts the performance of construction for a fixed price c. Upon receipt of an Executed Contract Agreement to perform CM services d. The Construction Phase begins

b. the CM accepts the performance of construction for a fixed price

Based on the baseline schedule provided, what is the late start for activity A? ( See additional resources for a larger image. ) a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 d. 4

c. 3

What is the most important trait of a successful Project Manger? a. A good contract administrator b. A forgiving attitude c. A strong communicator d. A strong safety background

c. A strong communicator

When is an addendum issued? a. Prior to the receipt of bids b. Prior to issuing bid documents c. After the contract is awarded but prior to commencing work d. As a change document during the construction phase

c. After the contract is awarded but prior to commencing work

In a see him at risk contract, who develops and controls the schedule? a. General contractor b. Architect c. CM d. Owner

c. CM

One purpose of the general conditions is to _____. a. Provide a procedure for executing changes in the work scope in a fair and equitable manner b. Provide a detailed scope of work c. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the CM's staff assigned to the project d. Clearly defined the owner and contractor rights and responsibilities to protect the architect

c. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the CM's staff assigned to the project

The agent CM is managing a contract that installs interior finish work for an underground pedestrian tunnel. The concrete shell was constructed under another contract over a year ago. The shell contract specified embeds in the cast-in-place ceilings for hanging all-threads to support chilled water pipes. The finish contractor has discovered that only expansion anchors were installed, which will not support the pipe weight. He proposes a cost change to retrofit embeds using epoxy. The CM learns that the tunnel shell designer approved the shell contractor's submittal for the expansion anchors. Which of the following is the CM's best course of action? a. Issue a change order to the finish contractor for the epoxy embeds. Seek to recover the designer or shell contractor b. Contact the shell designer to design and contrite the repair based on the submittal approval in error c. Contact the shell contractor to retrofit based on a latent defect d. Ask a third-party task order contractor to design and install the retrofit with that charge to the shell contractor and shell designer in proportion to their contract dollar values

c. Contact the shell contractor to retrofit based on a latent defect

Which of the following sets of principles is value engineering base? a. Pier analysis, and economized system, material type b. Cost reduction, Maine Taine ability, and standardized systems c. Value analysis, compliance standards, and operational awareness d. Organized review, a functional - oriented approach, and creative thinking

c. Value analysis, compliance standards, and operational awareness

The critical path lies along the activities having a _____ Total float. a. Negative b. Minimum c. Zero d. Positive

c. Zero

The dollar and time amount allocated by the owner for a project is defined as_________________. a. an estimate b. a standard c. a budget d. a baseline

c. a budget

The scope of work for the contract includes coordination with other entities, public utilities etc., entities over which neither you or the owner have any control, in order to complete the project. What strategies would be helpful to facilitate getting the necessary utility work done in a timely manner to avoid delays to the contractor? a. Invite representatives from the public utility companies to a pre-construction meeting b. Invite representatives from the public utility companies to attend regular progress meetings and practice on going partners to accomplish required tasks c. Contact utility companies early in the project lifecycle preferably during designed to determine all regulatory requirements, permitting, and provide all design documents and utility requirements d. Call the utility company a week before you need to work install to keep your project movie

c. Contact utility companies early in the project lifecycle preferably during designed to determine all regulatory requirements, permitting, and provide all design documents and utility requirements

Which of the following is part of quality management plan? a. Overall project organization b. Procedures for receiving materials c. Cost estimating review d. Install procedures

c. Cost estimating review

The CM observes A subcontractor performing an unsafe act that is immediately life-threatening. The CM notifies the worker to seize the unsafe at, but they refused to comply. The CM should do which of the following things immediately? a. File a safety violation report b. Report the incident to the subcontractor supervisor c. Direct the general contractor to stop the unsafe work d. Direct the general contractor to stop the unsafe work and notify OSHA immediately

c. Direct the general contractor to stop the unsafe work

On the public project, what is the first thing you should do when the contractor notifies you of it I'm forcing condition encountered in the field during construction that will increase cost and time of performance? a. Tell the contractor to submit an RFI and you'll look into it when you have time b. Agree on a price with the contractor and tell him to proceed with the changed scope c. Double check the contract documents (drawings and specifications) and determine if the scope is or isn't part of the contracted scope of work d. Tell the contractor it's his problem and to stop whining and wasting your time

c. Double check the contract documents (drawings and specifications) and determine if the scope is or isn't part of the contracted scope of work

Which of the following is a source of CM liability for construction site safety? a. Statutes and regulation imposed by the local building officials issuing the buildings permit b. The agreement between the owner/architect c. Exculpatory language in indemnity clauses d. The CM's action and control of a project

c. Exculpatory language in indemnity clauses

The difference between the time available to do a job in the time required to do a job, is known as ______. a. Duration b. Constraint c. Float d. Event

c. Float

The CMAA serves a safety violation while conducting a site visit. The CM should ____. a. Direct the workers to vacate the area mediately, report the event to the workers supervisor, notify the owner of the event b. Advise the workers to voluntary remove themselves from the danger area, report the event to the workers supervisor, and notify the owner of the event c. Immediately notify the general contractor of the safety hazard d. Ignore the violation and walk away, as the contractors responsibility for safety

c. Immediately notify the general contractor of the safety hazard

You are the project manager for the At-Risk see him for a project. In reviewing the project specifications, you note that several specification section contain performance criteria. You can mitigate the risk using which financial instruments: a. There is no additional financial instruments require because the "Designer of the record "is solely responsible for the project design b. In addition to normal project insurance requirements, required the tree contractor to provide professional liability insurance c. In addition to normal project insurance requirements, require that the tree contractor provide a performance bond d. Commercial general liability, umbrella insurance, Workmen's Compensation automotive insurance is in the mail specified for the overall project

c. In addition to normal project insurance requirements, require that the tree contractor provide a performance bond

What does the construction manager use an established to keep the teams informed about the overall status of a project? a. Construction documents b. Detailed estimates c. Management information systems d. Detailed schedules

c. Management information systems

What does the construction manager use and establish to keep the team informed about the overall status of the project? a. Construction documents b. Detailed estimatesc c. Management information systems d. Detailed schedules

c. Management information systems (MIS)

And implied warranty is usually provided by the ________. a. Supplier b. Owner c. Manufacturer d. Contractor

c. Manufacturer

Final review and verification of construction scope, schedule and quality requirements by the party should be conducted at the __________. a. Pre- Construction conference b. Partnering session c. Pre-bid meeting d. Pre-award conference

c. Pre-bid meeting

When the CM is providing inspection services, which plan should be consulted to ensure that the contractor complies with the required inspection services? a. Quality control plan b. Construction management plan c. Quality management plan d. Contract specifications plan

c. Quality management plan

Construction projects are dangerous places. What safety best practices can be taken to avoid personal injury and property damage? a. Include a preference for safety requirements language in the contract b. Require the contractors met both a site-specific safety plan and their corporation safety program, policies, and procedures c. Require the contractor To submit a general safety plan once work commences on the project d. Conduct by weekly job site safety briefings

c. Require the contractor To submit a general safety plan once work commences on the project

Indeterminate the consistency of fresh make concrete, which of the following test are usually conducted? a. Hardness test b. Density test c. Slump test d. Pressure test

c. Slump test

When should risk management be applied to the project? a. After development of a risk allocation strategy b. During the design phase c. Throughout the life of the project d. After simply of the project team

c. Throughout the life of the project

The goal during the design phase is to complete a set of documents defining a project that can be bid in the local marketplace within the owners requirements for_____. a. cost of occupancy, and scope b. scope, quality and functionality c. budget, scope and schedule d. time, cost and design standards

c. budget, scope and schedule

A derived performance model that can be generated from a cost loaded schedule is a __________________. a. conductibility curve b. profitability curve c. cash flow curve d. earned value curve

c. cash flow curve (Verify)

What type of estimate is performed regularly during the construction phase? a. detailed b. progress c. forecast d. parametric

c. forecast

The project communication matrix is developed to ________. a. ensure confidentiality of project communications b. document all project communications c. identify how communications should be routed d. establish specific response times to issue raised

c. identify how communications should be routed

A cost which is very difficult, if not impossible, to capture accurately through a change order is known as a/ an __________________________ cost. a. overhead b. seconary c. impact d. direct

c. impact

You are representing a regional water wholesaler on a tunnel/ pipeline project under a CM-for-fee arrangement. The owner intends to perform the project by holding separate contracts with a design firm and a contractor to be selected from a list of pre-qualified bidders. As the owner's agent, in order to provide competent plans and specifications and avoid (or at the least) minimize the owner's exposure to preventable claims, one should recommend to the owner that they _________________________. a. involve construction b. implement a project labor agreement c. incorporate an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clause into the contract documents d. hire a local GC to perform a pre-bid constructibility review

c. incorporate an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clause into the contract documents

The purpose of a cost management system is to ___________________. a. establish a realistic overall budget for the project during the development phase b. have a accepted procedure to assess the financial impact of change c. provide tools that allow the owner and CM to manage the project budget d. enable the schedule to efficiently track costs

c. provide tools that allow the owner and CM to manage the project budget

The standard of care to which a CM is likely to be held is: a. that of a general contractor working on a similarly priced project b. that of a licensed architect performing construction administration services c. that of other CMs similarly situated by experience, profession and trades d. that of a licensed contractor managing sub-contractors on a similar project

c. that of other CMs similarly situated by experience, profession and trades

A constructability review focuses on ________________. a. the sequence, means and methods of construction b. the cost effectiveness of the construction documents c. the clarity, completeness and consistency of the construction documents. d. the ability to construct the project with the budget and schedule

c. the clarity, completeness and consistency of the construction documents.

The major advantage to the owner of using multiple prime contracts is savings on the______________________. a. escalation cost due to late procurement b. markup on the work that otherwise would be subcontracted c. time to complete the project d. direct material, equipment and labor cost.

c. time to complete the project

The critical path lies along the activities having a total _____ float. a. negative b. minimum c. zero d. positive

c. zero

What is the Acceptable straight-time time labor charge on a T&M billing, given the following information? Given based labor base rate equals $27 per hour Union fringes equals $11 per hour Contract allowed burden equals 15% Workmen's Comp. equals 10% FUI equals 4% Contract allowed make up on labor equals 20% a. $52.44 b. $59.41 c. $58.82 d. $45.60

d. $45.60

Based on the baseline schedule provided, what is the total float: (TF) for activity E? a. 5 b. 7 c. 8 d. 6

d. 6

The placement of quality concrete will require special measurements with the outdoor ambient temperature exceeds _______. a. 80 degrees b. 75 degrees c. 70 degrees d. 90 degrees

d. 90 degrees

When doing force account work, the work performed by the contractor should be verified daily by the ____. a. contractors and the architect/ engineer b. CM and the owner c. CM and the architect/ engineer d. CM and the contractor(s)

d. CM and the contractor(s)

Who prepares the PMP? a. Architect b. Owner c. Contractor d. CM

d. CM construction manager prepares the initial narrative plan at Pre-Design phase.

Which of the following written plans outlines a project scope, organization and the specific approach of the CM will take to accomplish the various management task? a. Total quality management plan b. Quality assurance plan c. Project development plan d. Construction management plan

d. Construction management plan

Who is solely responsible for the quality of work? a. Owner b. CM c. Designer d. Contractor

d. Contractor

What is the most important thing the PM can do for GC to make the project successful? a. Provide contract language that motivates the contractor to stay on schedule b. Provide a highly effective safety program c. Suggest value engineering solutions to lower contractor costs d. Create an environment were the contractors can be productive

d. Create an environment were the contractors can be productive.

Fee is the duration, S and F are the earliest start and finish, LA and LF our latest start and late finish time, then the following relationship is valid. a. LF = LS -D b. LS = LF + D c. EF = ES + D d. D = LF - ES.

d. D = LF - ES.

A contingency amount of +15% would be most appropriate at which phase of a project? a. Pre-design b. Procurement c. Construction d. Design

d. Design

A short section of a small PVC conduit containing sensitive fiber optic communication lines had floated above it's concrete encasement and was buried unprotected just below the AC pavement in an aircraft parking apron. The contractor on a new job modifying in replacing the apron cut into the unprotected sex and shutting down the communication loop. This irregularity was not indicated on the original construction as-builts Nor discovered during electronically and or - site field test to dinner by underground utilities. The contractor probably notifies the CMM restores the line, but since the claim for compensation. Of the following, which of the following is the correct approach for resolving this claim? a. contractor is due proper compensation. b. Contractor has to sort the cost due to negligence c. Contractor and owner should share the repair cost d. Designer should pay for it because of errors and omissions

d. Designer should pay for it because of errors and omissions

Pick the correct statement from the following: a. If the float is positive in the activity is delayed by. Equal to its total flow, the completion of the project is not delay. b. The float may not be negative. c. If the flood of an activity is negative, delay in its performance will not delay the completion of the project. d. If the float of an activity is zero, the activity is not critical and any delay in its performance will not delay the whole project.

d. If the float of an activity is zero, the activity is not critical and any delay in its performance will not delay the whole project.

A sum of money that a contractor agrees to pay for project delays is referred to as ______. a. A tariff b. Backcharges c. A default d. Liquidated damages

d. Liquidated damages

Which of the following provisions would not be considered a common risk allocation method? a. Differing site condition clause b. Retainage c. Insurance d. Notice to proceed letter

d. Notice to proceed letter

In preparing the initial project budget, the CM must ensure that the owner knows that: a. Weather in packs could cause cost growth b. The cost of the project is highly sensitive to quality and scope c. Trader workers are essential for constructing the project d. Obtaining permits could delay construction

d. Obtaining permits could delay construction

A CM that has a Program Management (PM) agency contract generally acts in who's interest? a. CM b. Surety's c. GC's d. Owner's

d. Owner's

Which of the following constitutes unethical behavior for a construction management firm during the administration of the project? a. Assigning unqualified staff b. Overstating the firm's credentials c. Offering persons that you don't have d. Selling services that you do not plan to deliver

d. Selling services that you do not plan to deliver

What is the term used when I facility is ready for use in it's a tend a purpose, but all work is not yet complete? a. Commission b. Construction complete c. Owner occupied d. Substantially complete

d. Substantial complete

Which of the following describes a sequential portion of the shop drawing review process flow? a. General contractor, architect, CM, owner b. General contractor, subcontractor, CM, architect c. Architect, owner, CM, general contractor d. Supplier, subcontractor, trade contractor, CM, architect

d. Supplier, subcontractor, trade contractor, CM, architect

A CM is protected from a contractors recovery in tort due to ______. a. A situation involving property damage b. A situation involving physical harm c. The application of the economic loss rule d. The absence of a no-damage-for-delay clause

d. The absence of a no-damage-for-delay clause

The ethical practice of construction management focuses primarily on the a. interaction between the GC, CM and owner b. interaction between the Design, CM and owner c. relationship between the CM and clients d. conduct of the CM in the performance of construction work

d. conduct of the CM in the performance of construction work

A firm provides design, design-build, and a full range of construction management services. On an Agency CM project that was completed 24 months ago, the connection details between the curtain wall and structural frame fails on 60% of the glazing system. After assessing responsibility, the mostly likely outcome by the court will find that the _______________________. a. owner and designer are responsible for the cost of repairs b. design experience of the firm relevant in determining issues of professional negligence and financial responsibility for damages c. steel erection contractor is responsible for the failure d. failure is the responsibility of the designer and the responsibility of the designer's errors and omissions insurance provider to pay

d. failure is the responsibility of the designer and the responsibility of the designer's errors and omissions insurance provider to pay

A CM's response to an owner's request for qualifications and/or proposal can be incorporated into the agreement between the owner and CM to ________________________. a. establish performance of the design services b. assign owner staff to fulfill project requirements for service c. establish the ability of CM's firm to cooperate with the designer d. identify the scope and quality of service the CM is to provide

d. identify the scope and quality of service the CM is to provide

Which of the following project cost can be considered as a direct project cost? a. structural steel b. insurance c. payroll clerk d. job trailer

d. job trailer

Advantage of Private Sector?

owners are able to procure project teams through relationships based on prior experience or other business motives.

The standard of care governing CM professional practice is based on _________________ a. laws that may differ from state to state b. laws that are uniform nationwide c. what other reasonably competent CM's would do under similar circumstances d. specific performance outlined in the CMAA Standards of Practice

d. specific performance outlined in the CMAA Standards of Practice

As an agency CM, the CM bears a limited financial responsibility equal to the a. cost of direct labor assigned to the project b. financial risk the owner has for the project c. liability insurance limits provided by the CM firm d. the scope of services and the fee agreed upon between the owner and the CM

d. the scope of services and the fee agreed upon between the owner and the CM

Who was George Fuller?

one of the early general contractors, pioneered this approach in the 1880s on commercial developments.

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